395 research outputs found

    Development of Criteria for Mobile Device Cybersecurity Threat Classification and Communication Standards (CTC&CS)

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    The increasing use of mobile devices and the unfettered access to cyberspace has introduced new threats to users. Mobile device users are continually being targeted for cybersecurity threats via vectors such as public information sharing on social media, user surveillance (geolocation, camera, etc.), phishing, malware, spyware, trojans, and keyloggers. Users are often uninformed about the cybersecurity threats posed by mobile devices. Users are held responsible for the security of their device that includes taking precautions against cybersecurity threats. In recent years, financial institutions are passing the costs associated with fraud to the users because of the lack of security. The purpose of this study was to design, develop, and empirically test new criteria for a Cybersecurity Threats Classification and Communication Standard (CTC&CS) for mobile devices. The conceptual foundation is based on the philosophy behind the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)’s Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) of Labels and Pictograms that is mainly focused on chemical substances. This study extended the HCS framework as a model to support new criteria for cybersecurity classification and communication standards. This study involved three phases. The first phase conducted two rounds of the Delphi technique and collected quantitative data from 26 Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) in round one and 22 SMEs in round two through an anonymous online survey. Results of Phase 1 emerged with six threats categories and 62 cybersecurity threats. Phase 2 operationalized the elicited and validated criteria into pictograms, labels, and safety data sheets. Using the results of phase one as a foundation, two to three pictograms, labels, and safety data sheets (SDSs) from each of the categories identified in phase one were developed, and quantitative data were collected in two rounds of the Delphi technique from 24 and 19 SMEs respectively through an online survey and analyzed. Phase 3, the main data collection phase, empirically evaluated the developed and validated pictograms, labels, and safety data sheets for their perceived effectiveness as well as performed an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) with 208 non-IT professional mobile device users. The results of this study showed that pictograms were highly effective; this means the participants were satisfied with the characteristics of the pictograms such as color, shapes, visual complexity, and found these characteristics valuable. On the other hand, labels and Safety Data Sheets (SDS) did not show to be effective, meaning the participants were not satisfied or lacked to identify importance with the characteristics of labels and SDS. Furthermore, the ANCOVA results showed significant differences in perceived effectiveness with SDSs with education and a marginal significance level with labels when controlled for the number of years of mobile device use. Based on the results, future research implications can observe discrepancies of pictogram effectiveness between different educational levels and reading levels. Also, research should focus on identifying the most effective designs for pictograms within the cybersecurity context. Finally, longitudinal studies should be performed to understand the aspects that affect the effectiveness of pictograms

    Green chemistry metrics for organic synthetic chemistry

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    Abstract. Green chemistry provided a new focus point on future innovations in the chemical enterprise. The aim was to design intrinsically safer chemicals and processes for chemistry used in the production of myriad aspects of everyday life. Green chemistry is often defined by the 12 principles of green chemistry compiled in 1998 by Anastas and Warner. Still, quantifying “greenness” for chemistry remained complicated. There are multiple green chemistry metrics and evaluation tools available. However, with no standardised measurement baselines or agreed upon standard metrics to use, the definition of green chemistry remains vague. Furthermore, modes of operation to gather all data required for a comprehensive greenness evaluation might not even exist yet. Historically, the research of environmental or health effect of chemicals was continuously slower than the invention of new chemicals. Now, with the need for new greener chemistry innovations, it would be important to have reliable methods for evaluating and comparing different options under consideration. Green chemistry needs to be defined and quantified in greater detail. However, this is not straightforward, as green chemistry might need to be a customised solution for every reaction and requires compromises between different environmental and health hazards. This thesis presented selected green chemistry metrics that were considered useful for comparing organic synthesis routes in a small laboratory scale. These were atom economy, E-factor, Process Mass Intensity (PMI), Reaction Mass Efficiency (RME), Green Aspiration Level (GAL), EcoScale, Greenness Index and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). A few of the reviewed metrics were applied in a case study comparing two reaction pathways: Suzuki-Miyaura coupling and palladium catalysed direct arylation. The case study included atom economy, RME, simple E-factor (sEF) and a partial EcoScale analysis. Simple E-factor seemed like the easiest, most promising addition to use for comparing reaction paths in the development phase of a new molecule. It would add waste formation into the considerations of yield and time efficiency of a reaction

    Material Processing of a HIPS/AC FDM Filament for Water Filtration

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    Extensive development in the field of fused deposition manufacturing (FDM) in recent years has made it possible to generate complex geometries otherwise impossible through traditional manufacturing. Using these complex geometrical manufacturing methods in conjunction with the porosity generated by FDM, it is possible to create highly porous designs, ideal for filtration. It is through these production methods that an activated carbon (AC) filter was produced and its effectiveness quantified through methylene blue absorption analysis using spectrometry. Peak efficiency of the design was 31 percent thus proving the concept of this novel technology

    Elimination of doubt : methods for a predictive design to direct and optimize the flow of visitors

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    Ympäristömme globaalistuu ja monimutkaistuu kaiken aikaa. Prosessi näkyy muun muassa kansainvälisen liikenteen solmukohdissa. Esimerkiksi lentokentät ovat kyseisiä eri kulttuurien keskinäisen vuorovaikutuksen kohtia. Eri kulttuureista tulevien ihmisten pitää osata orientoitua vieraassa ja usein sekavassa ympäristössä. Jotta toiminta olisi sujuvaa näissä solmukohdissa, on suunnistamiseen tarvittavan tiedon oltava nopeasti omaksuttavaa ja ymmärrettävää. Monet muotoilijat ja suunnittelijat ajattelevat, että opastejärjestelmät ovat reduktionistisia ja mekanistisia syy-seuraus systeemejä. On kuitenkin ilmeistä, että kansainvälisesti harmonisoimattomien piktogrammien kyky välittää informaatiota on epäonnistunutta. Nykyiset kognitiotieteen havainnot osoittavat, että visuaalisen havaitsemisen ja tilallisen orientaation aikaisemmat mallit ovat vain osittain toimivia. Siispä oli syytä kysyä ”onko mahdollista tuottaa ennakoiva malli jonka avulla voi kehittää, toteuttaa ja varmistaa suunnitteluratkaisuja, jotka ohjaavat ja optimoivat vierailijoiden virtaa laajoissa julkisissa tiloissa.“ Tutkimuksen keskiössä on tästä syystä tilallisessa orientoitumisessa tapahtuva kulttuurinen merkityksellistäminen ja paikkatietoisuuden lisääminen (situation awareness). Juuri tuo yksilöllinen merkityksen tuottaminen voi tarkoittaa laajaa kirjoa erilaisia tulkintoja. Paikkatietoisuuden syntymisen erilaiset mahdollisuudet yhdessä erilaisten menetelmien kanssa voivat tuottaa ratkaisuja suunnitteluprosessiin. Suunnitteluprosessissa voidaan ottaa huomioon myös havaintopsykologisia näkökulmia. Kaiken kaikkiaan tämä johtaa systeemis-holistiseen ja käyttäjäkeskeiseen ajatteluun julkisten tilojen opastejärjestelmien suunnittelun kehityksessä. Esitän myös käytännöllisen ratkaisun opastejärjestelmien suunnitteluun ja arviointiin tarkastelemalla olemassa olevien järjestelmien rakennetta ja parametreja sekä niiden kehitystyötä. Työ sisältää yhteensä yhdeksän tapaustarkastelua. Tutkimusmenetelminä käytin laadullista havainnointia ja kvantitatiivista analyysiä. Havainnoin ja tulkitsin etnisiä tottumuksia ja henkilökohtaisia näkemyksiä. Tekemäni kyselyjen perusteella näyttää siltä, että konstruoimaani mallia voitaisiin käyttää kehittämisen ja todentamisen välineenä.The rapid development of international traffic characterizes our increasingly globalized and ever more complex world. Nodal points (for example, airports) have formed where people from various cultural backgrounds and with differing levels of educational attainment need to reorient themselves in a unfamiliar and often confusing environment. A key condition to ensure everything works smoothly in such an international junction is the extremely fast reception and processing of information by everyone involved. The dominant school of thought among many designers and planners of guidance and routing systems is still a reductionist and mechanistic one (cause - effect). It has become apparent that the use of non-internationally harmonized pictograms as information carriers has failed completely. Recent findings in the field of cognitive science demonstrate convincingly that previous models of visual perception and spatial orientation can only highlight partial aspects. For these aspects, the question has arisen: “Is there a possibility to evolve a predictive system to develop, implement and verify design solutions to direct and optimize the flow of visitors in large public spaces?” Therefore, the moment of semiosis of the orientation seekers moved into the focus of the investigation. This moment of meaning-making, which is perceived by every individual differently, spans the entire spectrum of the perception of the designated item (the optical characteristic of the character substrate) between manifold interpretation or absolute certainty. The various viewing options of “situational awareness” with the help of various methodologies provide solutions for the design process. Taking the aspects of perceptual psychology into account leads to the development of a systemic/holistic and user-centred design of orientation systems in public spaces. Identifying and consulting the predictive parameters in a systematic process could show a practicable solution for the planning and evaluation of guidance and routing systems. In various national and international case studies, the process reliability and processing quality of this solution were demonstrated. Involving mixed research methodologies of qualitative observation and quantitative analysis, it was possible to develop a workable model. Through observation and interpretation, ethnic habits and personal views were taken into account to develop the methods. The use of questionnaires or surveys created statistics to prove or disprove the hypothetical model. The capacity of the presented model and the operationalization of the research demonstrated an effective method for overcoming barriers of age, language and culture. The publication satisfies, therefore, the criteria of the academic quality of a practice-based Ph.D

    Quality Risk Analysis: Value for Money in the Pharmaceutical Industry

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    Hazard Communication: A Review of the Science Underpinning the Art of Communication for Health and Safety

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    This report was commissioned by the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration to review the state of scientific inquiry supporting our knowledge regarding key elements of chemical hazard communication programs: labeling, warnings, material safety data sheets, and worker training. This endeavor supports the international effort to harmonize laws, regulations, and consensus standards affecting the ways in which information about hazardous chemicals is communicated. The international effort can be divided into three major functions: classifying health and environmental hazards, classifying physical hazards; and communicating hazard information. This last component involves the determination of what information will be communicated to users regarding the hazards and appropriate protective measures, as well as the way in which it will be transmitted, i.e. through symbols, labels, standard phrases, and training

    Design revolutions: IASDR 2019 Conference Proceedings. Volume 3: People

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    In September 2019 Manchester School of Art at Manchester Metropolitan University was honoured to host the bi-annual conference of the International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR) under the unifying theme of DESIGN REVOLUTIONS. This was the first time the conference had been held in the UK. Through key research themes across nine conference tracks – Change, Learning, Living, Making, People, Technology, Thinking, Value and Voices – the conference opened up compelling, meaningful and radical dialogue of the role of design in addressing societal and organisational challenges. This Volume 3 includes papers from People track of the conference