378 research outputs found

    Restructuring and simplifying rule bases.

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    Rule bases are commonly acquired, by expert and/or knowledge engineer, in a form which is well suited for acquisition purposes. When the knowledge base is executed, however, a different structure may be required. Moreover, since human experts normally do not provide the knowledge in compact chunks, rule bases often suffer from redundancy. This may considerably harm efficiency. In this paper a procedure is examined to transform rules that are specified in the knowledge acquisition process into an efficient rule base by way of decision tables. This transformation algorithms allows the generation of a minimal rule representation of the knowledge, and verification and optimization of rule bases and other specification (e.g. legal texts, procedural descriptions, ...). The proposed procedures are fully supported by the PROLOGA tool.

    Abduction-Based Explanations for Machine Learning Models

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    The growing range of applications of Machine Learning (ML) in a multitude of settings motivates the ability of computing small explanations for predictions made. Small explanations are generally accepted as easier for human decision makers to understand. Most earlier work on computing explanations is based on heuristic approaches, providing no guarantees of quality, in terms of how close such solutions are from cardinality- or subset-minimal explanations. This paper develops a constraint-agnostic solution for computing explanations for any ML model. The proposed solution exploits abductive reasoning, and imposes the requirement that the ML model can be represented as sets of constraints using some target constraint reasoning system for which the decision problem can be answered with some oracle. The experimental results, obtained on well-known datasets, validate the scalability of the proposed approach as well as the quality of the computed solutions

    Faster Query Answering in Probabilistic Databases using Read-Once Functions

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    A boolean expression is in read-once form if each of its variables appears exactly once. When the variables denote independent events in a probability space, the probability of the event denoted by the whole expression in read-once form can be computed in polynomial time (whereas the general problem for arbitrary expressions is #P-complete). Known approaches to checking read-once property seem to require putting these expressions in disjunctive normal form. In this paper, we tell a better story for a large subclass of boolean event expressions: those that are generated by conjunctive queries without self-joins and on tuple-independent probabilistic databases. We first show that given a tuple-independent representation and the provenance graph of an SPJ query plan without self-joins, we can, without using the DNF of a result event expression, efficiently compute its co-occurrence graph. From this, the read-once form can already, if it exists, be computed efficiently using existing techniques. Our second and key contribution is a complete, efficient, and simple to implement algorithm for computing the read-once forms (whenever they exist) directly, using a new concept, that of co-table graph, which can be significantly smaller than the co-occurrence graph.Comment: Accepted in ICDT 201

    A Network-Based Deterministic Model for Causal Complexity

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    Despite the widespread use of techniques and tools for causal analysis, existing methodologies still fall short as they largely regard causal variables as independent elements, thereby failing to appreciate the significance of the interactions of causal variables. The prospect of inferring causal relationships from weaker structural assumptions compels for further research in this area. This study explores the effects of the interactions of variables in the context of causal analysis, and introduces new advancements to this area of research. In this study, we introduce a new approach for the causal complexity with the goal of making the solution set closer to deterministic by taking into consideration the underlying patterns embedded within a dataset; in particular, the interactions of causal variables. Our model follows the configurational approach, and as such, is able to account for the three major phenomena of conjunctural causation, equifinality, and causal asymmetry

    Digi Island: A Serious Game for Teaching and Learning Digital Circuit Optimization

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    Karnaugh maps, also known as K-maps, are a tool used to optimize or simplify digital logic circuits. A K-map is a graphical display of a logic circuit. K-map optimization is essentially the process of finding a minimum number of maximal aggregations of K-map cells. with values of 1 according to a set of rules. The Digi Island is a serious game designed for aiding students to learn K-map optimization. The game takes place on an exotic island (called Digi Island) in the Pacific Ocean . The player is an adventurer to the Digi Island and will transform it into a tourist attraction by developing real estates, such as amusement parks.and hotels. The Digi Island game elegantly converts boring 1s and Os in digital circuits into usable and unusable spaces on a beautiful island and transforms K-map optimization into real estate development, an activity with which many students are familiar and also interested in. This paper discusses the design, development, and some preliminary results of the Digi Island game