177 research outputs found

    Altered Heart Rate Variability During Gameplay in Internet Gaming Disorder: The Impact of Situations During the Game

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    Internet gaming disorder (IGD) is characterized by a loss of control over gaming and a decline in psychosocial functioning derived from excessive gameplay. We hypothesized that individuals with IGD would show different autonomic nervous system (ANS) responses to the games than those without IGD. In this study, heart rate variability (HRV) was assessed in 21 young males with IGD and 27 healthy controls while playing their favorite Internet game. The subjects could examine the game logs to identify the most and least concentrated periods of the game. The changes in HRV during specific 5-min periods of the game (first, last, and high- and low-attention) were compared between groups via a repeated measures analysis of variance. Significant predictors of HRV patterns during gameplay were determined from stepwise multiple linear regression analyses. Subjects with IGD showed a significant difference from controls in the patterns of vagally mediated HRV, such that they showed significant reductions in high-frequency HRV, particularly during the periods of high attention and the last 5 min, compared with baseline values. A regression analysis showed that the IGD symptom scale score was a significant predictor of this reduction. These results suggest that an altered HRV response to specific gaming situations is related to addictive patterns of gaming and may reflect the diminished executive control of individuals with IGD while playing Internet games

    Alexithymic traits, mental and physical health, and early-life adversity – FinnBrain birth cohort study

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    Alexithymia is a personality construct first identified in hospitalized psychosomatic patients. It is characterized by difficulties in identifying (DIF) and describing (DDF) feelings, an externally oriented, or concrete and pragmatic thinking style (EOT), as well as a scarcity of fantasy and imagination. Alexithymia has been associated with increased psychiatric and somatic morbidity across diagnostic categories, as well as increased markers of physiological stress. The etiology of alexithymia is unclear although childhood environmental influences are likely to play a role in it. Several studies imply that alexithymia is a heterogeneous phenomenon with possible subtypes that have differential associations with mental health and emotion regulation. This dissertation is part of the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study, in which we analyzed a large sample of fathers and mothers and compared their alexithymic traits with mental and physical health outcomes, as well as self-reported early-life adversities in childhood. Our results support the hypotheses of the existence of two alexithymia subtypes: One characterized by high levels of DIF, as well as increased depressive and anxiety symptoms; and another characterized by high levels of EOT, exhibiting lower psychiatric symptomatology. However, EOT, even while not increasing the risk for mood or anxiety symptoms, was associated with increased substance use in men, and a higher BMI and higher prevalence of gestational diabetes in women. In pregnant women, alexithymic traits, and especially the dimension of DIF, was additionally associated with higher hair cortisol concentrations during late pregnancy, indicating heightened levels of chronic stress. Regarding early-life adversity, we showed that alexithymia was specifically related to childhood experiences of emotional neglect and was associated with adult attachment insecurity. These findings show that alexithymic traits have differential associations with psychiatric symptomatology, substance use and metabolic health. Importantly, they show that many of these associations are independent of mood and anxiety. Findings on early-life adversity in alexithymia imply that depression with concurrent alexithymia may represent a specific subtype of depression, treatment of which may benefit from a focus on childhood emotional neglect and attachment insecurity.Aleksitymia kuvaa moniulotteista persoonallisuuden piirteistöÀ, jonka tunnusmerkkejÀ ovat vaikeudet tunteiden tunnistamisessa ja ilmaisussa, mielikuvituksen köyhyys sekÀ ulkokohtainen ajattelutyyli, jossa kiinnostus sisÀiseen maailmaan ja tunteisiin on vÀhÀistÀ. Aleksitymia on liitetty moniin somaattisiin ja psyykkisiin terveysongelmiin, sekÀ fysiologiseen stressiin. Useat tutkimukset viittaavat siihen, ettÀ aleksitymiaa ei voida pitÀÀ yksiulotteisena ilmiönÀ, vaan sillÀ on useita alatyyppejÀ, joilla saattaa olla erilaisia vaikutuksia terveyteen ja tunnesÀÀtelyyn. Aleksitymian syntymekanismit ovat edelleen epÀselviÀ, mutta lapsuuden ympÀristöllÀ ja vastoinkÀymisillÀ ajatellaan olevan merkittÀvÀ rooli sen kehittymisessÀ. TÀmÀ tutkimus on osa FinnBrain syntymÀkohorttitutkimusta. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu suuresta otoksesta isiÀ ja ÀitejÀ. Tutkimme tÀssÀ populaatiossa aleksityymisten piirteiden yhteyttÀ fyysiseen terveyteen, mielenterveyteen sekÀ lapsuuden vastoinkÀymisiin. Löydöksemme tukevat hypoteeseja aleksitymian kahdesta alatyypistÀ: EnsimmÀistÀ alatyyppiÀ luonnehtivat subjektiivinen vaikeus tunnistaa ja ilmaista tunteita, sekÀ lisÀÀntynyt masennus- ja ahdistuneisuusoireisto. Toisessa alatyypissÀ korostuneempana on ulkokohtainen ajattelutyyli, eikÀ siihen liity lisÀÀntynyttÀ psykiatrista oireilua. Ulkokohtainen ajattelutyyli kuitenkin lisÀsi alkoholin ja tupakan kulutusta miehillÀ, sekÀ oli yhteydessÀ ylipainoon ja raskausdiabetekseen naisilla, riippumatta samanaikaisista masennus- ja ahdistusoireista. Raskaana olevilla naisilla aleksitymia oli lisÀksi yhteydessÀ korkeampiin hiusten kortisolitasoihin, mikÀ viittaa krooniseen stressiin. Lapsuuden vastoinkÀymisten osalta löydöksemme viittaavat siihen, ettÀ aleksitymia on yhteydessÀ lapsuuden emotionaaliseen vaille jÀÀmiseen sekÀ kiintymyssuhdeongelmiin. Löydökset korostavat aleksitymian monimuotoisuutta, ja osoittavat, ettÀ aleksitymian eri ulottuvuudet ovat yhteydessÀ erilaisiin terveysongelmiin sekÀ pÀihteidenkÀyttöön. NÀmÀ yhteydet ovat lisÀksi riippumattomia samanaikaisista masennus- ja ahdistuneisuusoireista. Löydökset liittyen lapsuuden vastoinkÀymisiin aleksitymian taustalla korostavat emotionaalisen vaille jÀÀmisen ja kiintymyssuhdeongelmien tÀrkeyttÀ, ja voivat auttaa uusien hoitomuotojen kehittÀmisessÀ psykiatrisille potilaille, joilla on aleksityymisiÀ piirteit

    Internet and Smartphone Use-Related Addiction Health Problems: Treatment, Education and Research

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    This Special Issue presents some of the main emerging research on technological topics of health and education approaches to Internet use-related problems, before and during the beginning of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The objective is to provide an overview to facilitate a comprehensive and practical approach to these new trends to promote research, interventions, education, and prevention. It contains 40 papers, four reviews and thirty-five empirical papers and an editorial introducing everything in a rapid review format. Overall, the empirical ones are of a relational type, associating specific behavioral addictive problems with individual factors, and a few with contextual factors, generally in adult populations. Many have adapted scales to measure these problems, and a few cover experiments and mixed methods studies. The reviews tend to be about the concepts and measures of these problems, intervention options, and prevention. In summary, it seems that these are a global culture trend impacting health and educational domains. Internet use-related addiction problems have emerged in almost all societies, and strategies to cope with them are under development to offer solutions to these contemporary challenges, especially during the pandemic situation that has highlighted the global health problems that we have, and how to holistically tackle them

    An Examination of the Role of Interpersonal Stressors and Attachment Style in Dissociative Experiences

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    Dissociation is an involuntary stress response that has been linked to negative cognitive, emotional, and physical symptoms. Interpersonal stressors are associated with negative mental and physical health outcomes above and beyond stressors that are not interpersonal in nature, and therefore may be relevant to dissociation. Additionally, attachment anxiety or avoidance (i.e., insecure attachment) may put individuals at risk for dissociation in response to social stressors and might moderate their responses. However, extant studies have yet to investigate the relationship between daily interpersonal stressors and dissociation in the context of attachment anxiety and avoidance longitudinally, despite evidence that dissociation and attachment anxiety and avoidance can fluctuate across time and contexts. The current study assessed whether the relationship between interpersonal stressors and dissociation varies as a function of both trait attachment and attachment states within a given social interaction. Participants (N = 128) completed surveys online, including a one-time baseline measure assessing trait-like attachment dimensions and daily diary responses over seven days (M = 11; n = 2137) examining perceived interpersonal stressors, state attachment measures, and daily dissociation. As hypothesized, in multi-level modeling (MLM) analyses, interpersonal stressors positively predicted dissociative experiences in daily life, as did baseline trait attachment avoidance and state attachment anxiety. However, state attachment avoidance effects and two- and three-way interactions between attachment dimensions and interpersonal stressors occurred but not in the expected direction, suggesting a complex picture. These findings provide support for individual fluctuations in dissociative experiences in response to daily stressors and indicate attachment anxiety and avoidance as important factors in this relationship

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    The Abstract Book can be viewed at: http://www.sop.org.tw/book/download/Summary2013.pdfConference Theme: Focusing on Mental Health, Life Care and Social Network in the ElderlyObjective: Suicides by carbon monoxide poisoning resulting from burning barbecue charcoal reached epidemic levels in Hong Kong and Taiwan within 5 years in the early 2000s. Methods: We used data for suicides by gases other than domestic gas in Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea (1995-2010), Taiwan (1995-2011), and Singapore (1996-2011) to systematically investigate the spread of this method in East Asia. Graphical and joinpoint regression analyses were used to examine suicide trends and Poisson regression analysis to study sex- and age-specific patterns. Results: In 1995/1996, charcoal-burning suicides accounted for < 1% of all suicides in all study countries, except around 5% in Japan, but they increased to account for 14%, 28%, 13%, 4.3%, and 3.4% of all suicides in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, and Singapore respectively in 2010. Rises were first seen in Hong Kong in 1999, followed by Singapore in 2000, Taiwan in 2001, Japan in 2003, and South Korea in 2008. There was some evidence for an impact on overall suicide trends in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Japan (females), but not in Japan (males), South Korea, and Singapore. Rates of change did not differ by sex/age group in Taiwan and Hong Kong but were greatest in young people in Japan and middleaged men and young women in South Korea. Conclusion: Variations in the timing, scale and sex/age pattern of the epidemic appear to be influenced by the media reporting of charcoal-burning suicide, whilst other factors such as the characteristics of the first or first few cases, language and ulture, familiarity and accessibility with the method, and socio-economic conditions may also play a role. Strategies to limit the epidemic spread of new suicide methods include surveillance to enable the early identification of the emergence of such methods, responsible media reporting and restrictions on Internet sites giving technical information about the method
