406 research outputs found

    I casi pilota

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    I paragrafi "Risorse imprenditoriali" ed "Energia grigia" (p. 72-74) sono stati scritti con Nadia Battaglio; "Produzione di energia da fonti rinnovabili" (p. 74-90) con Francesco Stassi; "Ranco Sotto, occasione di sperimentazione" (p. 91-99) con Nadia Battaglio; "Caso studio valle Varaita" (p. 100-105) con Francesco Stassi

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    El patrimonio industrial, ¿una nueva herramienta para la promoción olímpica?. Un análisis comparativo

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    Faced with the controversies surrounding the Olympic Games (OG), they are moving towards a greater integration of local challenges – economic, social and environmental. Associating the hosting of such event with the urban regeneration policies appears to be a way to include them in longer planning periods, as well as ensure they are remembered. Presented as engines of transformations, they contribute to promotion of requalified and re-invested spaces that correspond better with the image of a competitive global city. The development of tourism strategies stems from this land promotion and appears as one of the economic outlets of the post-industrial transition. On the other hand, the reuse of industrial buildings helps build a positive image and a lasting legacy for the OG, as catalysts for regeneration of brownfields in crisis – as can be seen in the official Olympic narrative. Through the analysis of three case studies, this article aims to identify how does tourism development fit into these strategies that link industrial and Olympic heritage.Entre los debates desatados en torno a la oportunidad que suponen los Juegos Olímpicos para la imagen y desarrollo de las ciudades, hoy día se avanza en la idea de una mayor integración de estos eventos deportivos en los programas de planificación local en términos económicos, sociales y ambientales. Asociar la celebración de un evento de este tipo a las políticas de regeneración urbana parece ser una forma de incluirlas en un periodo de planificación más largo, así como de preservar su memoria. Presentados como motores de transformación, los Juegos Olímpicos contribuyen, sin duda, a promover espacios urbanos reinvertidos y recalificados, que se corresponden mejor con la imagen de la ciudad global competitiva. El desarrollo de estrategias turísticas, en este sentido, parte de esta promoción territorial y aparece como una de las alternativas económicas de la transición posindustrial. En contrapunto, la reutilización de los edificios industriales de interés patrimonial refuerza la imagen de un legado positivo y duradero para los Juegos Olímpicos, como desencadenantes de la renovación de los brownfields en crisis, como se puede describir en la narrativa olímpica oficial. A través del análisis de tres casos de estudio, este artículo tiene como objetivo identificar cómo el desarrollo turístico encaja en estas estrategias que vinculan el patrimonio industrial y el patrimonio olímpico

    The Breakthrough of Tourism in a Rurbanised Area: Territorial Changes and Conflicts in the Val di Magra (1945–1975)

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    This article aims to contribute to filling a research gap in current environ- mental history, since the effects of the spread of mass tourism on urban-rural relations in Mediterranean floodplains throughout the trente glorieuses of mass consumption (1945–1975) have hitherto attracted little scholarly attention. The study therefore focuses on the environmental conflicts engendered by the attempts to increase mass tourism through construction of a bridge and zoning of the promontory of Montemarcello at the mouth of the River Magra, a coastal area in north-west Italy. A twofold perspective is applied to analyse both the tangible transformations of the riverine landscape and the intangible values of the river’s natural heritage according to the advocates of traditional landscapes and the supporters of modernisation. By tracing the key environmental impacts of tourism while reconstructing the nar- ratives of place according to different stakeholders, the article’s goal is to bridge the gap between the “cultural” and the “material” approach in the environmental history of urban-rural relations.This article aims to contribute to filling a research gap in current environ- mental history, since the effects of the spread of mass tourism on urban-rural relations in Mediterranean floodplains throughout the trente glorieuses of mass consumption (1945–1975) have hitherto attracted little scholarly attention. The study therefore focuses on the environmental conflicts engendered by the attempts to increase mass tourism through construction of a bridge and zoning of the promontory of Montemarcello at the mouth of the River Magra, a coastal area in north-west Italy. A twofold perspective is applied to analyse both the tangible transformations of the riverine landscape and the intangible values of the river’s natural heritage according to the advocates of traditional landscapes and the supporters of modernisation. By tracing the key environmental impacts of tourism while reconstructing the nar- ratives of place according to different stakeholders, the article’s goal is to bridge the gap between the “cultural” and the “material” approach in the environmental history of urban-rural relations

    Cultura e sviluppo locale in montagna: il programma Torino e le Alpi della Compagnia di San Paolo

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    La rilevanza anche economica di cultura e creatività è tema ormai centrale nel dibattito teorico e politico sui fattori chiave dello sviluppo dei territori. Questa visione dà l’impronta a un crescente numero di bandi di istituzioni grant-making, tra cui spicca, sia per dimensione dell’operatività sia per qualità delle azioni promosse, la Compagnia di San Paolo di Torino. L’articolo analizza il suo programma triennale “Torino e le Alpi”, attivo tra il 2014 e il 2016, e volto a stimolare l’applicazione e la diffusione di modelli di sviluppo innovativi, con particolare attenzione a quelli di natura culturale adeguati al territorio montano. Attraverso la presentazione degli elementi costitutivi di tale programma di finanziamento, l’analisi della distribuzione spaziale delle azioni e della capacità dei progetti finanziati di costruire reti, vengono evidenziati alcuni elementi chiave per supportare uno scenario di sviluppo locale culture-driven nel territorio alpino piemontese