5 research outputs found

    Multiterminal Source-Channel Coding

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    Cooperative communication is seen as a key concept to achieve ultra-reliable communication in upcoming fifth-generation mobile networks (5G). A promising cooperative communication concept is multiterminal source-channel coding, which attracted recent attention in the research community. This thesis lays theoretical foundations for understanding the performance of multiterminal source-channel codes in a vast variety of cooperative communication networks. To this end, we decouple the multiterminal source-channel code into a multiterminal source code and multiple point-to-point channel codes. This way, we are able to adjust the multiterminal source code to any cooperative communication network without modification of the channel codes. We analyse the performance in terms of the outage probability in two steps: at first, we evaluate the instantaneous performance of the multiterminal source-channel codes for fixed channel realizations; and secondly, we average the instantaneous performance over the fading process. Based on the performance analysis, we evaluate the performance of multiterminal source-channel codes in three cooperative communication networks, namely relay, wireless sensor, and multi-connectivity networks. For all three networks, we identify the corresponding multiterminal source code and analyse its performance by the rate region for binary memoryless sources. Based on the rate region, we derive the outage probability for additive white Gaussian noise channels with quasi-static Rayleigh fading. We find results for the exact outage probability in integral form and closed-form solutions for the asymptotic outage probability at high signal-to-noise ratio. The importance of our results is fourfold: (i) we give the ultimate performance limits of the cooperative communication networks under investigation; (ii) the optimality of practical schemes can be evaluated with respect to our results, (iii) our results are suitable for link-level abstraction which reduces complexity in network-level simulation; and (iv) our results demonstrate that all three cooperative communication networks are key technologies to enable 5G applications, such as device to device and machine to machine communications, internet of things, and internet of vehicles. In addition, we evaluate the performance improvement of multiterminal source-channel codes over other (non-)cooperative communications concepts in terms of the transmit power reduction given a certain outage probability level. Moreover, we compare our theoretical results to simulated frame-error-rates of practical coding schemes. Our results manifest the superiority of multiterminal source-channel codes over other (non-)cooperative communications concepts

    Esquemas distribuídos para seleção de múltiplas antenas em redes com retransmissores do tipo amplifica-e-encaminha

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    Orientador: José Cândido Silveira Santos FilhoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: A seleção de antena na transmissão tem sido apresentada como uma estratégia promissora para explorar os benefícios do uso de múltiplas antenas em sistemas de comunicações com retransmissores. No entanto, essa abordagem pode exigir um montante considerável de estimações de canal, transmissões de realimentação e atraso, dado que a sua implementação ótima e centralizada requer o monitoramento do estado do canal de todos os enlaces. Para aliviar essas deficiências, este trabalho propõe e analisa um conjunto de esquemas subótimos de seleção de antena na transmissão para sistemas com retransmissores do tipo amplifica-e-encaminha, os quais podem ser implementados de uma forma distribuída. Nos esquemas propostos, a antena é selecionada com base na informação local do estado de canal que está disponível na fonte, requerendo, portanto, um atraso e uma carga de realimentação pequenos e constantes. Tal abordagem é considerada em uso conjunto com diferentes técnicas, incluindo métodos de combinação de diversidade (combinação por máxima razão e combinação por seleção) no destino, protocolos de ganho fixo ou variável no relay, e transceptores com múltiplas antenas no relay. Além disso, para o caso particular em que o retransmissor tem ganho fixo e uma única antena, considera-se também o uso de um mecanismo de seleção de enlace na fonte. Para cada caso, o desempenho do sistema é avaliado em termos de probabilidade de outage, eficiência espectral e/ou vazão. O foco principal é direcionado à probabilidade de outage, para a qual são deduzidas expressões exatas e limitantes de desempenho. Uma análise assintótica é também efetuada para enriquecer a compreensão do comportamento do sistema quando operando sob alta relação sinal-ruído. Finalmente, como contribuição isolada, uma estratégia subótima e simples de alocação de potência é elaborada para um sistema com múltiplos retransmissores do tipo decodifica-e-encaminha, considerando-se enlaces com erros e codificação de fonte distribuídaAbstract: Transmit-antenna selection has been presented as a promising strategy for exploiting the benefits of multiple antennas in relaying communication systems. However, this approach may demand a considerable amount of channel estimations, feedback transmissions, and delay, since its optimal centralized implementation requires monitoring the channel state of all links. To alleviate those impairments, this work proposes and analyzes a set of suboptimal transmit-antenna selection schemes for amplify-and-forward relaying systems, which can be implemented in a distributed manner. In the proposed schemes, the antenna is selected based on the local channel-state information that is available at the source, thus requiring a low and constant delay/feedback overhead. Such an approach is considered along with different techniques, including diversity combining methods (maximal-ratio combining and selection combining) at the destination, fixed- and variable-gain protocols at the relay, and multi-antenna transceivers at the relay. A link-selection mechanism at the source is also considered for the special case of a single-antenna fixed-gain relay. For each case, the system performance is assessed in terms of outage probability, spectral efficiency, and/or throughput. The main focus is placed on the outage probability, for which exact or bound expressions are derived. An asymptotic analysis is also performed to provide further insights into the system behavior at high signal-to-noise ratio. Finally, as an isolated contribution, a simple suboptimal power allocation strategy is designed for a decode-and-forward multi-relay system with lossy intra-links and distributed source codingDoutoradoTelecomunicações e TelemáticaDoutora em Engenharia ElétricaCAPE

    Game-Theoretic Relay Selection and Power Control in Fading Wireless Body Area Networks

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    The trend towards personalized ubiquitous computing has led to the advent of a new generation of wireless technologies, namely wireless body area networks (WBANs), which connect the wearable devices into the Internet-of-Things. This thesis considers the problems of relay selection and power control in fading WBANs with energy-efficiency and security considerations. The main body of the thesis is formed by two papers. Ideas from probability theory are used, in the first paper, to construct a performance measure signifying the energy efficiency of transmission, while in the second paper, information-theoretic principles are leveraged to characterize the transmission secrecy at the wireless physical layer (PHY). The hypothesis is that exploiting spatial diversity through multi-hop relaying is an effective strategy in a WBAN to combat fading and enhance communication throughput. In order to analytically explore the problems of optimal relay selection and power control, proper tools from game theory are employed. In particular, non-cooperative game-theoretic frameworks are developed to model and analyze the strategic interactions among sensor nodes in a WBAN when seeking to optimize their transmissions in the uplink. Quality-of-service requirements are also incorporated into the game frameworks, in terms of upper bounds on the end-to-end delay and jitter incurred by multi-hop transmission, by borrowing relevant tools from queuing theory. The proposed game frameworks are proved to admit Nash equilibria, and distributed algorithms are devised that converge to stable Nash solutions. The frameworks are then evaluated using numerical simulations in conditions approximating actual deployment of WBANs. Performance behavior trade-offs are investigated in an IEEE 802.15.6-based ultra wideband WBAN considering various scenarios. The frameworks show remarkable promise in improving the energy efficiency and PHY secrecy of transmission, at the expense of an admissible increase in the end-to-end latency

    An efficient power allocation scheme for multirelay systems with lossy intra-links

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    The so-called chief executive officer problem suggests that the source message can be recovered at the destination by merging a set of corrupted replicas forwarded by multiple relays, as long as these replicas are sufficiently correlated with the original message. In this paper, we build on Slepian-Wolf's correlated source coding theorem to design a simple, yet efficient power allocation scheme for a multirelay system, in which the direct link is unavailable to convey information. In such a system, the replicas forwarded by the relays are allowed to contain intra-link errors due to previous unreliable hops, and the destination is supposed to retrieve the source message by jointly decoding all received replicas. Importantly, the proposed power allocation is asymptotically optimal at high signal-to-noise ratio65415491560COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFINANCIADORA DE ESTUDOS E PROJETOS - FINEPFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPnão tem01.14.0231.002016/05847-0The authors would like to thank the European Union (FP7 project ICT-619555 RESCUE), the Brazilian Ministry of Education (CAPES), So Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP, Grant No. 2016/05847-0), and Finep/Funttel (Grant No. 01.14.0231.00, under the Radiocommunication Reference Center project hosted by Inatel) for the financial support of this wor

    An Efficient Power Allocation Scheme For Multirelay Systems With Lossy Intra-links

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    Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)The so-called chief executive officer problem suggests that the source message can be recovered at the destination by merging a set of corrupted replicas forwarded by multiple relays, as long as these replicas are sufficiently correlated with the original message. In this paper, we build on Slepian-Wolf's correlated source coding theorem to design a simple, yet efficient power allocation scheme for a multirelay system, in which the direct link is unavailable to convey information. In such a system, the replicas forwarded by the relays are allowed to contain intra-link errors due to previous unreliable hops, and the destination is supposed to retrieve the source message by jointly decoding all received replicas. Importantly, the proposed power allocation is asymptotically optimal at high signal-to-noise ratio.65415491560European Union (FP7) [ICT-619555]Brazilian Ministry of Education (CAPES)Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) [2016/05847-0]Finep/Funttel under the Radiocommunication Reference Center [01.14.0231.00]Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP