1,354 research outputs found

    The IceCube Neutrino Observatory: Instrumentation and Online Systems

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    The IceCube Neutrino Observatory is a cubic-kilometer-scale high-energy neutrino detector built into the ice at the South Pole. Construction of IceCube, the largest neutrino detector built to date, was completed in 2011 and enabled the discovery of high-energy astrophysical neutrinos. We describe here the design, production, and calibration of the IceCube digital optical module (DOM), the cable systems, computing hardware, and our methodology for drilling and deployment. We also describe the online triggering and data filtering systems that select candidate neutrino and cosmic ray events for analysis. Due to a rigorous pre-deployment protocol, 98.4% of the DOMs in the deep ice are operating and collecting data. IceCube routinely achieves a detector uptime of 99% by emphasizing software stability and monitoring. Detector operations have been stable since construction was completed, and the detector is expected to operate at least until the end of the next decade.Comment: 83 pages, 50 figures; updated with minor changes from journal review and proofin

    A Process for Extracting Knowledge in Design for the Developing World

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    The aim of this study was to develop the process necessary to identify design knowledge shared across product classes and contexts in Design for the Developing World. A process for extracting design knowledge in the field of Design for the Developing World was developed based on the Knowledge Discovery in Databases framework. This process was applied to extract knowledge from a sample dataset of 48 products and small-scale technologies. Unsupervised cluster analysis revealed two distinct product groups, cluster X-AA and cluster Z-AC-AD. Unique attributes of cluster XX-AA include local manufacture, local maintenance and service, human-power, distribution by a non-governmental organization, income-generation, and application in water/sanitation or agriculture sectors. The label Locally Oriented Design for the Developing World was assigned to this group based on the dominant features represented. Unique attributes of cluster Z-AC-AD include electric-power, distribution by a private organization, and application in the health or energy/communication sectors. The label Globally Oriented Design for the Developing World was assigned to this group. These findings were corroborated by additional analyses that suggest certain design knowledge is shared across classes and contexts within groups of products. The results suggest that at least two of these groups exist, which can serve as an initial framework for organizing the literature related to inter-context and inter-class design knowledge. Design knowledge was extracted from each group by collecting known approaches, principles, and methods from available literature. This knowledge may be applied as design guidance in future work by identifying a product group corresponding to the design scenario and sourcing the related set of knowledge

    The publishing process: a case study

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    Ant Colony Algorithms for the Resolution of Semantic Searches in P2P Networks

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    Tesis por compendio[EN] The long-lasting trend in the field of computation of stress and resource distribution has found its way into computer networks via the concept of peer-to-peer (P2P) connectivity. P2P is a symmetrical model, where each network node is enabled a comparable range of capacities and resources. It stands in a stark contrast to the classical, strongly asymmetrical client-server approach. P2P, originally considered only a complimentary, server-side structure to the straightforward client-server model, has been shown to have the substantial potential on its own, with multiple, widely known benefits: good fault tolerance and recovery, satisfactory scalability and intrinsic load distribution. However, contrary to client-server, P2P networks require sophisticated solutions on all levels, ranging from network organization, to resource location and managing. In this thesis we address one of the key issues of P2P networks: performing efficient resource searches of semantic nature under realistic, dynamic conditions. There have been numerous solutions to this matter, with evolutionary, stigmergy-based, and simple computational foci, but few attempt to resolve the full range of challenges this problem entails. To name a few: real-life P2P networks are rarely static, nodes disconnect, reconnect and change their content. In addition, a trivial incorporation of semantic searches into well-known algorithms causes significant decrease in search efficiency. In our research we build a solution incrementally, starting with the classic Ant Colony System (ACS) within the Ant Colony Optimization metaheuristic (ACO). ACO is an algorithmic framework used for solving combinatorial optimization problems that fits contractually the problem very well, albeit not providing an immediate solution to any of the aforementioned problems. First, we propose an efficient ACS variant in structured (hypercube structured) P2P networks, by enabling a path-post processing algorithm, which called Tabu Route Optimization (TRO). Next, we proceed to resolve the issue of network dynamism with an ACO-compatible information diffusion approach. Consequently, we attempt to incorporate the semantic component of the searches. This initial approximation to the problem was achieved by allowing ACS to differentiate between search types with the pheromone-per-concept idea. We called the outcome of this merger Routing Concept ACS (RC-ACS). RC-ACS is a robust, static multipheromone implementation of ACS. However, we were able to conclude from it that the pheromone-per-concept approach offers only limited scalability and cannot be considered a global solution. Thus, further progress was made in this respect when we introduced to RC-ACS our novel idea: dynamic pheromone creation, which replaces the static one-to-one assignment. We called the resulting algorithm Angry Ant Framework (AAF). In AAF new pheromone levels are created as needed and during the search, rather than prior to it. The final step was to enable AAF, not only to create pheromone levels, but to reassign them to optimize the pheromone usage. The resulting algorithm is called EntropicAAF and it has been evaluated as one of the top-performing algorithms for P2P semantic searches under all conditions.[ES] La popular tendencia de distribución de carga y recursos en el ámbito de la computación se ha transmitido a las redes computacionales a través del concepto de la conectividad peer-to-peer (P2P). P2P es un modelo simétrico, en el cual a cada nodo de la red se le otorga un rango comparable de capacidades y recursos. Se trata de un fuerte contraste con el clásico y fuertemente asimétrico enfoque cliente-servidor. P2P, originalmente considerado solo como una estructura del lado del servidor complementaria al sencillo modelo cliente-servidor, ha demostrado tener un potencial considerable por sí mismo, con múltiples beneficios ampliamente conocidos: buena tolerancia a fallos y recuperación, escalabilidad satisfactoria y distribución de carga intrínseca. Sin embargo, al contrario que el modelo cliente-servidor, las redes P2P requieren de soluciones sofisticadas a todos los niveles, desde la organización de la red hasta la gestión y localización de recursos. Esta tesis aborda uno de los problemas principales de las redes P2P: la búsqueda eficiente de recursos de naturaleza semántica bajo condiciones dinámicas y realistas. Ha habido numerosas soluciones a este problema basadas en enfoques evolucionarios, estigmérgicos y simples, pero pocas han tratado de resolver el abanico completo de desafíos. En primer lugar, las redes P2P reales son raramente estáticas: los nodos se desconectan, reconectan y cambian de contenido. Además, la incorporación trivial de búsquedas semánticas en algoritmos conocidos causa un decremento significativo de la eficiencia de la búsqueda. En esta investigación se ha construido una solución de manera incremental, comenzando por el clásico Ant Colony System (ACS) basado en la metaheurística de Ant Colony Optimization (ACO). ACO es un framework algorítmico usado para búsquedas en grafos que encaja perfectamente con las condiciones del problema, aunque no provee una solución inmediata a las cuestiones mencionadas anteriormente. En primer lugar, se propone una variante eficiente de ACS para redes P2P estructuradas (con estructura de hipercubo) permitiendo el postprocesamiento de las rutas, al que hemos denominado Tabu Route Optimization (TRO). A continuación, se ha tratado de resolver el problema del dinamismo de la red mediante la difusión de la información a través de una estrategia compatible con ACO. En consecuencia, se ha tratado de incorporar el componente semántico de las búsquedas. Esta aproximación inicial al problema ha sido lograda permitiendo al ACS diferenciar entre tipos de búsquedas através de la idea de pheromone-per-concept. El resultado de esta fusión se ha denominado Routing Concept ACS (RC-ACS). RC-ACS es una implementación multiferomona estática y robusta de ACS. Sin embargo, a partir de esta implementación se ha podido concluir que el enfoque pheromone-per-concept ofrece solo escalabilidad limitada y que no puede ser considerado una solución global. Por lo tanto, para lograr una mejora a este respecto, se ha introducido al RC-ACS una novedosa idea: la creación dinámica de feromonas, que reemplaza la asignación estática uno a uno. En el algoritmo resultante, al que hemos denominado Angry Ant Framework (AAF), los nuevos niveles de feromona se crean conforme se necesitan y durante la búsqueda, en lugar de crearse antes de la misma. La mejora final se ha obtenido al permitir al AAF no solo crear niveles de feromona, sino también reasignarlos para optimizar el uso de la misma. El algoritmo resultante se denomina EntropicAAF y ha sido evaluado como uno de los algoritmos más exitosos para las búsquedas semánticas P2P bajo todas las condiciones.[CA] La popular tendència de distribuir càrrega i recursos en el camp de la computació s'ha estès cap a les xarxes d'ordinadors a través del concepte de connexions d'igual a igual (de l'anglès, peer to peer o P2P). P2P és un model simètric on cada node de la xarxa disposa del mateix nombre de capacitats i recursos. P2P, considerat originàriament només una estructura situada al servidor complementària al model client-servidor simple, ha provat tindre el suficient potencial per ella mateixa, amb múltiples beneficis ben coneguts: una bona tolerància a errades i recuperació, una satisfactòria escalabilitat i una intrínseca distribució de càrrega. No obstant, contràriament al client-servidor, les xarxes P2P requereixen solucions sofisticades a tots els nivells, que varien des de l'organització de la xarxa a la localització de recursos i la seua gestió. En aquesta tesi s'adreça un dels problemes clau de les xarxes P2P: ser capaç de realitzar eficientment cerques de recursos de naturalesa semàntica sota condicions realistes i dinàmiques. Existeixen nombroses solucions a aquest tema basades en la computació simple, evolutiva i també basades en l'estimèrgia (de l'anglès, stigmergy), però pocs esforços s'han realitzat per intentar resoldre l'ampli conjunt de reptes existent. En primer lloc, les xarxes P2P reals són rarament estàtiques: els nodes es connecten, desconnecten i canvien els seus continguts. A més a més, la incorporació trivial de cerques semàntiques als algorismes existents causa una disminució significant de l'eficiència de la cerca. En aquesta recerca s'ha construït una solució incremental, començant pel sistema clàssic de colònia de formigues (de l'anglés, Ant Colony System o ACS) dins de la metaheurística d'optimització de colònies de formigues (de l'anglès, Ant Colony Optimization o ACO). ACO és un entorn algorísmic utilitzat per cercar en grafs i que aborda el problema de forma satisfactòria, tot i que no proveeix d'una solució immediata a cap dels problemes anteriorment mencionats. Primer, s'ha proposat una variant eficient d'ACS en xarxes P2P estructurades (en forma d'hipercub) a través d'un algorisme de processament post-camí el qual s'ha anomenat en anglès Tabu Route Optimization (TRO). A continuació, s'ha procedit a resoldre el problema del dinamisme de les xarxes amb un enfocament de difusió d'informació compatible amb ACO. Com a conseqüència, s'ha intentat incorporar la component semàntica de les cerques. Aquest enfocament inicial al problema s'ha realitzat permetent a ACS diferenciar entre tipus de cerques amb la idea de ''feromona per concepte'', i s'ha anomenat a aquest producte Routing Concept ACS o RC-ACS. RC-ACS és una implementació multi-feromona robusta i estàtica d'ACS. No obstant, s'ha pogut concloure que l'enfocament de feromona per concepte ofereix només una escalabilitat limitada i no pot ser considerada una solució global. En aquest respecte s'ha realitzat progrés posteriorment introduint una nova idea a RC-ACS: la creació dinàmica de feromones, la qual reemplaça a l'assignació un a un de les mateixes. A l'algorisme resultant se l'ha anomenat en anglès Angry Ant Framework (AAF). En AAF es creen nous nivells de feromones a mesura que es necessiten durant la cerca, i no abans d'aquesta. El progrés final s'ha aconseguit quan s'ha permès a AAF, no sols crear nivells de feromones, sinó reassignar-los per optimitzar la utilització de feromones. L'algorisme resultant s'ha anomenat EntropicAAF i ha sigut avaluat com un dels algorismes per a cerques semàntiques P2P amb millors prestacions.Krynicki, KK. (2016). Ant Colony Algorithms for the Resolution of Semantic Searches in P2P Networks [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61293TESISPremios Extraordinarios de tesis doctoralesCompendi

    Diamond and sp² carbon for green energy applications

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    Carbon is a ubiquitous element on earth, with 6 protons, electrons, and neutrons. It is tetravalent, with a range of hybridised bonding configurations, it can form materials with superlative and varied properties. These materials range from soft and conductive sp2 bonded allotropes like graphite and carbon nanotubes, to the insulating and hardest natural material on earth, sp3 bonded diamond. The first half of this thesis presents an investigation of the properties of a promising novel carbon nanomaterial, CNS, and its application to ultracapacitor electrodes for the first time. High surface area conductive carbon nanomaterials are capable of high power and long service life energy storage in ultracapacitors, a critical green technology. The development of this technology to increase energy density to compete with chemical batteries could accelerate a transition to sustainable energy infrastructure. CNS/polymer composite electrodes were assembled using a conductive diamond collector substrate, then characterised using electrochemical techniques to measure capacitative performance. The second half of this thesis concerns the development of amperometric dissolved oxygen sensors for extreme environments. Diamonds controllable electronic properties, corrosion resistance, wide electrochemical window, and resistance to fouling make it an ideal potential material for this application. Conductive boron doped diamond electrodes were functionalised with platinum nanoparticles. Aphotolithographyprocesswasusedtoproduceanarrayofmicrodiscelectrodesusingan SU-8 photoresist mask, for the first time in this application and material system. A custom electrochemical cell was designed and built to provide a new electrochemical capability to the lab at approximately 1/10th the cost of a commercial solution; the project will be made open source. The microdisc array was tested as an oxygen sensor using the cell; calibration standards were produced by controlling the flow of oxygen and nitrogen gasses through the cell. A control measurement was provided for by a calibrated oxygen gauge incorporated into the test cell

    Backward Amplification and Beam Cleanup of a Raman Fiber Laser Oscillator using a Multi-Mode Graded Index Fiber Amplifier

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    This thesis tested a CW fiber-based Raman amplifier implemented in a backward pumped geometry. To create a seed for the amplifier, a CW Nd:YAG laser operating at 1.064µm was used to pump a 50µm multimode graded index fiber using fiber Bragg gratings to create a Raman Fiber Laser (RFL) Oscillator with a Stokes beam at 1.116µm. The Stokes beam was then used to seed two lengths, 5.3km and 2.5km, of 50µm multimode graded index fiber. The fiber amplifier was pumped by a second CW Nd:YAG laser in the backward geometry. Spectral data taken for both fibers indicated that the backward geometry avoided the problem of Four Wave Mixing (FWM) present in the forward geometry for amplification. Gain and beam cleanup were observed in both lengths of fiber. An M2 of 6.7 ± 0.2 was observed in the 5.3km fiber with 5 W of pumping. With 9 W of pump, a gain of 321.3% was observed, but severe attenuation due to the length of fiber prevented overall amplification of the seed with the available pump power. The 2.5km fiber produced an M2 of 3.9 ± 0.5 with 5 W of pumping. With 10 W of pump, a gain of 241.8% and overall amplification of 153.1% was observed