1,057 research outputs found

    An Analysis of the Value of Information when Exploring Stochastic, Discrete Multi-Armed Bandits

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    In this paper, we propose an information-theoretic exploration strategy for stochastic, discrete multi-armed bandits that achieves optimal regret. Our strategy is based on the value of information criterion. This criterion measures the trade-off between policy information and obtainable rewards. High amounts of policy information are associated with exploration-dominant searches of the space and yield high rewards. Low amounts of policy information favor the exploitation of existing knowledge. Information, in this criterion, is quantified by a parameter that can be varied during search. We demonstrate that a simulated-annealing-like update of this parameter, with a sufficiently fast cooling schedule, leads to an optimal regret that is logarithmic with respect to the number of episodes.Comment: Entrop

    Lipschitz Bandits: Regret Lower Bounds and Optimal Algorithms

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    We consider stochastic multi-armed bandit problems where the expected reward is a Lipschitz function of the arm, and where the set of arms is either discrete or continuous. For discrete Lipschitz bandits, we derive asymptotic problem specific lower bounds for the regret satisfied by any algorithm, and propose OSLB and CKL-UCB, two algorithms that efficiently exploit the Lipschitz structure of the problem. In fact, we prove that OSLB is asymptotically optimal, as its asymptotic regret matches the lower bound. The regret analysis of our algorithms relies on a new concentration inequality for weighted sums of KL divergences between the empirical distributions of rewards and their true distributions. For continuous Lipschitz bandits, we propose to first discretize the action space, and then apply OSLB or CKL-UCB, algorithms that provably exploit the structure efficiently. This approach is shown, through numerical experiments, to significantly outperform existing algorithms that directly deal with the continuous set of arms. Finally the results and algorithms are extended to contextual bandits with similarities.Comment: COLT 201
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