997 research outputs found

    Novel geometric features for off-line writer identification

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    Writer identification is an important field in forensic document examination. Typically, a writer identification system consists of two main steps: feature extraction and matching and the performance depends significantly on the feature extraction step. In this paper, we propose a set of novel geometrical features that are able to characterize different writers. These features include direction, curvature, and tortuosity. We also propose an improvement of the edge-based directional and chain code-based features. The proposed methods are applicable to Arabic and English handwriting. We have also studied several methods for computing the distance between feature vectors when comparing two writers. Evaluation of the methods is performed using both the IAM handwriting database and the QUWI database for each individual feature reaching Top1 identification rates of 82 and 87 % in those two datasets, respectively. The accuracies achieved by Kernel Discriminant Analysis (KDA) are significantly higher than those observed before feature-level writer identification was implemented. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the improved versions of both chain-code features and edge-based directional features

    Learning-Based Arabic Word Spotting Using a Hierarchical Classifier

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    The effective retrieval of information from scanned and written documents is becoming essential with the increasing amounts of digitized documents, and therefore developing efficient means of analyzing and recognizing these documents is of significant interest. Among these methods is word spotting, which has recently become an active research area. Such systems have been implemented for Latin-based and Chinese languages, while few of them have been implemented for Arabic handwriting. The fact that Arabic writing is cursive by nature and unconstrained, with no clear white space between words, makes the processing of Arabic handwritten documents a more challenging problem. In this thesis, the design and implementation of a learning-based Arabic handwritten word spotting system is presented. This incorporates the aspects of text line extraction, handwritten word recognition, partial segmentation of words, word spotting and finally validation of the spotted words. The Arabic text line is more unconstrained than that of other scripts, essentially since it also includes small connected components such as dots and diacritics that are usually located between lines. Thus, a robust method to extract text lines that takes into consideration the challenges in the Arabic handwriting is proposed. The method is evaluated on two Arabic handwritten documents databases, and the results are compared with those of two other methods for text line extraction. The results show that the proposed method is effective, and compares favorably with the other methods. Word spotting is an automatic process to search for words within a document. Applying this process to handwritten Arabic documents is challenging due to the absence of a clear space between handwritten words. To address this problem, an effective learning-based method for Arabic handwritten word spotting is proposed and presented in this thesis. For this process, sub-words or pieces of Arabic words form the basic components of the search process, and a hierarchical classifier is implemented to integrate statistical language models with the segmentation of an Arabic text line into sub-words. The holistic and analytical paradigms (for word recognition and spotting) are studied, and verification models based on combining these two paradigms have been proposed and implemented to refine the outcomes of the analytical classifier that spots words. Finally, a series of evaluation and testing experiments have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed systems, and these show that promising results have been obtained

    Reconnaissance de l'écriture manuscrite en-ligne par approche combinant systèmes à vastes marges et modèles de Markov cachés

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    Handwriting recognition is one of the leading applications of pattern recognition and machine learning. Despite having some limitations, handwriting recognition systems have been used as an input method of many electronic devices and helps in the automation of many manual tasks requiring processing of handwriting images. In general, a handwriting recognition system comprises three functional components; preprocessing, recognition and post-processing. There have been improvements made within each component in the system. However, to further open the avenues of expanding its applications, specific improvements need to be made in the recognition capability of the system. Hidden Markov Model (HMM) has been the dominant methods of recognition in handwriting recognition in offline and online systems. However, the use of Gaussian observation densities in HMM and representational model for word modeling often does not lead to good classification. Hybrid of Neural Network (NN) and HMM later improves word recognition by taking advantage of NN discriminative property and HMM representational capability. However, the use of NN does not optimize recognition capability as the use of Empirical Risk minimization (ERM) principle in its training leads to poor generalization. In this thesis, we focus on improving the recognition capability of a cursive online handwritten word recognition system by using an emerging method in machine learning, the support vector machine (SVM). We first evaluated SVM in isolated character recognition environment using IRONOFF and UNIPEN character databases. SVM, by its use of principle of structural risk minimization (SRM) have allowed simultaneous optimization of representational and discriminative capability of the character recognizer. We finally demonstrate the various practical issues in using SVM within a hybrid setting with HMM. In addition, we tested the hybrid system on the IRONOFF word database and obtained favourable results.Nos travaux concernent la reconnaissance de l'écriture manuscrite qui est l'un des domaines de prédilection pour la reconnaissance des formes et les algorithmes d'apprentissage. Dans le domaine de l'écriture en-ligne, les applications concernent tous les dispositifs de saisie permettant à un usager de communiquer de façon transparente avec les systèmes d'information. Dans ce cadre, nos travaux apportent une contribution pour proposer une nouvelle architecture de reconnaissance de mots manuscrits sans contrainte de style. Celle-ci se situe dans la famille des approches hybrides locale/globale où le paradigme de la segmentation/reconnaissance va se trouver résolu par la complémentarité d'un système de reconnaissance de type discriminant agissant au niveau caractère et d'un système par approche modèle pour superviser le niveau global. Nos choix se sont portés sur des Séparateurs à Vastes Marges (SVM) pour le classifieur de caractères et sur des algorithmes de programmation dynamique, issus d'une modélisation par Modèles de Markov Cachés (HMM). Cette combinaison SVM/HMM est unique dans le domaine de la reconnaissance de l'écriture manuscrite. Des expérimentations ont été menées, d'abord dans un cadre de reconnaissance de caractères isolés puis sur la base IRONOFF de mots cursifs. Elles ont montré la supériorité des approches SVM par rapport aux solutions à bases de réseaux de neurones à convolutions (Time Delay Neural Network) que nous avions développées précédemment, et leur bon comportement en situation de reconnaissance de mots

    Off-line Thai handwriting recognition in legal amount

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    Thai handwriting in legal amounts is a challenging problem and a new field in the area of handwriting recognition research. The focus of this thesis is to implement Thai handwriting recognition system. A preliminary data set of Thai handwriting in legal amounts is designed. The samples in the data set are characters and words of the Thai legal amounts and a set of legal amounts phrases collected from a number of native Thai volunteers. At the preprocessing and recognition process, techniques are introduced to improve the characters recognition rates. The characters are divided into two smaller subgroups by their writing levels named body and high groups. The recognition rates of both groups are increased based on their distinguished features. The writing level separation algorithms are implemented using the size and position of characters. Empirical experiments are set to test the best combination of the feature to increase the recognition rates. Traditional recognition systems are modified to give the accumulative top-3 ranked answers to cover the possible character classes. At the postprocessing process level, the lexicon matching algorithms are implemented to match the ranked characters with the legal amount words. These matched words are joined together to form possible choices of amounts. These amounts will have their syntax checked in the last stage. Several syntax violations are caused by consequence faulty character segmentation and recognition resulting from connecting or broken characters. The anomaly in handwriting caused by these characters are mainly detected by their size and shape. During the recovery process, the possible word boundary patterns can be pre-defined and used to segment the hypothesis words. These words are identified by the word recognition and the results are joined with previously matched words to form the full amounts and checked by the syntax rules again. From 154 amounts written by 10 writers, the rejection rate is 14.9 percent with the recovery processes. The recognition rate for the accepted amount is 100 percent

    Novel geometric features for off-line writer identification

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    Writer identification is an important field in forensic document examination. Typically, a writer identification system consists of two main steps: feature extraction and matching and the performance depends significantly on the feature extraction step. In this paper, we propose a set of novel geometrical features that are able to characterize different writers. These features include direction, curvature, and tortuosity. We also propose an improvement of the edge-based directional and chain code-based features. The proposed methods are applicable to Arabic and English handwriting. We have also studied several methods for computing the distance between feature vectors when comparing two writers. Evaluation of the methods is performed using both the IAM handwriting database and the QUWI database for each individual feature reaching Top1 identification rates of 82 and 87 % in those two datasets, respectively. The accuracies achieved by Kernel Discriminant Analysis (KDA) are significantly higher than those observed before feature-level writer identification was implemented. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the improved versions of both chain-code features and edge-based directional features.Qatar National Research Fund through the National Priority Research Program (NPRP) No. 09-864-1-128Scopu

    Recognition of handwritten Arabic characters

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    The subject of handwritten character recognition has been receiving considerable attention in recent years due to the increased dependence on computers. Several methods for recognizing Latin, Chinese as well as Kanji characters have been proposed. However, work on recognition of Arabic characters has been relatively sparse. Techniques developed for recognizing characters in other languages can not be used for Arabic since the nature of Arabic characters is different. The shape of a character is a function of its location within a word where each character can have two to four different forms. Most of the techniques proposed to date for recognizing Arabic characters have relied on structural and topographic approaches. This thesis introduces a decision-theoretic approach to solve the problem. The proposed method involves, as a first step, digitization of the segmented character. The secondary part of the character (dots and zigzags) are then isolated and identified separately thereby reducing the recognition issue to a 20 class problem or less for each of the character forms. The moments of the horizontal and vertical projections of the remaining primary characters are calculated and normalized with respect to the zero order moment. Simple measures of shape are obtained from the normalized moments and incorporated into a feature vector. Classification is accomplished using quadratic discriminant functions. The approach was evaluated using isolated, handwritten characters from a data base established for this purpose. The classification rates varied from 97.5% to 100% depending on the form of the characters. These results indicate that the technique offers significantly better classification rates in comparison with existing methods

    A Computational Theory of Contextual Knowledge in Machine Reading

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    Machine recognition of off–line handwriting can be achieved by either recognising words as individual symbols (word level recognition) or by segmenting a word into parts, usually letters, and classifying those parts (letter level recognition). Whichever method is used, current handwriting recognition systems cannot overcome the inherent ambiguity in writingwithout recourse to contextual information. This thesis presents a set of experiments that use Hidden Markov Models of language to resolve ambiguity in the classification process. It goes on to describe an algorithm designed to recognise a document written by a single–author and to improve recognition by adaptingto the writing style and learning new words. Learning and adaptation is achieved by reading the document over several iterations. The algorithm is designed to incorporate contextual processing, adaptation to modify the shape of known words and learning of new words within a constrained dictionary. Adaptation occurs when a word that has previously been trained in the classifier is recognised at either the word or letter level and the word image is used to modify the classifier. Learning occurs when a new word that has not been in the training set is recognised at the letter level and is subsequently added to the classifier. Words and letters are recognised using a nearest neighbour classifier and used features based on the two–dimensional Fourier transform. By incorporating a measure of confidence based on the distribution of training points around an exemplar, adaptation and learning is constrained to only occur when a word is confidently classified. The algorithm was implemented and tested with a dictionary of 1000 words. Results show that adaptation of the letter classifier improved recognition on average by 3.9% with only 1.6% at the whole word level. Two experiments were carried out to evaluate the learning in the system. It was found that learning accounted for little improvement in the classification results and also that learning new words was prone to misclassifications being propagated

    Parametric classification in domains of characters, numerals, punctuation, typefaces and image qualities

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    This thesis contributes to the Optical Font Recognition problem (OFR), by developing a classifier system to differentiate ten typefaces using a single English character ‘e’. First, features which need to be used in the classifier system are carefully selected after a thorough typographical study of global font features and previous related experiments. These features have been modeled by multivariate normal laws in order to use parameter estimation in learning. Then, the classifier system is built up on six independent schemes, each performing typeface classification using a different method. The results have shown a remarkable performance in the field of font recognition. Finally, the classifiers have been implemented on Lowercase characters, Uppercase characters, Digits, Punctuation and also on Degraded Images

    Advances in Character Recognition

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    This book presents advances in character recognition, and it consists of 12 chapters that cover wide range of topics on different aspects of character recognition. Hopefully, this book will serve as a reference source for academic research, for professionals working in the character recognition field and for all interested in the subject