933 research outputs found

    Uji Aktivitas Antihialuronidase In-Vitro dan Karakteristik Fisik Nanostructured Lipid Carrier Ekstrak Rimpang Langkuas laki-laki (Alpinia zerumbet)

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    The rhizome of Alpinia zerumbet (Pers.) B.L. Burtt & R.M. Sm) contains phenolic compounds, has antihyaluronidase activity which can reduce wrinkles on the skin. This study aims to determine the physical characteristics and antihyaluronidase activity of the nanostructured lipid carrier (NLC) of the Alpinia zerumbet rhizome extract in-vitro. Alpinia zerumbet rhizome powder (4/18) was extracted by kinetic maceration method using 70% ethanol solvent, concentrated with a rotary vacuum evaporator at 100 mm Hg at a temperature of ± 50oC. The resulting extract was prepared into NLC nanoparticles using polyethyleneglycol 8-beeswax, isopropyl myristate and acrylyl glucoside with the high speed homogenization-ultrasonication method. The resulting NLC extracts were characterized by nanoparticle size and morphology, polydispersity index and zeta potential and antihyaluronidase activity test was determined using the Sigma Aldrich and Tu & Tawata methods with slight modifications. The results of the NLC characterization of Alpinia zerumbet rhizome extract were 171.3 nm; 0.37; -26.8 mV; and spherical shape. The results of the antihyaluronidase activity of Alpinia zerumbet rhizome extract loaded NLC was 552.75 µg/mL. It was concluded that the Alpinia zerumbet rhizome extract loaded NLC can be formulated into topical preparations which have the potential to be antihyaluronidase with the ability to reduce wrinkles on the skin.Rimpang langkuas laki-laki (Alpinia zerumbet (Pers.) B.L. Burtt & R.M. Sm) mengandung senyawa fenolat, memiliki aktivitas antihialuronidase yang dapat mengurangi kerutan pada kulit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan karakteristik fisik serta aktivitas antihialuronidase nanostructured lipid carrier (NLC) dari ekstrak rimpang Alpinia zerumbet secara in-vitro. Serbuk rimpang Alpinia zerumbet 4/18 diekstraksi dengan metode maserasi kinetik menggunakan pelarut etanol 70%, dipekatkan dengan rotary vacuum evaporator pada tekanan 100 mmHg dan pada suhu ±50oC. Ekstrak yang dihasilkan dipreparasi kedalam nanopartikel dengan sistem penghantaran NLC menggunakan polietilen glikol-8 beeswax, isopropil miristat dan akrilil glikosida dengan metode high speed homogenization-ultrasonication. NLC ekstrak yang dihasilkan dilakukan karakterisasi meliputi ukuran dan morfologi nanopartikel, indeks polidispersitas dan potensial zeta serta ditentukan uji aktivitas antihialuronidase menggunakan metode dari Sigma Aldrich dan Tu&Tawata dengan sedikit modifikasi. Hasil karakterisasi NLC ekstrak rimpang Alpinia zerumbet adalah 171,3 nm; 0,37; dan -26,8 mV dengan bentuk sferis. Hasil uji aktivitas antihialuronidase NLC ekstrak adalah 552,75 µg/mL. Dapat disimpulkan NLC ekstrak rimpang Alpinia zerumbet dapat di formulasi ke dalam sediaan topikal yang berpotensi sebagai antihialuronidase dengan kemampuan mengurangi kerutan pada kulit

    Search for New Antioxidants and Other Related Bioactive Compounds from Zingiberaceous Species

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    Thirty-one species from Zingiberacea family were screened for their antioxidant (FTC method), antimicrobial (disc diffusion method), and antitumour promoting (EBV EA assay method) activities. Three species, A lpinia zerumbet, A lpinia rfflesiana and Etlingera elatiar, were selected for further study, based on their promising preliminary biological activities. Five known compounds were isolatpd hom the rhizomes of Alpinia zerumbet, namely S,6-dehydrokawain, flavokawin B, l,7-diphenyl-Shydroxy- 6-heptene-3-one, (-)-pinocembrin, and a mixture of stigmasterol and β-sitosterol. From the fruits of Alpinia raffiesiana, seven compounds were isolated, namely 5,6-dehydrokawain: flavokawin B, l,7-diphenyl-5- hydroxy-6-heptene-3-one, (-)-pinocembrin, cardamonin, (-)-pinostrobin, and 2',3',4',6' -tetrahydroxychalcone. This is the first report on the isolation of 2',3',4',6' -tetrahydroxychalcone from Alpinia

    Avaliação fenologica da espécie Alpinia zerumbet (Pers.) Burtt & Smith.

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    A floricultura tropical tem se expandido na última década devido a uma crescente tendência do mercado mundial em consumir flores exóticas, coloridas, belas e duráveis. Zingiberaceae é a maior da ordem Zingiberales. Dentro desta família, podemos mencionar Alpinia zerumbet, muito cultivada pela beleza de suas flores. Objetivou-se avaliar o período de floração de Alpinia zerumbet de janeiro de 2010 a dezembro de 2012, cultivada na coleção do horto de plantas medicinais da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental. A avaliação fenológica foi realizada diariamente, pelo período da manhã, utilizando uma planilha de campo para o acompanhamento de seu desenvolvimento, Os dados obtidos de floração da espécie Alpinia zerumbet demonstram que houve floração em todos os meses do ano, exceto nos meses de julho e dezembro. Concluise que com base nos dados obtidos através da fenologia d a espécie Alpinia zerumbet.,esta apresentou floração em todo o período de avaliação o que irá proporcionar uma coleta bem distribuída de flores durante todo o an

    Effect of Alpinia zerumbet essential oil on the shelf life of tambaqui fillets during short-term refrigerator storage.

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    We investigated the effect of Alpinia zerumbet essential oil on the quality and shelf life of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) fillets stored under refrigeration (10.0 ± 0.5 °C) for 14 days. The treatments were A. zerumbet essential oil at 0.75% v v-1 (AEO 0.75%), A. zerumbet essential oil at 1.5% v v-1 (AEO 1.5%) and a control (no essential oil). The sample quality and shelf life were determined by the total psychrotrophic count (TPC) and chemical parameters (pH, total volatile basic nitrogen, centesimal composition and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances - TBARS) at zero, seven and 14 days of storage time. The TPC decreased significantly (p < 0.05) with an A. zerumbetessential oil level of 1.5% until seven days of storage. The concentration of A. zerumbet essential oil at 0.75% resulted in lower pH, TBARS, and TVBN values in comparison with the other treatment and the control. Thus, A. zerumbet essential oil was efficient in extending the shelf life of refrigerated tambaqui fillets up to approximately seven days

    Vasodilator activity of extracts of field Alpinia purpurata (Vieill) K: Schum and A. zerumbet (Pers.) Burtt et Smith cultured in vitro

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    Nowadays, the high blood pressure is one of the main causes of death and cardiovascular diseases. Vasodilator drugs are frequently used to treat arterial hypertension. Experiments were undertaken to determine whether hydroalcoholic extracts obtained from leaves of field-grown Alpinia purpurata and A. zerumbet cultured in vitro under different plant growth regulators induce a vasodilator effect on Wistar rat mesenteric vascular bed pre-contracted with norepinephrine. Plant extracts were able to induce a long-lasting endothelium-dependent vasodilation. Efficiency on activity of A. purpurata reached 87% at concentration of 60 &#956;g. The extract of A. zerumbet maintained in medium containing IAA, induced the relaxation (17.4%) at 90 &#956;g, as compared to the control (MS0) that showed a better vasodilator effect (60%). These results are in agreement with the quantification of phenolic compounds in the extracts, which were 50% lower for those plants cultured in IAA. A. purpurata was assayed for the first time in relation to its vasodilator activity. This paper showed a strong probability of correlation between the pharmacological activities of A. purpurata with their content in phenolic compounds.Atualmente, a hipertensão arterial é uma das maiores causas de morte e de doenças cardiovasculares. Os vasodilatadores são freqüentemente utilizados no tratamento da hipertensão. Extratos hidroalcoólicos de Alpinia purpurata de campo e de A. zerumbet cultivada in vitro sob diferentes reguladores de crescimento vegetal foram ensaiados no leito mesentérico de ratos Wistar. Os extratos de A. purpurata e A. zerumbet produziram efeito vasodilatador com padrão de resposta dose-dependente de duração prolongada. Extratos da espécie A. purpurata tiveram efeito vasodilatador de 87% na dose de 60 &#956;g. O extrato obtido de folhas de A. zerumbet oriundas das culturas mantidas em meio contendo AIA (ácido indol acético) inibiu o relaxamento (17,4%) na dose de 90 &#956;g em relação ao controle (MS0), com o qual foi verificado melhor efeito vasodilatador (60%). Estes resultados estão de acordo com a concentração de fenóis totais que foi 50% menor para os extratos de plantas cultivadas in vitro em AIA. A espécie A. purpurata foi pela primeira vez ensaiada quanto à atividade vasodilatadora. Os resultados obtidos indicaram a presença de substâncias fenólicas provavelmente correlacionadas à ação terapêutica de A. purpurata

    Vasodilator activity of extracts of field Alpinia purpurata (Vieill) K: Schum and A. zerumbet (Pers.) Burtt et Smith cultured in vitro

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    Nowadays, the high blood pressure is one of the main causes of death and cardiovascular diseases. Vasodilator drugs are frequently used to treat arterial hypertension. Experiments were undertaken to determine whether hydroalcoholic extracts obtained from leaves of field-grown Alpinia purpurata and A. zerumbet cultured in vitro under different plant growth regulators induce a vasodilator effect on Wistar rat mesenteric vascular bed pre-contracted with norepinephrine. Plant extracts were able to induce a long-lasting endothelium-dependent vasodilation. Efficiency on activity of A. purpurata reached 87% at concentration of 60 &#956;g. The extract of A. zerumbet maintained in medium containing IAA, induced the relaxation (17.4%) at 90 &#956;g, as compared to the control (MS0) that showed a better vasodilator effect (60%). These results are in agreement with the quantification of phenolic compounds in the extracts, which were 50% lower for those plants cultured in IAA. A. purpurata was assayed for the first time in relation to its vasodilator activity. This paper showed a strong probability of correlation between the pharmacological activities of A. purpurata with their content in phenolic compounds.Atualmente, a hipertensão arterial é uma das maiores causas de morte e de doenças cardiovasculares. Os vasodilatadores são freqüentemente utilizados no tratamento da hipertensão. Extratos hidroalcoólicos de Alpinia purpurata de campo e de A. zerumbet cultivada in vitro sob diferentes reguladores de crescimento vegetal foram ensaiados no leito mesentérico de ratos Wistar. Os extratos de A. purpurata e A. zerumbet produziram efeito vasodilatador com padrão de resposta dose-dependente de duração prolongada. Extratos da espécie A. purpurata tiveram efeito vasodilatador de 87% na dose de 60 &#956;g. O extrato obtido de folhas de A. zerumbet oriundas das culturas mantidas em meio contendo AIA (ácido indol acético) inibiu o relaxamento (17,4%) na dose de 90 &#956;g em relação ao controle (MS0), com o qual foi verificado melhor efeito vasodilatador (60%). Estes resultados estão de acordo com a concentração de fenóis totais que foi 50% menor para os extratos de plantas cultivadas in vitro em AIA. A espécie A. purpurata foi pela primeira vez ensaiada quanto à atividade vasodilatadora. Os resultados obtidos indicaram a presença de substâncias fenólicas provavelmente correlacionadas à ação terapêutica de A. purpurata

    Antimicrobial and anti-biofilm activities of Alpinia zerumbet (Pers.) B.L. Burtt & R.M. Sm. essential oil against Corynebacterium ulcerans

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    Cepas multirresistentes de Corynebacterium ulcerans destacam a necessidade de pesquisas em novos medicamentos e o uso farmacológico de óleos essenciais (OE) pode ser uma alternativa terapêutica. Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a atividade antibacteriana e o efeito da concentração subinibidora de AZEO na morfologia bacteriana e na formação de biofilme na superfície do poliestireno por C. ulcerans utilizados em cães. O AZEO foi usado por destilação a vapor das folhas da planta. Os testes de inibição de fosfomolibdênio e hemólise foram realizados para analisar, respectivamente, uma atividade antioxidante e toxicidade. Foram selecionados como inibidores e bactericidas mínimos (MIC e MBC) do AZEO emC. ulcerans e a partir desses resultados foram testados subinibidos dos testes do AZEO. A inatividade do complexo fosfomolibdênio pelo AZEO foi menor que 1% e a capacidade hemolítica foi baixa. Os resultados do estudo antimicrobiano mostram que o AZEO inibiu o crescimento de fundos como cepas microbianas testadas. Os filamentos bacterianos foram observados na presença do AZEO , bem como uma bactéria de controle automático. Houve diferença significativa na inibição do biofilme. Sugerimos que A. zerumbet pode usar uma terapia alternativa para controlar infecções bacterianas induzidas por C. ulcerans

    Evolutionary significance of seed structure in Alpinioideae (Zingiberaceae).

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    Alpinioideae is the largest of the four subfamilies of Zingiberaceae and is widely distributed throughout the New and Old World tropics. Recent molecular studies have shown that, although Alpinioideae is a strongly supported monophyletic subfamily with two distinct tribes (Alpinieae and Riedelieae), large genera, such as Alpinia and Amomum, are polyphyletic and are in need of revision. Alpinia and Amomum have been shown to form seven and three distinct clades, respectively, but, for many of these clades, traditional vegetative and floral synapomorphies have not been found. A broad survey of seeds in Alpinioideae using light microscopy and synchrotron-based X-ray tomographic microscopy has shown that many clades have distinctive seed structures that serve as distinctive apomorphies. Tribes Riedelieae and Alpinieae can be distinguished on the basis of operculum structure, with the exception of three taxa analysed. The most significant seed characters were found to be various modifications of the micropylar and chalazal ends, the cell shape of the endotesta and exotesta, and the location of an endotestal gap. A chalazal chamber and hilar rim are reported for the first time in Zingiberaceae. In addition to characterizing clades of extant lineages, these data offer insights into the taxonomic placement of many fossil zingiberalean seeds that are critical to understanding the origin and evolution of Alpinioideae and Zingiberales as a whole. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 178, 441–466