60 research outputs found

    Search-based software engineering: A search-based approach for testing from extended finite state machine (EFSM) models

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.The extended finite state machine (EFSM) is a powerful modelling approach that has been applied to represent a wide range of systems. Despite its popularity, testing from an EFSM is a substantial problem for two main reasons: path feasibility and path test case generation. The path feasibility problem concerns generating transition paths through an EFSM that are feasible and satisfy a given test criterion. In an EFSM, guards and assignments in a path‟s transitions may cause some selected paths to be infeasible. The problem of path test case generation is to find a sequence of inputs that can exercise the transitions in a given feasible path. However, the transitions‟ guards and assignments in a given path can impose difficulties when producing such data making the range of acceptable inputs narrowed down to a possibly tiny range. While search-based approaches have proven efficient in automating aspects of testing, these have received little attention when testing from EFSMs. This thesis proposes an integrated search-based approach to automatically test from an EFSM. The proposed approach generates paths through an EFSM that are potentially feasible and satisfy a test criterion. Then, it generates test cases that can exercise the generated feasible paths. The approach is evaluated by being used to test from five EFSM cases studies. The achieved experimental results demonstrate the value of the proposed approach.Aleppo University, Syri

    Testes incrementais em um desenvolvimento guiado por testes baseados em modelo

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    Orientador: Eliane MartinsDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: O desenvolvimento de sistemas pode ser realizado seguindo diversos modelos de processo. Os métodos ágeis propõem realizar implementações iterativas e incrementais e testes antecipados, buscando uma validação antecipada do sistema. Algumas técnicas ágeis adicionam a característica de um desenvolvimento de sistema baseado em testes, como as técnicas de Desenvolvimento Baseado em Teste (do inglês Test Driven Development (TDD)) e Desenvolvimento Baseado em Comportamento (do inglês Behaviour Driven Development (BDD)). Recentemente algumas técnicas propõem a união de técnicas ágeis de desenvolvimento baseado em testes com técnicas consolidadas da área de testes, com o objetivo principal de auxiliar na etapa de criação de testes, que serão utilizados para guiar o desenvolvimento do sistema. Um exemplo é a técnica de Desenvolvimento Guiado por Testes Baseados em Modelo (do inglês Model-Based Test Driven Development (MBTDD)) que une os conceitos de Testes Baseados em Modelo (do inglês Model-Based Testing (MBT)) e Desenvolvimento Baseado em Teste (TDD). Portanto em MBTDD, testes são derivados de modelos que representam os comportamentos esperados do sistema, e baseado nesses testes, o desenvolvimento iterativo e incremental ocorre. Entretanto quando lidamos com processos iterativos e incrementais, surgem problemas decorrente da evolução do sistema, como por exemplo: como reutilizar os artefatos de testes, e como selecionar os testes relevantes para a codificação da nova versão do sistema. Nesse contexto, este trabalho explora um processo no qual o desenvolvimento ágil de sistema é guiado por testes baseados em modelos, com o enfoque no auxílio do reúso dos artefatos de testes e no processo de identificação de testes relevantes para o desenvolvimento de uma nova versão do sistema. Para tanto, características do processo de MBTDD são unidas com características de uma técnica que busca o reúso de artefatos de testes baseado em princípios de testes de regressão, denominada Testes de Regressão SPL Baseados em Modelo Delta (do inglês Delta-Oriented Model-Based SPL Regression Testing). Para realizar a avaliação da solução proposta, ela foi aplicada em exemplos existentes e comparada com a abordagem no qual nenhum caso de teste é reutilizadoAbstract: Systems can be developed following different process models. Agile methods propose iterative and incremental implementations and anticipating tests, in order to anticipate system validation. Some agile techniques add the characteristic of development based on tests, like in Test Driven Development (TDD) and Behaviour Driven Development (BDD). Recently some techniques proposed joining the agile techniques of development based on tests with techniques consolidated in the field of testing, with the main purpose of aiding in the test creation stage, which are used to guide the development of the system. An example is Model-Based Test Driven Development (MBTDD) which joins the concepts of Model-Based Testing (MBT) and Test Driven Development (TDD). Therefore in MBTDD, tests are derived from models that represent the expected behaviour of the system, and based on those tests, iterative and incremental development is performed. However, when iterative and incremental processes are used, problems appear as the consequence of the evolution of the system, such as: how to reuse the test artefacts, and how to select the relevant tests for implementing the new version of the system. In this context, this work proposes a process in which the agile development of a system is guided by model based tests, focusing on helping with the reuse of test artefacts and on the process of identifying tests relevant to development. To achieve this goal, MBTDD process characteristics are joined with characteristics from a technique that aims to find reusability of test artefacts based on principles of regression tests, called Delta-Oriented Model-Based SPL Regression Testing. To evaluate the proposed solution, it was applied to existing examples and compared to the approach without any test case reuseMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestra em Ciência da Computação151647/2013-5CNP

    Fail-Safe Test Generation of Safety Critical Systems

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    This dissertation introduces a technique for testing proper failure mitigation in safety critical systems. Unlike other approaches which integrate behavioral and failure models, and then generate tests from the integrated model, we build safety mitigation tests from an existing behavioral test suite, using an explicit mitigation model for which we generate mitigation paths which are then woven at selected failure points into the original test suite to create failure-mitigation tests (safety mitigation test)

    Model-Based Testing of Smart Home Systems Using EFSM, CEFSM, and FSMApp

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    Smart Home Systems (SHS) are some of the most popular Internet of Things (IoT) applications. In 2021, there were 52.22 million smart homes in the United States and they are expected to grow to 77.1 million in 2025 [71]. According to MediaPost [74], 69 percent of American households have at least one smart home device. The number of smart home systems poses a challenge for software testers to find the right approach to test these systems. This dissertation employs Extended Finite State Machines (EFSMs) [6, 24, 105], Communicating Extended Finite State Machines (EFSMs) [68] and FSMApp [10] to generate reusable test-ready models of smart home systems. We present an approach to create reusable test-ready models of smart home systems using EFSMs to model device components (Sensor, Controller and Actuator), EFSMs to model single devices in the SHS and the interaction between the devices. We adopted Al Haddad’s [10] FSMApp approach to model and test the mobile application that controls the SHS. These reusable test-ready models were used to generate tests. This dissertation also addresses evolution in smart home systems. Evolution is classified into three categories: adding a new device, updating an excising device or removing one. A method for selective black-box model-based regression testing for these changes was proposed

    Assuring the model evolution of protocol software specifications by regression testing process improvement

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    A preliminary version of this paper has been presented at the 10th International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC 2010).Model-based testing helps test engineers automate their testing tasks so that they are more cost-effective. When the model is changed because of the evolution of the specification, it is important to maintain the test suites up to date for regression testing. A complete regeneration of the whole test suite from the new model, although inefficient, is still frequently used in the industry, including Microsoft. To handle specification evolution effectively, we propose a test case reusability analysis technique to identify reusable test cases of the original test suite based on graph analysis. We also develop a test suite augmentation technique to generate new test cases to cover the change-related parts of the new model. The experiment on four large protocol document testing projects shows that our technique can successfully identify a high percentage of reusable test cases and generate low-redundancy new test cases. When compared with a complete regeneration of the whole test suite, our technique significantly reduces regression testing time while maintaining the stability of requirement coverage over the evolution of requirements specifications. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    A Review of Software Reliability Testing Techniques

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    In the era of intelligent systems, the safety and reliability of software have received more attention. Software reliability testing is a significant method to ensure reliability, safety and quality of software. The intelligent software technology has not only offered new opportunities but also posed challenges to software reliability technology. The focus of this paper is to explore the software reliability testing technology under the impact of intelligent software technology. In this study, the basic theories of traditional software and intelligent software reliability testing were investigated via related previous works, and a general software reliability testing framework was established. Then, the technologies of software reliability testing were analyzed, including reliability modeling, test case generation, reliability evaluation, testing criteria and testing methods. Finally, the challenges and opportunities of software reliability testing technology were discussed at the end of this paper

    Software Test Case Generation Tools and Techniques: A Review

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    Software Industry is evolving at a very fast pace since last two decades. Many software developments, testing and test case generation approaches have evolved in last two decades to deliver quality products and services. Testing plays a vital role to ensure the quality and reliability of software products. In this paper authors attempted to conduct a systematic study of testing tools and techniques. Six most popular e-resources called IEEE, Springer, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Elsevier, Wiley and Google Scholar to download 738 manuscripts out of which 125 were selected to conduct the study. Out of 125 manuscripts selected, a good number approx. 79% are from reputed journals and around 21% are from good conference of repute. Testing tools discussed in this paper have broadly been divided into five different categories: open source, academic and research, commercial, academic and open source, and commercial & open source. The paper also discusses several benchmarked datasets viz. Evosuite 10, SF100 Corpus, Defects4J repository, Neo4j, JSON, Mocha JS, and Node JS to name a few. Aim of this paper is to make the researchers aware of the various test case generation tools and techniques introduced in the last 11 years with their salient features