1,680 research outputs found

    Towards Terabit Carrier Ethernet and Energy Efficient Optical Transport Networks

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    Reliable and Fault-Resilient Schemes for Efficient Radix-4 Complex Division

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    Complex division is commonly used in various applications in signal processing and control theory including astronomy and nonlinear RF measurements. Nevertheless, unless reliability and assurance are embedded into the architectures of such structures, the suboptimal (and thus erroneous) results could undermine the objectives of such applications. As such, in this thesis, we present schemes to provide complex number division architectures based on (Sweeney, Robertson, and Tocher) SRT-division with fault diagnosis mechanisms. Different fault resilient architectures are proposed in this thesis which can be tailored based on the eventual objectives of the designs in terms of area and time requirements, among which we pinpoint carefully the schemes based on recomputing with shifted operands (RESO) to be able to detect both natural and malicious faults and with proper modification achieve high throughputs. The design also implements a minimized look up table approach which favors in error detection based designs and provides high fault coverage with relatively-low overhead. Additionally, to benchmark the effectiveness of the proposed schemes, extensive fault diagnosis assessments are performed for the proposed designs through fault simulations and FPGA implementations; the design is implemented on Xilinx Spartan-VI and Xilinx Virtex-VI FPGA families

    Testing communication reliability with fault injection : Implementation using Robot Framework and SoC-FPGA

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    Taajuusmuuttajia käytetään teollisuudessa laajasti, sillä merkittävän osan teollisuuden sähkönkulutuksesta muodostavat oikosulkumoottorit, joita ajetaan taajuusmuuttajien avulla. Taajuusmuuttajiin on mahdollista kytkeä optiokortteja, jotka lisäävät taajuusmuuttajaan valvonta-, ohjaus- ym. toiminnallisuuksia. Nämä kortit kommunikoivat sarjaliikenneväylän kautta taajuusmuuttajan pääyksikön kanssa. Sarjaliikennelinkissä, kuten taajuusmuuttajan väylällä, voi syntyä virheitä, jotka häiritsevät tietoliikennettä. Sen takia sarjaliikenneprotokolliin on luotu virheentunnistus- ja -korjausmekanismeja, joilla pyritään varmistamaan virheetön tiedon kuljettaminen. Luotettavuutta testaamaan voidaan väylälle generoida virheitä siihen tarkoitetulla laitteella. Tässä diplomityössä luotiin taajuusmuuttajia valmistavan yrityksen, Danfoss Drivesin (aik. Vacon), pyynnöstä häiriögeneraattorijärjestelmä. Järjestelmä koostuu SoC-FPGA-piirillä luodusta virheitä syöttävästä laitteesta, PC-työkalulle luodusta testirajapinnasta sekä Ethernet-kommunikaatiosta niiden välillä. Laite kytketään väylään, ja testirajapinta tekee testaajalle mahdolliseksi luoda mukautettavia testejä ja ajaa testejä käyttäen Robot Framework -testiympäristöä. Diplomityössä tutkittiin ensin sarjakommunikointiväylien yleisimpiä virheentunnistus- ja korjauskeinoja sekä SoC-FPGA-piirien sekä työssä käytetyn Robot Frameworkin ominaisuuksia. Järjestelmä suunniteltiin ylhäältä-alas-periaatteella ensin tunnistamalla kolmen edellä mainitun komponentin päärakenne päätyen lopulta yksittäisten ohjelmafunktioiden logiikan suunnitteluun. Tämän jälkeen laite ja testirajapinta toteutettiin C- ja Python-ohjelmointikielillä käyttäen suunnitellun kaltaista kommunikaatiota näiden kahden komponentin välillä. Lopulta järjestelmä testattiin kaikki komponentit yhteen kytkettynä. Varsinainen injektorilogiikka, joka luo virheitä väylään, ei ollut työn loppuun mennessä vielä toimittavan tahon puolelta valmis, joten järjestelmää ei voitu testata todellisessa ympäristössä. Työssä luodut osuudet voidaan kuitenkin myöhemmin kytkeä kokonaiseen järjestelmään. Työn tärkeimpänä johtopäätöksenä on, että tavoitteiden mukainen järjestelmä saatiin luotua ja testattua toimivaksi mahdollisin osin. Jatkokehityskohteeksi jäi mm. kokonaisen järjestelmän luonti ja testaus oikeaan kommunikaatioväylään kytkettynä.Frequency converters are widely used in industry because a notable part of the industrial electricity consumption is by electrical induction motors driven by frequency converters. It is possible to connect option boards into a frequency converter to add monitoring and control features. These option boards communicate with the main control unit of the frequency converter over a serial communication link. In a serial communication link, e.g. in a frequency converter, it can occur faults that interfere with the transfer. Hence, error handling mechanisms are used to secure transmission of the data without errors. A fault injector device, which generates errors into the data travelling in the link, can be used to test the communication reliability. In this master’s thesis, an error generator system was created for a company, Danfoss Drives (previously Vacon), manufacturing frequency converters. The system consists of a fault injector device created with a SoC-FPGA, a testing interface for a PC tool, and an Ethernet-based communication between these two. The device is connected to a serial communication link, and the testing interface makes it easy for a tester to create and run modifiable fault injection tests using a Robot Framework test environment. At the beginning of the thesis, the most common error detection and correction mechanisms in serial communication and properties of SoC-FPGAs, and Robot Framework were studied. Following this, the system was designed with top-down approach, first identifying the main structure of the components, and finally ending up in designing the logic of individual functions. After this, the device and the testing interface were implemented in C and Python using the designed Ethernet communication between them. After the implementation, the system was tested with all the components combined. The actual fault injection logic was not ready by the end of the thesis, so the tests were not run in a real environment. However, the work is done so that the implemented parts can be later used in a complete system. The most important conclusion is that the system was created and tested to meet the requirements with applicable parts. Further development includes creating a complete system and testing it with a real communication link

    Fault-Resilient Lightweight Cryptographic Block Ciphers for Secure Embedded Systems

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    The development of extremely-constrained environments having sensitive nodes such as RFID tags and nano-sensors necessitates the use of lightweight block ciphers. Indeed, lightweight block ciphers are essential for providing low-cost confidentiality to such applications. Nevertheless, providing the required security properties does not guarantee their reliability and hardware assurance when the architectures are prone to natural and malicious faults. In this thesis, considering false-alarm resistivity, error detection schemes for the lightweight block ciphers are proposed with the case study of XTEA (eXtended TEA). We note that lightweight block ciphers might be better suited for low-resource environments compared to the Advanced Encryption Standard, providing low complexity and power consumption. To the best of the author\u27s knowledge, there has been no error detection scheme presented in the literature for the XTEA to date. Three different error detection approaches are presented and according to our fault-injection simulations for benchmarking the effectiveness of the proposed schemes, high error coverage is derived. Finally, field-programmable gate array (FPGA) implementations of these proposed error detection structures are presented to assess their efficiency and overhead. The proposed error detection architectures are capable of increasing the reliability of the implementations of this lightweight block cipher. The schemes presented can also be applied to lightweight hash functions with similar structures, making the presented schemes suitable for providing reliability to their lightweight security-constrained hardware implementations

    OLT(RE)2: an On-Line on-demand Testing approach for permanent Radiation Effects in REconfigurable systems

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    Reconfigurable systems gained great interest in a wide range of application fields, including aerospace, where electronic devices are exposed to a very harsh working environment. Commercial SRAM-based FPGA devices represent an extremely interesting hardware platform for this kind of systems since they combine low cost with the possibility to utilize state-of-the-art processing power as well as the flexibility of reconfigurable hardware. In this paper we present OLT(RE)2: an on-line on-demand approach to test permanent faults induced by radiation in reconfigurable systems used in space missions. The proposed approach relies on a test circuit and on custom place-and-route algorithms. OLT(RE)2 exploits partial dynamic reconfigurability offered by today’s SRAM-based FPGAs to place the test circuits at run-time. The goal of OLT(RE)2 is to test unprogrammed areas of the FPGA before using them, thus preventing functional modules of the reconfigurable system to be placed on areas with faulty resources. Experimental results have shown that (i) it is possible to generate, place and route the test circuits needed to detect on average more than 99 % of the physical wires and on average about 97 % of the programmable interconnection points of an arbitrary large region of the FPGA in a reasonable time and that (ii) it is possible to download and run the whole test suite on the target device without interfering with the normal functioning of the system

    Forward Error Correction and Functional Programming

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    This thesis contains a collection of work I have performed while working on Dr. Erik Perrins' Efficient Hardware Implementation of Iterative FEC Decoders project. The following topics and my contributions to those topics are included in this thesis. The first topic is a Viterbi decoder implemented in the Haskell programming language. Next, I will briefly introduce Kansas Lava, a Haskell DSL developed by my advisor, Dr. Andy Gill, and other students and staff. The goal of Kansas Lava is to generate efficient synthesizable VHDL for complex circuits. I will discuss one such circuit, a large-scale LDPC decoder implemented in Kansas Lava that has been synthesized and tested on FPGA hardware. After discussing the synthesis and simulation results of the decoder circuit, I will discuss a memory interface that was developed for use in our HFEC system. Finally, I tie these individual projects together in a discussion on the benefits of functional programming in hardware design

    From FPGA to ASIC: A RISC-V processor experience

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    This work document a correct design flow using these tools in the Lagarto RISC- V Processor and the RTL design considerations that must be taken into account, to move from a design for FPGA to design for ASIC

    Reliable Hardware Architectures of CORDIC Algorithm with Fixed Angle of Rotations

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    Fixed-angle rotation operation of vectors is widely used in signal processing, graphics, and robotics. Various optimized coordinate rotation digital computer (CORDIC) designs have been proposed for uniform rotation of vectors through known and specified angles. Nevertheless, in the presence of faults, such hardware architectures are potentially vulnerable. In this thesis, we propose efficient error detection schemes for two fixed-angle rotation designs, i.e., the Interleaved Scaling and Cascaded Single-rotation CORDIC. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first in providing reliable architectures for these variants of CORDIC. The former is suitable for low-area applications and, hence, we propose recomputing with encoded operands schemes which add negligible area overhead to the designs. Moreover, the proposed error detection schemes for the latter variant are optimized for efficient applications which hamper the performance of the architectures negligibly. We present three variants of recomputing with encoded operands to detect both transient and permanent faults, coupled with signature-based schemes. The overheads of the proposed designs are assessed through Xilinx FPGA implementations and their effectiveness is benchmarked through error simulations. The results give confidence for the proposed efficient architectures which can be tailored based on the reliability requirements and the overhead to be tolerated

    Efficient Error detection Architectures for Low-Energy Block Ciphers with the Case Study of Midori Benchmarked on FPGA

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    Achieving secure, high performance implementations for constrained applications such as implantable and wearable medical devices is a priority in efficient block ciphers. However, security of these algorithms is not guaranteed in presence of malicious and natural faults. Recently, a new lightweight block cipher, Midori, has been proposed which optimizes the energy consumption besides having low latency and hardware complexity. This algorithm is proposed in two energy-efficient varients, i.e., Midori64 and Midori128, with block sizes equal to 64 and 128 bits. In this thesis, fault diagnosis schemes for variants of Midori are proposed. To the best of the our knowledge, there has been no fault diagnosis scheme presented in the literature for Midori to date. The fault diagnosis schemes are provided for the nonlinear S-box layer and for the round structures with both 64-bit and 128-bit Midori symmetric key ciphers. The proposed schemes are benchmarked on field-programmable gate array (FPGA) and their error coverage is assessed with fault-injection simulations. These proposed error detection architectures make the implementations of this new low-energy lightweight block cipher more reliable