29 research outputs found

    Robust and Scalable Transmission of Arbitrary 3D Models over Wireless Networks

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    We describe transmission of 3D objects represented by texture and mesh over unreliable networks, extending our earlier work for regular mesh structure to arbitrary meshes and considering linear versus cubic interpolation. Our approach to arbitrary meshes considers stripification of the mesh and distributing nearby vertices into different packets, combined with a strategy that does not need texture or mesh packets to be retransmitted. Only the valence (connectivity) packets need to be retransmitted; however, storage of valence information requires only 10% space compared to vertices and even less compared to photorealistic texture. Thus, less than 5% of the packets may need to be retransmitted in the worst case to allow our algorithm to successfully reconstruct an acceptable object under severe packet loss. Even though packet loss during transmission has received limited research attention in the past, this topic is important for improving quality under lossy conditions created by shadowing and interference. Results showing the implementation of the proposed approach using linear, cubic, and Laplacian interpolation are described, and the mesh reconstruction strategy is compared with other methods

    3D Point Cloud Data and Triangle Face Compression by a Novel Geometry Minimization Algorithm and Comparison with other 3D Formats

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    Polygonal meshes remain the primary representation for visualization of 3D data in a wide range of industries including manufacturing, architecture, geographic information systems, medical imaging, robotics, entertainment, and military applications. Because of its widespread use, it is desirable to compress polygonal meshes stored in file servers and exchanged over computer networks to reduce storage and transmission time requirements. 3D files encoded by OBJ format are commonly used to share models due to its clear simple design. Normally each OBJ file contains a large amount of data (e.g. vertices and triangulated faces) describing the mesh surface. In this research we introduce a novel algorithm to compress vertices and triangle faces called Geometry Minimization Algorithm (GM-Algorithm). First, each vertex consists of (x, y, z) coordinates that are encoded into a single value by the GM-Algorithm. Second, triangle faces are encoded by computing the differences between two adjacent vertex locations, and then coded by the GM-Algorithm followed by arithmetic coding. We tested the method on large data sets achieving high compression ratios over 90% while keeping the same number of vertices and triangle faces as the original mesh. The decompression step is based on a Parallel Fast Matching Search Algorithm (Parallel-FMS) to recover the structure of the 3D mesh. A comparative analysis of compression ratios is provided with a number of commonly used 3D file formats such as MATLAB, VRML, OpenCTM and STL showing the advantages and effectiveness of our approach

    Novel 3D compression methods for geometry, connectivity and texture

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    A large number of applications in medical visualization, games, engineering design, entertainment, heritage, e-commerce and so on require the transmission of 3D models over the Internet or over local networks. 3D data compression is an important requirement for fast data storage, access and transmission within bandwidth limitations. The Wavefront OBJ (object) file format is commonly used to share models due to its clear simple design. Normally each OBJ file contains a large amount of data (e.g. vertices and triangulated faces, normals, texture coordinates and other parameters) describing the mesh surface. In this paper we introduce a new method to compress geometry, connectivity and texture coordinates by a novel Geometry Minimization Algorithm (GM-Algorithm) in connection with arithmetic coding. First, each vertex (x, y, z) coordinates are encoded to a single value by the GM-Algorithm. Second, triangle faces are encoded by computing the differences between two adjacent vertex locations, which are compressed by arithmetic coding together with texture coordinates. We demonstrate the method on large data sets achieving compression ratios between 87%—99% without reduction in the number of reconstructed vertices and triangle faces. The decompression step is based on a Parallel Fast Matching Search Algorithm (Parallel-FMS) to recover the structure of the 3D mesh. A comparative analysis of compression ratios is provided with a number of commonly used 3D file formats such as VRML, OpenCTM and STL highlighting the performance and effectiveness of the proposed method