15,839 research outputs found

    The development of absorptive capacity-based innovation in a construction SME

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    Traditionally, construction has been a transaction-oriented industry. However, it is changing from the design-bid-build process into a business based on innovation capability and performance management, in which contracts are awarded on the basis of factors such as knowledge, intellectual capital and skills. This change presents a challenge to construction-sector SMEs with scarce resources, which must find ways to innovate based on those attributes to ensure their future competitiveness. This paper explores how dynamic capability, using an absorptive capacity framework in response to these challenges, has been developed in a construction-based SME. The paper also contributes to the literature on absorptive capacity and innovation by showing how the construct can be operationalized within an organization. The company studied formed a Knowledge Transfer Partnership using action research over a two-year period with a local university. The aim was to increase its absorptive capacity and hence its ability to meet the changing market challenges. The findings show that absorptive capacity can be operationalized into a change management approach for improving capability-based competitiveness. Moreover, it is important for absorptive capacity constructs and language to be contextualized within a given organizational setting (as in the case of the construction-based SME in the present study)


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    Based on the organizational learning perspective, we present an empirical model to explain the assimilation of complex enterprise systems. We conceptualize systems implementation capability of organizations in terms of two types of knowledge – artifactual knowledge and inter-unit coordination knowledge. We propose that these knowledge dimensions are directly related to the degree of assimilation of enterprise systems. Further, considering that assimilation of IT innovations is steeped in the institutional environment, we also consider the moderating effects of mimetic and normative institutional pressures on the relationship between implementation knowledge and the degree of assimilation. Analysis of survey responses from ERP implementations in seventy-seven organizations reveals support for our main hypotheses that both the implementation knowledge dimensions directly affect assimilation. We also confirm that while mimetic institutional pressures positively moderate the impact of ERP-specific artifactual knowledge on assimilation, normative influences positively moderate the effect of ERP-specific coordination knowledge on assimilation. However, surprisingly mimetic pressures negatively moderate the impact of ERP-specific coordination knowledge on assimilation. The negative moderation suggests that organizations with greater interunit coordination knowledge are more ‘mindful’ towards ERP assimilation and therefore mimetic pressures play a lesser role in affecting assimilation levels. Our findings offer interesting implications for theory and practice


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    Despite huge incentives and investments in information technology (IT) standards, many firms still fail to fully benefit from their implementations. To explain such failures, we examine why some firms benefit more from IT standard implementation than others. Specifically, we look at the implementation of the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) from a technological diffusion perspective, and investigate under what contextual conditions the extent of XML implementation has the greatest effect on business process outcomes. Using empirical data from the publishing industry (N=188), we find that the extent of XML implementation impacts business process outcomes, and both business process radicalness of XML implementation and related XML knowledge play moderating roles. For information systems (IS) practice, this study helps managers direct their attention to the most promising factors and elaborates on their differential effects on business process outcomes. For IS research, it integrates innovation diffusion theory into our current knowledge of IT implementation and provides theoretical explanations for XML implementation successes and failures

    Technology Assimilation Across the Value Chain: An Empirical Study of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

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    ABSTRACT This paper is the first study of technology assimilation that aggregates across technologies and across the assimilation stages for SMEs. It employs twin lenses of organizational innovation and elements of institutional theory. The research validates some institutional actors and most firm characteristics as important determinants. The relative weaknesses of the institutional actors provide evidence of structural isolation in the SME environment that is inhibiting information flow from intermediaries such as government support agencies and vendors. The study recommends a proactive role on the part of technology and enterprise intermediaries to design SME-appropriate solutions

    Adoption of Vertical Standards

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    Over the past decade, the theories of Diffusion of Innovations and of Economics of Standards have been integrated to explain the Diffusion of Standards in Information Technologies. More recently, complex networked technologies unique to particular industries have been identified as a separate category called vertical standards, and the study of their adoption within and across industries has begun. This paper adds to the discourse by developing a theory-based model to explain variance in the adoption of vertical standards by firms. We posit that vertical standards adoption will be influenced by firm-level factors and adopter community-level factors. Key firm-level factors such as prior technology drag, knowledge barriers, and expected benefits, and adopter community-level factors such as standard legitimization and orphaning risk are identified as antecedents of vertical standards adoption. We also identify factors that impact each of these antecedents and put forth a research model interrelating these factors to vertical standards adoption. We expect to test our research model using data collected through a web-based survey of OASIS member firms

    Integrating Knowledge in Organizations: A Lessons Learned Case Study

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    El paper del coneixement comú a les organitzacions (CKO, en la sigla en anglès) és creixent en la literatura com un tema important; tanmateix, la seva formalització és lenta. Aquesta tesi presenta un model de CKO que descriu la seva relació amb la capacitat organitzativa en el context de les teories de l’empresa. Disseny, metodologia i enfocament Tenint en compte l’estat no sistematitzat del coneixement a les organitzacions i els diversos enfocaments de què és objecte la capacitat organitzativa, en aquest treball s’analitzen textos de les teories del coneixement i de les teories de l’empresa, seguint mètodes de codificació de la grounded theory, amb vista a emmarcar un model per tal d’observar i avaluar casos de CKO que participen en la pràctica productiva. El component de recerca empírica d’aquesta tesi segueix l’estratègia de l’estudi del cas per a la recopilació de dades i de la grounded theory per a la seva anàlisi. El cas correspon a un programa de cooperació internacional interuniversitari, que va durar deu anys, en què s’integren els coneixements en forma de lliçons apreses. Les dades inclouen l’extensa documentació del programa, tres sèries d’enquestes, 16 entrevistes filmades i 36 històries. Aquí, la grounded theory segueix el concepte de sensibilització de Charmaz (2000)per guiar la codificació inicial utilitzant com a referència el marc conceptual desenvolupat. Conclusions El CKO es caracteritza per: a) la tensió en la integració dels coneixements en la pràctica productiva; b) la lògica d’instrumentalitzar eines organitzacionals (OT), y c) els processos pels quals es reconeixen els coneixedors. El CKO funciona com a mediador entre les OT (directives, plans, estructura, arquitectura i rutines) i l’eficiència de la capacitat organitzativa. El CKO apareix no com una eina organitzativa, sinó com els processos relacionats que els instrumentalitzen i per mitjà dels quals els coneixedors són reconeguts i donen forma al sistema interpretatiu de l’organització. Aquesta tesi ofereix criteris de gestió orientats a l’eficiència del CKO (sorgits d’aquesta concepció), amb vista a aplicar eines organitzatives que integren el coneixement en la pràctica productiva, i proposa: a) una visió organitzacional integral de les teories existents del saber; b) un model d’observació d’instàncies del saber a les organitzacions; c) un esquema per tal d’emmarcar les teories de l’empresa, i d) un model per entendre el rol del coneixement comú a les organitzacions.El papel del conocimiento común en las organizaciones (CKO por sus siglas en inglés) se acentúa en la literatura como un tema importante; sin embargo su formalización está rezagada. Esta tesis presenta un modelo de CKO que describe su relación con la capacidad organizacional en el contexto de las teorías de la firma. Diseño, metodología y enfoque: Teniendo en cuenta el estado no-operacionalizado del conocimiento en las organizaciones y los variados acercamientos a la capacidad organizacional, este trabajo entrevista textos de las teorías del conocimiento y de las teorías de la firma, siguiendo métodos de codificación de “grounded theory”, para enmarcar un modelo para observar y evaluar instancias de CKO que participan en la práctica productiva. El componente de investigación empírica de esta tesis sigue la estrategia de estudio de caso para la recopilación de datos, y “grounded theory” para su análisis. El caso corresponde a un programa de cooperación internacional Interuniversitario, que duró diez años, en el que se integra conocimientos en lecciones aprendidas. Los datos incluyen la extensa documentación del programa, 3 sets de encuestas, 16 entrevistas filmadas y 36 historias. Aquí, “grounded theory” sigue el concepto de sensibilización de Charmaz (2000) para guiar la codificación inicial utilizando como referencia el marco conceptual desarrollado. Hallazgos: CKO está caracterizado por la (a) tensión en la integración de conocimientos en la práctica productiva, (b) la lógica de instrumentalizar herramientas organizacionales (OT) y (c) los procesos por los cuales se reconocen a los conocedores. CKO funciona como mediador entre OT (directivas, planes, estructura, arquitectura y rutinas) y la eficiencia de la capacidad organizacional. CKO emerge, no como una herramienta organizacional, sino como los procesos relacionados que los instrumentalizan, y por medio de los cuales los conocedores son reconocidos y dan forma al sistema interpretativo organizacional. Esta disertación ofrece criterios de gestión orientados a la eficiencia (surgidos de esta concepción) de CKO) para aplicar herramientas organizacionales que integran el conocimiento en la práctica productiva, y propone (a) una visión organizacional integral de teorías existentes del saber, (b) un modelo de observación de instancias del saber en organizaciones, (c) un esquema para enmarcar teorías de la firma, y (d) un modelo para entender el rol del conocimiento común en las organizaciones.The role of common knowledge in organizations (CKO) is emphasized in literature as an important topic; however, its formalization has been neglected. This dissertation presents a model of CKO that depicts its relationship with the capability of the organization within the context of theories of the firm. Design/methodology/approach: Considering the un-operationalized status of knowledge in organizations and the several approaches to organizational capability, this work interviews text of the theories of knowing and the theories of the firm, following grounded theory coding methods, to frame a model to observe and assess CKO instances that participate in the productive practice. The research empirical component of this dissertation follows case study strategy for data collection and grounded theory for data analysis. The case corresponds to a ten-year International Inter-university Cooperation Program that integrates knowledge into lessons learned. Data include program extensive program documentation, 3 sets of surveys, 16 filmed interviews, and 36 stories. Grounded theory follows Charmaz (2000) sensitizing concept approach to guide initial coding using the developed framework. Findings: CKO is characterized by the (a) tension of integrating knowledge into the productive practice, (b) logic of instrumentalizing organizational tools (OT), and (c) processes by which knowers are recognized. CKO also operates as mediator between OT (directives, plans, structure, architecture and routines) and the efficiency of the organizational capability. CKO emerges, not as an organizational tool, but as the related processes that instrumentalize them, or by which knowers are recognized and shape the organizational interpretative system. Dissertation offers efficiency oriented managerial criteria (emerged from the CKO conception) for applying organizational tools to integrate knowledge into the productive practice, and proposes (a) an integrated organizational view of extant theories of knowing, (b) a model for observing knowing instances in organizations, (c) a scheme for framing theories of the firm, and (d) a model for understanding the role of common knowledge in organization

    Conceptual model of the factors impacting the adoption of Neuromarketing Technologies

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    The traditional methods are fading away with scientific methods of taking a plunge into the field of market research. Neuromarketing is the recent technique in market research that is attracting a lot of interest. Despite this boom, large enterprises seem to resist implementing them in their marketing activities, thus limiting the development of the discipline. This research reflects on the main factors that impact the adoption of neuromarketing within large-scale enterprises from a bibliographical perspective. The importance of acceptance of neuromarketing lies upon the fact that business professional, academicians and consumers’ attitudes are mixed and in a state of uncertainty. Neuromarketing is waiting for a strong academic and experimental platform on which, it can stand firmly. Therefore, it becomes extremely important to understand the barriers and specifically the enablers of adopting Neuromarketing techniques. This paper synthesizes the literature review related to theoretical models and factors of adoption and organizational success of technological innovations and exposes a conceptual model of factors impacting the adoption of Neuromarketing. The model is based on four types of factors: Individuals factors, technological factors, organizational factors and environmental factors, the interrelationships of these factors have been established using the TOE model and a literature review. This research is motivated by the willingness to fill the knowledge gap on the factors impacting the adoption of Neuromarketing, and contributes to the enrichment of the literature on the subject by proposing a conceptual model that will be the guideline and pilot of a future empirical study.     JEL Classification: M31 Paper type: Theoretical Research The traditional methods are fading away with scientific methods of taking a plunge into the field of market research. Neuromarketing is the recent technique in market research that is attracting a lot of interest. Despite this boom, large enterprises seem to resist implementing them in their marketing activities, thus limiting the development of the discipline. This research reflects on the main factors that impact the adoption of neuromarketing within large-scale enterprises from a bibliographical perspective. The importance of acceptance of neuromarketing lies upon the fact that business professional, academicians and consumers’ attitudes are mixed and in a state of uncertainty. Neuromarketing is waiting for a strong academic and experimental platform on which, it can stand firmly. Therefore, it becomes extremely important to understand the barriers and specifically the enablers of adopting Neuromarketing techniques. This paper synthesizes the literature review related to theoretical models and factors of adoption and organizational success of technological innovations and exposes a conceptual model of factors impacting the adoption of Neuromarketing. The model is based on four types of factors: Individuals factors, technological factors, organizational factors and environmental factors, the interrelationships of these factors have been established using the TOE model and a literature review. This research is motivated by the willingness to fill the knowledge gap on the factors impacting the adoption of Neuromarketing, and contributes to the enrichment of the literature on the subject by proposing a conceptual model that will be the guideline and pilot of a future empirical study.     JEL Classification: M31 Paper type: Theoretical Research&nbsp

    Potential and realized absorptive capacity as complementary drivers of green product and process innovation performance

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    Nowadays, companies need to absorb new knowledge from external sources to grasp environmental issues. However, the internal mechanisms through which external knowledge is turned into green innovations remain scarcely addressed. Hence, this paper aims to investigate the relationships between the two dimensions of absorptive capacity (potential and realized) with green products and process innovation performance. This study contributes to the literature by disentangling how companies need to acquire, assimilate, transform and exploit external environmental knowledge to develop green innovations. To this aim, this empirical study is based on a sample shaped by 112 firms belonging to the Spanish automotive components manufacturing sector. The results provide evidence to show that potential and realized absorptive capacities are positively related to both green product innovation performance and green process innovation performanc

    Applying Institutional Theoretical Frameworks in MIS Research

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    This article investigates how Information Systems researchers apply institutional theoretical frameworks. We include theoretical, methodological and empirical aspects to explore modalities of use. After an overview of institutional concepts, we carry out a thematic analysis of journal papers on IS and institutional theory indexed in EBSCO and ABI databases from 1999 to 2009. This consists of descriptive, thematic coding and cluster analysis of this textual database. On the basis of thematic coding and cluster analysis, our findings suggest three groups of publications which represent different methodological approaches and empirical foci: descriptive exploratory approaches, generalizing approaches, and sociological approaches. We suggest that these three groups represent possible patterns of the use of meta social theories in IS research, reflecting a search for disciplinary legitimacy. This helps us analyze papers according to how they use and apply theories. We identify the organizing vision and the regulatory approach as two institutionalist intermediary concepts developed by IS researchers. Furthermore, we find that institutional theoretical frameworks have been used in direct, intermediary or combined conceptualizations. As a conclusion, we make suggestions to blend different conceptualizations, methodologies and empirical foci to enrich the use of institutionalist theories in IS empirical research. A comparison with the use of, for instance, structuration theory in IS research would also further insights into how researchers apply meta theories and may help develop IS theorization further

    Case of Indonesian Covid-19 Chatbot Service

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    학위논문(석사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 공과대학 협동과정 기술경영·경제·정책전공, 2021.8. 황준석.Currently, various countries have a national Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a reference to implement the strategies and identify the direction of government policies. AI encompasses a wide range of technologies, one of which is the chatbot platform that can increase efficiency, save time and budget, and provide higher quality public services. Furthermore, in 2019, the Indonesian government released the features of the chatbot platform, which has 2 million users from a total population of 250 million people. Therefore, this study aims to examine the current problems in adopting a chatbot platform using technological, organizational, and environmental (TOE) framework approach. The results show recommendations on the aspects to be considered when adopting AI-based public services.최근 들어, 많은 국가에서 인공지능(AI; Artificial Intelligence) 기반 사회를 위한 AI 구축 전략을 쓰고 있다. AI는 다양한 기술을 필요로 하며 적용사례를 사회 전반에서 찾아볼 수 있는데, 그중 하나는 시간, 비용적으로 효율적이며 높은 질의 공공 서비스 제공이 가능한 챗봇이다. 2019년 인도네시아 정부는 코로나-19 감염증에 관련된 기본적인 정보를 제공할 수 있는 AI 기반 챗봇을 출시했는데, 약 2억 5천만 인구 중 약 2백만 명 만이 사용했다. 본 연구의 목적은 인도네시아에서 챗봇 서비스를 보급하는 데에 있어서 문제가 되는 기술적, 조직적, 환경적 요인들을 조사하는 것이며, 이를 바탕으로 보급을 위해 고려 할 만한 사항들을 인도네시아 정부에 추천하는 것이다.Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Research Background 1 1.2 Research Purpose 4 1.3 Scope of the Research 7 1.4 Research Methodology 7 Chapter 2. Theoretical Background and Hypotheses Development 8 2.1 Platform 8 2.1.1 Platform Issues 9 2.1.2 Security Issues 10 2.2 Indonesian Government Policy 11 2.2.1 Roadmap eGovernment 14 2.2.2 Indonesian Broadband Plan 18 2.2.3 The movement towards 100 Smart Cities 21 2.2.4 National Artificial Intelligence Strategy 22 2.3 Artificial Intelligence 24 2.3.1 Chatbot Platform 26 2.3.2 AI Ethics 29 2.4 TOE Framework 31 2.5 Structure Equation Modeling (SEM) 35 2.5.1 SEM Relationship Model 36 2.5.2 Partial Least Squares (PLS) 38 2.6 Hypotheses Development 39 2.6.1 Technology 39 Perceived Usefulness 40 ICT Expertise 40 ICT Infrastructure 41 2.6.2 Organization 41 Top Management Support 42 Staff Capacity 42 2.6.3 Environment 43 Regulatory Environment 43 Citizen Participation 44 Chapter 3. Research Methodology 45 3.1 Qualitative approaches 45 3.2 Quantitative approaches 46 3.2.1 Population and Sample 47 3.3 Data Collection 48 3.3.1 Survey 48 3.3.2 Survey Instrument 48 Chapter 4. Analysis and Results 53 4.1 Demographic Data of Respondents 53 4.1.1 Origin of the institution 53 4.1.2 Role in the Institution 54 4.1.3 Age 55 4.1.4 The number of public services under the institution 55 4.1.5 Status of AI-based public services implementation 56 4.1.6 Respondents Demographics Summary 57 4.2 Data Analysis using SEM Method Using SmartPLS 3.3.2 57 4.2.1 Path diagram formation 58 4.2.2 Evaluation of Measurement Model (Outer Model) 58 The convergent validity examination analysis 59 4.2.3 Evaluation of Structural Model 63 Path Coefficients 63 Coefficients of Determinant (R2) 64 Hypothesis test 65 Effect Size (f2) 66 4.3 Discussion of Analysis Results 67 4.3.1 Relationship between Perceived usefulness, ICT Expertise, and ICT Infrastructure with technological dimensions. 81 4.3.2 Relationship between Top Management Support and Staff Capacity with Organizational dimensions. 82 4.3.3 Relationship between Regulatory Environment and Citizen Participation with environment dimensions. 84 4.3.4 Relationship between Technology dimension with Intention to adoption 86 4.3.5 Relationship between Organizational dimension with Intention to adoption 87 4.3.6 Relationship between Environment dimension with Intention to adoption 88 4.4 Implication 89 4.4.1 Theoretical Implication 89 4.4.2 Practical Implication 90 Chapter 5. Conclusion and Limitation 92 5.1 Discussion 92 5.2 Model Comparison 96 5.3 Limitation and Future Research 97 Bibliography 99 Questioner 104 Summary Measurement Model 107석