63,642 research outputs found

    Almost intersecting families

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    Let n>k>1n > k > 1 be integers, [n]={1,…,n}[n] = \{1, \ldots, n\}. Let F\mathcal F be a family of kk-subsets of~[n][n]. The family F\mathcal F is called intersecting if F∩F′≠∅F \cap F' \neq \emptyset for all F,F′∈FF, F' \in \mathcal F. It is called almost intersecting if it is not intersecting but to every F∈FF \in \mathcal F there is at most one F′∈FF'\in \mathcal F satisfying F∩F′=∅F \cap F' = \emptyset. Gerbner et al. proved that if n≥2k+2n \geq 2k + 2 then ∣F∣≤(n−1k−1)|\mathcal F| \leq {n - 1\choose k - 1} holds for almost intersecting families. The main result implies the considerably stronger and best possible bound ∣F∣≤(n−1k−1)−(n−k−1k−1)+2|\mathcal F| \leq {n - 1\choose k - 1} - {n - k - 1\choose k - 1} + 2 for n>(2+o(1))kn > (2 + o(1))k

    Triangle-Intersecting Families of Graphs

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    A family of graphs F is said to be triangle-intersecting if for any two graphs G,H in F, the intersection of G and H contains a triangle. A conjecture of Simonovits and Sos from 1976 states that the largest triangle-intersecting families of graphs on a fixed set of n vertices are those obtained by fixing a specific triangle and taking all graphs containing it, resulting in a family of size (1/8) 2^{n choose 2}. We prove this conjecture and some generalizations (for example, we prove that the same is true of odd-cycle-intersecting families, and we obtain best possible bounds on the size of the family under different, not necessarily uniform, measures). We also obtain stability results, showing that almost-largest triangle-intersecting families have approximately the same structure.Comment: 43 page

    Intersecting families of discrete structures are typically trivial

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    The study of intersecting structures is central to extremal combinatorics. A family of permutations F⊂Sn\mathcal{F} \subset S_n is \emph{tt-intersecting} if any two permutations in F\mathcal{F} agree on some tt indices, and is \emph{trivial} if all permutations in F\mathcal{F} agree on the same tt indices. A kk-uniform hypergraph is \emph{tt-intersecting} if any two of its edges have tt vertices in common, and \emph{trivial} if all its edges share the same tt vertices. The fundamental problem is to determine how large an intersecting family can be. Ellis, Friedgut and Pilpel proved that for nn sufficiently large with respect to tt, the largest tt-intersecting families in SnS_n are the trivial ones. The classic Erd\H{o}s--Ko--Rado theorem shows that the largest tt-intersecting kk-uniform hypergraphs are also trivial when nn is large. We determine the \emph{typical} structure of tt-intersecting families, extending these results to show that almost all intersecting families are trivial. We also obtain sparse analogues of these extremal results, showing that they hold in random settings. Our proofs use the Bollob\'as set-pairs inequality to bound the number of maximal intersecting families, which can then be combined with known stability theorems. We also obtain similar results for vector spaces.Comment: 19 pages. Update 1: better citation of the Gauy--H\`an--Oliveira result. Update 2: corrected statement of the unpublished Hamm--Kahn result, and slightly modified notation in Theorem 1.6 Update 3: new title, updated citations, and some minor correction

    Intersection problems in combinatorics

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    With the publication of the famous Erdős-Ko-Rado Theorem in 1961, intersection problems became a popular area of combinatorics. A family of combinatorial objects is t-intersecting if any two of its elements mutually t-intersect, where the latter concept needs to be specified separately in each instance. This thesis is split into two parts; the first is concerned with intersecting injections while the second investigates intersecting posets. We classify maximum 1-intersecting families of injections from {1, ..., k} to {1, ..., n}, a generalisation of the corresponding result on permutations from the early 2000s. Moreover, we obtain classifications in the general t>1 case for different parameter limits: if n is large in terms of k and t, then the so-called fix-families, consisting of all injections which map some fixed set of t points to the same image points, are the only t-intersecting injection families of maximal size. By way of contrast, fixing the differences k-t and n-k while increasing k leads to optimal families which are equivalent to one of the so-called saturation families, consisting of all injections fixing at least r+t of the first 2r+t points, where r=|_ (k-t)/2 _|. Furthermore we demonstrate that, among injection families with t-intersecting and left-compressed fixed point sets, for some value of r the saturation family has maximal size . The concept that two posets intersect if they share a comparison is new. We begin by classifying maximum intersecting families in several isomorphism classes of posets which are linear, or almost linear. Then we study the union of the almost linear classes, and derive a bound for an intersecting family by adapting Katona's elegant cycle method to posets. The thesis ends with an investigation of the intersection structure of poset classes whose elements are close to the antichain. The overarching theme of this thesis is fixing versus saturation: we compare the sizes and structures of intersecting families obtained from these two distinct principles in the context of various classes of combinatorial objects

    Structure and Supersaturation for Intersecting Families

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    The extremal problems regarding the maximum possible size of intersecting families of various combinatorial objects have been extensively studied. In this paper, we investigate supersaturation extensions, which in this context ask for the minimum number of disjoint pairs that must appear in families larger than the extremal threshold. We study the minimum number of disjoint pairs in families of permutations and in kk-uniform set families, and determine the structure of the optimal families. Our main tool is a removal lemma for disjoint pairs. We also determine the typical structure of kk-uniform set families without matchings of size ss when n≥2sk+38s4n \ge 2sk + 38s^4, and show that almost all kk-uniform intersecting families on vertex set [n][n] are trivial when n≥(2+o(1))kn\ge (2+o(1))k.Comment: 23 pages + appendi
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