4,517 research outputs found

    Integrating Evolutionary Computation with Neural Networks

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    There is a tremendous interest in the development of the evolutionary computation techniques as they are well suited to deal with optimization of functions containing a large number of variables. This paper presents a brief review of evolutionary computing techniques. It also discusses briefly the hybridization of evolutionary computation and neural networks and presents a solution of a classical problem using neural computing and evolutionary computing technique

    Genetic learning as an explanation of stylized facts of foreign exchange markets

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    This paper revisits the Kareken-Wallace model of exchange rate formation in a two-country overlapping generations world. Following the seminal paper by Arifovic (Journal of Political Economy, 104, 1996, 510 – 541) we investigate a dynamic version of the model in which agents? decision rules are updated using genetic algorithms. Our main interest is in whether the equilibrium dynamics resulting from this learning process helps to explain the main stylized facts of free-floating exchange rates (unit roots in levels together with fat tails in returns and volatility clustering). Our time series analysis of simulated data indicates that for particular parameterizations, the characteristics of the exchange rate dynamics are, in fact, very similar to those of empirical data. The similarity appears to be quite insensitive with respect to some of the ingredients of the GA algorithm (i.e. utility-based versus rank-based or tournament selection, binary or real coding). However, appearance or not of realistic time series characteristics depends crucially on the mutation probability (which should be low) and the number of agents (not more than about 1000). With a larger population, this collective learning dynamics looses its realistic appearance and instead exhibits regular periodic oscillations of the agents? choice variables. --learning , genetic algorithms , exchange rate dynamics

    Genetic learning as an explanation of stylized facts of foreign exchange markets

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    This paper revisits the Kareken-Wallace model of exchange rate formation in a two-country overlapping generations world. Following the seminal paper by Arifovic (Journal of Political Economy, 104, 1996, 510-541) we investigate a dynamic version of the model in which agents' decision rules are updated using genetic algorithms. Our main interest is in whether the equilibrium dynamics resulting from this learning process helps to explain the main stylized facts of free-floating exchange rates (unit roots in levels together with fat tails in returns and volatility clustering). Our time series analysis of simulated data indicates that for particular parameterizations, the characteristics of the exchange rate dynamics are, in fact, very similar to those of empirical data. The similarity appears to be quite insensitive with respect to some of the ingredients of the GA algorithm (i.e. utilitybased versus rank-based or tournament selection, binary or real coding). However, appearance or not of realistic time series characteristics depends crucially on the mutation probability (which should be low) and the number of agents (not more than about 1000). With a larger population, this collective learning dynamics looses its realistic appearance and instead exhibits regular periodic oscillations of the agents' choice variables. -- Dieses Papier betrachtet das Kareken-Wallace-Modell fĂŒr die Wechselkursbildung in einer Welt mit 2 LĂ€ndern und sich ĂŒberlappenden Generationen. In der Nachfolge des zukunftsweisenden Papiers von Arifovic (1996) untersuchen wir eine dynamische Version des Modells bei dem die Entscheidungsregeln mithilfe genetischer Algorithmen jeweils aktualisiert werden. Unser Hauptinteresse geht dahin, herauszufinden, ob die Gleichgewichtsdynamik, die aus diesem Lernprozess resultiert, dabei helfen kann, die wichtigsten stilisierten Fakten von flexiblen Wechselkursen zu erklĂ€ren (Einheitswurzeln bei den Niveaus mit dicken Enden der Ertragsverteilung und Klumpenbildung bei den VolatilitĂ€ten). Unsere Analyse simulierter Daten weist darauf hin, dass fĂŒr bestimmte Parametrisierungen der Charakter der Wechselkursdynamik tatsĂ€chlich dem von empirischen Daten sehr Ă€hnlich ist. Die Ähnlichkeit scheint sehr wenig von speziellen Eigenschaften des gewĂ€hlten GA-Algorithmus abzuhĂ€ngen (z. B. nutzenbasiert versus rangbasiert, binĂ€re oder reale Kodierung). Dagegen ist die Mutationswahrscheinlichkeit (die niedrig sein sollte) und die Anzahl der Agenten (die nicht grĂ¶ĂŸer als 1000 sein sollte) wichtig. Mit mehr Teilnehmern verliert die kollektive Lerndynamik ihr realistisches Aussehen und es kommt zu regelmĂ€ĂŸigen periodischen Schwankungen bei den Variablen, die die Agenten auswĂ€hlen.Learning,Genetic algorithms,Exchange rate dynamics

    The Novel Approach of Adaptive Twin Probability for Genetic Algorithm

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    The performance of GA is measured and analyzed in terms of its performance parameters against variations in its genetic operators and associated parameters. Since last four decades huge numbers of researchers have been working on the performance of GA and its enhancement. This earlier research work on analyzing the performance of GA enforces the need to further investigate the exploration and exploitation characteristics and observe its impact on the behavior and overall performance of GA. This paper introduces the novel approach of adaptive twin probability associated with the advanced twin operator that enhances the performance of GA. The design of the advanced twin operator is extrapolated from the twin offspring birth due to single ovulation in natural genetic systems as mentioned in the earlier works. The twin probability of this operator is adaptively varied based on the fitness of best individual thereby relieving the GA user from statically defining its value. This novel approach of adaptive twin probability is experimented and tested on the standard benchmark optimization test functions. The experimental results show the increased accuracy in terms of the best individual and reduced convergence time.Comment: 7 pages, International Journal of Advanced Studies in Computer Science and Engineering (IJASCSE), Volume 2, Special Issue 2, 201

    A Memetic Algorithm for the Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem

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    The generalized traveling salesman problem (GTSP) is an extension of the well-known traveling salesman problem. In GTSP, we are given a partition of cities into groups and we are required to find a minimum length tour that includes exactly one city from each group. The recent studies on this subject consider different variations of a memetic algorithm approach to the GTSP. The aim of this paper is to present a new memetic algorithm for GTSP with a powerful local search procedure. The experiments show that the proposed algorithm clearly outperforms all of the known heuristics with respect to both solution quality and running time. While the other memetic algorithms were designed only for the symmetric GTSP, our algorithm can solve both symmetric and asymmetric instances.Comment: 15 pages, to appear in Natural Computing, Springer, available online: http://www.springerlink.com/content/5v4568l492272865/?p=e1779dd02e4d4cbfa49d0d27b19b929f&pi=1

    Multiobjective genetic algorithm strategies for electricity production from generation IV nuclear technology

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    Development of a technico-economic optimization strategy of cogeneration systems of electricity/hydrogen, consists in finding an optimal efficiency of the generating cycle and heat delivery system, maximizing the energy production and minimizing the production costs. The first part of the paper is related to the development of a multiobjective optimization library (MULTIGEN) to tackle all types of problems arising from cogeneration. After a literature review for identifying the most efficient methods, the MULTIGEN library is described, and the innovative points are listed. A new stopping criterion, based on the stagnation of the Pareto front, may lead to significant decrease of computational times, particularly in the case of problems involving only integer variables. Two practical examples are presented in the last section. The former is devoted to a bicriteria optimization of both exergy destruction and total cost of the plant, for a generating cycle coupled with a Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR). The second example consists in designing the heat exchanger of the generating turbomachine. Three criteria are optimized: the exchange surface, the exergy destruction and the number of exchange modules

    Credit Assignment in Adaptive Evolutionary Algorithms

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    In this paper, a new method for assigning credit to search\ud operators is presented. Starting with the principle of optimizing\ud search bias, search operators are selected based on an ability to\ud create solutions that are historically linked to future generations.\ud Using a novel framework for defining performance\ud measurements, distributing credit for performance, and the\ud statistical interpretation of this credit, a new adaptive method is\ud developed and shown to outperform a variety of adaptive and\ud non-adaptive competitors
