42 research outputs found

    Amenable Versus Hyperfinite Borel Equivalence Relations

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    Let X be a standard Borel space (i.e., a Polish space with the associated Borel structure), and let E be a countable Borel equivalence relation on X, i.e., a Borel equivalence relation E for which every equivalence class [X]_E is countable. By a result of Feldman-Moore [FM], E is induced by the orbits of a Borel action of a countable group G on X

    Orbit Equivalence and Measured Group Theory

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    We give a survey of various recent developments in orbit equivalence and measured group theory. This subject aims at studying infinite countable groups through their measure preserving actions.Comment: 2010 Hyderabad ICM proceeding; Dans Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Hyderabad, India - International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM), Hyderabad : India (2010

    Weak containment of measure-preserving group actions

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    This paper concerns the study of the global structure of measure-preserving actions of countable groups on standard probability spaces. Weak containment is a hierarchical notion of complexity of such actions, motivated by an analogous concept in the theory of unitary representations. This concept gives rise to an associated notion of equivalence of actions, called weak equivalence, which is much coarser than the notion of isomorphism (conjugacy). It is well understood now that, in general, isomorphism is a very complex notion, a fact which manifests itself, for example, in the lack of any reasonable structure in the space of actions modulo isomorphism. On the other hand, the space of weak equivalence classes is quite well behaved. Another interesting fact that relates to the study of weak containment is that many important parameters associated with actions, such as the type, cost, and combinatorial parameters, turn out to be invariants of weak equivalence and in fact exhibit desirable monotonicity properties with respect to the pre-order of weak containment, a fact that can be useful in certain applications. There has been quite a lot of activity in this area in the last few years, and our goal in this paper is to provide a survey of this work

    Rigidity theorems for actions of product groups and countable Borel equivalence relations

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    This Memoir is both a contribution to the theory of Borel equivalence relations, considered up to Borel reducibility, and measure preserving group actions considered up to orbit equivalence. Here E is said to be Borel reducible to F if there is a Borel function f with xEy if and only if f(x)Ff(y). Moreover, E is orbit equivalent to F if the respective measure spaces equipped with the extra structure provided by the equivalence relations are almost everywhere isomorphic. We consider product groups acting ergodically and by measure preserving transformations on standard Borel probability spaces. In general terms, the basic parts of the monograph show that if the groups involved have a suitable notion of “boundary" (we make this precise with the definition of near hyperbolic), then one orbit equivalence relation can only be Borel reduced to another if there is some kind of algebraic resemblance between the product groups and coupling of the action. This also has consequence for orbit equivalence. In the case that the original equivalence relations do not have non-trivial almost invariant sets, the techniques lead to relative ergodicity results. An equivalence relation E is said to be relatively ergodic to F if any f with xEy⇒ f(x)Ff(y) has [f(x)]F constant almost everywhere. This underlying collection of lemmas and structural theorems is employed in a number of different ways. One of the most pressing concerns was to give completely self-contained proofs of results which had previously only been obtained using Zimmer's superrigidity theory. We present "elementary proofs" that there are incomparable countable Borel equivalence relations (Adams-Kechris), inclusion does not imply reducibility (Adams), and (n + 1)E is not necessarily reducible to nE (Thomas). In the later parts of the paper we give applications of the theory to specific cases of product groups. In particular, we catalog the actions of products of the free group and obtain additional rigidity theorems and relative ergodicity results in this context. There is a rather long series of appendices, whose primary goal is to give the reader a comprehensive account of the basic techniques. But included here are also some new results. For instance, we show that the Furstenberg-Zimmer lemma on cocycles from amenable groups fails with respect to Baire category, and use this to answer a question of Weiss. We also present a different proof that F_2 has the Haagerup approximation property

    Weak containment in the space of actions of a free group

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    It is shown that the translation action of the free group with n generators on its profinite completion is the maximum, in the sense of weak containment, measure preserving action of this group. Using also a result of AbĂ©rt–Nikolov this is used to give a new proof of Gaboriau’s theorem that the cost of this group is equal to n. A similar maximality result is proved for generalized shift actions. Finally a study is initiated of the class of residually finite, countable groups for which the finite actions are dense in the space of measure preserving actions