2,298 research outputs found

    Designing Human-Centered Collective Intelligence

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    Human-Centered Collective Intelligence (HCCI) is an emergent research area that seeks to bring together major research areas like machine learning, statistical modeling, information retrieval, market research, and software engineering to address challenges pertaining to deriving intelligent insights and solutions through the collaboration of several intelligent sensors, devices and data sources. An archetypal contextual CI scenario might be concerned with deriving affect-driven intelligence through multimodal emotion detection sources in a bid to determine the likability of one movie trailer over another. On the other hand, the key tenets to designing robust and evolutionary software and infrastructure architecture models to address cross-cutting quality concerns is of keen interest in the “Cloud” age of today. Some of the key quality concerns of interest in CI scenarios span the gamut of security and privacy, scalability, performance, fault-tolerance, and reliability. I present recent advances in CI system design with a focus on highlighting optimal solutions for the aforementioned cross-cutting concerns. I also describe a number of design challenges and a framework that I have determined to be critical to designing CI systems. With inspiration from machine learning, computational advertising, ubiquitous computing, and sociable robotics, this literature incorporates theories and concepts from various viewpoints to empower the collective intelligence engine, ZOEI, to discover affective state and emotional intent across multiple mediums. The discerned affective state is used in recommender systems among others to support content personalization. I dive into the design of optimal architectures that allow humans and intelligent systems to work collectively to solve complex problems. I present an evaluation of various studies that leverage the ZOEI framework to design collective intelligence

    A systematic review on cloud storage mechanisms concerning e-healthcare systems

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    As the expenses of medical care administrations rise and medical services experts are becoming rare, it is up to medical services organizations and institutes to consider the implementation of medical Health Information Technology (HIT) innovation frameworks. HIT permits health associations to smooth out their considerable cycles and offer types of assistance in a more productive and financially savvy way. With the rise of Cloud Storage Computing (CSC), an enormous number of associations and undertakings have moved their healthcare data sources to distributed storage. As the information can be mentioned whenever universally, the accessibility of information becomes an urgent need. Nonetheless, outages in cloud storage essentially influence the accessibility level. Like the other basic variables of cloud storage (e.g., reliability quality, performance, security, and protection), availability also directly impacts the data in cloud storage for e-Healthcare systems. In this paper, we systematically review cloud storage mechanisms concerning the healthcare environment. Additionally, in this paper, the state-of-the-art cloud storage mechanisms are critically reviewed for e-Healthcare systems based on their characteristics. In short, this paper summarizes existing literature based on cloud storage and its impact on healthcare, and it likewise helps researchers, medical specialists, and organizations with a solid foundation for future studies in the healthcare environment.Qatar University [IRCC-2020-009]

    Application for managing container-based software development environments

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    Abstract. Virtualizing the software development process can enhance efficiency through unified, remotely managed environments. Docker containers, a popular technology in software development, are widely used for application testing and deployment. This thesis examines the use of containers as cloud-based development environments. This study explores the history and implementation of container-based virtualization before presenting containers as a novel cloud-based software development environment. Virtual containers, like virtual machines, have been extensively used in software development for code testing but not as development environments. Containers are also prevalent in the final stages of software production, specifically in the distribution and deployment of completed applications. In the practical part of the thesis, an application is implemented to improve the usability of a container-based development environment, addressing challenges in adopting new work environments. The work was conducted for a private company, and multiple experts provided input. The management application enhanced the container-based development environment’s efficiency by improving user rights management, virtual container management, and user interface. Additionally, the new management tools reduced training time for new employees by 50%, facilitating their integration into the organization. Container-based development environments with efficient management tools provide a secure, efficient, and unified platform for large-scale software development. Virtual containers also hold potential for future improvements in energy-saving strategies and organizational work method harmonization and integration.Sovellus konttipohjaisten ohjelmistonkehitysympäristöjen hallintaan. Tiivistelmä. Ohjelmistokehitysprosessin virtualisointi voi parantaa tehokkuutta yhtenäisten, etähallittujen ympäristöjen avulla. Ohjelmistonkehityksessä suosittu ohjelmistonkehitysteknologia, Docker-kontteja käytetään laajalti sovellusten testaamisessa ja käyttöönotossa. Tässä opinnäytetyössä tarkastellaan konttien käyttöä pilvipohjaisina kehitysympäristöinä. Tämä tutkimus tutkii konttipohjaisen virtualisoinnin historiaa ja toteutusta, jonka jälkeen esitellään konttien käyttöä uudenlaisena pilvipohjaisena ohjelmistokehitysympäristönä. Virtuaalisia kontteja, kuten virtuaalikoneita, on käytetty laajasti ohjelmistokehityksessä kooditestauksessa, mutta ei kehitysympäristöinä. Kontit ovat myös yleisiä ohjelmistotuotannon loppuvaiheissa, erityisesti valmiiden sovellusten jakelussa ja käyttöönotossa. Opinnäytetyön käytännön osassa toteutetaan konttipohjaisen kehitysympäristön käytettävyyttä parantava sovellus, joka vastaa uusien työympäristöjen käyttöönoton haasteisiin. Työ suoritettiin yksityiselle yritykselle, ja sen suunnitteluun osallistui useita asiantuntijoita. Hallintasovellus lisäsi konttipohjaisen kehitysympäristön tehokkuutta parantamalla käyttäjäoikeuksien hallintaa, virtuaalisen kontin hallintaa ja käyttöliittymää. Lisäksi uudet hallintatyökalut lyhensivät uusien työntekijöiden koulutusaikaa 50%, mikä helpotti heidän integroitumistaan organisaatioon. Säiliöpohjaiset kehitysympäristöt varustettuina tehokkailla hallintatyökaluilla tarjoavat turvallisen, tehokkaan ja yhtenäisen alustan laajamittaiseen ohjelmistokehitykseen. Virtuaalisissa konteissa on myös potentiaalia tulevaisuuden parannuksiin energiansäästöstrategioissa ja organisaation työmenetelmien harmonisoinnissa ja integroinnissa

    The twofold role of Cloud Computing in Digital Forensics: target of investigations and helping hand to evidence analysis

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    This PhD thesis discusses the impact of Cloud Computing infrastructures on Digital Forensics in the twofold role of target of investigations and as a helping hand to investigators. The Cloud offers a cheap and almost limitless computing power and storage space for data which can be leveraged to commit either new or old crimes and host related traces. Conversely, the Cloud can help forensic examiners to find clues better and earlier than traditional analysis applications, thanks to its dramatically improved evidence processing capabilities. In both cases, a new arsenal of software tools needs to be made available. The development of this novel weaponry and its technical and legal implications from the point of view of repeatability of technical assessments is discussed throughout the following pages and constitutes the unprecedented contribution of this wor

    Cloud Computing: Challenges And Risk Management Framework

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    Cloud-computing technology has developed rapidly. It can be found in a wide range of social, business and computing applications. Cloud computing would change the Internet into a new computing and collaborative platform. It is a business model that achieves purchase ondemand and pay-per-use in network. Many competitors, organizations and companies in the industry have jumped into cloud computing and implemented it. Cloud computing provides us with things such as convenience, reduced cost and high scalability. But despite all of these advantages, there are many enterprises, individual users and organizations that still have not deployed this innovative technology. Several reasons lead to this problem; however, the main concerns are related to security, privacy and trust. Low trust between users and cloud computing providers has been found in the literature

    Best Practices for Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP): Experiences from Latin America and the Caribbean and Selected Countries

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    Over the past few decades, Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) has witnessed numerous changes in its development, with most being beneficial. Positive changes relate to sizable growth and expansion of the region’s network infrastructure sectors, such as transport, energy, and information and communications technologies (ICT), among others. In many cases, ICT interconnects these critical infrastructures, creating substructures referred to as critical information infrastructures (CIIs). This publication is written to provide insights to the strategic thinking behind the creation of the national critical information infrastructure protection (CIIP) frameworks. It also builds its recommendations on in-depth analysis of the best CIIP practices around the world, with consideration of the region-specific landscape to originate a base line from which further development can be delineated

    Delivering the recommendations of the Fraud Review 2006 and the paradox of police leadership

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    The purpose of this context statement is to investigate those factors which either contributed towards or impeded delivery of key recommendations from the Fraud Review, Attorney General (2006). These public works comprise three independent but intrinsically linked projects; the National Fraud Reporting Centre (NFRC), National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) and the Economic Crime Academy (ECA). Critical analysis shows how the success of each project influenced and contributed directly to the next project. Examination is made of how, without vision and the continuity of leadership, these public works would either not exist today or would have failed to be as successful as they are. Reflection upon this, together with analyses of individual and organisational leadership styles, stimulated two unavoidable and fundamental questions to be raised: What does the Police Service now stand for? Is the current model of police leadership fit for purpose? Critical analysis of the role of police leadership in the delivery of these public works led to a further, specific question: Is the police response to fraud appropriate? This is because police responses to fraud often appear to be in conflict with Peelian Principles, ACPO (2012) and are more biased towards serving the criminal justice system rather than delivering social justice through interventions that are morally and ethically grounded. On commencement of this context statement the intention was for it to be read by like-minded leaders and visionaries, those who do not fit the norm or stereotype of a typical police manager; as the context statement evolved so too has the intended readership. Throughout reflective assessment and consideration of police leadership and today’s performance culture, it became increasingly apparent that this subject should be core reading for police leaders of the future. However, on completion of the context statement, it is apparent that readership audience should extend beyond the Police Service and the policy makers within government and the Ministry of Justice. The real audience should be the public we serve, those with whose consent we police. Therefore, it seems logical that public should be the ultimate critical assessors of this contribution, together with the effectiveness and appropriateness of the current and ongoing culture of police leadership and the response to fraud

    Computer Science Principles with C++

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    This textbook is intended to be used for a first course in computer science, such as the College Board’s Advanced Placement course known as AP Computer Science Principles (CSP). This book includes all the topics on the CSP exam, plus some additional topics. It takes a breadth-first approach, with an emphasis on the principles which form the foundation for hardware and software. No prior experience with programming should be required to use this book. This version of the book uses the C++ programming language.https://rdw.rowan.edu/oer/1025/thumbnail.jp