1,072 research outputs found

    Density-based Clustering by Means of Bridge Point Identification

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    Density-based clustering focuses on defining clusters consisting of contiguous regions characterized by similar densities of points. Traditional approaches identify core points first, whereas more recent ones initially identify the cluster borders and then propagate cluster labels within the delimited regions. Both strategies encounter issues in presence of multi-density regions or when clusters are characterized by noisy borders. To overcome the above issues, we present a new clustering algorithm that relies on the concept of bridge point. A bridge point is a point whose neighborhood includes points of different clusters. The key idea is to use bridge points, rather than border points, to partition points into clusters. We have proved that a correct bridge point identification yields a cluster separation consistent with the expectation. To correctly identify bridge points in absence of a priori cluster information we leverage an established unsupervised outlier detection algorithm. Specifically, we empirically show that, in most cases, the detected outliers are actually a superset of the bridge point set. Therefore, to define clusters we spread cluster labels like a wildfire until an outlier, acting as a candidate bridge point, is reached. The proposed algorithm performs statistically better than state-of-the-art methods on a large set of benchmark datasets and is particularly robust to the presence of intra-cluster multiple densities and noisy borders

    Analyse et détection des trajectoires d'approches atypiques des aéronefs à l'aide de l'analyse de données fonctionnelles et de l'apprentissage automatique

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    L'amélioration de la sécurité aérienne implique généralement l'identification, la détection et la gestion des événements indésirables qui peuvent conduire à des événements finaux mortels. De précédentes études menées par la DSAC, l'autorité de surveillance française, ont permis d'identifier les approches non-conformes présentant des déviations par rapport aux procédures standards comme des événements indésirables. Cette thèse vise à explorer les techniques de l'analyse de données fonctionnelles et d'apprentissage automatique afin de fournir des algorithmes permettant la détection et l'analyse de trajectoires atypiques en approche à partir de données sol. Quatre axes de recherche sont abordés. Le premier axe vise à développer un algorithme d'analyse post-opérationnel basé sur des techniques d'analyse de données fonctionnelles et d'apprentissage non-supervisé pour la détection de comportements atypiques en approche. Le modèle sera confronté à l'analyse des bureaux de sécurité des vols des compagnies aériennes, et sera appliqué dans le contexte particulier de la période COVID-19 pour illustrer son utilisation potentielle alors que le système global ATM est confronté à une crise. Le deuxième axe de recherche s'intéresse plus particulièrement à la génération et à l'extraction d'informations à partir de données radar à l'aide de nouvelles techniques telles que l'apprentissage automatique. Ces méthodologies permettent d'améliorer la compréhension et l'analyse des trajectoires, par exemple dans le cas de l'estimation des paramètres embarqués à partir des paramètres radar. Le troisième axe, propose de nouvelles techniques de manipulation et de génération de données en utilisant le cadre de l'analyse de données fonctionnelles. Enfin, le quatrième axe se concentre sur l'extension en temps réel de l'algorithme post-opérationnel grâce à l'utilisation de techniques de contrôle optimal, donnant des pistes vers de nouveaux systèmes d'alerte permettant une meilleure conscience de la situation.Improving aviation safety generally involves identifying, detecting and managing undesirable events that can lead to final events with fatalities. Previous studies conducted by the French National Supervisory Authority have led to the identification of non-compliant approaches presenting deviation from standard procedures as undesirable events. This thesis aims to explore functional data analysis and machine learning techniques in order to provide algorithms for the detection and analysis of atypical trajectories in approach from ground side. Four research directions are being investigated. The first axis aims to develop a post-op analysis algorithm based on functional data analysis techniques and unsupervised learning for the detection of atypical behaviours in approach. The model is confronted with the analysis of airline flight safety offices, and is applied in the particular context of the COVID-19 crisis to illustrate its potential use while the global ATM system is facing a standstill. The second axis of research addresses the generation and extraction of information from radar data using new techniques such as Machine Learning. These methodologies allow to \mbox{improve} the understanding and the analysis of trajectories, for example in the case of the estimation of on-board parameters from radar parameters. The third axis proposes novel data manipulation and generation techniques using the functional data analysis framework. Finally, the fourth axis focuses on extending the post-operational algorithm into real time with the use of optimal control techniques, giving directions to new situation awareness alerting systems

    Object Tracking: Appearance Modeling And Feature Learning

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    Object tracking in real scenes is an important problem in computer vision due to increasing usage of tracking systems day in and day out in various applications such as surveillance, security, monitoring and robotic vision. Object tracking is the process of locating objects of interest in every frame of video frames. Many systems have been proposed to address the tracking problem where the major challenges come from handling appearance variation during tracking caused by changing scale, pose, rotation, illumination and occlusion. In this dissertation, we address these challenges by introducing several novel tracking techniques. First, we developed a multiple object tracking system that deals specially with occlusion issues. The system depends on our improved KLT tracker for accurate and robust tracking during partial occlusion. In full occlusion, we applied a Kalman filter to predict the object\u27s new location and connect the trajectory parts. Many tracking methods depend on a rectangle or an ellipse mask to segment and track objects. Typically, using a larger or smaller mask will lead to loss of tracked objects. Second, we present an object tracking system (SegTrack) that deals with partial and full occlusions by employing improved segmentation methods: mixture of Gaussians and a silhouette segmentation algorithm. For re-identification, one or more feature vectors for each tracked object are used after target reappearing. Third, we propose a novel Bayesian Hierarchical Appearance Model (BHAM) for robust object tracking. Our idea is to model the appearance of a target as combination of multiple appearance models, each covering the target appearance changes under a certain situation (e.g. view angle). In addition, we built an object tracking system by integrating BHAM with background subtraction and the KLT tracker for static camera videos. For moving camera videos, we applied BHAM to cluster negative and positive target instances. As tracking accuracy depends mainly on finding good discriminative features to estimate the target location, finally, we propose to learn good features for generic object tracking using online convolutional neural networks (OCNN). In order to learn discriminative and stable features for tracking, we propose a novel object function to train OCNN by penalizing the feature variations in consecutive frames, and the tracker is built by integrating OCNN with a color-based multi-appearance model. Our experimental results on real-world videos show that our tracking systems have superior performance when compared with several state-of-the-art trackers. In the feature, we plan to apply the Bayesian Hierarchical Appearance Model (BHAM) for multiple objects tracking

    Computational Methods for Segmentation of Multi-Modal Multi-Dimensional Cardiac Images

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    Segmentation of the heart structures helps compute the cardiac contractile function quantified via the systolic and diastolic volumes, ejection fraction, and myocardial mass, representing a reliable diagnostic value. Similarly, quantification of the myocardial mechanics throughout the cardiac cycle, analysis of the activation patterns in the heart via electrocardiography (ECG) signals, serve as good cardiac diagnosis indicators. Furthermore, high quality anatomical models of the heart can be used in planning and guidance of minimally invasive interventions under the assistance of image guidance. The most crucial step for the above mentioned applications is to segment the ventricles and myocardium from the acquired cardiac image data. Although the manual delineation of the heart structures is deemed as the gold-standard approach, it requires significant time and effort, and is highly susceptible to inter- and intra-observer variability. These limitations suggest a need for fast, robust, and accurate semi- or fully-automatic segmentation algorithms. However, the complex motion and anatomy of the heart, indistinct borders due to blood flow, the presence of trabeculations, intensity inhomogeneity, and various other imaging artifacts, makes the segmentation task challenging. In this work, we present and evaluate segmentation algorithms for multi-modal, multi-dimensional cardiac image datasets. Firstly, we segment the left ventricle (LV) blood-pool from a tri-plane 2D+time trans-esophageal (TEE) ultrasound acquisition using local phase based filtering and graph-cut technique, propagate the segmentation throughout the cardiac cycle using non-rigid registration-based motion extraction, and reconstruct the 3D LV geometry. Secondly, we segment the LV blood-pool and myocardium from an open-source 4D cardiac cine Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) dataset by incorporating average atlas based shape constraint into the graph-cut framework and iterative segmentation refinement. The developed fast and robust framework is further extended to perform right ventricle (RV) blood-pool segmentation from a different open-source 4D cardiac cine MRI dataset. Next, we employ convolutional neural network based multi-task learning framework to segment the myocardium and regress its area, simultaneously, and show that segmentation based computation of the myocardial area is significantly better than that regressed directly from the network, while also being more interpretable. Finally, we impose a weak shape constraint via multi-task learning framework in a fully convolutional network and show improved segmentation performance for LV, RV and myocardium across healthy and pathological cases, as well as, in the challenging apical and basal slices in two open-source 4D cardiac cine MRI datasets. We demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of the proposed segmentation methods by comparing the obtained results against the provided gold-standard manual segmentations, as well as with other competing segmentation methods

    Anomaly Detection Using Hierarchical Temporal Memory in Smart Homes

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    This work focuses on unsupervised biologically-inspired machine learning techniques and algorithms that can detect anomalies. Specifically, the aim is to investigate the applicability of the Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM) theory in detecting anomalies in the smart home domain. The HTM theory proposes a model for the neurons that is more faithful to the actual neurons than their usual counterparts in Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) based on the current Neuroscience understanding. The HTM theory has several algorithmic implementations, the most prominent one is the Cortical Learning Algorithm (CLA). The CLA model typically consists of three main regions: the encoder, the spatial pooler and the temporal memory. Studying the performance of the CLA in the smart home domain revealed an issue with the standard encoders and high-dimensional datasets. In this domain, it is typical to have high-dimensional feature space representing the collection of smart devices. The standard CLA encoders are more suitable for low-dimensional datasets and there are encoders for categorical and scalar data types. A novel Hash Indexed Sparse Distributed Representation (HI-SDR) encoder was proposed and developed, to overcome the high-dimensionality issue. The HI-SDR encoder creates unique representation of the data which allows the rest of the CLA regions to learn from. The standard approach when creating HTM models to work with datasets with many features is to concatenate the output of each encoder. This work concludes that the standard encoders produced representations for the input during every timestep that were similar and less distinguishable for the HTM model. This output similarity confuses the HTM model and makes it hard to discern meaningful representations. The proposed novel encoder manages to capture the required properties in terms of sparsity and representations. To investigate and validate the performance of a proposed machine learning technique, there has to be a representative dataset. In the smart home literature, there exists many real-world smart home datasets that allow the researchers to validate their models. However, most of the existing datasets are created for classification and recognition of Activities of Daily Living (ADL). The lack of datasets for anomaly detection applications in the domain of smart homes required the development of a simulation tool. OpenSHS (Open Smart Home Simulator) was developed as an open-source, 3D and cross-platform smart home simulator that offers a novel hybrid approach to dataset generation. The tool allows the researchers to design a smart home and populate it with the needed smart devices. Then, the participants can use the designed smart home and simulate their habits and patterns. Anomaly detection in the smart home domain is highly contextual and dependent on the inhabitant’s activities. One inhabitant’s anomaly could be the norm for another, therefore the definition of anomalies is a complex consideration. Using OpenSHS, seven participants were invited to generated forty-two datasets of their activities. Moreover, each participant defined his/her own anomalous pattern that he/she would like the model to detect. Thus, the resulting datasets are annotated with contextual anomalies specific to each participant. The proposed encoder has been evaluated and compared against the standard CLA encoders and several state-of-the-art unsupervised anomaly detection algorithms, using Numenta Anomaly Benchmark (NAB). The HI-SDR encoder scored 81.9% accuracy, on the forty-two datasets, with 17.8% increase in accuracy compared to the k-NN algorithm and 47.5% increase over the standard CLA encoders. Using the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) algorithm as a preprocessing step proved to be beneficial to some of the tested algorithms. The k-NN algorithm scored 39.9% accuracy without PCA and scored 64.1% accuracy with PCA. Similarly, the Histogram Based Outlier Score (HBOS) algorithm scored 28.5% accuracy without PCA and 61.9% with PCA. The HTM-based models empirically showed good potential and exceeded in performance several algorithms, even without the HI-SDR encoder. However, the HTM-based models still lack an optimisation algorithm for its parameters when performing anomaly detection