37 research outputs found

    Autonomous Assessment of Videogame Difficulty Using Physiological Signals

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    Given the well-explored relation between challenge and involvement in a task, (e.g., as described in Csikszentmihalyi’s theory of flow), it could be argued that the presence of challenge in videogames is a core element that shapes player experiences and should, therefore, be matched to the player’s skills and attitude towards the game. However, handling videogame difficulty, is a challenging problem in game design, as too easy a task can lead to boredom and too hard can lead to frustration. Thus, by exploring the relationship between difficulty and emotion, the current work intends to propose an artificial intelligence model that autonomously predicts difficulty according to the set of emotions elicited in the player. To test the validity of this approach, we developed a simple puzzle-based Virtual Reality (VR) videogame, based on the Trail Making Test (TMT), and whose objective was to elicit different emotions according to three levels of difficulty. A study was carried out in which physiological responses as well as player self- reports were collected during gameplay. Statistical analysis of the self-reports showed that different levels of experience with either VR or videogames didn’t have a measurable impact on how players performed during the three levels. Additionally, the self-assessed emotional ratings indicated that playing the game at different difficulty levels gave rise to different emotional states. Next, classification using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) was performed to verify if it was possible to detect difficulty considering the physiological responses associated with the elicited emotions. Results report an overall F1-score of 68% in detecting the three levels of difficulty, which verifies the effectiveness of the adopted methodology and encourages further research with a larger dataset.Dada a relação bem explorada entre desafio e envolvimento numa tarefa (p. ex., con- forme descrito na teoria do fluxo de Csikszentmihalyi), pode-se argumentar que a pre- sença de desafio em videojogos é um elemento central que molda a experiência do jogador e deve, portanto, ser compatível com as habilidades e a atitude que jogador exibe perante o jogo. No entanto, saber como lidar com a dificuldade de um videojogo é um problema desafiante no design de jogos, pois uma tarefa muito fácil pode gerar tédio e muito di- fícil pode levar à frustração. Assim, ao explorar a relação entre dificuldade e emoção, o presente trabalho pretende propor um modelo de inteligência artificial que preveja de forma autônoma a dificuldade de acordo com o conjunto de emoções elicitadas no jogador. Para testar a validade desta abordagem, desenvolveu-se um jogo de puzzle em Realidade Virtual (RV), baseado no Trail Making Test (TMT), e cujo objetivo era elicitar diferentes emoções tendo em conta três níveis de dificuldade. Foi realizado um estudo no qual se recolheram as respostas fisiológicas, juntamente com os autorrelatos dos jogado- res, durante o jogo. A análise estatística dos autorelatos mostrou que diferentes níveis de experiência com RV ou videojogos não tiveram um impacto mensurável no desempenho dos jogadores durante os três níveis. Além disso, as respostas emocionais auto-avaliadas indicaram que jogar o jogo em diferentes níveis de dificuldade deu origem a diferentes estados emocionais. Em seguida, foi realizada a classificação por intermédio de uma Má- quina de Vetores de Suporte (SVM) para verificar se era possível detectar dificuldade, considerando as respostas fisiológicas associadas às emoções elicitadas. Os resultados re- latam um F1-score geral de 68% na detecção dos três níveis de dificuldade, o que verifica a eficácia da metodologia adotada e incentiva novas pesquisas com um conjunto de dados maior

    Proposal of an adaptive infotainment system depending on driving scenario complexity

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    The PhD research project is framed within the plan of industrial doctorates of the “Generalitat de Catalunya”. During the investigation, most of the work was carried out at the facilities of the vehicle manufacturer SEAT, specifically at the information and entertainment (infotainment) department. In the same way, there was a continuous cooperation with the telematics department of the UPC. The main objective of the project consisted in the design and validation of an adaptive infotainment system dependent on the driving complexity. The system was created with the purpose of increasing driver’ experience while guaranteeing a proper level of road safety. Given the increasing number of application and services available in current infotainment systems, it becomes necessary to devise a system capable of balancing these two counterparts. The most relevant parameters that can be used for balancing these metrics while driving are: type of services offered, interfaces available for interacting with the services, the complexity of driving and the profile of the driver. The present study can be divided into two main development phases, each phase had as outcome a real physical block that came to be part of the final system. The final system was integrated in a vehicle and validated in real driving conditions. The first phase consisted in the creation of a model capable of estimating the driving complexity based on a set of variables related to driving. The model was built by employing machine learning methods and the dataset necessary to create it was collected from several driving routes carried out by different participants. This phase allowed to create a model capable of estimating, with a satisfactory accuracy, the complexity of the road using easily extractable variables in any modern vehicle. This approach simplify the implementation of this algorithm in current vehicles. The second phase consisted in the classification of a set of principles that allow the design of the adaptive infotainment system based on the complexity of the road. These principles are defined based on previous researches undertaken in the field of usability and user experience of graphical interfaces. According to these of principles, a real adaptive infotainment system with the most commonly used functionalities; navigation, radio and media was designed and integrated in a real vehicle. The developed system was able to adapt the presentation of the content according to the estimation of the driving complexity given by the block developed in phase one. The adaptive system was validated in real driving scenarios by several participants and results showed a high level of acceptance and satisfaction towards this adaptive infotainment. As a starting point for future research, a proof of concept was carried out to integrate new interfaces into a vehicle. The interface used as reference was a Head Mounted screen that offered redundant information in relation to the instrument cluster. Tests with participants served to understand how users perceive the introduction of new technologies and how objective benefits could be blurred by initial biases.El proyecto de investigación de doctorado se enmarca dentro del plan de doctorados industriales de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Durante la investigación, la mayor parte del trabajo se llevó a cabo en las instalaciones del fabricante de vehículos SEAT, específicamente en el departamento de información y entretenimiento (infotainment). Del mismo modo, hubo una cooperación continua con el departamento de telemática de la UPC. El objetivo principal del proyecto consistió en el diseño y la validación de un sistema de información y entretenimiento adaptativo que se ajustaba de acuerdo a la complejidad de la conducción. El sistema fue creado con el propósito de aumentar la experiencia del conductor y garantizar un nivel adecuado en la seguridad vial. El proyecto surge dado el número creciente de aplicaciones y servicios disponibles en los sistemas actuales de información y entretenimiento; es por ello que se hace necesario contar con un sistema capaz de equilibrar estas dos contrapartes. Los parámetros más relevantes que se pueden usar para equilibrar estas métricas durante la conducción son: el tipo de servicios ofrecidos, las interfaces disponibles para interactuar con los servicios, la complejidad de la conducción y el perfil del conductor. El presente estudio se puede dividir en dos fases principales de desarrollo, cada fase tuvo como resultado un componente que se convirtió en parte del sistema final. El sistema final fue integrado en un vehículo y validado en condiciones reales de conducción. La primera fase consistió en la creación de un modelo capaz de estimar la complejidad de la conducción en base a un conjunto de variables relacionadas con la conducción. El modelo se construyó empleando "Machine Learning Methods" y el conjunto de datos necesario para crearlo se recopiló a partir de varias rutas de conducción realizadas por diferentes participantes. Esta fase permitió crear un modelo capaz de estimar, con una precisión satisfactoria, la complejidad de la carretera utilizando variables fácilmente extraíbles en cualquier vehículo moderno. Este enfoque simplifica la implementación de este algoritmo en los vehículos actuales. La segunda fase consistió en la clasificación de un conjunto de principios que permiten el diseño del sistema de información y entretenimiento adaptativo basado en la complejidad de la carretera. Estos principios se definen en base a investigaciones anteriores realizadas en el campo de usabilidad y experiencia del usuario con interfaces gráficas. De acuerdo con estos principios, un sistema de entretenimiento y entretenimiento real integrando las funcionalidades más utilizadas; navegación, radio y audio fue diseñado e integrado en un vehículo real. El sistema desarrollado pudo adaptar la presentación del contenido según la estimación de la complejidad de conducción dada por el bloque desarrollado en la primera fase. El sistema adaptativo fue validado en escenarios de conducción reales por varios participantes y los resultados mostraron un alto nivel de aceptación y satisfacción hacia este entretenimiento informativo adaptativo. Como punto de partida para futuras investigaciones, se llevó a cabo una prueba de concepto para integrar nuevas interfaces en un vehículo. La interfaz utilizada como referencia era una pantalla a la altura de los ojos (Head Mounted Display) que ofrecía información redundante en relación con el grupo de instrumentos. Las pruebas con los participantes sirvieron para comprender cómo perciben los usuarios la introducción de nuevas tecnologías y cómo los sesgos iniciales podrían difuminar los beneficios

    Machine Learning for Mental Health Detection

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    Our project goal was to develop a depression sensing application that leverages multi-modal data sources collected from a smartphone, focusing on features extracted from audio, text messages, social media data, as well as GPS modalities. We conducted extensive experiments to study the effectiveness of these features to improve our machine learning model. We deployed our EMU app on Amazon Mechanical Turk for crowd-sourced data collection and incorporated feature extraction techniques and machine learning algorithms to reliably predict levels of depression

    Expert System Applications in Sheet Metal Forming

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