26,220 research outputs found

    A fast algorithm for LR-2 factorization of Toeplitz matrices

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    In this paper a new order recursive algorithm for the efficient −1 factorization of Toeplitz matrices is described. The proposed algorithm can be seen as a fast modified Gram-Schmidt method which recursively computes the orthonormal columns i, i = 1,2, 
,p, of , as well as the elements of R−1, of a Toeplitz matrix with dimensions L × p. The factor estimation requires 8Lp MADS (multiplications and divisions). Matrix −1 is subsequently estimated using 3p2 MADS. A faster algorithm, based on a mixed and −1 updating scheme, is also derived. It requires 7Lp + 3.5p2 MADS. The algorithm can be efficiently applied to batch least squares FIR filtering and system identification. When determination of the optimal filter is the desired task it can be utilized to compute the least squares filter in an order recursive way. The algorithm operates directly on the experimental data, overcoming the need for covariance estimates. An orthogonalized version of the proposed −1 algorithm is derived. Matlab code implementing the algorithm is also supplied

    An algorithm for LET-analysis

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    An algorithm for the derivation of LET-distributions from pulse- height spectra obtained with proportional counters is described. The method is based on Fourier transformation: it is applicable to spherical as well as non-spherical proportional counters. The relation between the energy mean, LD, of LET and the energy mean, yD, of the lineal energy density is given

    A highly modular adaptive lattice algorithm for multichannel least squares filtering

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    In this paper a highly modular adaptive lattice algorithm for multichannel least squares FIR filtering and multivariable system identification is presented. Multichannel filters with different number of delay elements per input channel are allowed. The main features of the proposed multichannel adaptive lattice least squares algorithm is the use of scalar only operations, multiplications/divisions and additions, and the local communication which enables the development of a fully pipelining architecture. The tracking capability and the numerical stability and accuracy of the proposed technique are illustrated by simulations

    An Evolutionary Algorithm for the Estimation of Threshold Vector Error Correction Models

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    We develop an evolutionary algorithm to estimate Threshold Vector Error Correction models (TVECM) with more than two cointegrated variables. Since disregarding a threshold in cointegration models renders standard approaches to the estimation of the cointegration vectors inefficient, TVECM necessitate a simultaneous estimation of the cointegration vector(s) and the threshold. As far as two cointegrated variables are considered this is commonly achieved by a grid search. However, grid search quickly becomes computationally unfeasible if more than two variables are cointegrated. Therefore, the likelihood function has to be maximized using heuristic approaches. Depending on the precise problem structure the evolutionary approach developed in the present paper for this purpose saves 90 to 99 per cent of the computation time of a grid search.evolutionary strategy, genetic algorithm, TVECM

    Hybrid next-fit algorithm for the two-dimensional rectangle bin-packing problem

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    We present a new approximation algorithm for the two-dimensional bin-packing problem. The algorithm is based on two one-dimensional bin-packing algorithms. Since the algorithm is of next-fit type it can also be used for those cases where the output is required to be on-line (e. g. if we open an new bin we have no possibility to pack elements into the earlier opened bins). We give a tight bound for its worst-case and show that this bound is a parameter of the maximal sizes of the items to be packed. Moreover, we also present a probabilistic analysis of this algorithm.worst-case analysis;probabilistic analysis;bin-packing;heuristic algorithm;on-line algorithm;two-dimensional packing

    About Shor's algorithm and quantum computers

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    Diese Bachelorarbeit dient der ErlĂ€uterung des Shor-Algorithmus mit besonderem Augenmerk auf seine nicht-klassischen Bestandteile. Sie beinhaltet einen einfĂŒhrenden Teil zu theoretischer Informatik und Quantum Computing, eine detaillierte Darstellung des Algorithmus mit seinen Konstituenten wie QuantenphasenschĂ€tzung und Quantenfouriertransformation sowie eine Herleitung einer AbschĂ€tzung fĂŒr die LaufzeitkomplexitĂ€t des Algorithmus und einem kurzen Teil ĂŒber die Schwierigkeiten bei der praktischen Umsetzung des Algorithmus, das heißt der Konstruktion von Quantencomputern.This Bachelor’s thesis focuses on the explanation of Shor’s algorithm, especially the quantum part. It encompasses an introductory part on theoretical computer science and quantum computing giving the necessary knowledge for understanding Shor’s algorithm, a detailed presentation of the algorithm itself with its constituent parts like quantum phase approximation and the quantum fourier transform, as well as a derivation of the algorithm’s running time complexity and a short part on the difficulties of constructing quantum computers that could implement Shor’s algorithm

    Entwicklung eines Algorithmus zur elektiven OP-Einbestellung in der Klinik fĂŒr OrthopĂ€die und Rheumatologie

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    Die Arbeit entwickelt eine bedarfsorientierte langfristige Operationsplanung. Dabei werden die gegebenen Rahmenbedingungen der Klinik fĂŒr OrthopĂ€die und Rheumatologie in Marburg identifiziert und berĂŒcksichtigt. ErklĂ€rtes Ziel ist die Reduktion des prĂ€operativen stationĂ€ren Aufenthaltes und somit eine Verminderung der gesamten Aufenthaltsdauer. Dabei soll die Menge an Operationen pro Jahr indes unverĂ€ndert bleiben. Mithilfe einer Prozessanalyse werden die gegebenen ArbeitsablĂ€ufe untersucht und mit dem eigens entwickelten Dokumentationswerkzeug (MaPDok) erfasst, sowie diskutiert. Die Rahmenbedingungen der Klinik werden als innere und Ă€ußere Bedingungen aus Sicht des Patienten identifiziert. Innere Bedingungen sind Wahloptionen fĂŒr den Patienten, Ă€ußere Bedingungen sind Vorgaben, auf die der Patient keinen Einfluss hat. Aus diesen Bedingungen ergeben sich vier Merkmale, die zur Entwicklung eines Algorithmus zur OP-Einbestellung berĂŒcksichtigt werden. Es werden verschieden Algorithmen mit unterschiedlichem KomplexitĂ€tsgrad entwickelt. Um die Hypothese der Reduktion des prĂ€operativen stationĂ€ren Aufenthaltes und der gesamten Aufenthaltsdauer zu prĂŒfen, erfolgt ein Vergleich der Algorithmen mit der Ausgangssituation durch stochastische Simulation. Bereits der einfachste Algorithmus kann eine deutliche Reduktion des prĂ€operativen Aufenthaltes und der gesamten Aufenthaltsdauer erreichen. Algorithmen mit einem höheren Grad an KomplexitĂ€t bringen keine wesentlichen Verbesserungen, sind jedoch in der Anwendung schwieriger. Der favorisierte Algorithmus kann mit oder ohne EDV UnterstĂŒtzung weitgehend Interventions- und Investitionsneutral umgesetzt werden
