446 research outputs found

    Model counting for reactive systems

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    Model counting is the problem of computing the number of solutions for a logical formula. In the last few years, it has been primarily studied for propositional logic, and has been shown to be useful in many applications. In planning, for example, propositional model counting has been used to compute the robustness of a plan in an incomplete domain. In information-flow control, model counting has been applied to measure the amount of information leaked by a security-critical system. In this thesis, we introduce the model counting problem for linear-time properties, and show its applications in formal verification. In the same way propositional model counting generalizes the satisfiability problem for propositional logic, counting models for linear-time properties generalizes the emptiness problem for languages over infinite words to one that asks for the number of words in a language. The model counting problem, thus, provides a foundation for quantitative extensions of model checking, where not only the existence of computations that violate the specification is determined, but also the number of such violations. We solve the model counting problem for the prominent class of omega-regular properties. We present algorithms for solving the problem for different classes of properties, and show the advantages of our algorithms in comparison to indirect approaches based on encodings into propositional logic. We further show how model counting can be used for solving a variety of quantitative problems in formal verification, including probabilistic model checking, quantitative information-flow in security-critical systems, and the synthesis of approximate implementations for reactive systems.Das Modellzählproblem fragt nach der Anzahl der Lösungen einer logischen Formel, und wurde in den letzten Jahren hauptsächlich für Aussagenlogik untersucht. Das Zählen von Modellen aussagenlogischer Formeln hat sich in vielen Anwendungen als nützlich erwiesen. Im Bereich der künstlichen Intelligenz wurde das Zählen von Modellen beispielsweise verwendet, um die Robustheit eines Plans in einem unvollständigen Weltmodell zu bewerten. Das Zählen von Modellen kann auch verwendet werden, um in sicherheitskritischen Systemen die Menge an enthüllten vertraulichen Daten zu messen. Diese Dissertation stellt das Modellzählproblem für Linearzeiteigenschaften vor, und untersucht dessen Rolle in der Welt der formalen Verifikation. Das Zählen von Modellen für Linearzeiteigenschaften führt zu neuen quantitativen Erweiterungen klassischer Verifikationsprobleme, bei denen nicht nur die Existenz eines Fehlers in einem System zu überprüfen ist, sondern auch die Anzahl solcher Fehler. Wir präsentieren Algorithmen zur Lösung des Modellzählproblems für verschiedene Klassen von Linearzeiteigenschaften und zeigen die Vorteile unserer Algorithmen im Vergleich zu indirekten Ansätzen, die auf Kodierungen der untersuchten Probleme in Aussagenlogik basieren. Darüberhinaus zeigen wir wie das Zählen von Modellen zur Lösung einer Vielzahl quantitativer Probleme in der formalen Verifikation verwendet werden kann. Dies beinhaltet unter anderem die Analyse probabilistischer Modelle, die Kontrolle quantitativen Informationsflusses in sicherheitskritischen Systemen, und die Synthese von approximativen Implementierungen für reaktive Systeme

    On (Omega-)regular model checking

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    peer reviewedChecking infinite-state systems is frequently done by encoding infinite sets of states as regular languages. Computing such a regular representation of, say, the set of reachable states of a system requires acceleration techniques that can finitely compute the effect of an unbounded number of transitions. Among the acceleration techniques that have been proposed, one finds both specific and generic techniques. Specific techniques exploit the particular type of system being analyzed, for example, a system manipulating queues or integers, whereas generic techniques only assume that the transition relation is represented by a finite-state transducer, which has to be iterated. In this article, we investigate the possibility of using generic techniques in cases where only specific techniques have been exploited so far. Finding that existing generic techniques are often not applicable in cases easily handled by specific techniques, we have developed a new approach to iterating transducers. This new approach builds on earlier work, but exploits a number of new conceptual and algorithmic ideas, often induced with the help of experiments, that give it a broad scope, as well as good performances

    A weakness measure for GR(1) formulae

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    In spite of the theoretical and algorithmic developments for system synthesis in recent years, little effort has been dedicated to quantifying the quality of the specifications used for synthesis. When dealing with unrealizable specifications, finding the weakest environment assumptions that would ensure realizability is typically a desirable property; in such context the weakness of the assumptions is a major quality parameter. The question of whether one assumption is weaker than another is commonly interpreted using implication or, equivalently, language inclusion. However, this interpretation does not provide any further insight into the weakness of assumptions when implication does not hold. To our knowledge, the only measure that is capable of comparing two formulae in this case is entropy, but even it fails to provide a sufficiently refined notion of weakness in case of GR(1) formulae, a subset of linear temporal logic formulae which is of particular interest in controller synthesis. In this paper we propose a more refined measure of weakness based on the Hausdorff dimension, a concept that captures the notion of size of the omega-language satisfying a linear temporal logic formula. We identify the conditions under which this measure is guaranteed to distinguish between weaker and stronger GR(1) formulae. We evaluate our proposed weakness measure in the context of computing GR(1) assumptions refinements

    Explicit or Symbolic Translation of Linear Temporal Logic to Automata

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    Formal verification techniques are growing increasingly vital for the development of safety-critical software and hardware in practice. Techniques such as requirements-based design and model checking for system verification have been successfully used to verify systems for air traffic control, airplane separation assurance, autopilots, CPU logic designs, life-support, medical equipment, and other functions that ensure human safety. Formal behavioral specifications written early in the system-design process and communicated across all design phases increase the efficiency, consistency, and quality of the system under development. We argue that to prevent introducing design or verification errors, it is crucial to test specifications for satisfiability. We advocate for the adaptation of a new sanity check via satisfiability checking for property assurance. Our focus here is on specifications expressed in Linear Temporal Logic (LTL). We demonstrate that LTL satisfiability checking reduces to model checking and satisfiability checking for the specification, its complement, and a conjunction of all properties should be performed as a first step to LTL model checking. We report on an experimental investigation of LTL satisfiability checking. We introduce a large set of rigorous benchmarks to enable objective evaluation of LTL-to-automaton algorithms in terms of scalability, performance, correctness, and size of the automata produced. For explicit model checking, we use the Spin model checker; we tested all LTL-to-explicit automaton translation tools that were publicly available when we conducted our study. For symbolic model checking, we use CadenceSMV, NuSMV, and SAL-SMC for both LTL-to-symbolic automaton translation and to perform the satisfiability check. Our experiments result in two major findings. First, scalability, correctness, and other debilitating performance issues afflict most LTL translation tools. Second, for LTL satisfiability checking, the symbolic approach is clearly superior to the explicit approach. Ironically, the explicit approach to LTL-to-automata had been heavily studied while only one algorithm existed for LTL-to-symbolic automata. Since 1994, there had been essentially no new progress in encoding symbolic automata for BDD-based analysis. Therefore, we introduce a set of 30 symbolic automata encodings. The set consists of novel combinations of existing constructs, such as different LTL formula normal forms, with a novel transition-labeled symbolic automaton form, a new way to encode transitions, and new BDD variable orders based on algorithms for tree decomposition of graphs. An extensive set of experiments demonstrates that these encodings translate to significant, sometimes exponential, improvement over the current standard encoding for symbolic LTL satisfiability checking. Building upon these ideas, we return to the explicit automata domain and focus on the most common type of specifications used in industrial practice: safety properties. We show that we can exploit the inherent determinism of safety properties to create a set of 26 explicit automata encodings comprised of novel aspects including: state numbers versus state labels versus a state look-up table, finite versus infinite acceptance conditions, forward-looking versus backward-looking transition encodings, assignment-based versus BDD-based alphabet representation, state and transition minimization, edge abbreviation, trap-state elimination, and determinization either on-the-fly or up-front using the subset construction. We conduct an extensive experimental evaluation and identify an encoding that offers the best performance in explicit LTL model checking time and is constantly faster than the previous best explicit automaton encoding algorithm
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