10 research outputs found

    Secure publish-subscribe protocols for heterogeneous medical wireless body area networks

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    Security and privacy issues in medical wireless body area networks (WBANs) constitute a major unsolved concern because of the challenges posed by the scarcity of resources in WBAN devices and the usability restrictions imposed by the healthcare domain. In this paper, we describe a WBAN architecture based on the well-known publish-subscribe paradigm. We present two protocols for publishing data and sending commands to a sensor that guarantee confidentiality and fine-grained access control. Both protocols are based on a recently proposed ciphertext policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) scheme that is lightweight enough to be embedded into wearable sensors. We show how sensors can implement lattice-based access control (LBAC) policies using this scheme, which are highly appropriate for the eHealth domain. We report experimental results with a prototype implementation demonstrating the suitability of our proposed solution.This work was supported by the MINECO grant TIN2013-46469-R (SPINY: Security and Privacy in the Internet of You)

    Granular Data Access Control with a Patient-Centric Policy Update for Healthcare

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    Healthcare is a multi-actor environment that requires independent actors to have a different view of the same data, hence leading to different access rights. Ciphertext Policy-Attribute-based Encryption (CP-ABE) provides a one-to-many access control mechanism by defining an attribute’s policy over ciphertext. Although, all users satisfying the policy are given access to the same data, this limits its usage in the provision of hierarchical access control and in situations where different users/actors need to have granular access of the data. Moreover, most of the existing CP-ABE schemes either provide static access control or in certain cases the policy update is computationally intensive involving all non-revoked users to actively participate. Aiming to tackle both the challenges, this paper proposes a patient-centric multi message CP-ABE scheme with efficient policy update. Firstly, a general overview of the system architecture implementing the proposed access control mechanism is presented. Thereafter, for enforcing access control a concrete cryptographic construction is proposed and implemented/tested over the physiological data gathered from a healthcare sensor: shimmer sensor. The experiment results reveal that the proposed construction has constant computational cost in both encryption and decryption operations and generates constant size ciphertext for both the original policy and its update parameters. Moreover, the scheme is proven to be selectively secure in the random oracle model under the q-Bilinear Diffie Hellman Exponent (q-BDHE) assumption. Performance analysis of the scheme depicts promising results for practical real-world healthcare applications

    Eesti elektrooniline ID-kaart ja selle turvaväljakutsed

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    Eesti elektrooniline isikutunnistust (ID-kaart) on üle 18 aasta pakkunud turvalist elektroonilist identiteeti Eesti kodanikele. Avaliku võtme krüptograafia ja kaardile talletatud privaatvõti võimaldavad ID-kaardi omanikel juurde pääseda e-teenustele, anda juriidilist jõudu omavaid digiallkirju ning elektrooniliselt hääletada. Käesolevas töös uuritakse põhjalikult Eesti ID-kaarti ning sellega seotud turvaväljakutseid. Me kirjeldame Eesti ID-kaarti ja selle ökosüsteemi, seotud osapooli ja protsesse, ID-kaardi elektroonilist baasfunktsionaalsust, seotud tehnilisi ja juriidilisi kontseptsioone ning muid seotud küsimusi. Me tutvustame kõiki kasutatud kiipkaardiplatforme ja nende abil väljastatud isikutunnistuste tüüpe. Iga platformi kohta esitame me detailse analüüsi kasutatava asümmeetrilise krüptograafia funktsionaalsusest ning kirjeldame ja analüüsime ID-kaardi kauguuendamise lahendusi. Lisaks esitame me süstemaatilise uurimuse ID-kaardiga seotud turvaintsidentidest ning muudest sarnastest probleemidest läbi aastate. Me kirjeldame probleemide tehnilist olemust, kasutatud leevendusmeetmeid ning kajastust ajakirjanduses. Käesoleva uurimustöö käigus avastati mitmeid varem teadmata olevaid turvaprobleeme ning teavitati nendest seotud osapooli. Käesolev töö põhineb avalikult kättesaadaval dokumentatsioonil, kogutud ID-kaartide sertifikaatide andmebaasil, ajakirjandusel,otsesuhtlusel seotud osapooltega ning töö autori analüüsil ja eksperimentidel.For more than 18 years, the Estonian electronic identity card (ID card) has provided a secure electronic identity for Estonian residents. The public-key cryptography and private keys stored on the card enable Estonian ID card holders to access e-services, give legally binding digital signatures and even cast an i-vote in national elections. This work provides a comprehensive study on the Estonian ID card and its security challenges. We introduce the Estonian ID card and its ecosystem by describing the involved parties and processes, the core electronic functionality of the ID card, related technical and legal concepts, and the related issues. We describe the ID card smart card chip platforms used over the years and the identity document types that have been issued using these platforms. We present a detailed analysis of the asymmetric cryptography functionality provided by each ID card platform and present a description and security analysis of the ID card remote update solutions that have been provided for each ID card platform. As yet another contribution of this work, we present a systematic study of security incidents and similar issues the Estonian ID card has experienced over the years. We describe the technical nature of the issue, mitigation measures applied and the reflections on the media. In the course of this research, several previously unknown security issues were discovered and reported to the involved parties. The research has been based on publicly available documentation, collection of ID card certificates in circulation, information reflected in media, information from the involved parties, and our own analysis and experiments performed in the field.https://www.ester.ee/record=b541416