160 research outputs found

    Runtime Scheduling, Allocation, and Execution of Real-Time Hardware Tasks onto Xilinx FPGAs Subject to Fault Occurrence

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    This paper describes a novel way to exploit the computation capabilities delivered by modern Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), not only towards a higher performance, but also towards an improved reliability. Computation-specific pieces of circuitry are dynamically scheduled and allocated to different resources on the chip based on a set of novel algorithms which are described in detail in this article. These algorithms consider most of the technological constraints existing in modern partially reconfigurable FPGAs as well as spontaneously occurring faults and emerging permanent damage in the silicon substrate of the chip. In addition, the algorithms target other important aspects such as communications and synchronization among the different computations that are carried out, either concurrently or at different times. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithms is tested by means of a wide range of synthetic simulations, and, notably, a proof-of-concept implementation of them using real FPGA hardware is outlined

    Software parametrization of feasible reconfigurable real-time systems under energy and dependency constraints

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    Enforcing temporal constraints is necessary to maintain the correctness of a realtime system. However, a real-time system may be enclosed by many factors and constraints that lead to different challenges to overcome. In other words, to achieve the real-time aspects, these systems face various challenges particularly in terms of architecture, reconfiguration property, energy consumption, and dependency constraints. Unfortunately, the characterization of real-time task deadlines is a relatively unexplored problem in the real-time community. Most of the literature seems to consider that the deadlines are somehow provided as hard assumptions, this can generate high costs relative to the development time if these deadlines are violated at runtime. In this context, the main aim of this thesis is to determine the effective temporal properties that will certainly be met at runtime under well-defined constraints. We went to overcome these challenges in a step-wise manner. Each time, we elected a well-defined subset of challenges to be solved. This thesis deals with reconfigurable real-time systems in mono-core and multi-core architectures. First, we propose a new scheduling strategy based on configuring feasible scheduling of software tasks of various types (periodic, sporadic, and aperiodic) and constraints (hard and soft) mono-core architecture. Then, the second contribution deals with reconfigurable real-time systems in mono-core under energy and resource sharing constraints. Finally, the main objective of the multi-core architecture is achieved in a third contribution.Das Erzwingen zeitlicher BeschrĂ€nkungen ist notwendig,um die Korrektheit eines Echtzeitsystems aufrechtzuerhalten. Ein Echtzeitsystem kann jedoch von vielen Faktoren und BeschrĂ€nkungen umgeben sein, die zu unterschiedlichen Herausforderungen fĂŒhren, die es zu bewĂ€ltigen gilt. Mit anderen Worten, um die zeitlichen Aspekte zu erreichen, können diese Systeme verschiedenen Herausforderungen gegenĂŒberstehen, einschliesslich Architektur, Rekonfigurationseigenschaft, Energie und AbhĂ€ngigkeitsbeschrĂ€nkungen. Leider ist die Charakterisierung von Echtzeit-Aufgabenterminen ein relativ unerforschtes Problem in der Echtzeit-Community. Der grösste Teil der Literatur geht davon aus, dass die Fristen (Deadlines) irgendwie als harte Annahmen bereitgestellt werden, was im VerhĂ€ltnis zur Entwicklungszeit hohe Kosten verursachen kann, wenn diese Fristen zur Laufzeit verletzt werden. In diesem Zusammenhang ist das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit, die effektiven zeitlichen Eigenschaften zu bestimmen, die zur Laufzeit unter wohldefinierten Randbedingungen mit Sicherheit erfĂŒllt werden. Wir haben diese Herausforderungen schrittweise gemeistert. Jedes Mal haben wir eine wohldefinierte Teilmenge von Herausforderungen ausgewĂ€hlt, die es zu lösen gilt. ZunĂ€chst schlagen wir eine neue Scheduling-Strategie vor, die auf der Konfiguration eines durchfĂŒhrbaren Scheduling von Software-Tasks verschiedener Typen (periodisch, sporadisch und aperiodisch) und BeschrĂ€nkungen (hart und weich) einer Mono-Core-Architektur basiert. Der zweite Beitrag befasst sich dann mit rekonfigurierbaren Echtzeitsystemen in Mono-Core unter Energie und RessourcenteilungsbeschrĂ€nkungen. Abschliessend wird in einem dritten Beitrag das Verfahren auf Multi-Core-Architekturen erweitert

    Low Power Processor Architectures and Contemporary Techniques for Power Optimization – A Review

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    The technological evolution has increased the number of transistors for a given die area significantly and increased the switching speed from few MHz to GHz range. Such inversely proportional decline in size and boost in performance consequently demands shrinking of supply voltage and effective power dissipation in chips with millions of transistors. This has triggered substantial amount of research in power reduction techniques into almost every aspect of the chip and particularly the processor cores contained in the chip. This paper presents an overview of techniques for achieving the power efficiency mainly at the processor core level but also visits related domains such as buses and memories. There are various processor parameters and features such as supply voltage, clock frequency, cache and pipelining which can be optimized to reduce the power consumption of the processor. This paper discusses various ways in which these parameters can be optimized. Also, emerging power efficient processor architectures are overviewed and research activities are discussed which should help reader identify how these factors in a processor contribute to power consumption. Some of these concepts have been already established whereas others are still active research areas. © 2009 ACADEMY PUBLISHER

    A Survey of Research into Mixed Criticality Systems

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    This survey covers research into mixed criticality systems that has been published since Vestal’s seminal paper in 2007, up until the end of 2016. The survey is organised along the lines of the major research areas within this topic. These include single processor analysis (including fixed priority and EDF scheduling, shared resources and static and synchronous scheduling), multiprocessor analysis, realistic models, and systems issues. The survey also explores the relationship between research into mixed criticality systems and other topics such as hard and soft time constraints, fault tolerant scheduling, hierarchical scheduling, cyber physical systems, probabilistic real-time systems, and industrial safety standards

    Software development of reconfigurable real-time systems : from specification to implementation

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    This thesis deals with reconfigurable real-time systems solving real-time tasks scheduling problems in a mono-core and multi-core architectures. The main focus in this thesis is on providing guidelines, methods, and tools for the synthesis of feasible reconfigurable real-time systems in a mono-processor and multi-processor architectures. The development of these systems faces various challenges particularly in terms of stability, energy consumption, response and blocking time. To address this problem, we propose in this work a new strategy of i) placement and scheduling of tasks to execute real-time applications on mono-core and multi-core architectures, ii) optimization step based on Mixed integer linear programming (MILP), and iii) guidance tool that assists designers to implement a feasible multi-core reconfigurable real-time from specification level to implementation level. We apply and simulate the contribution to a case study, and compare the proposed results with related works in order to show the originality of this methodology.Echtzeitsysteme laufen unter harten Bedingungen an ihre AusfĂŒhrungszeit. Die Einhaltung der Echtzeit-Bedingungen bestimmt die ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit und Genauigkeit dieser Systeme. Neben den Echtzeit-Bedingungen mĂŒssen rekonfigurierbare Echtzeitsysteme zusĂ€tzliche Rekonfigurations-Bedingungen erfĂŒllen. Diese Arbeit beschĂ€ftigt sich mit rekonfigurierbaren Echtzeitsystemen in Mono- und Multicore-Architekturen. An die Entwicklung dieser Systeme sind verschiedene Anforderungen gestellt. Insbesondere muss die Rekonfigurierbarkeit beachtet werden. Dabei sind aber Echtzeit-Bedingungen und RessourcenbeschrĂ€nkungen weiterhin zu beachten. DarĂŒber hinaus werden die Kosten fĂŒr die Entwicklung dieser Systeme insbesondere durch falsche Designentscheidungen in den frĂŒhen Phasen der Entwicklung stark beeintrĂ€chtigt. Das Hauptziel in dieser Arbeit liegt deshalb auf der Bereitstellung von Handlungsempfehlungen, Methoden und Werkzeugen fĂŒr die zielgerichtete Entwicklung von realisierbaren rekonfigurierbaren Echtzeitsystemen in Mono- und Multicore-Architekturen. Um diese Herausforderungen zu adressieren wird eine neue Strategie vorgeschlagen, die 1) die Funktionsallokation, 2) die Platzierung und das Scheduling von Tasks, 3) einen Optimierungsschritt auf der Basis von Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) und 4) eine entscheidungsunterstĂŒtzende Lösung umfasst, die den Designern hilft, eine realisierbare rekonfigurierbare Echtzeitlösung von der Spezifikationsebene bis zur Implementierungsebene zu entwickeln. Die vorgeschlagene Methodik wird auf eine Fallstudie angewendet und mit verwandten Arbeiten vergliche

    A Design That Incorporates Adaptive Reservation into Mixed-Criticality Systems

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    SACR: Scheduling-Aware Cache Reconfiguration for Real-Time Embedded Systems

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    Dynamic reconfiguration techniques are widely used for efficient system optimization. Dynamic cache reconfiguration is a promising approach for reducing energy consumption as well as for improving overall system performance. It is a major challenge to introduce cache reconfiguration into real-time embedded systems since dynamic analysis may adversely affect tasks with real-time constraints. This paper presents a novel approach for implementing cache reconfiguration in soft real-time systems by efficiently leveraging static analysis during execution to both minimize energy and maximize performance. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to integrate dynamic cache reconfiguration in real-time scheduling techniques. Our experimental results using a wide variety of applications have demonstrated that our approach can significantly (up to 74%) reduce the overall energy consumption of the cache hierarchy in soft real-time systems. 1

    Energy harvesting earliest deadline first scheduling algorithm for increasing lifetime of real time systems

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    In this paper, a new approach for energy minimization in energy harvesting real time systems has been investigated. Lifetime of a real time systems is depend upon its battery life.  Energy is a parameter by which the lifetime of system can be enhanced.  To work continuously and successively, energy harvesting is used as a regular source of energy. EDF (Earliest Deadline First) is a traditional real time tasks scheduling algorithm and DVS (Dynamic Voltage Scaling) is used for reducing energy consumption. In this paper, we propose an Energy Harvesting Earliest Deadline First (EH-EDF) scheduling algorithm for increasing lifetime of real time systems using DVS for reducing energy consumption and EDF for tasks scheduling with energy harvesting as regular energy supply. Our experimental results show that the proposed approach perform better to reduce energy consumption and increases the system lifetime as compared with existing approaches.
