23 research outputs found

    Development of a Multi-Objective Scheduling System for Complex Job Shops in a Manufacturing Environment

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    In many sectors of commercial operation, the scheduling of workflows and the allocation of resources at an optimum time is critical; for effective and efficient operation. The high degree of complexity of a “Job Shop” manufacturing environment, with sequencing of many parallel orders, and allocation of resources within multi-objective operational criteria, has been subject to several research studies. In this thesis, a scheduling system for optimizing multi-objective job shop scheduling problems was developed in order to satisfy different production system requirements. The developed system incorporated three different factors; setup times, alternative machines and release dates, into one model. These three factors were considered after a survey study of multiobjective job shop scheduling problems. In order to solve the multi-objective job shop scheduling problems, a combination of genetic algorithm and a modified version of a very recent and computationally efficient approach to non-dominated sorting solutions, called “efficient non-dominated sort using the backward pass sequential strategy”, was applied. In the proposed genetic algorithm, an operation based representation was designed in the matrix form, which can preserve features of the parent after the crossover operator without repairing the solution. The proposed efficient non-dominated sort using the backward pass sequential strategy was employed to determine the front, to which each solution belongs. The proposed system was tested and validated with 20 benchmark problems after they have been modified. The experimental results show that the proposed system was effective and efficient to solve multi-objective job shop scheduling problems in terms of solution quality

    An AIS-based hybrid algorithm for static job shop scheduling problem

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    Reduction of carbon emission and total late work criterion in job shop scheduling by applying a multi-objective imperialist competitive algorithm

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    New environmental regulations have driven companies to adopt low-carbon manufacturing. This research is aimed at considering carbon dioxide in the operational decision level where limited studies can be found, especially in the scheduling area. In particular, the purpose of this research is to simultaneously minimize carbon emission and total late work criterion as sustainability-based and classical-based objective functions, respectively, in the multiobjective job shop scheduling environment. In order to solve the presented problem more effectively, a new multiobjective imperialist competitive algorithm imitating the behavior of imperialistic competition is proposed to obtain a set of non-dominated schedules. In this work, a three-fold scientific contribution can be observed in the problem and solution method, that are: (1) integrating carbon dioxide into the operational decision level of job shop scheduling, (2) considering total late work criterion in multi-objective job shop scheduling, and (3) proposing a new multi-objective imperialist competitive algorithm for solving the extended multi-objective optimization problem. The elements of the proposed algorithm are elucidated and forty three small and large sized extended benchmarked data sets are solved by the algorithm. Numerical results are compared with two well-known and most representative metaheuristic approaches, which are multi-objective particle swarm optimization and non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II, in order to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm. The obtained results reveal the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed multi-objective imperialist competitive algorithm in finding high quality non-dominated schedules as compared to the other metaheuristic approache

    Metodología multiobjetivo basada en un comportamiento evolutivo para programar sistemas de producción flexible job shop. Aplicaciones en la industria metalmecánica

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    El objeto de estudio de la presente tesis es el taller de trabajo flexible en el sector metalmecánico. El problema de investigación se derivó a partir de la búsqueda sistemática de metodologías y algoritmos para programar sistemas productivos; se identificaron configuraciones de variables de proceso no abordadas en la literatura, lo que se considera un vacío en el conocimiento. Consecuente con lo anterior, se diseñó una metodología basada en un algoritmo evolutivo para programar los pedidos en un taller de trabajo flexible, con restricciones de tiempo, secuencia, mantenimiento, liberación de pedidos, disponibilidad, consumo y costo de recurso que varía en el tiempo, con el fin de minimizar tiempo de proceso y costo de producción; incluyó un proceso de ponderación para escoger la mejor secuencia de programación. Como aporte principal se propone una metodología novedosa que al compararla con otras metodologías encontradas en la bibliografía, demostró mejoras mayores al 10% en makespan y costo total del recurso consumidoAbstract: The study object of the present thesis is the flexible job shop in the metal mechanic sector. The research problem was derived from the systematic search of methodologies and algorithms to schedule production systems; configurations of process variables not addressed in the literature were identified, which is considered an empty in knowledge. Consequent with previous, a methodology was designed based on an evolutionary algorithm to schedule orders in a flexible job shop, with time restrictions, sequence, maintenance, liberation of orders, availability, consumption and cost of resource that varies in time, in order to minimize processing time and cost of production; it includes a weighting process to choose the best programming sequence. As main contribution a novel methodology was proposed which, compared with other methodologies found in the literature, it demonstrated greater improvements to 10% in Makespan and total cost of consumed resourceDoctorad

    Online Advertising Assignment Problems Considering Realistic Constraints

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    학위논문 (박사) -- 서울대학교 대학원 : 공과대학 산업공학과, 2020. 8. 문일경.With a drastic increase in online communities, many companies have been paying attention to online advertising. The main advantages of online advertising are traceability, cost-effectiveness, reachability, and interactivity. The benefits facilitate the continuous popularity of online advertising. For Internet-based companies, a well-constructed online advertisement assignment increases their revenue. Hence, the managers need to develop their decision-making processes for assigning online advertisements on their website so that their revenue is maximized. In this dissertation, we consider online advertising assignment problems considering realistic constraints. There are three types of online advertising assignment problems: (i) Display ads problem in adversarial order, (ii) Display ads problem in probabilistic order, and (iii) Online banner advertisement scheduling for advertising effectiveness. Unlike previous assignment problems, the problems are pragmatic approaches that reflect realistic constraints and advertising effectiveness. Moreover, the algorithms the dissertation designs offer important insights into the online advertisement assignment problem. We give a brief explanation of the fundamental methodologies to solve the online advertising assignment problems in Chapter 1. At the end of this chapter, the contributions and outline of the dissertation are also presented. In Chapter 2, we propose the display ads problem in adversarial order. Deterministic algorithms with worst-case guarantees are designed, and the competitive ratios of them are presented. Upper bounds for the problem are also proved. We investigate the display ads problem in probabilistic order in Chapter 3. This chapter presents stochastic online algorithms with scenario-based stochastic programming and Benders decomposition for two probabilistic order models. In Chapter 4, an online banner advertisement scheduling model for advertising effectiveness is designed. We also present the solution methodologies used to obtain valid lower and upper bounds of the model efficiently. Chapter 5 offers conclusions and suggestion for future studies. The approaches to solving the problems are meaningful in both academic and industrial areas. We validate these approaches can solve the problems efficiently and effectively by conducting computational experiments. The models and solution methodologies are expected to be convenient and beneficial when managers at Internet-based companies place online advertisements on their websites.온라인 커뮤니티의 급격한 성장에 따라, 많은 회사들이 온라인 광고에 관심을 기울이고 있다. 온라인 광고의 장점으로는 추적 가능성, 비용 효과성, 도달 가능성, 상호작용성 등이 있다. 온라인에 기반을 두는 회사들은 잘 짜여진 온라인 광고 할당결정에 관심을 두고 있고, 이는 광고 수익과 연관될 수 있다. 따라서 온라인 광고 관리자는 수익을 극대화 할 수 있는 온라인 광고 할당 의사 결정 프로세스를 개발하여야 한다. 본 논문에서는 현실적인 제약을 고려한 온라인 광고 할당 문제들을 제안한다. 본 논문에서 다루는 문제는 (1) adversarial 순서로 진행하는 디스플레이 애드문제, (2) probabilistic 순서로 진행하는 디스플레이 애드문제 그리고 (3) 광고효과를 위한 온라인 배너 광고 일정계획이다. 이전에 제안되었던 광고 할당 문제들과 달리, 본 논문에서 제안한 문제들은 현실적인 제약과 광고효과를 반영하는 실용적인 접근 방식이다. 또한 제안하는 알고리즘은 온라인 광고 할당 문제의 운영관리에 대한 통찰력을 제공한다. 1장에서는 온라인 광고 할당 문제에 대한 문제해결 방법론에 대해 간단히 소개한다. 더불어 연구의 기여와 개요도 제공된다. 2장에서는 adversarial 순서로 진행하는 디스플레이 애드문제를 제안한다. worst-case를 보장하는 결정론적 알고리즘을 설계하고, 이들의 competitive ratio를 증명한다. 더불어 문제의 상한도 입증된다. 3장에서는 probabilistic 순서로 진행하는 디스플레이 애드문제를 제안한다. 시나리오 기반의 확률론적 온라인 알고리즘과 Benders 분해방법을 혼합한 추계 온라인 알고리즘을 제시한다. 4장에서는 광고효과를 위한 온라인 배너 광고 일정계획을 설계한다. 또한, 모델의 유효한 상한과 하한을 효율적으로 얻는 데 사용되는 문제해결 방법론을 제안한다. 5장에서는 본 논문의 결론과 향후 연구를 위한 방향을 제공한다. 본 논문에서 제안하는 문제해결 방법론은 학술 및 산업 분야 모두 의미가 있다. 수치 실험을 통해 문제해결 접근 방식이 문제를 효율적이고 효과적으로 해결할 수 있음을 보인다. 이는 온라인 광고 관리자가 본 논문에서 제안하는 문제와 문제해결 방법론을 통해 온라인 광고 할당관련 의사결정을 진행하는 데 있어 도움이 될 것으로 기대한다.Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Display Ads Problem 3 1.1.1 Online Algorithm 4 1.2 Online Banner Advertisement Scheduling Problem 5 1.3 Research Motivations and Contributions 6 1.4 Outline of the Dissertation 9 Chapter 2 Online Advertising Assignment Problem in Adversarial Order 12 2.1 Problem Description and Literature Review 12 2.2 Display Ads Problem in Adversarial Order 15 2.3 Deterministic Algorithms for Adversarial Order 17 2.4 Upper Bounds of Deterministic Algorithms for Adversarial Order 22 2.5 Summary 28 Chapter 3 Online Advertising Assignment Problem in Probabilistic Order 30 3.1 Problem Description and Literature Review 30 3.2 Display Ads Problem in Probabilistic Order 33 3.3 Stochastic Online Algorithms for Probabilistic Order 34 3.3.1 Two-Stage Stochastic Programming 35 3.3.2 Known IID model 37 3.3.3 Random permutation model 41 3.3.4 Stochastic approach using primal-dual algorithm 45 3.4 Computational Experiments 48 3.4.1 Results for known IID model 55 3.4.2 Results for random permutation model 57 3.4.3 Managerial insights for Algorithm 3.1 59 3.5 Summary 60 Chapter 4 Online Banner Advertisement Scheduling for Advertising Effectiveness 61 4.1 Problem Description and Literature Review 61 4.2 Mathematical Model 68 4.2.1 Objective function 68 4.2.2 Notations and formulation 72 4.3 Solution Methodologies 74 4.3.1 Heuristic approach to finding valid lower and upper bounds 75 4.3.2 Hybrid tabu search 79 4.4 Computational Experiments 80 4.4.1 Results for problems with small data sets 82 4.4.2 Results for problems with large data sets 84 4.4.3 Results for problems with standard data 86 4.4.4 Managerial insights for the results 90 4.5 Summary 92 Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Research 93 Appendices 97 A Initial Sequence of the Hybrid Tabu Search 98 B Procedure of the Hybrid Tabu Search 99 C Small Example of the Hybrid Tabu Search 101 D Linearization Technique of Bilinear Form in R2 104 Bibliography 106Docto

    Sessenta anos de Shop Scheduling : uma revisão sistemática da literatura

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Cassius Tadeu ScarpinDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção. Defesa: Curitiba, 09/02/2017Inclui referências : f. 449-492Resumo: Desde o seminal artigo de Johnson em 1954, a Programação da Produção em Shop Scheduling tem se tornado uma área relevante dentro da Pesquisa Operacional e, atualmente, duzentos trabalhos tangentes à temática são publicados anualmente. Dentre os artigos aqui citados tem-se aqueles que se dedicam à apresentação e síntese do estado da arte desse assunto, intitulados artigos de revisão. Quando tais artigos são elaborados a partir de um conjunto objetivo de critérios, relativos à categorização dos artigos selecionados, tem-se a Revisão Sistemática da Literatura (RSL). O presente trabalho realiza uma RSL em Shop Scheduling, a partir da análise de cada ambiente fabril que o compõe. Fez-se o escrutínio de 560 artigos, à luz de um conjunto de métricas, que constitui a estrutura basilar da proposta de nova taxonomia do Shop Scheduling, complementar à notação de Graham, objetivo fulcral do presente trabalho. Além disso, utilizou-se uma representação em redes dos resultados obtidos em algumas das métricas empregadas, como a característica dos itens, algo outrora inaudito em estudos de revisão desse assunto. Ademais, outro ponto relevante desse estudo repousa na identificação de campos pouco explorados, de modo a colaborar com a pesquisa futura neste tomo. Palavras-chave: Shop Scheduling. Revisão Sistemática da Literatura. Taxonomia. Representação em Redes.Abstract: Since Johnson's seminal article in 1954, Shop Scheduling in Production Scheduling has become a relevant area within Operational Research, and currently hundreds of tangential works on the subject are published annually. Among the articles cited here are those dedicated to the presentation and synthesis of the state of the art of this subject, which are entitled review articles. When these articles are elaborated from an objective set of criteria, regarding the categorization of the selected articles, we have the Systematic Review of Literature (SLR). The present work performs a SLR in Shop Scheduling, based on the analysis of each manufacturing environment that composes it. There were 560 articles scrutinized based on a set of metrics, which is the basic structure of the proposed new Taxonomy of Shop Scheduling, complementary to Graham's notation, the main objective of this work. In addition to that a network representation of the results was obtained in some of the metrics used, such as the job characteristics, something previously unheard of in review studies of this subject. Moreover, another relevant point of this study lies in the identification of less explored fields in order to collaborate with future research in this matter. Keywords: Shop Scheduling. Systematic Literature Review. Taxonomy. Network Representation

    Análise de meta-modelos de escalonamento da produção para problemas em ambientes orientados ao produto

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia de SistemasNum mercado orientado a satisfazer as necessidades do consumidor, os padrões de qualidade aumentam. Assim sendo a eficiência é um dos fatores que permite ter bons resultados face à concorrência. O aumento da necessidade de produção em altas quantidades e a flexibilidade personalização dos produtos para satisfazer as preferências do consumidor eleva a importância do planeamento da produção. Para auxiliar a implementação da gestão da produção são constantemente desenvolvidas novas tecnologias, dando origem a híbridos de metodologias analíticas e simulação. Estes métodos que combinam as duas abordagens conseguem minimizar as desvantagens dos métodos por separado originando mais rapidamente ou eficientemente soluções. Nesta dissertação são estudadas e analisadas várias configurações de linha de um sistema de produção através de um metamodelo. Esta metodologia foi aplicada a uma família de produtos com vários níveis de dissimilitude da sequência de produção de cada produto. O principal foco na abordagem é o modelo de simulação, do qual considerando os parâmetros e restrições dos cenários analisados é pretendido verificar se existem relações entre as várias variáveis do sistema. São estudadas quatro configurações distintas sendo a linha simples, paralela, reentry e skip. A implementação do metamodelo é realizada em Símio e tem como auxílio o uso do UQLab para facilitar a análise dos resultados.In a market oriented to meeting consumer needs, quality standards are raised. Therefore, efficiency is one of the factors that allows us to have good results in relation to the competition. The increased need for high-volume production and the flexibility to customize products to meet consumer needs increases the importance of production scheduling. To assist the implementation of production management, new technologies are developed, giving rise to hybrids of analytical and simulation methodologies. These combined minimize the disadvantages of the separate methods, originating solutions more quickly or efficiently solutions. In this dissertation, several line configurations of a production system are studied and analyzed using a metamodel. The methodology is applied to a product family with different levels of dissimilarity in the production sequence of the product of each product. The main focus in the approach is the simulation model, which parameter of parameters and restrictions of the scenarios is intended to verify if there are relations between the various variables of the system. For the family of products, four different configurations are studied, being the simple, parallel, reentry and skip flow shop. The implementation of the metamodel is carried out in Simio and is aided by the use of UQLab to facilitate the analysis of the results