41,980 research outputs found

    Исследование уровня эмоционального интеллекта воспитателей-методистов учреждений дошкольного образования

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    The objective of this study was to find out the level of emotional intelligence of preschool teachersmethodologists with the purpose of further professional advancement (enhancing their emotional competence). Tools applied for collecting and processing statistics were the following: survey results, methodologist’s checklists of observation of conducting classes by the teacher, N. Hall’s Emotional Intelligence Test, questionnaires for parents. There was also a survey of training participants followed by written feedback. STATA software was used for data processing, and the online TextAnalyzer utility was used to process free responses from the parent questionnaires. It is found that the system of formation of emotional intelligence, based on the training we have developed, has a positive impact on the development of emotional intelligence of preschool teachers-methodologists. The above approach enhances the knowledge of preschool teachers about their emotions, senses and feelings, contributing to the development of their ability to understand their own emotions. After the training, 7.14% of the participants showed a low level as opposed to the initial level of 33.33%. The medium level rose significantly, from 60.0% to 78.6%. And the high level of awareness of emotional intelligence in teachers has increased more than twice - from 6.67% to 14.29%. The arithmetical mean for raw scores also increased - from 43.87 to 57.54, thus confirming that the system used in training allows developing strategies for modulation of their emotions, introducing the training participants to the techniques of expression of their emotions and developing a range of emotional competency skills aimed at overcoming emotive situations. Since during the analysis of the lessons by the methodologist the teacher had to respect both the positive and negative response of the methodologist and since respect is a component of leadership, we can say that the feedback contributed to the development of leadership qualities of teachers. Regarding pedagogical skills, provided that the teacher constantly works on self-improvement of emotional intelligence, we state that the level of the teacher’s pedagogical skills also improves. We consider it reasonable to further explore the possibilities of developing the competence of emotional intelligence in future teachers during their study in higher educational institutions and preschool teachers.Метою даного дослідження було визначено з’ясування рівня емоційного інтелекту вихователів-методистів закладів дошкільної освіти з ціллю їх подальшого професійного апгрейду (підвищення рівня їх емоційної компетентності). Для збору та обробки статистичних даних використовувалися такі інструменти, як: результати анкетувань, чек-листи спостереження методистом ведення занять педагогом/вихователем, діагностичний тест Н. Холла «Діагностика емоційного інтелекту», опитувальники для батьків. Також проводилось анкетування учасників тренінгу і письмовий зворотній зв’язок. Для обробки даних було використано програмне забезпечення STATA Software та для обробки відкритих відповідей з питальників для батьків було використано онлайн утиліту TextAnalyzer. З’ясовано, що система формування емоційного інтелекту, яка базується на розробленому нами тренінгу, позитивно впливає на розвиток емоційного інтелекту вихователів-методистів закладів дошкільної освіти. Вищеописаний підхід поглиблює знання педагогів закладів дошкільної освіти про власні емоції, відчуття та почуття, що сприяє розвитку їх здатності до розуміння власних емоцій. Після проведеного навчання у тренінгах низький рівень показали 7,14% учасників на відміну від початкового рівня, показник якого сягав 33,33%. Середній рівень значно піднявся, з 60,0% до 78,6%. А показник високого рівня обізнаності емоційному інтелекту у педагогів зріс з 6,67% до 14,29%, більше, ніж у двічі. Показник середнього арифметичного по сирим балам теж змінився у сторону збільшення – з 43,87 до 57,54, що підтверджує, що система навчання, застосована у тренінгу, дозволяє виробити стратегії управління власними емоціями, ознайомити учасників тренінгу із техніками екологічного вираження своїх емоцій й сформувати спектр навичок з емоційної компетентності спрямованих на подолання емоціогенних ситуацій. Вважаємо доцільним у подальшому дослідити можливості формування компетентності з емоційного інтелекту у майбутніх педагогів під час їх навчання у закладах вищої освіти та у вихователів закладів дошкільної освіти.Целью данного исследования было выяснить уровень эмоционального интеллекта воспитателей-методистов дошкольных учреждений с целью дальнейшего профессионального роста (повышения их эмоциональной компетентности). Для сбора и обработки статистики использовались следующие инструменты: результаты опросов, контрольные списки методистов наблюдения за проведением занятий воспитателем, тест эмоционального интеллекта Н. Холла, анкеты для родителей. Был также опрос участников тренинга с последующим письменным отзывом. Программное обеспечение STATA было использовано для данных обработки, онлайн-утилита TextAnalyzer использовалась для обработки бесплатных ответов анкет родителей. Установлено, что система формирования эмоционального интеллекта, основанная на разработанном нами тренинге, имеет положительный влияние на развитие эмоционального интеллекта воспитателей-методистов дошкольных учреждений. Вышеуказанный подход расширяет знания дошкольных педагогов об их эмоциях и чувствах, способствуя развитию их способности понимать свои эмоции. После тренинга 7,14% участников показали низкий уровень по сравнению с начальным уровнем 33,33%. Средний уровень значительно вырос, с 60,0% до 78,6%. И высокий уровень осознания эмоционального интеллекта у методистов возрос более чем в два раза - с 6,67% до 14,29%. Среднее арифметическое для необработанных оценок также увеличилось - с 43,87 до 57,54, что подтверждает, что система, используемая в обучении позволяет разрабатывать стратегии модуляции своих эмоций, знакомить участников тренинга с методиками выражения своих эмоций и развития ряда навыков эмоциональной компетентности, направленных на преодоление эмоциогенных ситуаций. Мы считаем целесообразным продолжить изучение возможности формирования эмоционального интеллекта у будущих воспитателей при обучении их в высших учебных заведениях

    Examination of Eco-Behavioral Assessments Designed for Understanding Complex Behaviors and Environments.

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    Second-generation intervention research requires methods for overcoming challenges to understanding complex learning ecologies and interactions of students. Eco-behavioral assessments (EBAs) are one solution to past intervention research challenges. EBAs record the effects of ecological variables in students’ behavior and daily interactions. The utility of EBAs in second-generation research has increased substantially. Numerous EBAs now exist for use with all ages of learners and provide a valid, reliable, and cost effective method for intervention research. This paper examines 18 EBAs as well as software systems designed to support and enhance the use of EBAs. The examination serves as a comprehensive resource to better understand how EBAs can be used in answering complex questions about students’ learning and for advancing second-generation research

    Assessing Vocabulary of Children: Investigating the Evaluation and Instruction of Basic Concepts

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    Vocabulary knowledge of preschool children is a key factor in predicting literacy success in elementary school (Hammer, Farkas, & Maczuga, 2010). However, few deliberate attempts to teach basic concept vocabulary have been studied (Bowers & Schwarz, 2013; Wilson, 2004). The purpose of this research is to determine if large group explicit instruction with interactive activities of specific basic concept vocabulary will increase preschool children\u27s understanding of basic concept terms when measured by a standardized basic concept assessment. This research will also assess the validity of a basic concept-curriculum based measure (BC-CBM) as an efficient tool to monitor a child\u27s understanding of basic concept vocabulary over time. There were 30 preschool children (M age=53.8 months) who participated in this experiment. Results demonstrated the standardized assessment and BC-BM raw scores improved through intervention. Further research is supported to evaluate the BC-CBM on a larger scale and control for more factors, which influence vocabulary development in children. Keywords: basic concept, vocabulary, preschool, assessmen

    Seeing It Through: Advanced Strategies for Influencing Education Policy

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    Outlines recommendations from a May 2009 Education Grantmakers Institute about the opportunities and risks of public policy grantmaking, navigating policy from federal to individual levels, funding research, acting as policy entrepreneurs, and evaluation

    Increasing Low-income Mothers’ Educational Attainment: Implications for Anti-poverty Programs and Policy

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    Context: Emerging research indicates parental educational attainment is not always stable over time, particularly among young adults with lower levels of income and educational attainment. Though increases in postsecondary education are often highlighted as a route to greater earnings among higher-income students, it is unclear whether increases in parental educational attainment can improve the socioeconomic circumstances of low-income families. Objective: The first goal of the current study was to determine whether low-income mothers increased their educational attainment over a 6-year period as their children transitioned from early childhood through elementary school. Second, the current study examined a range of individual characteristics that may help or hinder a mother’s re-entrance into education. Last, associations between increased maternal education and indicators of family socioeconomic resources were examined to determine ways that increased education among low-income mothers of young children may serve as a mechanism to reduce poverty or other poverty-related risks. Design and Sample: Data for this study come from the Chicago School Readiness Project (CSRP), a cluster randomized control trial of Head Start centers and a longitudinal follow-up of children and their families. The current study included 432 participants. Of those participants, 97% were the child’s mother or female caregiver, 70% lived below the Federal Poverty Line at baseline, and 93% identified as a racial/ethnic minority (i.e., African American, black, or Hispanic). Main Outcome Measures: Maternal educational attainment was collected at 4 time-points across a 6-year period. From these data, a binary variable was created to indicate whether (1) or not (0) mothers increased their educational attainment. Maternal report of household income, unemployment status, and poverty-related risk were examined as indicators of family socioeconomic resources. Results: Thirty-nine percent of mothers increased their educational attainment over the 6-year period of study, and the majority of those mothers attained additional degrees rather than years of schooling alone. Mothers whose children attended treatment-assigned preschool classrooms at baseline were subsequently more likely to increase their educational attainment over time than were mothers of children who initially attended control-assigned classrooms in preschool. Analyses of the roles of parental characteristics in predicting gains in maternal education suggest that mothers who reported greater depressive symptomatology were less likely to increase their educational attainment. Increases in educational attainment, in turn, were positively associated with income earned in subsequent years of our longitudinal follow-up study and negatively associated with maternal unemployment and poverty-related risk when children were in 5th grade. Conclusions: Increases in parent educational attainment were impressive for our sample of low-income mothers, given their exposure to a range of poverty-related risks. Furthermore, our analyses support prior research suggesting that increases in maternal educational attainment may serve as an important mechanism to reduce families’ experience of income poverty

    Across Towns and Across Times: Library Service to Young People in Rural Libraries

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    published or submitted for publicatio

    Quality of education : global development goals and local strategies

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    Icanlearn: A Mobile Application For Creating Flashcards And Social Stories\u3csup\u3etm\u3c/sup\u3e For Children With Autistm

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    The number of children being diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is on the rise, presenting new challenges for their parents and teachers to overcome. At the same time, mobile computing has been seeping its way into every aspect of our lives in the form of smartphones and tablet computers. It seems only natural to harness the unique medium these devices provide and use it in treatment and intervention for children with autism. This thesis discusses and evaluates iCanLearn, an iOS flashcard app with enough versatility to construct Social StoriesTM. iCanLearn provides an engaging, individualized learning experience to children with autism on a single device, but the most powerful way to use iCanLearn is by connecting two or more devices together in a teacher-learner relationship. The evaluation results are presented at the end of the thesis

    IMPACT: The Journal of the Center for Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning. Volume 2, Issue 2, Summer 2013

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    Impact: The Journal of the Center for Interdisciplinary Teaching & Learning is a peer-reviewed, biannual online journal that publishes scholarly and creative non-fiction essays about the theory, practice and assessment of interdisciplinary education. Impact is produced by the Center for Interdisciplinary Teaching & Learning at the College of General Studies, Boston University (www.bu.edu/cgs/citl)