138 research outputs found

    Collaborative adaptive accessibility and human capabilities

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    This thesis discusses the challenges and opportunities facing the field of accessibility, particularly as computing becomes ubiquitous. It is argued that a new approach is needed that centres around adaptations (specific, atomic changes) to user interfaces and content in order to improve their accessibility for a wider range of people than targeted by present Assistive Technologies (ATs). Further, the approach must take into consideration the capabilities of people at the human level and facilitate collaboration, in planned and ad-hoc environments. There are two main areas of focus: (1) helping people experiencing minor-to-moderate, transient and potentially-overlapping impairments, as may be brought about by the ageing process and (2) supporting collaboration between people by reasoning about the consequences, from different users perspectives, of the adaptations they may require. A theoretical basis for describing these problems and a reasoning process for the semi-automatic application of adaptations is developed. Impairments caused by the environment in which a device is being used are considered. Adaptations are drawn from other research and industry artefacts. Mechanical testing is carried out on key areas of the reasoning process, demonstrating fitness for purpose. Several fundamental techniques to extend the reasoning process in order to take temporal factors (such as fluctuating user and device capabilities) into account are broadly described. These are proposed to be feasible, though inherently bring compromises (which are defined) in interaction stability and the needs of different actors (user, device, target level of accessibility). This technical work forms the basis of the contribution of one work-package of the Sustaining ICT use to promote autonomy (Sus-IT) project, under the New Dynamics of Ageing (NDA) programme of research in the UK. Test designs for larger-scale assessment of the system with real-world participants are given. The wider Sus-IT project provides social motivations and informed design decisions for this work and is carrying out longitudinal acceptance testing of the processes developed here

    Bridging the Gap between a Behavioural Formal Description Technique and User Interface description language: Enhancing ICO with a Graphical User Interface markup language

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    International audienceIn the last years, User Interface Description Languages (UIDLs) appeared as a suitable solution for developing interactive systems. In order to implement reliable and efficient applications, we propose to employ a formal description technique called ICO (Interactive Cooperative Object) that has been developed to cope with complex behaviours of interactive systems including event-based and multimodal interactions. So far, ICO is able to describe most of the parts of an interactive system, from functional core concerns to fine grain interaction techniques, but, even if it addresses parts of the rendering, it still not has means to describe the effective rendering of such interactive system. This paper presents a solution to overcome this gap using markup languages. A first technique is based on the Java technology called JavaFX and a second technique is based on the emergent UsiXML language for describing user interface components for multi-target platforms. The proposed approach offers a bridge between markup language based descriptions of the user interface components and a robust technique for describing behaviour using ICO modelling. Furthermore, this paper highlights how it is possible to take advantage from both behavioural and markup language description techniques to propose a new model-based approach for prototyping interactive systems. The proposed approach is fully illustrated by a case study using an interactive application embedded into interactive aircraft cockpits

    Learning Opportunities and Challenges of Sensor-enabled Intelligent Tutoring Systems on Mobile Platforms: Benchmarking the Reliability of Mobile Sensors to Track Human Physiological Signals and Behaviors to Enhance Tablet-Based Intelligent Tutoring Systems

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    Desktop-based intelligent tutoring systems have existed for many decades, but the advancement of mobile computing technologies has sparked interest in developing mobile intelligent tutoring systems (mITS). Personalized mITS are applicable to not only stand-alone and client-server systems but also cloud systems possibly leveraging big data. Device-based sensors enable even greater personalization through capture of physiological signals during periods of student study. However, personalizing mITS to individual students faces challenges. The Achilles heel of personalization is the feasibility and reliability of these sensors to accurately capture physiological signals and behavior measures. This research reviews feasibility and benchmarks reliability of basic mobile platform sensors in various student postures. The research software and methodology are generalizable to a range of platforms and sensors. Incorporating the tile-based puzzle game 2048 as a substitute for a knowledge domain also enables a broad spectrum of test populations. Baseline sensors include the on-board camera to detect eyes/faces and the Bluetooth Empatica E4 wristband to capture heart rate, electrodermal activity (EDA), and skin temperature. The test population involved 100 collegiate students randomly assigned to one of three different ergonomic positions in a classroom: sitting at a table, standing at a counter, or reclining on a sofa. Well received by the students, EDA proved to be more reliable than heart rate or face detection in the three different ergonomic positions. Additional insights are provided on advancing learning personalization through future sensor feasibility and reliability studies

    Modellbasierte Generierung von Benutzungsoberflächen

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    Die Arbeit stellt einen integrierten Gesamtprozess zur modellgetriebenen Softwareentwicklung von Benutzungsschnittstellen und Geschäftslogik vor. Dazu notwendige und unterstützende Deklarationsmodelle, sowie Modelltransformationen für dieses Verfahren, werden entwickelt und präsentiert. Weiterhin werden Meta-Modelle für Aufbau und Wartung eines HCI-Patternkatalogs vorgestellt und zur Erstellung eines solchen Kataloges benutzt. Die darin enthaltenen Einträge werden in Bezug auf Ihre softwaretechnische Komponentisierbarkeit untersucht und klassifiziert.The thesis presents an integrated model-driven approach for developing software. This approach supports the generation of user interfaces, as well as artifacts of business logic. Suitable meta models and model transformations are developed and explained. Secondly, this thesis dwells on the topic of HCI patterns. It is researched how such patterns may be classified, componentized and made use of in a model-driven process. This work eventually yields a pattern language, whose entries are declared using state-of-the-art model-driven technologies

    An infrastructure for the development of Semantic Desktop applications

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    In einem permanent wachsenden Ausmaß wird unser Leben digital organisiert. Viele tagtägliche Aktivitäten manifestieren sich (auch) in digitaler Form: einerseits explizit, wenn digitale Informationen für Arbeitsaufgaben oder in der Freizeit entstehen und verwendet werden; andererseits auch implizit, wenn Informationen indirekt, als Konsequenz unseres Handelns, erzeugt oder manipuliert wird. Ein großer Teil dieser Informationsbestände ist persönlicher Natur, d.h., diese Information hat einen bestimmten Bezug zu uns als Person. Die Speicher- und Rechenleistung der Geräte, mit denen wir üblicherweise mit solchen persönlichen Daten interagieren, wurde in den letzten Jahren kontinuierlich erhöht, und es besteht Grund zur Annahme, dass sich diese Entwicklung in der Zukunft fortsetzt. Während also die physische Leistung von Datenspeichern enorm erhöht wurde, hat deren logische und organisatorische Leistung seit der Erfindung der ersten Personal Computer praktisch stagniert. Nach wie vor sind hierarchische Dateisysteme der de-facto-Standard für die Organisation von persönlichen Daten. Solche Dateisysteme repräsentieren Daten als diskrete Einheiten (Dateien), die Blätter eines Baums von beschrifteten Knoten (Verzeichnisse) darstellen. Die Unterteilung des persönlichen Datenraums in kleine Einheiten unterstützt die Handhabung solcher Strukturen durch den Menschen, allerdings können viele Arten von Organisationsinformation nicht adäquat in einer Baumstruktur dargestellt werden. Dies wirkt sich negativ auf die Qualität der Datenorganisation aus. Aktuelle Forschung im Bereich Personal Information Management liefert zwar mögliche Ansätze, um hierarchische Systeme zu ersetzen, tendiert jedoch manchmal dazu, die Arbeit mit Information überzuformalisieren. Dies ist insbesondere kritisch, weil der durchschnittliche Anwender von PIM-Systemen über keine Erfahrung mit komplexen logischen Systemen verfügt. Diese Arbeit präsentiert ein alternatives Organisationsmodell für persönliche Daten, die darauf abzielt, eine Balance zwischen der unstrukturierten Charakteristik von Dateisystemen und den formalen Eigenschaften von logik-basierten Systemen zu finden. Nach einer vergleichenden Studie der aktuellen Forschungssituation im Bereich Semantic Desktop und Personal Information Management wird dieses Modell auf drei Ebenen vorgestellt. Zunächst wird ein abstraktes Modell sowie eine Abfrage-Algebra in Form von abstrakten Operationen auf dieses Modell vorgestellt. Dieses Modell erlaubt die Abbildung von im Personal Information Management gebräuchlichen Daten, aber erfordert keine völlige Umstellung auf Seiten des Benutzers. Anschließend wird dieses abstrakte Modell in konkreten Repräsentationen übergeführt, und es wird gezeigt, wie diese Repräsentationen effizient bearbeitet, gespeichert, und ausgetauscht werden können. Schließlich wird die Anwendung dieses Modells anhand von konkreten prototypischen Implementierungen gezeigt.The extent to which our daily lives are digitized is continuously growing. Many of our everyday activities manifest themselves in digital form; either in an explicit way, when we actively use digital information for work or spare time; or in an implicit way, when information is indirectly created or manipulated as a consequence of our action. A large fraction of these data volumes can be considered as personal information, that is, information that has a certain class of relationship to us as human beings. The storage and processing capacity of the devices that we use to interact with these data has been enormously increasing over the last years, and we can expect this development to continue in the future. However, while the power of physical data storage is permanently increasing, the development of logical data organization power of personal devices has been stagnating since the invention of the first personal computers. Still, hierarchical file systems are the de-facto standard for data organization on personal devices. File systems represent information as a set of discrete data units (files) that are arranged as leaves on a tree of labeled nodes (directories). This structure, on the one hand, can be easily understood by humans, since the separation into small information units supports the manual manageability of the personal data space, in comparison to systems that employ continuous data structures. On the other hand, hierarchical structures suffer from a number of deficiencies which have negative impact on the quality of personal information management, and it lacks of expressive mechanisms which in turn would help to improve information retrieval according to user needs. Significant research effort has been invested in order to improve the mechanisms for personal information management. The resulting works represent potential alternatives or supplements for systems in place, but sometimes run the risk of over-formalizing information management; a problem that is especially apparent in situations where a non-expert end user is the direct consumer of such services. The contribution of this thesis is to present an alternative organizational model for management of personal data that strikes a balance between the unstructured nature of file systems and the highly formal characteristics of logic-based systems. After a comparative analysis of the current situation and recent research effort in this direction, it describes this organizational metaphor on three levels: First, on a conceptual level, it discusses an abstract data model, a corresponding query algebra, and a set of abstract operations on this data model. This formal framework is suitable to represent common data structures and usage patterns that can be found in personal information management, but on the same time does not enforce a complete paradigm shift away from established systems. Second, on a representation level, it discusses how this model can be efficiently processed, stored, and exchanged between different systems. Third, on an implementation level, it describes how concrete realizations of this data model can be built and used in various application scenarios

    New insights into translation-oriented, technology-intensive localiser education: accessibility as an opportunity

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    In this article we look for new insights into the teaching of localisation by defining the academic field as a translation-oriented and, at the same time, technology-intensive discipline. This definition encourages us to reconcile the main objectives of both areas by integrating a user-centred, human-computer interaction approach, where verbal and non-verbal communication of meaning and affordances is central. Disciplinary and technological challenges are reviewed and confronted with some of our strategies to cope with them. By embracing the above holistic definition, and incorporating accessibility as a key factor both for the practice and the teaching of localisation, we try to make the most of the linkages between technology, communication, social and user needs, as well as professional and research-driven translatorial action

    Proceedings of the 2012 Workshop on Ambient Intelligence Infrastructures (WAmIi)

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    This is a technical report including the papers presented at the Workshop on Ambient Intelligence Infrastructures (WAmIi) that took place in conjunction with the International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI) in Pisa, Italy on November 13, 2012. The motivation for organizing the workshop was the wish to learn from past experience on Ambient Intelligence systems, and in particular, on the lessons learned on the system architecture of such systems. A significant number of European projects and other research have been performed, often with the goal of developing AmI technology to showcase AmI scenarios. We believe that for AmI to become further successfully accepted the system architecture is essential

    Proceedings of the 2012 Workshop on Ambient Intelligence Infrastructures (WAmIi)

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    This is a technical report including the papers presented at the Workshop on Ambient Intelligence Infrastructures (WAmIi) that took place in conjunction with the International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI) in Pisa, Italy on November 13, 2012. The motivation for organizing the workshop was the wish to learn from past experience on Ambient Intelligence systems, and in particular, on the lessons learned on the system architecture of such systems. A significant number of European projects and other research have been performed, often with the goal of developing AmI technology to showcase AmI scenarios. We believe that for AmI to become further successfully accepted the system architecture is essential

    Highly Interactive Web-Based Courseware

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    Zukünftige Lehr-/Lernprogramme sollen als vernetzte Systeme die Lernenden befähigen, Lerninhalte zu erforschen und zu konstruieren, sowie Verständnisschwierigkeiten und Gedanken in der Lehr-/Lerngemeinschaft zu kommunizieren. Lehrmaterial soll dabei in digitale Lernobjekte übergeführt, kollaborativ von Programmierern, Pädagogen und Designern entwickelt und in einer Datenbank archiviert werden, um von Lehrern und Lernenden eingesetzt, angepasst und weiterentwickelt zu werden. Den ersten Schritt in diese Richtung machte die Lerntechnologie, indem sie Wiederverwendbarkeit und Kompabilität für hypermediale Kurse spezifizierte. Ein größeres Maß an Interaktivität wird bisher allerdings noch nicht in Betracht gezogen. Jedes interaktive Lernobjekt wird als autonome Hypermedia-Einheit angesehen, aufwändig in der Erstellung, und weder mehrstufig verschränk- noch anpassbar, oder gar adäquat spezifizierbar. Dynamische Eigenschaften, Aussehen und Verhalten sind fest vorgegeben. Die vorgestellte Arbeit konzipiert und realisiert Lerntechnologie für hypermediale Kurse unter besonderer Berücksichtigung hochgradig interaktiver Lernobjekte. Innovativ ist dabei zunächst die mehrstufige, komponenten-basierte Technologie, die verschiedenste strukturelle Abstufungen von kompletten Lernobjekten und Werkzeugsätzen bis hin zu Basiskomponenten und Skripten, einzelnen Programmanweisungen, erlaubt. Zweitens erweitert die vorgeschlagene Methodik Kollaboration und individuelle Anpassung seitens der Teilnehmer eines hypermedialen Kurses auf die Software-Ebene. Komponenten werden zu verknüpfbaren Hypermedia-Objekten, die in der Kursdatenbank verwaltet und von allen Kursteilnehmern bewertet, mit Anmerkungen versehen und modifiziert werden. Neben einer detaillierten Beschreibung der Lerntechnologie und Entwurfsmuster für interaktive Lernobjekte sowie verwandte hypermediale Kurse wird der Begriff der Interaktivität verdeutlicht, indem eine kombinierte technologische und symbolische Definition von Interaktionsgraden vorgestellt und daraus ein visuelles Skriptschema abgeleitet wird, welches Funktionalität übertragbar macht. Weiterhin wird die Evolution von Hypermedia und Lehr-/Lernprogrammen besprochen, um wesentliche Techniken für interaktive, hypermediale Kurse auszuwählen. Die vorgeschlagene Architektur unterstützt mehrsprachige, alternative Inhalte, bietet konsistente Referenzen und ist leicht zu pflegen, und besitzt selbst für interaktive Inhalte Online-Assistenten. Der Einsatz hochgradiger Interaktivität in Lehr-/Lernprogrammen wird mit hypermedialen Kursen im Bereich der Computergraphik illustriert.The grand vision of educational software is that of a networked system enabling the learner to explore, discover, and construct subject matters and communicate problems and ideas with other community members. Educational material is transformed into reusable learning objects, created collaboratively by developers, educators, and designers, preserved in a digital library, and utilized, adapted, and evolved by educators and learners. Recent advances in learning technology specified reusability and interoperability in Web-based courseware. However, great interactivity is not yet considered. Each interactive learning object represents an autonomous hypermedia entity, laborious to create, impossible to interlink and to adapt in a graduated manner, and hard to specify. Dynamic attributes, the look and feel, and functionality are predefined. This work designs and realizes learning technology for Web-based courseware with special regard to highly interactive learning objects. The innovative aspect initially lies in the multi-level, component-based technology providing a graduated structuring. Components range from complex learning objects to toolkits to primitive components and scripts. Secondly, the proposed methodologies extend community support in Web-based courseware – collaboration and personalization – to the software layer. Components become linkable hypermedia objects and part of the courseware repository, rated, annotated, and modified by all community members. In addition to a detailed description of technology and design patterns for interactive learning objects and matching Web-based courseware, the thesis clarifies the denotation of interactivity in educational software formulating combined levels of technological and symbolical interactivity, and deduces a visual scripting metaphor for transporting functionality. Further, it reviews the evolution of hypermedia and educational software to extract substantial techniques for interactive Web-based courseware. The proposed framework supports multilingual, alternative content, provides link consistency and easy maintenance, and includes state-driven online wizards also for interactive content. The impact of great interactivity in educational software is illustrated with courseware in the Computer Graphics domain
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