88 research outputs found

    Acid-Base Disorders: Evaluation and Instruction by Minicomputer

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    A computerized system for instruction and diagnosis of clinical electrolyte and acid-base disorders has been implemented on a PDP-8/e minicomputer at the Medical University of South Carolina. The program is designed for use by persons at various stages of medical training: student, house staff, and clinician. This system not only aids the physician in making his diagnosis, but also serves as a means of educational instruction in acid-base physiology for the student. A patient file has been established in conjunction with the program. The file enables a physician to follow a patient\u27s course over time. Several auxiliary computer programs have been written to retrieve information from the file selectively. The patient file also provides a data base for a future analysis of the program. In addition, a subjective evaluation will be conducted by the clinicians in charge of the system in the Department of Medicine

    Proper Use of Mechanical Ventilators

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    The proper use of mechanical ventilators is related to many problems; however, the primary one is the knowledge of the physician, nurse, inhalation therapist, and other paramedical personnel with a given ventilator. It is important to remember that there are certain inherent problem with all ventilators. These problem must be carefully searched for and avoided

    Performance Implications of Contract Nurse Staffing Strategies

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    Mark P. Brown is an associate professor in the Foster College of Business Administration, Bradley University, Peoria IL 61606. Ross L. Fink is a professor in the Foster College of Business Administration, Bradley University, Peoria IL 61606

    The effect of overexpressing SNX8 on the phenotype of Alzheimer’s mice

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    阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimerdisease,AD)是最为常见的神经退行性疾病。神经元胞外Aβ(Amyloidβ,Aβ)聚集形成的淀粉样斑是AD的一个重要的病理特征,而Aβ是由淀粉样前体蛋白APP(AmyloidPrecursorProtein,APP)经β-分泌酶(β-secretase)和γ-分泌酶(γ-secretase)依次切割后生成的(即淀粉样蛋白途径),而APP的另一条剪切途径是α-分泌酶(α-secretase)和γ-分泌酶依次对其进行剪切,释放有神经保护作用的sAPPα(即非淀粉样蛋白途径),此条途径可以抑制Aβ的产生。α-分泌酶和β-分泌酶发挥酶活性的部位不同,α-分泌酶对...Alzheimer disease is the most common neurodegenerative disease. Accumulation of extracellular amyloid plaque consisted of Amyloid β (Aβ) is one pathological hallmarker of Alzheimer disease. Aβ is derived from the amyloid precursor protein (APP) by sequential cleavage of β-secretase (BACE1) and γ-secretase (the amyloidogenic pathway). Alternatively , APP can be cleavaged through nonamyloidogenic p...学位:理学硕士院系专业:医学院_微生物学学号:2452012115320

    Bulloch Times

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    Bulloch Times

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    Microbiome composition comparison in oral and atherosclerotic plaque from patients with and without periodontitis

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    There is no conclusive evidence regarding a causal relationship between periodontitis and atherosclerosis. In this study, we examined the microbiome in the oral cavity and atheromatous plaques from atherosclerosis patients with or without periodontitis to investigate the role of oral bacteria in the formation of atheromatous plaques. We chose four patients with and without periodontitis, who had undergone carotid endarterectomy. Bacterial samples were extracted from the tongue surface, from periodontal pocket (during the oral examination), and from the atheromatous plaques (APs). We investigated the general and oral conditions from each patient and performed next-generation sequencing (NGS) analysis for all bacterial samples. There were no significant differences between both groups concerning general conditions. However, the microbiome patterns of the gingival pocket showed differences depending on the absence or presence of periodontitis, while those of the tongue surface were relatively similar. The microbiome pattern of the atheromatous plaques was entirely different from that on the tongue surface and gingival pocket, and oral bacteria were seldom detected. However, the microbiome pattern in atheromatous plaques was different in the presence or absence of periodontitis. These results suggested that oral bacteria did not affect the formation of atheromatous plaques directly