70 research outputs found

    A Biomorphic model for automated cloud adaptation

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    Cloud computing is one of the most discussed areas in computer science in the last years. Although there is an extensive amount of research covering this field, the field of bio-inspired cloud computing is underinvestigated when compared to the general research area. This study tries to find answers on how a biomorphic model can be implemented in the cloud in order to achieve adaptive cloud behaviour. The process of cellular differentiation where cells transform from one type to another, is chosen to be the foundation model for a developed technical model. We define analogies to the cloud where stem cells are blank servers and web servers are cells with a specific function. With a combination of configuration management, version control and cloud deployment systems, an imitation of this biological process is applied in the cloud. The use of automated cloud scaling as a case of adaptive behaviour is the main goal of the research. Two different approaches have been developed for mapping the biological model to the cloud. The first approach consists of a prototype where the signal detection and node activation is being triggered by using the concept of random generated timers. The second approach is based on the concept of random seeds which are used to coordinate the transformation procedure. The project results were able to adapt the cloud based on current needs, with each prototype having its advantages and disadvantages over the other

    Optimisation du contrôle glycémique des patients atteints de diabète de type 1 : traitement efficace des hypoglycémies, calcul des glucides et pancréas artificiel

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    L’optimisation du contrôle glycémique est primordiale pour réduire le risque de complications associées au diabète. Toutefois, une proportion importante des patients atteints de diabète de type 1 (DT1) n’atteint pas les cibles d’hémoglobine glyquée (HbA1c) et la fréquence des hypoglycémies demeure élevée. Nous pensons qu’une simplification du contrôle glycémique prandial ainsi qu’un traitement efficace de l’hypoglycémie permettraient d’améliorer le contrôle glycémique global. Nous avons montré qu’une majorité de patients se disent confiants relativement à l’utilisation du calcul des glucides pour la détermination du bolus d’insuline prandial, mais un nombre élevé de difficultés spécifiques sont rapportées. De plus, les outils technologiques pour faciliter le calcul des glucides sont peu utilisés par les patients malgré une perception favorable. Le système en boucle-fermée de contrôle de la glycémie communément appelé « pancréas artificiel (PA) » est une technologie par laquelle les taux d’infusion d’insuline par un système de perfusion sous-cutanée continue d'insuline (pompe à insuline) sont modifiés périodiquement selon les recommandations générées par un ordinateur (algorithme) et découlant des lectures du système de surveillance en continu du glucose. Le PA améliore considérablement le contrôle glycémique chez les patients atteints de DT1, mais le contrôle glycémique prandial demeure un défi important. Nous avons développé une stratégie simplifiée de bolus prandial combinée au PA. Avec cette stratégie, les patients choisissent une catégorie de repas basée sur une évaluation semi-quantitative du contenu en glucides (ex. repas régulier = 30 à 60 g de glucides). Dans des conditions contrôlées avec un PA à double-hormone (insuline et glucagon), cette stratégie s’est avérée efficace pour le contrôle glycémique postprandial, sauf dans le cas des repas à teneur très élevée en glucides (> 90 g). Après avoir ajouté une catégorie de repas, nous avons testé la stratégie simplifiée dans des conditions non contrôlées. Le contrôle glycémique avec la stratégie simplifiée était similaire à celui obtenu avec le calcul des glucides classique, avec toutefois une fréquence élevée d’hypoglycémies, ce qui a mené à des modifications de l’algorithme. Nous avons finalement démontré la sécurité d’une telle approche simplifiée de bolus prandial dans un contexte de catégorisation erronée du repas. Nous avons également observé une faible adhésion aux recommandations pour le traitement de l’hypoglycémie légère à modérée. Les patients atteints de DT1 consomment en moyenne le double de glucides pour le traitement de l’hypoglycémie comparativement à la recommandation actuelle. D’un autre côté, nous avons démontré chez des patients avec DT1 traités par pompe à insuline que 16 à 21 g de glucides, tel que recommandé, était insuffisant pour traiter une majorité des épisodes d’hypoglycémie dans un délai de 15 minutes. En résumé, les patients rapportent plusieurs difficultés associées au calcul des glucides et le PA représente une thérapie prometteuse pour amoindrir ce fardeau. Une stratégie de bolus prandial basée sur une catégorisation du repas permettrait de simplifier le calcul des glucides tout en préservant un contrôle glycémique adéquat. Par ailleurs, une majorité de patients atteints de DT1 n’adhère pas aux recommandations pour le traitement de l’hypoglycémie, ce qui pourrait en partie s’expliquer par le manque d’efficacité de cette recommandation chez un large sous-groupe de patients.Optimal glucose control is essential to reduce the risk of diabetes-related complications. Yet, a large proportion of patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D) struggles to achieve glycated hemoglobin (A1c) targets and a high frequency of hypoglycemia events is still observed. We believe simplification of meal glucose control as well as efficient treatment of hypoglycemia have the potential to improve glucose control in T1D. We showed that a large proportion of patients report being confident in applying carbohydrate counting for meal bolus calculation; yet, many specific difficulties were encountered by patients. The use of available technologies for carbohydrate counting by participants appears to be uncommon despite a favorable perception and interest towards such technology. Closed-loop automated insulin delivery systems, also called “artificial pancreas (AP)”, is a technology by which insulin infusion rates from the continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII; insulin pump) are regulated based on algorithm-generated recommendations relying on continuous glucose monitoring systems readings. The AP improves glucose control considerably in patients with T1D, but prandial glucose control remains a significant challenge. We have developed a simplified meal bolus strategy combined with the AP. In this strategy, patients choose a meal category based on a semi-quantitative carbohydrate assessment (e.g. a regular meal = 30 to 60 g of carbohydrates). In controlled conditions using a dual-hormone AP (insulin and glucagon), this strategy yielded adequate postprandial glucose control, except for very large carbohydrate content meals (> 90 g). After adding a meal category, this strategy was tested in uncontrolled conditions. Glucose control with the simplified strategy was comparable to what was seen with precise carbohydrate counting. However, a higher frequency of hypoglycemia events was observed which led to modifications to the algorithm. We finally showed the safety of this simplified strategy in the context of misclassification of the meals. We also found a low adherence to guidelines for self-treatment of mild to moderate hypoglycemia. The average treatment observed for hypoglycemia was twice the recommended quantity of carbohydrates. On the other hand, we showed that 16 to 21 grams of carbohydrates is insufficient to treat, in a 15-min delay, a significant proportion of hypoglycemia episodes in T1D patients treated with insulin pump. In conclusion, patients encounter several difficulties associated with carbohydrate counting and the AP represents a promising therapy to alleviate some of the carbohydrate counting burden. A simplified prandial bolus based on meal categorization could simplify carbohydrate counting while preserving adequate glycemic control. In addition, a large proportion of patients with T1D do not follow recommendations for treatment of hypoglycemia episodes, which could be partly explained by the lack of efficacy of this treatment in a large subgroup of patients

    Scientific and technical papers presented or published by JSC authors in 1986

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    A compilation of Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center contributions to the scientific and technical literature in aerospace and life sciences made during calender year 1985 is presented. Citations include NASA formal series reports, journal articles, conference and symposium presentations, papers published in proceedings or other collective works, and seminar and workshop results

    Déterminants écologiques, biodémographiques et comportementaux des dépenses énergétiques chez les mammifères

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    Les interactions entre traits physiologiques et comportementaux sont à la base de notre compréhension de la vie. Cette thèse est la première à porter sur les aspects énergétiques des différents types de personnalité, profitant ainsi d'une révolution dans le domaine du comportement animal pour porter un regard nouveau sur un champ de recherche actif depuis plusieurs années, l'énergétique. D'abord, la personnalité peut influencer les mesures de taux métabolique au repos (RMR) puisque la principale méthode utilisée pour mesurer le RMR implique la manipulation des individus (stress) et des aspects de nouveauté (chapitre I). À part cet effet potentiel, la personnalité devrait être reliée aux dépenses énergétiques puisque l'exploration, l'agressivité et l'activité sont des comportements énergétiquement coûteux (chapitre I). Le lien ,personnalité-métabolisme est un aspect fondamental de l'hypothèse du syndrome « train-de-vie » proposant que les traits d'histoire de vie, comportementaux et physiologiques coévoluent afin d'optimiser l'aptitude phénotypique des individus le long d'un continuum « lent-rapide ». L'hypothèse du syndrome « train-de-vie » a été testée à l'aide de plusieurs modèles à des niveaux de variation biologiques différents (individus, races, espèces) et ce, en laboratoire et sur le terrain. Il est démontré à l'aide de la méthode comparative comment les différentes stratégies d'exploration sont fortement reliées au métabolisme basal et la primiparité chez les rongeurs muroïdes (chapitre Ra). Ensuite, la littérature sur la biologie du chien domestique est mise à profit pour démontrer comment les races obéissantes ont une longévité accrue et que les races agressives présentent des niveaux élevés de dépenses énergétiques (chapitre Rb). De plus, des analyses de génétique quantitative sont effectuées sur une population de souris sylvestres maintenues en laboratoire afin de démontrer l'existence d'une corrélation génétique entre le RMR et l'activité d'exploration dans un environnement nouveau (chapitre IRa). Finalement, plusieurs données physiologiques ont été récoltées sur une population sauvage de tamias rayés, permettant de mettre la relation entre métabolisme et personnalité dans un contexte environnemental changeant (chapitre IIIb) ainsi que d'évaluer le coût énergétique du parasitisme (chapitre IV).Les liens entre la personnalité et le métabolisme ne sont pas constants entre les espèces, ce qui suggère que les dépenses énergétiques et le comportement peuvent interagir via plusieurs mécanismes

    An Examination of the Bio-Philosophical Literature on the Definition and Criteria of Death: When is Dead Dead and Why Some Donation After Cardiac Death Donors Are Not

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    Human fascination with transplantation has been portrayed in mythology and legend as well as in art and literature throughout history. It has both horrified and captivated our collective conscience and has progressed, in a relatively short time period, from science fiction to a modern accomplishment that can improve longevity and enhance quality of life. The primary obstacle for transplantation is no longer scientific in nature but is predominantly one of supply and demand and carries with it attendant ethical concerns. Specific to this work is the question of whether a particular method of organ procurement known as Donation After Cardiac Death procures organs from the newly dead or from the imminently dying. Since the normative rules that guide transplantation require that one may not be killed for or by the removal of one\u27s organs determining the nature of death is of paramount importance. Accordingly, the primary question concerned herein is whether Donation After Cardiac Death donors are dead at the moment of organ recovery. This work focuses on the conceptual underpinnings of why a person is said to be dead according to particular definitions and when specific criteria and tests are fulfilled. Much attention is devoted to exploring why the irreversible loss of cardio-respiratory functions or the irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire brain signifies death and whether these two criteria represent distinct types of death or if they instantiate the same overarching definition. Transplantation saves lives and is a social good that society ought to continue to support. The aim of this dissertation is not to denigrate the field. On the contrary, if donation is to thrive we must ensure that our definition and criteria for death are coherent and that the methods for procurement operate accordingly

    The evolutionary ecology of personality and life history variation in an anthropogenic heterogeneous landscape

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    Animals exhibit consistent individual differences in behaviour, or personality, which may be heritable, linked to fitness and thus subject to natural selection. The fitness consequences of personality can vary according to environmental conditions, but the ecological mechanisms underlying such variation are often unclear. Taking a top down approach, this thesis explores the functional significance and fitness consequences of exploration behaviour (EB), a personality trait measured in captivity, amongst wild great tit (Parus major) populations inhabiting coniferous and deciduous woodland fragments. Over three years, the breeding ecology of great tits was recorded in nest-boxes across eight woodland fragments in Western Co. Cork. Although deciduous woodland is assumed to be optimal breeding habitat for great tits, in this system, pairs breeding in coniferous habitat laid larger clutches and experienced higher reproductive success. This may be linked to the higher breeding densities and thus competition in deciduous, compared to coniferous sites. In winter, great tits forage in flocks where competitive individuals have greater access to resources. Competitiveness may be linked to individual EB and cognitive abilities. This hypothesis was tested experimentally in captivity. There was no link between competitiveness and EB; however individuals that were less competitive were more likely to solve a novel foraging task, suggesting that innovative behaviours may allow less competitive individuals access to alternative resources in a social context. Parental care is another functional behaviour that may link individual personality and fitness. During the breeding season there was no relationship between EB and nest-defence behaviours; however faster-exploring females provisioned nestlings at lower rates than slower-explorers, subsequently experiencing lower reproductive success. Amongst males, faster-explorers produced offspring of better quality in coniferous habitat, but in deciduous habitat the opposite was true. This thesis elucidates several pathways through which individual behavioural variation can influence fitness and shows that these effects may vary according to environmental conditions

    Proceeding: 3rd Java International Nursing Conference 2015 “Harmony of Caring and Healing Inquiry for Holistic Nursing Practice; Enhancing Quality of Care”, Semarang, 20-21 August 2015

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    This is the proceeding of the 3rd Java International Nursing Conference 2015 organized by School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, in collaboration with STIKES Kendal. The conference was held on 20-21 August 2015 in Semarang, Indonesia. The conference aims to enable educators, students, practitioners and researchers from nursing, medicine, midwifery and other health sciences to disseminate and discuss evidence of nursing education, research, and practices to improve the quality of care. This conference also provides participants opportunities to develop their professional networks, learn from other colleagues and meet leading personalities in nursing and health sciences. The 3rd JINC 2015 was comprised of keynote lectures and concurrent submitted oral presentations and poster sessions. The following themes have been chosen to be the focus of the conference: (a) Multicenter Science: Physiology, Biology, Chemistry, etc. in Holistic Nursing Practice, (b) Complementary Therapy in Nursing and Complementary, Alternative Medicine: Alternative Medicine (Herbal Medicine), Complementary Therapy (Cupping, Acupuncture, Yoga, Aromatherapy, Music Therapy, etc.), (c) Application of Inter-professional Collaboration and Education: Education Development in Holistic Nursing, Competencies of Holistic Nursing, Learning Methods and Assessments, and (d) Application of Holistic Nursing: Leadership & Management, Entrepreneurship in Holistic Nursing, Application of Holistic Nursing in Clinical and Community Settings

    Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction towards E-shopping in Malaysia

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    Online shopping or e-shopping has changed the world of business and quite a few people have decided to work with these features. What their primary concerns precisely and the responses from the globalisation are the competency of incorporation while doing their businesses. E-shopping has also increased substantially in Malaysia in recent years. The rapid increase in the e-commerce industry in Malaysia has created the demand to emphasize on how to increase customer satisfaction while operating in the e-retailing environment. It is very important that customers are satisfied with the website, or else, they would not return. Therefore, a crucial fact to look into is that companies must ensure that their customers are satisfied with their purchases that are really essential from the ecommerce’s point of view. With is in mind, this study aimed at investigating customer satisfaction towards e-shopping in Malaysia. A total of 400 questionnaires were distributed among students randomly selected from various public and private universities located within Klang valley area. Total 369 questionnaires were returned, out of which 341 questionnaires were found usable for further analysis. Finally, SEM was employed to test the hypotheses. This study found that customer satisfaction towards e-shopping in Malaysia is to a great extent influenced by ease of use, trust, design of the website, online security and e-service quality. Finally, recommendations and future study direction is provided. Keywords: E-shopping, Customer satisfaction, Trust, Online security, E-service quality, Malaysia
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