12 research outputs found

    Using grid computing for large scale fuzzing

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    Tese de mestrado, Segurança Informática, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2010Neste projeto, o nosso objetivo é usar a técnica de teste de fuzzing, que fornece dados inválidos, inesperados ou aleatórios para a entrada de um programa para nele tentar encontrar vulnerabilidades. Os resultados do teste fornecem ao programador informações para melhorar o programa, nomedamente para torná-lo mais seguro. Um ambiente de computação em grade é usado para suportar o fuzzing das aplicações usando simultaneamente os recursos de vários computadores em uma rede, a fim de paralelizar o processo e permitir tentar muitas entradas diferentes. Um trabalho de fuzzing é dividido em várias tarefas de fuzzing e distribuído aos recursos de rede que se encontrem livres para que a operação seja realizada. Um broker recebe as solicitações de fuzzing de clientes, e insere a divisão de tarefas num servidor Web, como o Apache. Quando os recursos da rede estão disponíveis, as tarefas de difusão são descarregadas a partir do servidor web e automaticamente executadas e os resultados retornados ao serviço de coordenação. O serviço de coordenação Zookeeper é usado para sincronizar o broker, o servidor web e dos recursos.In this project, our goal is to use a testing technique called fuzzing that provides invalid, unexpected or random data to the input fields of an application to find vulnerabilities in the same application. The testing results provide a programmer with information to improve the program, making it more secure. A Grid computing environment was designed to support the fuzzing of applications, by using simultaneously the resources of many computers in a network, in order to parallelize the process and allow trying many different inputs. One fuzzing job is divided into many fuzzing tasks and distributed to the free network resources for fuzzing. A broker gets the fuzzing requests from clients, and then inserts the split fuzzing tasks into a Web server, like Apache. When resources in the network are available, fuzzing tasks will be downloaded from the web server and resources will automatically execute these tasks and return the results to ZooKeeper. The ZooKeeper coordination service is used for synchronizing the broker, the web server and the resources

    The New Hampshire, Vol. 79, No. 36 (Feb. 21, 1989)

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    The student publication of the University of New Hampshire

    Flows, Routes and Networks: The Global Dynamics of Lawrence Norfolk, Hari Kunzru and David Mitchell

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    The notion that we have entered a global age of human relations has been the driving force behind many of the most persuasive cultural inquiries published over the last few decades, including fictional ones, into the conditions of contemporary existence, perhaps the most prominent of these being Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri's Empire (2000). In the era of mass migrations, proliferating media technologies and the deterritorialised movements of labour and capital, it has become increasingly necessary to speak of identity and citizenship in terms of 'flows', 'routes' and 'networks' that cut across the traditional boundaries of the nation-state. Though it is through various cultural productions that such transformations are at once performed, symbolised and comprehended, discussions about how these changes have impacted on modes of literary representation have largely been framed by the older discourses of postmodernism and postcolonialism, which anticipate present circumstances while arguably offering rather limited perspectives on them. This text-focused thesis explores in detail the narrative strategies and thematic concerns of three British writers who have risen to prominence since 1990 - Lawrence Norfolk, Hari Kunzru and David Mitchell - whose work announces literary developments that may be attributed to the fluidity and multiplicity of millennial relations and the phenomenon of globalisation. Informed by broader debates about multinational capitalism, transnational culture, and the emergence of new cybernetic infrastructures, this research argues that recent novels such as Lempri6re's Dictionary (Lawrence Norfolk), Transmission (Hari Kunzru) and Ghostwritten (David Mitchell) demonstrate an aesthetic consciousness of new patterns of human Interaction and geo-historical interconnectedness that is substantially different from the conceptual coordinates mapped in the fictions of a previous generation. The work of these three important authors has yet to enter fully into the mainstream of critical discussion, and the present study represents the first sustained critical contextualisation of their fiction. Following an introductory chapter that, firstly, provides a wide-ranging analysis of globalisation understood as a constellation of multidimensional processes and, secondly, considers how these material transformations articulated themselves in the cultural context of Britain in the 1980s and '90's, this thesis engages in close readings of the selected authors' complex fictions over three extensive chapters

    Entire Issue: Volume 2, Issue 2

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    Entire issue of SLIS Connecting, Volume 2, Issue

    Olfaction As The Paradigm For Perceptual Philosophy

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    Plato wrote that smell is of a half-formed nature and that not much can be said about it, and Kant identified smell as the most ungrateful and most dispensable of the senses. Because contemporary philosophers share this distaste for smell perception, olfaction is often dismissed or ignored in philosophical accounts of perception. Instead, contemporary philosophy of perception is based almost exclusively on visual perception. The goal of this dissertation is to show that this focus on a single modality distorts our understanding of what perception is. I am not the first to realize the potential of opening up perceptual philosophy to the non-visual modalities. Bill Lycan asked how the philosophy of perception would be different if smell had been taken as a paradigm rather than vision. (Lycan 2000). In this dissertation, I will try to answer this question. My analysis will show that philosophy of perception would be very different, were it based on olfaction. Many of the most basic concepts of philosophy of perception are based on peculiarities of visual perception that do not generalize to other modalities

    Changement organisationnel vers le développement durable dans les petites et moyennes entreprises : le cas d'un zoo

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    En tenant compte du fait que le développement durable ne peut se réaliser sans changements dans les organisations et de la nécessité de comprendre des mécanismes permettant aux petites et moyennes entreprises (PMEs) d'effectuer cette transition, cette étude cherche à comprendre le changement organisationnel d'une PME ayant déjà fait des contributions significatives dans ce domaine. Plus précisément, cette étude de cas ethnographique analyse les dynamiques spécifiques de ce changement afin de comprendre les processus ayant contribué au développement durable, les facteurs ayant influencé cette évolution dans le temps et la manière dont ces changements ont été implantés. La conservation des animaux, une fonction maintenant directement liée à la raison d'être de l'organisation, est sans doute la plus grande contribution du zoo pour le développement durable. L'éco-efficacité, qui pourrait être considérée comme une extension des objectifs de conservation est le deuxième levier utilisé par le zoo afin de se rapprocher du développement durable. Ces sous processus du changement ont permis au zoo d'évoluer du musée vivant qu'il était vers un réel centre de conservation. Durant cette période, l'organisation est passée par la prise de conscience de la nécessité d'un tel changement avant de façonner sa propre vision de ce changement et de la direction à prendre. Il en a découlé une planification des actions à réaliser afin de permettre un changement progressif, en concrétisant un projet à la fois. Lorsque la conscience et la vision étaient partagées au niveau organisationnel, le changement était significatif ; lorsque le changement était seulement partagé par des individus moins influents, le changement était mineur. Cette prise de conscience fut influencée par de nombreux facteurs internes et externes qui ont facilité un tel changement d'une façon croissante avec l'évolution des valeurs dans le temps. Certains employés ont particulièrement encouragé ce processus, en prenant en charge l'un de quatre rôles d'agent de changement: instigateur, constructeur, coordinateur, ou facilitateur. Ces constats ont amené à la formulation de plusieurs hypothèses, modèles et leçons qui pourraient aider aussi bien des agents de changements que des chercheurs, à comprendre et à faciliter un tel processus. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Développement durable et soutenable, Changement organisationnel, Gestion de changement, Leader ou agent de changement, PME, Zoos, Valeurs

    Columbia Poetry Review

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    Literary journal produced annually featuring new poems, a selection of poems from past issues, and new work by Columbia Poetry faculty. Student Editors: David Fairbanks, Chrissy Martin, Doe Parker. Cover: Jay Goebel.https://digitalcommons.colum.edu/cpr/1029/thumbnail.jp

    Direction of the Play: The House of Blue Leaves

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    This project entailed the selection, background research and documentation, casting, direction, and post-production analysis of Canon City High School\u27s production of John Guare\u27s The House of Blue Leaves by Andrew Fisher. Documentation included research and analysis of the play and an evaluation of the play as a production vehicle for Canon City High School