3,332 research outputs found

    Modeling the Structure and Complexity of Engineering Routine Design Problems

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    This paper proposes a model to structure routine design problems as well as a model of its design complexity. The idea is that having a proper model of the structure of such problems enables understanding its complexity, and likewise, a proper understanding of its complexity enables the development of systematic approaches to solve them. The end goal is to develop computer systems capable of taking over routine design tasks based on generic and systematic solving approaches. It is proposed to structure routine design in three main states: problem class, problem instance, and problem solution. Design complexity is related to the degree of uncertainty in knowing how to move a design problem from one state to another. Axiomatic Design Theory is used as reference for understanding complexity in routine design

    A Framework for the Application of Robust Design Methods and Tools

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    Robust Design Methods (RDM) have become a powerful concept to design more reliable products. However, even though there are many tools available and have been discussed widely in academia, there is still confusion and doubts in the industry about the use and effectiveness of these methods. Mostly the problems experienced in industry are related to a poor application or knowledge of the methods by the companies (Hasenkamp, et Al, 2007). Based on the authorsïżœ experiences in working in development engineering, it has shown that also the phase of application of the specific tools and methods and what those can deliver are not always clear. Expectations to the output are sometimes misleading and imply the incorrect utilization of tools. A categorization of tools, methods and techniques typically associated with robust design methodology in the literature is provided in this paper in terms of purpose and deliverables of the individual tool or method. The majority of tools aims for optimizing an existing design solution or give an indication of how robust a design is, which requires a somewhat settled design. Furthermore, the categorization presented in this paper shows a lack in the methodology for tools in the area of robustness prediction in early design. This categorization clarifies the underlying premises and deliverables of RDM tools for professionals working with design processes and can serve as guidance for an organization how to structure its development process and how to make most efficient use of the existing tools. When to apply, what tool or method, for which purpose can be concluded. The paper also contributes with a framework for researchers to derive a generic landscape or database for RDM build upon the main premises and deliverables of each method

    Application of TRIZ to develop an in-service diagnostic system for a synchronous belt transmission for automotive application

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    Development of robust diagnostic solutions to monitor the health of systems and components to ensure through life cost effectiveness is often technically difficult, requiring an effective integration of design development with research and innovation. This paper presents a structured application of TRIZ and USIT (Unified Structured Inventive Thinking) to generate concept solutions for an in-service diagnostic system for a synchronous belt drive system for an automotive application. The systematic exploration through TRIZ and USIT methods has led to the development of six concept solution ideas directed at the functional requirement to determine the state or condition of the belt. The paper demonstrates that the combined deployment of TRIZ and USIT frameworks is a valuable approach addressing difficult design problem

    Applications of Axiomatic Design in academic publications 2013-2018 : A Systematic Literature Review

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    Aksiomaattinen suunnitteluteoria on ollut kasvavan kiinnostuksen kohteena tiedeyhteisössĂ€ siitĂ€ lĂ€htien, kun Nam P. Suh esitteli teorian 1990-luvulla. SiitĂ€ huolimatta, ettĂ€ aiheesta on tehty runsaasti aktiivista tutkimusta (muun muassa vuotuinen aksiomaattiseen suunnitteluteoriaan keskittynyt konferenssi), kattavia kirjallisuuskatsauksia on kirjoitettu vĂ€hĂ€n. TĂ€mĂ€ tutkimus pyrkii osaltaan tĂ€yttĂ€mÀÀn edellĂ€kuvattua aukkoa aksiomaattisen suunnitteluteorian tutkimuskentĂ€llĂ€, keskittyen julkaisuihin vuodesta 2013 vuoteen 2018. Tutkimus on kirjoitettu jatkumoksi vuonna 2010 tutkijoiden Kulak, Cebi & Kahmaran (2010) julkaisemalle kirjallisuuskatsakuselle. TĂ€mĂ€n vuoksi samankaltainen kategorisointi on implementoitu tĂ€hĂ€n tutkimukseen. Kategorisoinnin perusteina ovat kĂ€ytetty aksiooma, sovellutusalue, metodologia ja mÀÀrittelytyyppi. Sovellutusalueisiin on tĂ€ssĂ€ tutkimuksessa lisĂ€tty ’palvelut’ omana, uutena kategorianaan. TyössĂ€ esitellÀÀn lyhyesti aksiomaattinen suunnitteluteoria ja sen keskeiset osa- alueet, tĂ€rkeimpinĂ€ sunnnittelualueet, suunnitteluprosessi ja suunnitteluaksioomat. Metodologia-osiossa taustoitetaan systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen soveltamista tĂ€hĂ€n tutkimukseen ja kuvataan prosessin toteutus PRISMA-mallia kĂ€yttĂ€en. Tutkimustulokset kĂ€ydÀÀn lyhyesti lĂ€pi esimerkein kustakin kategoriasta. Tutkimusaineisto esitetÀÀn sekĂ€ lukuina, liitteenĂ€ ettĂ€ graaffeina. NĂ€itĂ€ kirjallisuuskatsauksen tutkimustuloksia verrataan varhemman tutkimuksen vastaaviin. Sovelletun aksiooman suhteen merkittĂ€viĂ€ muutoksia ei ole havaittavissa tĂ€mĂ€n tutkimuksen perusteella aikaisempaan kirjallisuuskatsaukseen verrattuna. Sovellutusaluessa, sitĂ€ vastoin, systeemisuunnittelun osuus on kasvanut merkittĂ€vĂ€sti edelliseen tutkimukseen verrattuna, kun taas ohjelmistosuunnittelun osuus on vastaavasti pienentynyt. Palvelusuunnittelun osuus on verrattain vaatimaton, joskin suurempi kuin esimerkiksi ohjelmistosuunnittelun. TĂ€mĂ€n tutkimuksen perusteella suositellaan jatkotutkimuksia erityisesti aksiomaattisen suunitteluteorian sovellutuksista ohjelmisto- ja palvelusuunnitteluihin sekĂ€ mahdollisista syistĂ€, miksi mainittujen sovellutusaljen osuus tutkimuskentĂ€ssĂ€ on pienehkö.Axiomatic Design theory has been gaining growing interest within a design community since introduced by Nam P. Suh in 1990s. Despite an active research within the field, including yearly international conferences of Axiomatic Design, there is not many literature reviews made of academic publications of Axiomatic Design. This research aims to fulfil previously described gap on secondary research of Axiomatic Design, focusing on papers published between 2013 and 2018. The study is a continuum to previous paper published by Kulak, Cebi & Kahmaran (2010). Therefore, similar categorization based on applied axiom, application area, methodology and evaluation type is applied in this research. In application area, ‘services’ have been added as a new category for this research. Results are compared with previous study. In findings, no siginificant change has happened in applied axiom, Independece axiom still being clearly more popular within academic publications. In application area, however, there are noticeable changes compared to the previous study. Share of system design has increased while softare design has significantly decreased. Future research is recommended to further explore specifically applications of Axiomatic Design in software and in services

    Optimizing a Production System for the Refurbishment of Disk Drives

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    The goal of this MQP was to assist CNE Direct in their aim of increasing their monthly throughput. We conducted background research on the company’s current system, studied multiple process optimization options, and recommended ones we believed fit the company’s needs. The methods used were an axiomatic design decomposition, value stream mapping, schedule optimization, and process modeling. Our results included the detection of couplings in the production process, incompatibility of one-piece flow with the existing batch scheduling system, and finally, validation of CNE Direct’s current process model. Our ultimate conclusion is that the most effective way for CNE Direct to increase throughput is to add capacity to their existing system

    The development of product design guidelines based on a new conceptual framework

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    The work described provides the development, implementation and evaluation of engineering product design guidelines suitable for engineering product designers. The motivation arises from collaborative efforts that continue to be made by the Least Economically Developed Countries (LDC) and the Most Economically Developed Countries (MDC) towards the development of the engineering design field. It is argued here that product design guidelines which are derived from existing product design methods enhance the capability of engineering designers to shorten time to market, deal adequately with product design constraints and boost supply chains. The sample for the proposed study is comprised of companies in Botswana (a least economically developed country) and the United Kingdom (a most economically developed country). The research has been conducted using a mixed qualitative research approach comprised of aspects from the framework method, cluster analysis and Kolb's model. The findings have identified five themes central to the product design process which are incorporated into the engineering product design guidelines. Case study work was conducted to validate the approach. The following claims are made for contributions to knowledge: 1. A conceptual framework which is a graphical co-ordinate system of engineering and management techniques required by nine engineering product design methods. The conceptual framework is arranged according to two orthogonal axes that describe the structure of the product design process and incorporate the need function form structure, the divergent convergent structure, the product design drivers, product realisation process and product development lifecycles. 2. The product design method notation which is a register of the expressions derived from the conceptual framework and is used to communicate and aid in the selection of a group of techniques being implemented, or intended for implementation by design teams; and 3. The configuration scheme which provides a clear link between components, subassemblies, products, projects, programmes and policies. The critical point put forward by this work is that the conceptual framework is only comprehensible today because the engineering product design methods in the public domain have imparted knowledge about the functions of physical products (described here as part of the need function form structure) at the expense of human needs and the interactive forms of human responses to physical products. The contributions of this research provide a holistic and coherent means of integrating design methodologies for the benefit of design teams in Botswana. The approach is, however, universal and may also be beneficial for design projects in the most economically developed countries
