317 research outputs found

    The challenges of emotion recognition methods based on electroencephalogram signals: a literature review

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    Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals in recognizing emotions have several advantages. Still, the success of this study, however, is strongly influenced by: i) the distribution of the data used, ii) consider of differences in participant characteristics, and iii) consider the characteristics of the EEG signals. In response to these issues, this study will examine three important points that affect the success of emotion recognition packaged in several research questions: i) What factors need to be considered to generate and distribute EEG data?, ii) How can EEG signals be generated with consideration of differences in participant characteristics?, and iii) How do EEG signals with characteristics exist among its features for emotion recognition? The results, therefore, indicate some important challenges to be studied further in EEG signals-based emotion recognition research. These include i) determine robust methods for imbalanced EEG signals data, ii) determine the appropriate smoothing method to eliminate disturbances on the baseline signals, iii) determine the best baseline reduction methods to reduce the differences in the characteristics of the participants on the EEG signals, iv) determine the robust architecture of the capsule network method to overcome the loss of knowledge information and apply it in more diverse data set

    Classification of Mammogram Images by Using SVM and KNN

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    Breast cancer is a fairly diverse illness that affects a large percentage of women in the west. A mammogram is an X-ray-based evaluation of a woman's breasts to see if she has cancer. One of the earliest prescreening diagnostic procedures for breast cancer is mammography. It is well known that breast cancer recovery rates are significantly increased by early identification. Mammogram analysis is typically delegated to skilled radiologists at medical facilities. Human mistake, however, is always a possibility. Fatigue of the observer can commonly lead to errors, resulting in intraobserver and interobserver variances. The image quality affects the sensitivity of mammographic screening as well. The goal of developing automated techniques for detection and grading of breast cancer images is to reduce various types of variability and standardize diagnostic procedures. The classification of breast cancer images into benign (tumor increasing, but not harmful) and malignant (cannot be managed, it causes death) classes using a two-way classification algorithm is shown in this study. The two-way classification data mining algorithms are utilized because there are not many abnormal mammograms. The first classification algorithm, k-means, divides a given dataset into a predetermined number of clusters. Support Vector Machine (SVM), a second classification algorithm, is used to identify the optimal classification function to separate members of the two classes in the training dat

    Using Support Vector Machine For Classification And Feature Extraction Of Spam In Email

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    We provide an overview of recent and successful content-based e-mail spam filtering algorithms in this article. Our main focus is on spam filters based on machine learning and variants influenced by them. We report on significant ideas, methodologies, key endeavors, and the field's current state-of-the-art. The initial interpretation of previous work demonstrates the fundamentals of spam filtering and feature engineering in e-mail. We finish by looking at approaches, procedures, and evaluation standards, as well as exploring intriguing offshoots of recent breakthroughs and proposing directions of future research

    Machine Learning Research On Breast And Lung Cancer Detection

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    As the diagnosis of these cancer cells at late stages causes greater pain and raises the likelihood of death, the initial-state cancer finding is crucial to giving the patient the proper care and reducing the risk of dying from cancer. The publication offers a chance to research breast and lung cancer detection techniques as well as various algorithms for cancer early detection. With the aid of various image kinds and test results data sets, hybrid approaches are utilized to identify lung and breast cancer based on the size and form of the cells. The basic concept of breast and lung cancer block diagram is also explained in this study, with an emphasis on the difficulties and potential future applications of cancer detection and diagnosis techniques

    Continuous Capsule Network Method for Improving Electroencephalogram-Based Emotion Recognition

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    The convolution process in the Capsule Network method can result in a loss of spatial data from the Electroencephalogram signal, despite its ability to characterize spatial information from Electroencephalogram signals. Therefore, this study applied the Continuous Capsule Network method to overcome problems associated with emotion recognition based on Electroencephalogram signals using the optimal architecture of the (1) 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Continuous Convolution layers with values of 64, 128, 256, and 64, respectively, and (2) kernel sizes of 2×2×4, 2×2×64, and 2×2×128 for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Continuous Convolution layers, and 1×1×256 for the 4th. Several methods were also used to support the Continuous Capsule Network process, such as the Differential Entropy and 3D Cube methods for the feature extraction and representation processes. These methods were chosen based on their ability to characterize spatial and low-frequency information from Electroencephalogram signals. By testing the DEAP dataset, these proposed methods achieved accuracies of 91.35, 93.67, and 92.82% for the four categories of emotions, two categories of arousal, and valence, respectively. Furthermore, on the DREAMER dataset, these proposed methods achieved accuracies of 94.23, 96.66, and 96.05% for the four categories of emotions, the two categories of arousal, and valence, respectively. Finally, on the AMIGOS dataset, these proposed methods achieved accuracies of 96.20, 97.96, and 97.32% for the four categories of emotions, the two categories of arousal, and valence, respectively. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-01-09 Full Text: PD

    Various Deep Learning Techniques Involved In Breast Cancer Mammogram Classification – A Survey

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    The most common and rapidly spreading disease in the world is breast cancer. Most cases of breast cancer are observed in females. Breast cancer can be controlled with early detection. Early discovery helps to manage a lot of cases and lower the death rate. On breast cancer, numerous studies have been conducted. Machine learning is the method that is utilized in research the most frequently. There have been a lot of earlier machine learning-based studies. Decision trees, KNN, SVM, naive bays, and other machine learning algorithms perform better in their respective fields. However, a newly created method is now being utilized to categorize breast cancer. Deep learning is a recently developed method. The limitations of machine learning are solved through deep learning. Convolution neural networks, recurrent neural networks, deep belief networks, and other deep learning techniques are frequently utilized in data science. Deep learning algorithms perform better than machine learning algorithms. The best aspects of the images are extracted. CNN is employed in our study to categorize the photos. Basically, CNN is the most widely used technique to categorize images, on which our research is based


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    With the vision of including authors from different parts of the world, different educational backgrounds, and offering open-access to their published work, InTech proudly presents the latest edited book in epilepsy research, Epilepsy: Histological, electroencephalographic, and psychological aspects. Here are twelve interesting and inspiring chapters dealing with basic molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying epileptic seizures, electroencephalographic findings, and neuropsychological, psychological, and psychiatric aspects of epileptic seizures, but non-epileptic as well

    Proceedings of the 6th international conference on disability, virtual reality and associated technologies (ICDVRAT 2006)

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    The proceedings of the conferenc

    De animais a máquinas : humanos tecnicamente melhores nos imaginários de futuro da convergência tecnológica

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Departamento de Sociologia, 2020.O tema desta investigação é discutir os imaginários sociais de ciência e tecnologia que emergem a partir da área da neuroengenharia, em sua relação com a Convergência Tecnológica de quatro disciplinas: Nanotecnologia, Biotecnologia, tecnologias da Informação e tecnologias Cognitivas - neurociências- (CT-NBIC). Estas áreas desenvolvem-se e são articuladas por meio de discursos que ressaltam o aprimoramento das capacidades físicas e cognitivas dos seres humanos, com o intuito de construir uma sociedade melhor por meio do progresso científico e tecnológico, nos limites das agendas de pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D). Objetivos: Os objetivos nesse cenário, são discutir as implicações éticas, econômicas, políticas e sociais deste modelo de sistema sociotécnico. Nos referimos, tanto as aplicações tecnológicas, quanto as consequências das mesmas na formação dos imaginários sociais, que tipo de relações se estabelecem e como são criadas dentro desse contexto. Conclusão: Concluímos na busca por refletir criticamente sobre as propostas de aprimoramento humano mediado pela tecnologia, que surgem enquanto parte da agenda da Convergência Tecnológica NBIC. No entanto, as propostas de melhoramento humano vão muito além de uma agenda de investigação. Há todo um quadro de referências filosóficas e políticas que defendem o aprimoramento da espécie, vertentes estas que se aliam a movimentos trans-humanistas e pós- humanistas, posições que são ao mesmo tempo éticas, políticas e econômicas. A partir de nossa análise, entendemos que ciência, tecnologia e política estão articuladas, em coprodução, em relação às expectativas de futuros que são esperados ou desejados. Ainda assim, acreditamos que há um espaço de diálogo possível, a partir do qual buscamos abrir propostas para o debate público sobre questões de ciência e tecnologia relacionadas ao aprimoramento da espécie humana.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)The subject of this research is to discuss the social imaginaries of science and technology that emerge from the area of neuroengineering in relation with the Technological Convergence of four disciplines: Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information technologies and Cognitive technologies -neurosciences- (CT-NBIC). These areas are developed and articulated through discourses that emphasize the enhancement of human physical and cognitive capacities, the intuition it is to build a better society, through the scientific and technological progress, at the limits of the research and development (R&D) agendas. Objectives: The objective in this scenery, is to discuss the ethic, economic, politic and social implications of this model of sociotechnical system. We refer about the technological applications and the consequences of them in the formation of social imaginaries as well as the kind of social relations that are created and established in this context. Conclusion: We conclude looking for critical reflections about the proposals of human enhancement mediated by the technology. That appear as a part of the NBIC technologies agenda. Even so, the proposals of human enhancement go beyond boundaries that an investigation agenda. There is a frame of philosophical and political references that defend the enhancement of the human beings. These currents that ally to the transhumanism and posthumanism movements, positions that are ethic, politic and economic at the same time. From our analysis, we understand that science, technology and politics are articulated, are in co-production, regarding the expected and desired futures. Even so, we believe that there is a space of possible dialog, from which we look to open proposals for the public discussion on questions of science and technology related to enhancement of human beings