1,630 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Alignment-based Iterative Evidence Retrieval for Multi-hop Question Answering

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    Evidence retrieval is a critical stage of question answering (QA), necessary not only to improve performance, but also to explain the decisions of the corresponding QA method. We introduce a simple, fast, and unsupervised iterative evidence retrieval method, which relies on three ideas: (a) an unsupervised alignment approach to soft-align questions and answers with justification sentences using only GloVe embeddings, (b) an iterative process that reformulates queries focusing on terms that are not covered by existing justifications, which (c) a stopping criterion that terminates retrieval when the terms in the given question and candidate answers are covered by the retrieved justifications. Despite its simplicity, our approach outperforms all the previous methods (including supervised methods) on the evidence selection task on two datasets: MultiRC and QASC. When these evidence sentences are fed into a RoBERTa answer classification component, we achieve state-of-the-art QA performance on these two datasets.Comment: Accepted at ACL 2020 as a long conference pape

    A Neural Multi-sequence Alignment TeCHnique (NeuMATCH)

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    The alignment of heterogeneous sequential data (video to text) is an important and challenging problem. Standard techniques for this task, including Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) and Conditional Random Fields (CRFs), suffer from inherent drawbacks. Mainly, the Markov assumption implies that, given the immediate past, future alignment decisions are independent of further history. The separation between similarity computation and alignment decision also prevents end-to-end training. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end neural architecture where alignment actions are implemented as moving data between stacks of Long Short-term Memory (LSTM) blocks. This flexible architecture supports a large variety of alignment tasks, including one-to-one, one-to-many, skipping unmatched elements, and (with extensions) non-monotonic alignment. Extensive experiments on semi-synthetic and real datasets show that our algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art baselines.Comment: Accepted at CVPR 2018 (Spotlight). arXiv file includes the paper and the supplemental materia

    Aligned Image-Word Representations Improve Inductive Transfer Across Vision-Language Tasks

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    An important goal of computer vision is to build systems that learn visual representations over time that can be applied to many tasks. In this paper, we investigate a vision-language embedding as a core representation and show that it leads to better cross-task transfer than standard multi-task learning. In particular, the task of visual recognition is aligned to the task of visual question answering by forcing each to use the same word-region embeddings. We show this leads to greater inductive transfer from recognition to VQA than standard multitask learning. Visual recognition also improves, especially for categories that have relatively few recognition training labels but appear often in the VQA setting. Thus, our paper takes a small step towards creating more general vision systems by showing the benefit of interpretable, flexible, and trainable core representations.Comment: Accepted in ICCV 2017. The arxiv version has an extra analysis on correlation with human attentio

    Quick and (not so) Dirty: Unsupervised Selection of Justification Sentences for Multi-hop Question Answering

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    We propose an unsupervised strategy for the selection of justification sentences for multi-hop question answering (QA) that (a) maximizes the relevance of the selected sentences, (b) minimizes the overlap between the selected facts, and (c) maximizes the coverage of both question and answer. This unsupervised sentence selection method can be coupled with any supervised QA approach. We show that the sentences selected by our method improve the performance of a state-of-the-art supervised QA model on two multi-hop QA datasets: AI2's Reasoning Challenge (ARC) and Multi-Sentence Reading Comprehension (MultiRC). We obtain new state-of-the-art performance on both datasets among approaches that do not use external resources for training the QA system: 56.82% F1 on ARC (41.24% on Challenge and 64.49% on Easy) and 26.1% EM0 on MultiRC. Our justification sentences have higher quality than the justifications selected by a strong information retrieval baseline, e.g., by 5.4% F1 in MultiRC. We also show that our unsupervised selection of justification sentences is more stable across domains than a state-of-the-art supervised sentence selection method.Comment: Published at EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019 as long conference paper. Corrected the name reference for Speer et.al, 201

    Learning Social Image Embedding with Deep Multimodal Attention Networks

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    Learning social media data embedding by deep models has attracted extensive research interest as well as boomed a lot of applications, such as link prediction, classification, and cross-modal search. However, for social images which contain both link information and multimodal contents (e.g., text description, and visual content), simply employing the embedding learnt from network structure or data content results in sub-optimal social image representation. In this paper, we propose a novel social image embedding approach called Deep Multimodal Attention Networks (DMAN), which employs a deep model to jointly embed multimodal contents and link information. Specifically, to effectively capture the correlations between multimodal contents, we propose a multimodal attention network to encode the fine-granularity relation between image regions and textual words. To leverage the network structure for embedding learning, a novel Siamese-Triplet neural network is proposed to model the links among images. With the joint deep model, the learnt embedding can capture both the multimodal contents and the nonlinear network information. Extensive experiments are conducted to investigate the effectiveness of our approach in the applications of multi-label classification and cross-modal search. Compared to state-of-the-art image embeddings, our proposed DMAN achieves significant improvement in the tasks of multi-label classification and cross-modal search
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