365 research outputs found

    Adapting website design for people with color-blindness

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    The aim of the study is the description of problem of developing web design for people with color blindness. The objectives of the study are familiarising with the exiting algorithms of simulation color blindness and searching the most appropriate color models to realize a filter of disputed colors. The object of the study is the convertation of color models and algorithms of filtration. The subject of the study are methods of recognition disputed colors. In the study were investigated the problems of color blind people, examined the basic concepts of trichromatic color vision theory, substantiated the necessity of changing different types of color models, given formulas convertation from RGB-color model to HSL-color model, systematized the algorithms of imitation and filtration of colors for different types of dichromacy: protanopia, deuteranopia and tritanopia. The results of the study are planned using in development of adapting website design for people with color blindness.Метою дослідження є опис проблеми розробки веб-дизайну для людей з порушеннями кольоросприйняття. Задачами дослідження є ознайомлення з існуючими алгоритмами імітації порушень кольоросприйняття та пошук найбільш відповідних колірних моделей для реалізації фільтрування спірних кольорів. Об’єктом дослідження є конвертація колірних моделей та алгоритм фільтрування. Предметом дослідження є методи визначення спірних кольорів. У статті досліджено проблеми людей із різними видами порушень кольоросприйняття, розглянуто основні положення теорії трикомпонентного зору, обґрунтовано необхідність переходу з одних колірних моделей до інших, наведено формули конвертації з RGB-моделі до HSL-моделі, систематизовано алгоритми імітації та фільтрування кольорів у різних видах дихроматизму: протанопії, дейтеранопії та тританопії. Результати дослідження планується використати при розробці системи адаптації дизайну сайту для людей із порушеннями кольоросприйняття

    Segmentation and Characterization of Small Retinal Vessels in Fundus Images Using the Tensor Voting Approach

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    RÉSUMÉ La rétine permet de visualiser facilement une partie du réseau vasculaire humain. Elle offre ainsi un aperçu direct sur le développement et le résultat de certaines maladies liées au réseau vasculaire dans son entier. Chaque complication visible sur la rétine peut avoir un impact sur la capacité visuelle du patient. Les plus petits vaisseaux sanguins sont parmi les premières structures anatomiques affectées par la progression d’une maladie, être capable de les analyser est donc crucial. Les changements dans l’état, l’aspect, la morphologie, la fonctionnalité, ou même la croissance des petits vaisseaux indiquent la gravité des maladies. Le diabète est une maladie métabolique qui affecte des millions de personnes autour du monde. Cette maladie affecte le taux de glucose dans le sang et cause des changements pathologiques dans différents organes du corps humain. La rétinopathie diabétique décrit l’en- semble des conditions et conséquences du diabète au niveau de la rétine. Les petits vaisseaux jouent un rôle dans le déclenchement, le développement et les conséquences de la rétinopa- thie. Dans les dernières étapes de cette maladie, la croissance des nouveaux petits vaisseaux, appelée néovascularisation, présente un risque important de provoquer la cécité. Il est donc crucial de détecter tous les changements qui ont lieu dans les petits vaisseaux de la rétine dans le but de caractériser les vaisseaux sains et les vaisseaux anormaux. La caractérisation en elle-même peut faciliter la détection locale d’une rétinopathie spécifique. La segmentation automatique des structures anatomiques comme le réseau vasculaire est une étape cruciale. Ces informations peuvent être fournies à un médecin pour qu’elles soient considérées lors de son diagnostic. Dans les systèmes automatiques d’aide au diagnostic, le rôle des petits vaisseaux est significatif. Ne pas réussir à les détecter automatiquement peut conduire à une sur-segmentation du taux de faux positifs des lésions rouges dans les étapes ultérieures. Les efforts de recherche se sont concentrés jusqu’à présent sur la localisation précise des vaisseaux de taille moyenne. Les modèles existants ont beaucoup plus de difficultés à extraire les petits vaisseaux sanguins. Les modèles existants ne sont pas robustes à la grande variance d’apparence des vaisseaux ainsi qu’à l’interférence avec l’arrière-plan. Les modèles de la littérature existante supposent une forme générale qui n’est pas suffisante pour s’adapter à la largeur étroite et la courbure qui caractérisent les petits vaisseaux sanguins. De plus, le contraste avec l’arrière-plan dans les régions des petits vaisseaux est très faible. Les méthodes de segmentation ou de suivi produisent des résultats fragmentés ou discontinus. Par ailleurs, la segmentation des petits vaisseaux est généralement faite aux dépends de l’amplification du bruit. Les modèles déformables sont inadéquats pour segmenter les petits vaisseaux. Les forces utilisées ne sont pas assez flexibles pour compenser le faible contraste, la largeur, et vii la variance des vaisseaux. Enfin, les approches de type apprentissage machine nécessitent un entraînement avec une base de données étiquetée. Il est très difficile d’obtenir ces bases de données dans le cas des petits vaisseaux. Cette thèse étend les travaux de recherche antérieurs en fournissant une nouvelle mé- thode de segmentation des petits vaisseaux rétiniens. La détection de ligne à échelles multiples (MSLD) est une méthode récente qui démontre une bonne performance de segmentation dans les images de la rétine, tandis que le vote tensoriel est une méthode proposée pour reconnecter les pixels. Une approche combinant un algorithme de détection de ligne et de vote tensoriel est proposée. L’application des détecteurs de lignes a prouvé son efficacité à segmenter les vais- seaux de tailles moyennes. De plus, les approches d’organisation perceptuelle comme le vote tensoriel ont démontré une meilleure robustesse en combinant les informations voisines d’une manière hiérarchique. La méthode de vote tensoriel est plus proche de la perception humain que d’autres modèles standards. Comme démontré dans ce manuscrit, c’est un outil pour segmenter les petits vaisseaux plus puissant que les méthodes existantes. Cette combinaison spécifique nous permet de surmonter les défis de fragmentation éprouvés par les méthodes de type modèle déformable au niveau des petits vaisseaux. Nous proposons également d’utiliser un seuil adaptatif sur la réponse de l’algorithme de détection de ligne pour être plus robuste aux images non-uniformes. Nous illustrons également comment une combinaison des deux méthodes individuelles, à plusieurs échelles, est capable de reconnecter les vaisseaux sur des distances variables. Un algorithme de reconstruction des vaisseaux est également proposé. Cette dernière étape est nécessaire car l’information géométrique complète est requise pour pouvoir utiliser la segmentation dans un système d’aide au diagnostic. La segmentation a été validée sur une base de données d’images de fond d’oeil à haute résolution. Cette base contient des images manifestant une rétinopathie diabétique. La seg- mentation emploie des mesures de désaccord standards et aussi des mesures basées sur la perception. En considérant juste les petits vaisseaux dans les images de la base de données, l’amélioration dans le taux de sensibilité que notre méthode apporte par rapport à la méthode standard de détection multi-niveaux de lignes est de 6.47%. En utilisant les mesures basées sur la perception, l’amélioration est de 7.8%. Dans une seconde partie du manuscrit, nous proposons également une méthode pour caractériser les rétines saines ou anormales. Certaines images contiennent de la néovascula- risation. La caractérisation des vaisseaux en bonne santé ou anormale constitue une étape essentielle pour le développement d’un système d’aide au diagnostic. En plus des défis que posent les petits vaisseaux sains, les néovaisseaux démontrent eux un degré de complexité encore plus élevé. Ceux-ci forment en effet des réseaux de vaisseaux à la morphologie com- plexe et inhabituelle, souvent minces et à fortes courbures. Les travaux existants se limitent viii à l’utilisation de caractéristiques de premier ordre extraites des petits vaisseaux segmentés. Notre contribution est d’utiliser le vote tensoriel pour isoler les jonctions vasculaires et d’uti- liser ces jonctions comme points d’intérêts. Nous utilisons ensuite une statistique spatiale de second ordre calculée sur les jonctions pour caractériser les vaisseaux comme étant sains ou pathologiques. Notre méthode améliore la sensibilité de la caractérisation de 9.09% par rapport à une méthode de l’état de l’art. La méthode développée s’est révélée efficace pour la segmentation des vaisseaux réti- niens. Des tenseurs d’ordre supérieur ainsi que la mise en œuvre d’un vote par tenseur via un filtrage orientable pourraient être étudiés pour réduire davantage le temps d’exécution et résoudre les défis encore présents au niveau des jonctions vasculaires. De plus, la caractéri- sation pourrait être améliorée pour la détection de la rétinopathie proliférative en utilisant un apprentissage supervisé incluant des cas de rétinopathie diabétique non proliférative ou d’autres pathologies. Finalement, l’incorporation des méthodes proposées dans des systèmes d’aide au diagnostic pourrait favoriser le dépistage régulier pour une détection précoce des rétinopathies et d’autres pathologies oculaires dans le but de réduire la cessité au sein de la population.----------ABSTRACT As an easily accessible site for the direct observation of the circulation system, human retina can offer a unique insight into diseases development or outcome. Retinal vessels are repre- sentative of the general condition of the whole systematic circulation, and thus can act as a "window" to the status of the vascular network in the whole body. Each complication on the retina can have an adverse impact on the patient’s sight. In this direction, small vessels’ relevance is very high as they are among the first anatomical structures that get affected as diseases progress. Moreover, changes in the small vessels’ state, appearance, morphology, functionality, or even growth indicate the severity of the diseases. This thesis will focus on the retinal lesions due to diabetes, a serious metabolic disease affecting millions of people around the world. This disorder disturbs the natural blood glucose levels causing various pathophysiological changes in different systems across the human body. Diabetic retinopathy is the medical term that describes the condition when the fundus and the retinal vessels are affected by diabetes. As in other diseases, small vessels play a crucial role in the onset, the development, and the outcome of the retinopathy. More importantly, at the latest stage, new small vessels, or neovascularizations, growth constitutes a factor of significant risk for blindness. Therefore, there is a need to detect all the changes that occur in the small retinal vessels with the aim of characterizing the vessels to healthy or abnormal. The characterization, in turn, can facilitate the detection of a specific retinopathy locally, like the sight-threatening proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Segmentation techniques can automatically isolate important anatomical structures like the vessels, and provide this information to the physician to assist him in the final decision. In comprehensive systems for the automatization of DR detection, small vessels role is significant as missing them early in a CAD pipeline might lead to an increase in the false positive rate of red lesions in subsequent steps. So far, the efforts have been concentrated mostly on the accurate localization of the medium range vessels. In contrast, the existing models are weak in case of the small vessels. The required generalization to adapt an existing model does not allow the approaches to be flexible, yet robust to compensate for the increased variability in the appearance as well as the interference with the background. So far, the current template models (matched filtering, line detection, and morphological processing) assume a general shape for the vessels that is not enough to approximate the narrow, curved, characteristics of the small vessels. Additionally, due to the weak contrast in the small vessel regions, the current segmentation and the tracking methods produce fragmented or discontinued results. Alternatively, the small vessel segmentation can be accomplished at the expense of x background noise magnification, in the case of using thresholding or the image derivatives methods. Furthermore, the proposed deformable models are not able to propagate a contour to the full extent of the vasculature in order to enclose all the small vessels. The deformable model external forces are ineffective to compensate for the low contrast, the low width, the high variability in the small vessel appearance, as well as the discontinuities. Internal forces, also, are not able to impose a global shape constraint to the contour that could be able to approximate the variability in the appearance of the vasculature in different categories of vessels. Finally, machine learning approaches require the training of a classifier on a labelled set. Those sets are difficult to be obtained, especially in the case of the smallest vessels. In the case of the unsupervised methods, the user has to predefine the number of clusters and perform an effective initialization of the cluster centers in order to converge to the global minimum. This dissertation expanded the previous research work and provides a new segmentation method for the smallest retinal vessels. Multi-scale line detection (MSLD) is a recent method that demonstrates good segmentation performance in the retinal images, while tensor voting is a method first proposed for reconnecting pixels. For the first time, we combined the line detection with the tensor voting framework. The application of the line detectors has been proved an effective way to segment medium-sized vessels. Additionally, perceptual organization approaches like tensor voting, demonstrate increased robustness by combining information coming from the neighborhood in a hierarchical way. Tensor voting is closer than standard models to the way human perception functions. As we show, it is a more powerful tool to segment small vessels than the existing methods. This specific combination allows us to overcome the apparent fragmentation challenge of the template methods at the smallest vessels. Moreover, we thresholded the line detection response adaptively to compensate for non-uniform images. We also combined the two individual methods in a multi-scale scheme in order to reconnect vessels at variable distances. Finally, we reconstructed the vessels from their extracted centerlines based on pixel painting as complete geometric information is required to be able to utilize the segmentation in a CAD system. The segmentation was validated on a high-resolution fundus image database that in- cludes diabetic retinopathy images of varying stages, using standard discrepancy as well as perceptual-based measures. When only the smallest vessels are considered, the improve- ments in the sensitivity rate for the database against the standard multi-scale line detection method is 6.47%. For the perceptual-based measure, the improvement is 7.8% against the basic method. The second objective of the thesis was to implement a method for the characterization of isolated retinal areas into healthy or abnormal cases. Some of the original images, from which xi these patches are extracted, contain neovascularizations. Investigation of image features for the vessels characterization to healthy or abnormal constitutes an essential step in the direction of developing CAD system for the automatization of DR screening. Given that the amount of data will significantly increase under CAD systems, the focus on this category of vessels can facilitate the referral of sight-threatening cases to early treatment. In addition to the challenges that small healthy vessels pose, neovessels demonstrate an even higher degree of complexity as they form networks of convolved, twisted, looped thin vessels. The existing work is limited to the use of first-order characteristics extracted from the small segmented vessels that limits the study of patterns. Our contribution is in using the tensor voting framework to isolate the retinal vascular junctions and in turn using those junctions as points of interests. Second, we exploited second-order statistics computed on the junction spatial distribution to characterize the vessels as healthy or neovascularizations. In fact, the second-order spatial statistics extracted from the junction distribution are combined with widely used features to improve the characterization sensitivity by 9.09% over the state of art. The developed method proved effective for the segmentation of the retinal vessels. Higher order tensors along with the implementation of tensor voting via steerable filtering could be employed to further reduce the execution time, and resolve the challenges at vascular junctions. Moreover, the characterization could be advanced to the detection of prolifera- tive retinopathy by extending the supervised learning to include non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy cases or other pathologies. Ultimately, the incorporation of the methods into CAD systems could facilitate screening for the effective reduction of the vision-threatening diabetic retinopathy rates, or the early detection of other than ocular pathologies

    Adaptive Methods for Color Vision Impaired Users

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    Color plays a key role in the understanding of the information in computer environments. It happens that about 5% of the world population is affected by color vision deficiency (CVD), also called color blindness. This visual impairment hampers the color perception, ending up by limiting the overall perception that CVD people have about the surrounding environment, no matter it is real or virtual. In fact, a CVD individual may not distinguish between two different colors, what often originates confusion or a biased understanding of the reality, including web environments, whose web pages are plenty of media elements like text, still images, video, sprites, and so on. Aware of the difficulties that color-blind people may face in interpreting colored contents, a significant number of recoloring algorithms have been proposed in the literature with the purpose of improving the visual perception of those people somehow. However, most of those algorithms lack a systematic study of subjective assessment, what undermines their validity, not to say usefulness. Thus, in the sequel of the research work behind this Ph.D. thesis, the central question that needs to be answered is whether recoloring algorithms are of any usefulness and help for colorblind people or not. With this in mind, we conceived a few preliminary recoloring algorithms that were published in conference proceedings elsewhere. Except the algorithm detailed in Chapter 3, these conference algorithms are not described in this thesis, though they have been important to engender those presented here. The first algorithm (Chapter 3) was designed and implemented for people with dichromacy to improve their color perception. The idea is to project the reddish hues onto other hues that are perceived more regularly by dichromat people. The second algorithm (Chapter 4) is also intended for people with dichromacy to improve their perception of color, but its applicability covers the adaptation of text and image, in HTML5- compliant web environments. This enhancement of color contrast of text and imaging in web pages is done while keeping the naturalness of color as much as possible. Also, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first web recoloring approach targeted to dichromat people that takes into consideration both text and image recoloring in an integrated manner. The third algorithm (Chapter 5) primarily focuses on the enhancement of some of the object contours in still images, instead of recoloring the pixels of the regions bounded by such contours. Enhancing contours is particularly suited to increase contrast in images, where we find adjacent regions that are color indistinguishable from dichromat’s point of view. To our best knowledge, this is one of the first algorithms that take advantage of image analysis and processing techniques for region contours. After accurate subjective assessment studies for color-blind people, we concluded that the CVD adaptation methods are useful in general. Nevertheless, each method is not efficient enough to adapt all sorts of images, that is, the adequacy of each method depends on the type of image (photo-images, graphical representations, etc.). Furthermore, we noted that the experience-based perceptual learning of colorblind people throughout their lives determines their visual perception. That is, color adaptation algorithms must satisfy requirements such as color naturalness and consistency, to ensure that dichromat people improve their visual perception without artifacts. On the other hand, CVD adaptation algorithms should be object-oriented, instead of pixel-oriented (as typically done), to select judiciously pixels that should be adapted. This perspective opens an opportunity window for future research in color accessibility in the field of in human-computer interaction (HCI).A cor desempenha um papel fundamental na compreensão da informação em ambientes computacionais. Porém, cerca de 5% da população mundial é afetada pela deficiência de visão de cor (ou Color Vision Deficiency (CVD), do Inglês), correntemente designada por daltonismo. Esta insuficiência visual dificulta a perceção das cores, o que limita a perceção geral que os indivíduos têm sobre o meio, seja real ou virtual. Efetivamente, um indivíduo com CVD vê como iguais cores que são diferentes, o que origina confusão ou uma compreensão distorcida da realidade, assim como dos ambientes web, onde existe uma abundância de conteúdos média coloridos, como texto, imagens fixas e vídeo, entre outros. Com o intuito de mitigar as dificuldades que as pessoas com CVD enfrentam na interpretação de conteúdos coloridos, tem sido proposto na literatura um número significativo de algoritmos de recoloração, que têm como o objetivo melhorar, de alguma forma, a perceção visual de pessoas com CVD. Porém, a maioria desses trabalhos carece de um estudo sistemático de avaliação subjetiva, o que põe em causa a sua validação, se não mesmo a sua utilidade. Assim, a principal questão à qual se pretende responder, como resultado do trabalho de investigação subjacente a esta tese de doutoramento, é se os algoritmos de recoloração têm ou não uma real utilidade, constituindo assim uma ajuda efetiva às pessoas com daltonismo. Tendo em mente esta questão, concebemos alguns algoritmos de recoloração preliminares que foram publicados em atas de conferências. Com exceção do algoritmo descrito no Capítulo 3, esses algoritmos não são descritos nesta tese, não obstante a sua importância na conceção daqueles descritos nesta dissertação. O primeiro algoritmo (Capítulo 3) foi projetado e implementado para pessoas com dicromacia, a fim de melhorar a sua perceção da cor. A ideia consiste em projetar as cores de matiz avermelhada em matizes que são melhor percebidos pelas pessoas com os tipos de daltonismo em causa. O segundo algoritmo (Capítulo 4) também se destina a melhorar a perceção da cor por parte de pessoas com dicromacia, porém a sua aplicabilidade abrange a adaptação de texto e imagem, em ambientes web compatíveis com HTML5. Isto é conseguido através do realce do contraste de cores em blocos de texto e em imagens, em páginas da web, mantendo a naturalidade da cor tanto quanto possível. Além disso, tanto quanto sabemos, esta é a primeira abordagem de recoloração em ambiente web para pessoas com dicromacia, que trata o texto e a imagem de forma integrada. O terceiro algoritmo (Capítulo 5) centra-se principalmente na melhoria de alguns dos contornos de objetos em imagens, em vez de aplicar a recoloração aos pixels das regiões delimitadas por esses contornos. Esta abordagem é particularmente adequada para aumentar o contraste em imagens, quando existem regiões adjacentes que são de cor indistinguível sob a perspetiva dos observadores com dicromacia. Também neste caso, e tanto quanto é do nosso conhecimento, este é um dos primeiros algoritmos em que se recorre a técnicas de análise e processamento de contornos de regiões. Após rigorosos estudos de avaliação subjetiva com pessoas com daltonismo, concluiu-se que os métodos de adaptação CVD são úteis em geral. No entanto, cada método não é suficientemente eficiente para todos os tipo de imagens, isto é, o desempenho de cada método depende do tipo de imagem (fotografias, representações gráficas, etc.). Além disso, notámos que a aprendizagem perceptual baseada na experiência das pessoas daltónicas ao longo de suas vidas é determinante para perceber aquilo que vêem. Isto significa que os algoritmos de adaptação de cor devem satisfazer requisitos tais como a naturalidade e a consistência da cor, de modo a não pôr em causa aquilo que os destinatários consideram razoável ver no mundo real. Por outro lado, a abordagem seguida na adaptação CVD deve ser orientada aos objetos, em vez de ser orientada aos pixéis (como tem sido feito até ao momento), de forma a possibilitar uma seleção mais criteriosa dos pixéis que deverão ser sujeitos ao processo de adaptação. Esta perspectiva abre uma janela de oportunidade para futura investigação em acessibilidade da cor no domínio da interacção humano-computador (HCI)

    CVD-MET: an image difference metric designed for analysis of color vision deficiency aids

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    Color vision deficiency (CVD) has gained in relevance in the last decade, with a surge of proposals for aid systems that aim to improve the color discrimination capabilities of CVD subjects. This paper focuses on the proposal of a new metric called CVD-MET, that can evaluate the efficiency and naturalness of these systems through a set of images using a simulation of the subject’s vision. In the simulation, the effect of chromatic adaptation is introduced via CIECAM02, which is relevant for the evaluation of passive aids (color filters). To demonstrate the potential of the CVD-MET, an evaluation of a representative set of passive and active aids is carried out both with conventional image quality metrics and with CVD-MET. The results suggest that the active aids (recoloration algorithms) are in general more efficient and produce more natural images, although the changes that are introduced do not shift the CVD’s perception of the scene towards the normal observer’s perception.Junta de Andalucia A-TIC-050-UGR18Spanish Government FIS2017-89258-PMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades RTI2018-094738-B-I0

    Character Recognition

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    Character recognition is one of the pattern recognition technologies that are most widely used in practical applications. This book presents recent advances that are relevant to character recognition, from technical topics such as image processing, feature extraction or classification, to new applications including human-computer interfaces. The goal of this book is to provide a reference source for academic research and for professionals working in the character recognition field

    Virtual Reality Games for Motor Rehabilitation

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    This paper presents a fuzzy logic based method to track user satisfaction without the need for devices to monitor users physiological conditions. User satisfaction is the key to any product’s acceptance; computer applications and video games provide a unique opportunity to provide a tailored environment for each user to better suit their needs. We have implemented a non-adaptive fuzzy logic model of emotion, based on the emotional component of the Fuzzy Logic Adaptive Model of Emotion (FLAME) proposed by El-Nasr, to estimate player emotion in UnrealTournament 2004. In this paper we describe the implementation of this system and present the results of one of several play tests. Our research contradicts the current literature that suggests physiological measurements are needed. We show that it is possible to use a software only method to estimate user emotion

    Renk körlüğünün tanısına yönelik yeni bir arayüz

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Renk körlüğü, özellikle erkek nüfusu arasında yaygın olan bir görme kusurudur. Belirli meslek dallarında çalışma yeterliliği veya bazı belge ve sertifikaların temininde renk körlüğü testinden başarılı olma zorunluluğu bulunmaktadır. Ancak bu testlerin geçerliliği ve doğruluğu büyük bir tartışma konusudur. Günümüzde yaygın olarak kullanılan Ishihara renk körlüğü testi deneklerin renk körü olup olmadıklarını sadece pozitif/negatif anlamında ölçen testler olup yaklaşık yüz yıl önceki teknolojik gelişmişliğe sahiptir. Bununla beraber, renk körlüğü konusunda literatürde yer almış diğer çalışmalarda önerilen birçok test geçersiz ölçüm yöntemi, süre olumsuzlukları veya doğruluklarının yeterli olmaması gibi nedenlerden dolayı Ishihara testi kadar pratik ve yaygın kullanım alanı bulamamaktadırlar. Günümüzde hassasiyet ve görüntü kaliteleri oldukça tatminkâr seviyelere gelen ekranlar ve bu ekranları süren yüksek performanslı donanımlar, hafif-ergonomik kasalar, düşük maliyetler ve gelişmiş bilişim altyapıları sebebiyle kişisel bilgisayarların, dizüstü bilgisayarların veya tabletlerin renk körlüğü testlerinde kullanılmasının teknolojik olarak mümkün hale gelmiştir. Bu tez çalışmasının amacı, renk körlüğünün detaylı tanısına yönelik yeni bir test yazılımının geliştirilmesidir. Geliştirilen yeni test sayesinde mevcut ve yaygın kullanılan renk körlüğü testinde renk paletlerinden ve ortam şartlarından kaynaklanan olumsuzlukların önüne geçilmesi hedeflenmiştir. Ayrıca deneklere uygulanan testler ve bu testlere testin taşınması, çoğaltılması, kullanılması, sonuç verilerinin çok daha kolay saklanması ve bu verilere çok daha kolay erişilmesi hedeflenmiştir. Bu sayede renkli görme kusuru açısından hastalardan elde edilen verilerle analiz çalışmalarının çok daha kolay yürütülmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yeni test dört aşamada gerçekleştirilmiş ve her aşaması denekler üzerinde uygulanmıştır. Çalışma grubu 111 renkli görme kusuru bulunan ve 137 normal renkli görme yetisine sahip, toplam 248 kişiden oluşmaktadır. Ishihara testlerine kıyasen yeni test, deneğin sadece 'renkli görme' yetisinin olup/olmadığının tanısında %100 duyarlılık ve %100 özgüllük elde edilmesinin yanı sıra deneğe hangi renk tonlarına karşı kusurlu olduğunun da yaklaşık olarak gösterilmesi sağlanmıştır. Ayrıca testten elde edilen verilerin bulanık mantık yaklaşımı ile hazırlanan bir algoritmada analiz edilerek deneğin renk körlüğü kusuru olup olmadığının tanısı gerçekleştirilmiştir.ait kişisel veriler bir bilişim ortamında potansiyel araştırma ve analiz işlemlerine uygun olacak şekilde depolanmıştır. Bunun yanı sıra, yeni testin bilgisayar ortamında hazırlanmasıyla, mevcut olan renk körlüğü testlerine nazaranColour-blindness is a vision deficiency that is prevalent on male populations. A successful colour-blindness test score is necessary in some particular professions or obtaining some certificates. However, the validity and accuracy of these tests are controversial. Ishihara colour-blindness tests, which have almost one-century background, are being used widespread to discriminate the subjects whether they have colour deficiency or not as simple as in positive/negative logic. However, the rest of the methods related to colour blindness in the related literature have not been popular since they infer some drawbacks such as invalid test equipment, time-consuming features and inadequate accuracy. Nowadays even personal computers having modern display technologies with high performance hardware, light and ergonomic casings, low cost parts and along with advanced information systems enable colour-blindness tests applying on them feasible. The aim of this thesis is to improve a novel colour-blindness tests which gives a detailed result about the colour that an individual cannot see besides just classifying whether the individual is colour-blind or not. With the benefits of the new test, it has been aimed to preclude that the flaws inflicted by colour plates commonly used and ambient light. All the results and demographic information gathered from the individuals have been properly stored for further studies and analyses. Additionally, the new test, developed as a computer-based test compared to conventional tests, became more portable, easier to use and has many advantageous over others especially when data storage and analysis capabilities are concerned. The new test has designed in four phase and all the phases have been applied on individuals. 111 individuals having colour vision deficiency and 137 individuals having normal colour vision have been participated to this thesis. In the name of just diagnosis if the individual is colour blind, the new test has achieved 100% specify and 100% sensitivity. With the final phase of the new test, it has been enabled to diagnosis of an individual in a detailed way and reveal the colour deficiency of each individual in terms of colour tones besides just classifying if the individual is colour blind. Furthermore, a fuzzy logic algorithm has been used to determine if the individuals has colour vision deficiency