3,989 research outputs found

    Adolescent Sexual Health: Provider Evaluation of a Sexual History Tool at a School-Based Health Clinic

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    There is a growing concern within the United States in regard to sexual behavior within our adolescent population. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) have always been a concern, however, there has been a steady increase since 2014 in the three nationally reportable diseases of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis. According to the CDC (2017), 15-24 years old account for half of all the new STI s. There is a need to provide more sexual health to adolescents during their health visits. It is also imperative to understand the beliefs and attitudes of providers with providing these types of exams and asking questions to this vulnerable population about this subject of sexual health. The aim for this project is to determine if the sexual health questionnaire is an efficient (timely, precise diagnosis and treatment, and education) tool for healthcare providers to provide focused sexual education in a timely manner. This information is valuable to aid in promoting school-based sexual health programs as well as providing a thorough history and targeting the issues that adolescents address in their survey. The goal of this project is to determine if the tool will assist providers to deliver individualized patient specific education to adolescents efficiently during an office visit

    Free and Open Source Software Licensing Requirements and Copyright Infringement Involving Artificial Intelligence Technologies

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    Es wurde viel ĂŒber den urheberrechtlichen Schutz von KI-Output und der KI-Programmierung diskutiert. In dieser Arbeit soll aufgezeigt werden, wie wichtig es ist, den Urheberrechtsstatus der Daten zu berĂŒcksichtigen, auf denen große Sprachmodell-KIs (sogenannte LLMs) trainiert werden. Die Gefahr fĂŒr das Urheberrecht, die von KI ausgeht, wird durch die Copilot-Sammelklage demonstriert, die im Jahr 2022 in den USA eingereicht wurde. Anhand einer Analyse des urheberrechtlichen Rahmens der EU und der USA wird in dieser Arbeit das Problem erörtert, das beim Training von KI auf öffentlich verfĂŒgbarem FOSS-lizenziertem Code entsteht. Der Grundgedanke dieser Arbeit ist, dass FOSS ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Softwareentwicklung ist und als solcher vor einer möglichen Ausbeutung durch Big Tech geschĂŒtzt werden muss. In dieser Arbeit wird festgestellt, dass Copilot gegen die in Lizenz bestimmte Verpflichtungen zur Namensnennung verstĂ¶ĂŸt, was die GrundsĂ€tze der FOSS-Bewegung untergrĂ€bt. Die rechtliche Analyse ergab jedoch, dass in der EU die Ausnahmeregelung fĂŒr Text- und Data-Mining (TDM) in den Artikeln 3 und 4 der Richtlinie ĂŒber das Urheberrecht im digitalen Binnenmarkt höchstwahrscheinlich auf Copilot und viele andere LLMs Anwendung finden wird. Obwohl es dem Nutzungsvorbehalt gemĂ€ĂŸ Art. 4(3) unterliegt, bedeutet dies, dass Copilot in der EU nicht als Verstoß gegen das Urheberrecht angesehen wird. In den USA ist es unwahrscheinlich, dass die Fair-Use-Ausnahme Anwendung findet, da eine ganzheitlichere Bewertung zulĂ€ssig ist. Die normativen Debatten zu diesem Thema spiegeln die Schwierigkeit wider, einen Ausgleich zwischen konkurrierenden politischen Interessen zu finden. Diese Arbeit soll zeigen, dass die Bedeutung von FOSS und die Förderung der QualitĂ€t und ZugĂ€nglichkeit von Software vom Gesetzgeber berĂŒcksichtigt werden sollte.There has been much discussion about the copyright protection of AI output and the AI programming itself. This thesis seeks to demonstrate the importance of considering the copyright status of the data on which large language model AIs are trained. The Copilot class action lawsuit which emerged in the US in 2022 serves as a good illustration of this dilemma, which this thesis leverages. By analysing the EU and US copyright frameworks, this thesis discusses the problem posed by AI machine learning training on publicly available software code protected by free open-source software (FOSS) licenses. The cornerstone of this thesis is that FOSS is integral for software development and, as such, requires protection from potential exploitation by Big Tech. The thesis analyses the thirteen licences available in the data on which Copilot trains to conclude that eleven of the licences stipulate attribution as a condition of use. Yet, LLM’s programming makes it impossible to track how its output arises, creating a paradox which undermines the principles around which the FOSS movement is centred. Despite this, the legal analysis showed that in the EU, the text and data mining exception (TDM) in articles 3 and 4 of the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market will most likely apply to Copilot and many other LLMs. While it is subject to the author’s opt-out right from article 4(3), it effectively means that in the EU, Copilot will not be considered in violation of copyright. In the US, the fair use exception is unlikely to apply as a more holistic evaluation of factors is permitted. The final determination, however, remains to be made by the courts. The normative debates surrounding this topic reflect the difficulty of balancing the competing policy interests. However, this thesis seeks to demonstrate that the importance of FOSS and the effort to promote the quality and accessibility of software should be borne in mind by policymakers

    Powerful Peers: Resident Advisors\u27 Experience With Restorative Practices In College Residence Hall Settings

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    This study explores the implementation of Restorative Practices (Costello, Wachtel, & Wachtel, 2009) in a residential life program at a small public university. Narrative inquiry is used to explore the perspectives of eleven resident advisors (RAs) who have been trained in Restorative Practices (RP) and are using them in their residential communities. Participants were interviewed three times over the course of one academic year. The study illuminates the RAs\u27 perspectives, growth and experiences with RP over that year. The findings demonstrate that RP may not only provide a structure for RAs to succeed within their challenging position, but may also encourage growth in a RAs\u27 leadership capacity and abilities. This research also addresses how RAs conceptualize their position and role, including how they negotiate their dual, and sometime conflicting, roles of serving simultaneously as an authority figure and peer within the residence hall community, and how RAs benefit from and are challenged by implementing RP in their hall. In addition to examining the RA role specifically, the study also addresses how RP can serve as a theoretical framework for preparing RAs for their work in residence halls and for supporting them throughout the year. Further, the research suggests that RP, as a framework for the RAs\u27 work in the residence halls, can potentially transform the residential experience for both the residents and the RA. The result may be the creation of the kind of community experience that the research has shown contributes to the retention of students. Finally, this study concludes with identifying some of the issues that are important for Residential Life departments in a process of successfully implementing RP in college residential settings

    The Implementation of Time Management Solution

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    This project proposes a technical solution that will improve the time tracking capabilities of the software department at Diagnostic Product Corporation (DPC). Currently, each developer submits ad-hoc monthly reports indicating how he or she spends their time. This is problematic for management since there is no standard methodology for recording time spent by each developer. Also, there is not a central repository for collecting this data, resulting in management not being able to accurately interpret how the staff is used from project to project. The goal of this project is the development of an application utilizing a networked database that would allow multiple user access to needed data, as well as reports that can be used by developers and management to interpret time spent. Implementing this system would give management the ability to better assess the needs of the department and the various projects within the department

    Constructing commons in the cultural environment

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    This Article sets out a framework for investigating sharing and resource-pooling arrangements for information- and knowledge-based works. We argue that adapting the approach pioneered by Elinor Ostrom and her collaborators to commons arrangements in the natural environment provides a template for examining the construction of commons in the cultural environment. The approach promises to lead to a better understanding of how participants in commons and pooling arrangements structure their interactions in relation to the environments in which they are embedded, in relation to information and knowledge resources that they produce and use, and in relation to one another

    Scientific Integrity

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    The growing attention for scientific integrity is part of a wider culture of professionalization and accountability − which appears to signal that integrity is no longer self-evident as a core value of professional conduct. Examples abound. But what is scientific integrity? Why does it matter? What are the issues, and what is at stake? What do we know about the nature and scope of violations of scientific integrity? In this book, Kees Schuyt explores the concept of integrity, describes various cases of fraud and other types of dishonest behaviour in research practice, and offers a reflective and pragmatic framework for handling transgressions against the rules of academic research. Drawing on a wide variety of historical examples, Schuyt looks into matters ranging from the codification of scientific integrity to the difference between misconduct, questionable practices, and honest errors, and the uses and abuses of the notion of plagiarism. Last but not least, he considers how the norms and values of academic research can best be transmitted to students and new generations of researchers

    Trends in Intellectual Property Rights to Genetically Modified Agricultural Products (exemplified by legislation of Ukraine)

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    Genetically modified agricultural products (hereinafter-GMAPs) are produced based on genetic resources (hereinafter - GRs), which could be treated as valuable ecological (for functioning of the ecosystem) and economic (for social development) resources. They are identified as part of the environment and commercialized particles/processes of nature with implementation of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, 1992 (hereinafter - CBD), and the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights of the World Trade Organization, 1994 (hereinafter - TRIPS), respectively. The international community faces new challenges in establishing legal regimes for GMAPs, based on the principles of fairness, equality, ensuring of private property, and precautionary principle. This thesis examines implementation of CBD and TRIPS (as regards IPRs to GMPs) in developing countries (Ukraine is taken as an example). The legal framework on IPRs to GMAPs in Ukraine is analyzed together with socio-economic factors that affect its efficiency. The thesis also investigates legal nature and social functions of patenting as one of the disputable types of IPRs to GMAPs. Finally, consideration is given to the potential of GR management at the national level. Theoretical approach is combined with practical examples of genetic resource management. That combination helps to identify obstacles in the development of genetic resource management, analyze the effectiveness of the existing legal rules, and understand the trends in IPRs to GMAPs. Some recommendations to improve the legal regime of IPRs to GMAPs in Ukraine are formulated. This master thesis employs the method of qualitative analysis, investigating the general issues on environmental and trade regimes of GRs, and the conditions of compliance of Ukraine with appropriate international and European requirements. Discourse analysis is used to identify points of view and issues which shape debates about IPRs to GMAPs. An interview clarifies the Russian legal perspective on GRs.M-IE

    Gaining Momentum: A Review of Recent Developments Surrounding the Expansion of the Copyright Misuse Doctrine and Analylsis of the Doctrine in Its Current Form

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    The United States intellectual property ( IP ) system is the foundation for incentives for authors and inventors to create and invent so that their work will be distributed to the public for the betterment of society. These incentives, in the form of limited monopolies over creations via patents, copyrights, and trademarks, are becoming increasingly important as the United States depends upon intellectual property to sustain its economy. As the intellectual property industry grows, it becomes vital to preserve the impetus behind its creation: the public good, or more specifically, the public\u27s ability to make use of and enjoy new ideas and creations. Antitrust laws, namely the Sherman Act, which seek to suppress monopoly abuse and promote competition, seemingly contradict the limited monopoly granted to IP owners. Traditionally, courts have resolved this tension in the only way possible that preserves the essence of both statutory regimes, particularly the integrity of the federal patent and copyright statutes: Exercise of the exclusive rights granted to an inventor or author, without more, is not unlawful under antitrust law. In order to trigger a violation of antitrust laws, an owner of intellectual property must attempt to expand the monopoly granted to the owner beyond the scope of rights he may legally claim in the intellectual property, or enter into agreements with others regarding the intellectual property rights (including others holding intellectual property rights in different products) that restrain trade. This Article addresses the judicially created defense to copyright infringement actions that limits these expansion attempts known as copyright misuse. This doctrine has become necessary in order to preserve the balance between intellectual property and effective competition. This necessity is reflected in the doctrine\u27s recent judicial recognition and the failure of antitrust law and other pro-competition doctrines to remedy the problems presented by new technologies. Part II of this Article is a brief review of general copyright law and its relationship with antitrust law. Part III will chart the development of the copyright misuse doctrine up to the twenty-first century, summing up the prevalent ideology of the doctrine, and Part IV will explore the recent developments affecting the doctrine and analyze the courts\u27 treatment of the doctrine. Finally, Part V will consider the arguments for and against adoption of the doctrine by the courts. It will evaluate the doctrine\u27s strengths and weaknesses in comparison to other proposed vehicles for furtherance of a pro-competition model
