6,709 research outputs found

    Energy Technology and Management

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    The civilization of present age is predominantly dependent on energy resources and their utilization. Almost every human activity in today's life needs one or other form of energy. As world's energy resources are not unlimited, it is extremely important to use energy efficiently. Both energy related technological issues and policy and planning paradigms are highly needed to effectively exploit and utilize energy resources. This book covers topics, ranging from technology to policy, relevant to efficient energy utilization. Those academic and practitioners who have background knowledge of energy issues can take benefit from this book

    Integrated Indicators for the Estimation of Vulnerability to Land Degradation

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    In this chapter we approach the assessment of the vulnerability to land degradation of a typical Mediterranean environment using a modified version of the ESA model. This approach combines analyses of the socio-economic component with analyses of the vegetation trends. According to the standard ESA strategy, different indicators representing the impact of agricultural and grazing activities are used. The main feature of these indicators is that they are census-based and consequently suitable only for the analysis at municipal scale. Therefore we have also elaborated a mechanization index (proxy for soil compaction induced by agricultural machineries) that uses land cover and morphological data [36], enabling high spatial resolution and faster rate of update. The indicators related to the anthropic impact are integrated into an overall Land Management Index (LMI) and in each area it is possible to enhance the main contributing factors to highlight the prevailing forces that drive human-induced degradation processes. In order to include vegetation in the vulnerability map we analyze satellite vegetation index NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) which is recognized as ideal tool for monitoring long term trends of degradation phenomena and assessing different values of severity of the concerned processes [37,38]. The final result of our analyses is an integrated vulnerability map of the investigated region, accounting for management and vegetation factors, which allows us to identify priority sites where restoration/rehabilitation interventions are urgent. The adopted procedure can be easily applied to geographic contexts characterized by high complexity in terms of land cover type and economic vocation (intensive agriculture, grazing, industrial activities) thus enabling an early detection of the areas most vulnerable to land degradation

    Machine learning algorithms for monitoring pavement performance

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    ABSTRACT: This work introduces the need to develop competitive, low-cost and applicable technologies to real roads to detect the asphalt condition by means of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms. Specifically, the most recent studies are described according to the data collection methods: images, ground penetrating radar (GPR), laser and optic fiber. The main models that are presented for such state-of-the-art studies are Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, Naïve Bayes, Artificial neural networks or Convolutional Neural Networks. For these analyses, the methodology, type of problem, data source, computational resources, discussion and future research are highlighted. Open data sources, programming frameworks, model comparisons and data collection technologies are illustrated to allow the research community to initiate future investigation. There is indeed research on ML-based pavement evaluation but there is not a widely used applicability by pavement management entities yet, so it is mandatory to work on the refinement of models and data collection methods

    Recent Advances in mmWave-Radar-Based Sensing, Its Applications, and Machine Learning Techniques: A Review

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    Human gesture detection, obstacle detection, collision avoidance, parking aids, automotive driving, medical, meteorological, industrial, agriculture, defense, space, and other relevant fields have all benefited from recent advancements in mmWave radar sensor technology. A mmWave radar has several advantages that set it apart from other types of sensors. A mmWave radar can operate in bright, dazzling, or no-light conditions. A mmWave radar has better antenna miniaturization than other traditional radars, and it has better range resolution. However, as more data sets have been made available, there has been a significant increase in the potential for incorporating radar data into different machine learning methods for various applications. This review focuses on key performance metrics in mmWave-radar-based sensing, detailed applications, and machine learning techniques used with mmWave radar for a variety of tasks. This article starts out with a discussion of the various working bands of mmWave radars, then moves on to various types of mmWave radars and their key specifications, mmWave radar data interpretation, vast applications in various domains, and, in the end, a discussion of machine learning algorithms applied with radar data for various applications. Our review serves as a practical reference for beginners developing mmWave-radar-based applications by utilizing machine learning techniques.publishedVersio

    A cooperative navigation system with distributed architecture for multiple unmanned aerial vehicles

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been widely used in many applications due to, among other features, their versatility, reduced operating cost, and small size. These applications increasingly demand that features related to autonomous navigation be employed, such as mapping. However, the reduced capacity of resources such as, for example, battery and hardware (memory and processing units) can hinder the development of these applications in UAVs. Thus, the collaborative use of multiple UAVs for mapping can be used as an alternative to solve this problem, with a cooperative navigation system. This system requires that individual local maps be transmitted and merged into a global map in a distributed manner. In this scenario, there are two main problems to be addressed: the transmission of maps among the UAVs and the merging of the local maps in each UAV. In this context, this work describes the design, development, and evaluation of a cooperative navigation system with distributed architecture to be used by multiple UAVs. This system uses proposed structures to store the 3D occupancy grid maps. Furthermore, maps are compressed and transmitted between UAVs using algorithms specially proposed for these purposes. Then the local 3D maps are merged in each UAV. In this map merging system, maps are processed before and merged in pairs using suitable algorithms to make them compatible with the 3D occupancy grid map data. In addition, keypoints orientation properties are obtained from potential field gradients. Some proposed filters are used to improve the parameters of the transformations among maps. To validate the proposed solution, simulations were performed in six different environments, outdoors and indoors, and with different layout characteristics. The obtained results demonstrate the effectiveness of thesystemin the construction, sharing, and merging of maps. Still, from the obtained results, the extreme complexity of map merging systems is highlighted.Os veículos aéreos não tripulados (VANTs) têm sidoamplamenteutilizados em muitas aplicações devido, entre outrosrecursos,à sua versatilidade, custo de operação e tamanho reduzidos. Essas aplicações exigem cadavez mais que recursos relacionados à navegaçãoautônoma sejam empregados,como o mapeamento. No entanto, acapacidade reduzida de recursos como, por exemplo, bateria e hardware (memória e capacidade de processamento) podem atrapalhar o desenvolvimento dessas aplicações em VANTs.Assim, o uso colaborativo de múltiplosVANTs para mapeamento pode ser utilizado como uma alternativa para resolvereste problema, criando um sistema de navegaçãocooperativo. Estesistema requer que mapas locais individuais sejam transmitidos efundidos em um mapa global de forma distribuída.Nesse cenário, há doisproblemas principais aserem abordados:a transmissão dosmapas entre os VANTs e afusão dos mapas locais em cada VANT. Nestecontexto, estatese apresentao projeto, desenvolvimento e avaliaçãode um sistema de navegação cooperativo com arquitetura distribuída para ser utilizado pormúltiplos VANTs. Este sistemausa estruturas propostas para armazenaros mapasdegradedeocupação 3D. Além disso, os mapas são compactados e transmitidos entre os VANTs usando os algoritmos propostos. Em seguida, os mapas 3D locais são fundidos em cada VANT. Neste sistemade fusão de mapas, os mapas são processados antes e juntados em pares usando algunsalgoritmos adequados para torná-los compatíveiscom os dados dos mapas da grade de ocupação 3D. Além disso, as propriedadesde orientação dos pontoschave são obtidas a partir de gradientes de campos potenciais. Alguns filtros propostos são utilizadospara melhorar as indicações dos parâmetros dastransformações entre mapas. Paravalidar a aplicação proposta, foram realizadas simulações em seis ambientes distintos, externos e internos, e com características construtivas distintas. Os resultados apresentados demonstram a efetividade do sistema na construção, compartilhamento e fusão dos mapas. Ainda, a partir dos resultados obtidos, destaca-se a extrema complexidade dos sistemas de fusão de mapas

    Spatial temperature profiling by semi-passive RFID loggers for perishable food transportation

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    Perishable food products are at risk of suffering various damages along the cold chain. The parties involved should control and monitor the conditions of goods in order to ensure their quality for consumers and to comply with all legal requirements. Among environmental parameters during transport, temperature is the most important in prolonging the shelf life of the products. Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) is an emergent technology that has proven its suitability for tracking and tracing in logistics. This paper shows how miniaturized RFID temperature loggers can be adapted to analyze the amount of local deviations, detect temperature gradients, and estimate the minimum number of sensors that are necessary for reliable monitoring inside a truck or container. These devices are useful tools for improving the control during the transport chain and detecting weaknesses by identifying specific problem areas where corrective actions are necessitated. In a first step, the RFID tags were tested by studying the temperature distribution in a pallet. Then, 15 shipments from a wholesale company in Germany in compartmented trucks were monitored, covering different temperature range conditions. During transport, several temperature differences were found in the same compartment. Using a factorial Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) the influence of different factors has been studied, such as: the location of the logger, type of truck, and external temperature. The shelf life, or keeping quality model, was applied to the recorded temperature profiles. Suggestions for future research areas are also discussed

    Drones Detection Using Smart Sensors

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    Drones are modern and sophisticated technology that have been used in numerous fields. Nowadays, many countries use them in exploration, reconnaissance operations, and espionage in military operations. Drones also have many uses that are not limited to only daily life. For example, drones are used for home delivery, safety monitoring, and others. However, the use of drones is a double-edged sword. Drones can be used for positive purposes to improve the quality of human lives, but they can also be used for criminal purposes and other detrimental purposes. In fact, many countries have been attacked by terrorists using smart drones. Hence, drone detection is an active area of research and it receives the attention of many scholars. Advanced drones are, many times, difficult to detect, and hence they, sometimes, can be life threatening. Currently, most detection methods are based on video, sound, radar, temperature, radio frequency (RF), or Wi-Fi techniques. However, each detection method has several flaws that make them imperfect choices for drone detection in sensitive areas. Our aim is to overcome the challenges that most existing drone detection techniques face. In this thesis, we propose two modeling techniques and compare them to produce an efficient system for drone detection. Specifically, we compare the two proposed models by investigating the risk assessments and the probability of success for each model

    Identifying Advantages and Disadvantages of Variable Rate Irrigation – An Updated Review

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    Variable rate irrigation (VRI) sprinklers on mechanical move irrigation systems (center pivot or lateral move) have been commercially available since 2004. Although the number of VRI, zone or individual sprinkler, systems adopted to date is lower than expected there is a continued interest to harness this technology, especially when climate variability, regulatory nutrient management, water conservation policies, and declining water for agriculture compound the challenges involved for irrigated crop production. This article reviews the potential advantages and potential disadvantages of VRI technology for moving sprinklers, provides updated examples on such aspects, suggests a protocol for designing and implementing VRI technology and reports on the recent advancements. The advantages of VRI technology are demonstrated in the areas of agronomic improvement, greater economic returns, environmental protection and risk management, while the main drawbacks to VRI technology include the complexity to successfully implement the technology and the lack of evidence that it assures better performance in net profit or water savings. Although advances have been made in VRI technologies, its penetration into the market will continue to depend on tangible and perceived benefits by producers