51 research outputs found

    Security of Ubiquitous Computing Systems

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    The chapters in this open access book arise out of the EU Cost Action project Cryptacus, the objective of which was to improve and adapt existent cryptanalysis methodologies and tools to the ubiquitous computing framework. The cryptanalysis implemented lies along four axes: cryptographic models, cryptanalysis of building blocks, hardware and software security engineering, and security assessment of real-world systems. The authors are top-class researchers in security and cryptography, and the contributions are of value to researchers and practitioners in these domains. This book is open access under a CC BY license

    Privacy in rfid and mobile objects

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    Los sistemas RFID permiten la identificación rápida y automática de etiquetas RFID a través de un canal de comunicación inalámbrico. Dichas etiquetas son dispositivos con cierto poder de cómputo y capacidad de almacenamiento de información. Es por ello que los objetos que contienen una etiqueta RFID adherida permiten la lectura de una cantidad rica y variada de datos que los describen y caracterizan, por ejemplo, un código único de identificación, el nombre, el modelo o la fecha de expiración. Además, esta información puede ser leída sin la necesidad de un contacto visual entre el lector y la etiqueta, lo cual agiliza considerablemente los procesos de inventariado, identificación, o control automático. Para que el uso de la tecnología RFID se generalice con éxito, es conveniente cumplir con varios objetivos: eficiencia, seguridad y protección de la privacidad. Sin embargo, el diseño de protocolos de identificación seguros, privados, y escalables es un reto difícil de abordar dada las restricciones computacionales de las etiquetas RFID y su naturaleza inalámbrica. Es por ello que, en la presente tesis, partimos de protocolos de identificación seguros y privados, y mostramos cómo se puede lograr escalabilidad mediante una arquitectura distribuida y colaborativa. De este modo, la seguridad y la privacidad se alcanzan mediante el propio protocolo de identificación, mientras que la escalabilidad se logra por medio de novedosos métodos colaborativos que consideran la posición espacial y temporal de las etiquetas RFID. Independientemente de los avances en protocolos inalámbricos de identificación, existen ataques que pueden superar exitosamente cualquiera de estos protocolos sin necesidad de conocer o descubrir claves secretas válidas ni de encontrar vulnerabilidades en sus implementaciones criptográficas. La idea de estos ataques, conocidos como ataques de “relay”, consiste en crear inadvertidamente un puente de comunicación entre una etiqueta legítima y un lector legítimo. De este modo, el adversario usa los derechos de la etiqueta legítima para pasar el protocolo de autenticación usado por el lector. Nótese que, dada la naturaleza inalámbrica de los protocolos RFID, este tipo de ataques representa una amenaza importante a la seguridad en sistemas RFID. En esta tesis proponemos un nuevo protocolo que además de autenticación realiza un chequeo de la distancia a la cual se encuentran el lector y la etiqueta. Este tipo de protocolos se conocen como protocolos de acotación de distancia, los cuales no impiden este tipo de ataques, pero sí pueden frustrarlos con alta probabilidad. Por último, afrontamos los problemas de privacidad asociados con la publicación de información recogida a través de sistemas RFID. En particular, nos concentramos en datos de movilidad que también pueden ser proporcionados por otros sistemas ampliamente usados tales como el sistema de posicionamiento global (GPS) y el sistema global de comunicaciones móviles. Nuestra solución se basa en la conocida noción de k-anonimato, alcanzada mediante permutaciones y microagregación. Para este fin, definimos una novedosa función de distancia entre trayectorias con la cual desarrollamos dos métodos diferentes de anonimización de trayectorias.Els sistemes RFID permeten la identificació ràpida i automàtica d’etiquetes RFID a través d’un canal de comunicació sense fils. Aquestes etiquetes són dispositius amb cert poder de còmput i amb capacitat d’emmagatzematge de informació. Es per això que els objectes que porten una etiqueta RFID adherida permeten la lectura d’una quantitat rica i variada de dades que els descriuen i caracteritzen, com per exemple un codi únic d’identificació, el nom, el model o la data d’expiració. A més, aquesta informació pot ser llegida sense la necessitat d’un contacte visual entre el lector i l’etiqueta, la qual cosa agilitza considerablement els processos d’inventariat, identificació o control automàtic. Per a que l’ús de la tecnologia RFID es generalitzi amb èxit, es convenient complir amb diversos objectius: eficiència, seguretat i protecció de la privacitat. No obstant això, el disseny de protocols d’identificació segurs, privats i escalables, es un repte difícil d’abordar dades les restriccions computacionals de les etiquetes RFID i la seva naturalesa sense fils. Es per això que, en la present tesi, partim de protocols d’identificació segurs i privats, i mostrem com es pot aconseguir escalabilitat mitjançant una arquitectura distribuïda i col•laborativa. D’aquesta manera, la seguretat i la privacitat s’aconsegueixen mitjançant el propi protocol d’identificació, mentre que l’escalabilitat s’aconsegueix per mitjà de nous protocols col•laboratius que consideren la posició espacial i temporal de les etiquetes RFID. Independentment dels avenços en protocols d’identificació sense fils, existeixen atacs que poden passar exitosament qualsevol d’aquests protocols sense necessitat de conèixer o descobrir claus secretes vàlides, ni de trobar vulnerabilitats a les seves implantacions criptogràfiques. La idea d’aquestos atacs, coneguts com atacs de “relay”, consisteix en crear inadvertidament un pont de comunicació entre una etiqueta legítima i un lector legítim. D’aquesta manera, l’adversari utilitza els drets de l’etiqueta legítima per passar el protocol d’autentificació utilitzat pel lector. Es important tindre en compte que, dada la naturalesa sense fils dels protocols RFID, aquests tipus d’atacs representen una amenaça important a la seguretat en sistemes RFID. En aquesta dissertació proposem un nou protocol que, a més d’autentificació, realitza una revisió de la distància a la qual es troben el lector i l’etiqueta. Aquests tipus de protocols es coneixen com a “distance-boulding protocols”, els quals no prevenen aquests tipus d’atacs, però si que poden frustrar-los amb alta probabilitat. Per últim, afrontem els problemes de privacitat associats amb la publicació de informació recol•lectada a través de sistemes RFID. En concret, ens concentrem en dades de mobilitat, que també poden ser proveïdes per altres sistemes àmpliament utilitzats tals com el sistema de posicionament global (GPS) i el sistema global de comunicacions mòbils. La nostra solució es basa en la coneguda noció de privacitat “k-anonymity” i parcialment en micro-agregació. Per a aquesta finalitat, definim una nova funció de distància entre trajectòries amb la qual desenvolupen dos mètodes diferents d’anonimització de trajectòries.Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a technology aimed at efficiently identifying and tracking goods and assets. Such identification may be performed without requiring line-of-sight alignment or physical contact between the RFID tag and the RFID reader, whilst tracking is naturally achieved due to the short interrogation field of RFID readers. That is why the reduction in price of the RFID tags has been accompanied with an increasing attention paid to this technology. However, since tags are resource-constrained devices sending identification data wirelessly, designing secure and private RFID identification protocols is a challenging task. This scenario is even more complex when scalability must be met by those protocols. Assuming the existence of a lightweight, secure, private and scalable RFID identification protocol, there exist other concerns surrounding the RFID technology. Some of them arise from the technology itself, such as distance checking, but others are related to the potential of RFID systems to gather huge amount of tracking data. Publishing and mining such moving objects data is essential to improve efficiency of supervisory control, assets management and localisation, transportation, etc. However, obvious privacy threats arise if an individual can be linked with some of those published trajectories. The present dissertation contributes to the design of algorithms and protocols aimed at dealing with the issues explained above. First, we propose a set of protocols and heuristics based on a distributed architecture that improve the efficiency of the identification process without compromising privacy or security. Moreover, we present a novel distance-bounding protocol based on graphs that is extremely low-resource consuming. Finally, we present two trajectory anonymisation methods aimed at preserving the individuals' privacy when their trajectories are released

    Security of Ubiquitous Computing Systems

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    The chapters in this open access book arise out of the EU Cost Action project Cryptacus, the objective of which was to improve and adapt existent cryptanalysis methodologies and tools to the ubiquitous computing framework. The cryptanalysis implemented lies along four axes: cryptographic models, cryptanalysis of building blocks, hardware and software security engineering, and security assessment of real-world systems. The authors are top-class researchers in security and cryptography, and the contributions are of value to researchers and practitioners in these domains. This book is open access under a CC BY license

    Provably Secure Distance-Bounding: an Analysis of Prominent Protocols

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    Distance-bounding protocols prevent man-in-the-middle attacks by measuring response times. Recently, Dür\-holz et al.~\cite{DueFisKasOne11} formalized the four attacks such protocols typically address: (1) mafia attacks, where the adversary must impersonate to a verifier in the presence of an honest prover; (2) terrorist attacks, where the adversary gets some offline prover support to impersonate; (3) distance attacks, where provers claim to be closer to verifiers than they really are; and (4) impersonation security, where adversaries impersonate provers during lazy phases. \Duerholz\ et al.~\cite{DueFisKasOne11} also formally analyzed the security of (an enhanced version of) the construction of Kim and Avoine~\cite{KimAvo09}. In this paper, we quantify the security of some other well-known distance-bounding protocols, i.e.: Brands and Chaum~\cite{BrandsChaum93}, Hancke-Kuhn~\cite{HanKuhn05}, Avoine and Tchamkerten~\cite{AvTcham09}; Reid et al.~\cite{ReidGonzTangSen07}, the Swiss-knife protocol~\cite{KimAvoKoeStaPer09}, and the very recent proposal of Yang, Zhuang, and Wong~\cite{YangZhuWong12}. In particular, our main results show that (1) relating responses to a long-term secret key, as is the case for most protocols aiming to thwart terrorist fraud attacks, may make protocols vulnerable to so-called key-learning mafia fraud attacks, where the adversary learns a key bit-by-bit, by flipping a single time-critical response; (2) though relating responses can be a bad idea for mafia fraud, it sometimes enforces distance-fraud resistance, by thwarting in particular the attack of Boureanu et al.~\cite{Vau12}; (3) none of the three allegedly terrorist-fraud resistant protocols, i.e.~\cite{KimAvoKoeStaPer09,ReidGonzTangSen07,YangZhuWong12}, is in fact terrorist fraud resistant; for two of these protocols this is a matter of syntax, i.e.~they do not meet the strong security requirements given by \Duerholz\ et al.; the attack against the third protocol, i.e.~\cite{YangZhuWong12}, however, is almost trivial; (4) due to the absence of a second authentication phase, the protocol of Yang, Zhuang, and Wong is vulnerable to Denial of Service attacks. In light of our results, we also review definitions of terrorist fraud, arguing that, while the strong model in~\cite{DueFisKasOne11} may be at the moment more appropriate than the weaker intuition, it may in fact be too strong to capture terrorist fraud resistance

    Practical and Provably Secure Distance-Bounding

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    From contactless payments to remote car unlocking, many applications are vulnerable to relay attacks. Distance bounding protocols are the main practical countermeasure against these attacks. In this paper, we present a formal analysis of SKI, which recently emerged as the first family of lightweight and provably secure distance bounding protocols. More precisely, we explicate a general formalism for distance-bounding protocols, which lead to this practical and provably secure class of protocols (and it could lead to others). We prove that SKI and its variants are provably secure, even under the real-life setting of noisy communications, against the main types of relay attacks: distance-fraud and generalised versions of mafia- and terrorist-fraud. To attain resistance to terrorist-fraud, we reinforce the idea of using secret sharing, combined with the new notion of a leakage scheme. In view of resistance to generalised mafia-frauds (and terrorist-frauds), we present the notion of circular-keying for pseudorandom functions (PRFs); this notion models the employment of a PRF, with possible linear reuse of the key. We also identify the need of PRF masking to fix common mistakes in existing security proofs/claims. Finally, we enhance our design to guarantee resistance to terrorist-fraud in the presence of noise

    Trusted and Privacy-preserving Embedded Systems: Advances in Design, Analysis and Application of Lightweight Privacy-preserving Authentication and Physical Security Primitives

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    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) enables RFID readers to perform fully automatic wireless identification of objects labeled with RFID tags and is widely deployed to many applications, such as access control, electronic tickets and payment as well as electronic passports. This prevalence of RFID technology introduces various risks, in particular concerning the privacy of its users and holders. Despite the privacy risk, classical threats to authentication and identification systems must be considered to prevent the adversary from impersonating or copying (cloning) a tag. This thesis summarizes the state of the art in secure and privacy-preserving authentication for RFID tags with a particular focus on solutions based on Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs). It presents advancements in the design, analysis and evaluation of secure and privacy-preserving authentication protocols for RFID systems and PUFs. Formalizing the security and privacy requirements on RFID systems is essential for the design of provably secure and privacy-preserving RFID protocols. However, existing RFID security and privacy models in the literature are often incomparable and in part do not reflect the capabilities of real-world adversaries. We investigate subtle issues such as tag corruption aspects that lead to the impossibility of achieving both mutual authentication and any reasonable notion of privacy in one of the most comprehensive security and privacy models, which is the basis of many subsequent works. Our results led to the refinement of this privacy model and were considered in subsequent works on privacy-preserving RFID systems. A promising approach to enhance the privacy in RFID systems without lifting the computational requirements on the tags are anonymizers. These are special devices that take off the computational workload from the tags. While existing anonymizer-based protocols are subject to impersonation and denial-of-service attacks, existing RFID security and privacy models do not include anonymizers. We present the first security and privacy framework for anonymizer-enabled RFID systems and two privacy-preserving RFID authentication schemes using anonymizers. Both schemes achieve several appealing features that were not simultaneously achieved by any previous proposal. The first protocol is very efficient for all involved entities, achieves privacy under tag corruption. It is secure against impersonation attacks and forgeries even if the adversary can corrupt the anonymizers. The second scheme provides for the first time anonymity and untraceability of tags against readers as well as secure tag authentication against collisions of malicious readers and anonymizers using tags that cannot perform public-key cryptography (i.e., modular exponentiations). The RFID tags commonly used in practice are cost-efficient tokens without expensive hardware protection mechanisms. Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) promise to provide an effective security mechanism for RFID tags to protect against basic hardware attacks. However, existing PUF-based RFID authentication schemes are not scalable, allow only for a limited number of authentications and are subject to replay, denial-of-service and emulation attacks. We present two scalable PUF-based authentication schemes that overcome these problems. The first protocol supports tag and reader authentication, is resistant to emulation attacks and highly scalable. The second protocol uses a PUF-based key storage and addresses an open question on the feasibility of destructive privacy, i.e., the privacy of tags that are destroyed during tag corruption. The security of PUFs relies on assumptions on physical properties and is still under investigation. PUF evaluation results in the literature are difficult to compare due to varying test conditions and different analysis methods. We present the first large-scale security analysis of ASIC implementations of the five most popular electronic PUF types, including Arbiter, Ring Oscillator, SRAM, Flip-Flop and Latch PUFs. We present a new PUF evaluation methodology that allows a more precise assessment of the unpredictability properties than previous approaches and we quantify the most important properties of PUFs for their use in cryptographic schemes. PUFs have been proposed for various applications, including anti-counterfeiting and authentication schemes. However, only rudimentary PUF security models exist, limiting the confidence in the security claims of PUF-based security mechanisms. We present a formal security framework for PUF-based primitives, which has been used in subsequent works to capture the properties of image-based PUFs and in the design of anti-counterfeiting mechanisms and physical hash functions

    Security issues in Internet of Things

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    The main idea behind the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) is to connect all kinds of everyday objects, thus enabling them to communicate to each other and enabling people to communicate to them. IoT is an extensive concept that encompasses a wide range of technologies and applications. This document gives an introduction to what the IoT is, its fundamental characteristics and the enabling technologies that are currently being used. However, the technologies for the IoT are still evolving and maturing, leading to major challenges that need to be solved for a successful deployment of the IoT. Security is one of the most significant ones. Security issues may represent the greatest obstacle to general acceptance of the IoT. This document presents an assessment of the IoT security goals, its threats and the security requirements to achieve the goals. A survey on a representative set of already deployed IoT technologies is done to assess the current state of the art with regards to security. For each solution, a description of its functionality, its security options and the issues found in the literature is given. Finally, the common issues are identified and a set of future solutions are given.La idea principal detrás del concepto de Internet de las cosas (IoT) es conectar todo tipo de objetos cotidianos, para permitir comunicarse entre sí y que personas se comuniquen con ellos. IoT es un amplio concepto que abarca una extensa gama de tecnologías y aplicaciones. Este documento da una introducción a lo que es el IoT, sus características fundamentales y las tecnologías que se están utilizando actualmente. Sin embargo, las tecnologías usadas en el IoT todavía están en evolución y madurando, dando lugar a grandes desafíos que deben resolverse para un despliegue exitoso del IoT. La seguridad es uno de las más significativos. Los problemas de seguridad pueden representar el mayor obstáculo para la aceptación general del IoT. Este documento presenta una evaluación de los objetivos de seguridad en el IoT, sus amenazas y los requisitos necesarios para alcanzar dichos objetivos. Se realiza un estudio sobre un conjunto representativo de tecnologías IoT en uso para evaluar su estado actual respecto a la seguridad. Para cada solución, se da una descripción de su funcionalidad, sus protecciones y los problemas encontrados. Finalmente, se identifican los problemas comunes y se dan un conjunto de soluciones futuras.La idea principal darrera del concepte d'Internet de les coses (IoT) és connectar tot tipus d'objectes quotidians, per permetre comunicar-se entre sí i que les persones es comuniquin amb ells. IoT és un ampli concepte que engloba una extensa gamma de tecnologies i aplicacions. Aquest document dona una introducció al que és el IoT, les seves característiques fonamentals i les tecnologies que s'estan utilitzant actualment. No obstant, les tecnologies utilitzades en el IoT encara estan evolucionant i madurant, donant lloc a grans reptes que s'han de resoldre per a un desplegament exitós del IoT. La seguretat és un dels reptes més significatius. Els problemes de seguretat poden representar el major obstacle per l'acceptació general de l'IoT. Aquest document presenta una avaluació dels objectius de seguretat en el Iot, les seves amenaces i els requisits necessaris per assolir aquests objectius. Es realitza un estudi sobre un conjunt representatiu de tecnologies IoT en ús per avaluar el seu estat actual respecte a la seguretat. Per cada solució, es dona una descripció de la seva funcionalitat, les seves proteccions i els problemes trobats. Finalment, s'identifiquen els problemes comuns i es donen un conjunt de solucions futures

    Design and Verification of Specialised Security Goals for Protocol Families

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    Communication Protocols form a fundamental backbone of our modern information networks. These protocols provide a framework to describe how agents - Computers, Smartphones, RFID Tags and more - should structure their communication. As a result, the security of these protocols is implicitly trusted to protect our personal data. In 1997, Lowe presented ‘A Hierarchy of Authentication Specifications’, formalising a set of security requirements that might be expected of communication protocols. The value of these requirements is that they can be formally tested and verified against a protocol specification. This allows a user to have confidence that their communications are protected in ways that are uniformly defined and universally agreed upon. Since that time, the range of objectives and applications of real-world protocols has grown. Novel requirements - such as checking the physical distance between participants, or evolving trust assumptions of intermediate nodes on the network - mean that new attack vectors are found on a frequent basis. The challenge, then, is to define security goals which will guarantee security, even when the nature of these attacks is not known. In this thesis, a methodology for the design of security goals is created. It is used to define a collection of specialised security goals for protocols in multiple different families, by considering tailor-made models for these specific scenarios. For complex requirements, theorems are proved that simplify analysis, allowing the verification of security goals to be efficiently modelled in automated prover tools

    Lightweight cryptography on ultra-constrained RFID devices

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    Devices of extremely small computational power like RFID tags are used in practice to a rapidly growing extent, a trend commonly referred to as ubiquitous computing. Despite their severely constrained resources, the security burden which these devices have to carry is often enormous, as their fields of application range from everyday access control to human-implantable chips providing sensitive medical information about a person. Unfortunately, established cryptographic primitives such as AES are way to 'heavy' (e.g., in terms of circuit size or power consumption) to be used in corresponding RFID systems, calling for new solutions and thus initiating the research area of lightweight cryptography. In this thesis, we focus on the currently most restricted form of such devices and will refer to them as ultra-constrained RFIDs. To fill this notion with life and in order to create a profound basis for our subsequent cryptographic development, we start this work by providing a comprehensive summary of conditions that should be met by lightweight cryptographic schemes targeting ultra-constrained RFID devices. Building on these insights, we then turn towards the two main topics of this thesis: lightweight authentication and lightweight stream ciphers. To this end, we first provide a general introduction to the broad field of authentication and study existing (allegedly) lightweight approaches. Drawing on this, with the (n,k,L)^-protocol, we suggest our own lightweight authentication scheme and, on the basis of corresponding hardware implementations for FPGAs and ASICs, demonstrate its suitability for ultra-constrained RFIDs. Subsequently, we leave the path of searching for dedicated authentication protocols and turn towards stream cipher design, where we first revisit some prominent classical examples and, in particular, analyze their state initialization algorithms. Following this, we investigate the rather young area of small-state stream ciphers, which try to overcome the limit imposed by time-memory-data tradeoff (TMD-TO) attacks on the security of classical stream ciphers. Here, we present some new attacks, but also corresponding design ideas how to counter these. Paving the way for our own small-state stream cipher, we then propose and analyze the LIZARD-construction, which combines the explicit use of packet mode with a new type of state initialization algorithm. For corresponding keystream generator-based designs of inner state length n, we prove a tight (2n/3)-bound on the security against TMD-TO key recovery attacks. Building on these theoretical results, we finally present LIZARD, our new lightweight stream cipher for ultra-constrained RFIDs. Its hardware efficiency and security result from combining a Grain-like design with the LIZARD-construction. Most notably, besides lower area requirements, the estimated power consumption of LIZARD is also about 16 percent below that of Grain v1, making it particularly suitable for passive RFID tags, which obtain their energy exclusively through an electromagnetic field radiated by the reading device. The thesis is concluded by an extensive 'Future Research Directions' chapter, introducing various new ideas and thus showing that the search for lightweight cryptographic solutions is far from being completed