41 research outputs found

    Thresholds for Extreme Orientability

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    Multiple-choice load balancing has been a topic of intense study since the seminal paper of Azar, Broder, Karlin, and Upfal. Questions in this area can be phrased in terms of orientations of a graph, or more generally a k-uniform random hypergraph. A (d,b)-orientation is an assignment of each edge to d of its vertices, such that no vertex has more than b edges assigned to it. Conditions for the existence of such orientations have been completely documented except for the "extreme" case of (k-1,1)-orientations. We consider this remaining case, and establish: - The density threshold below which an orientation exists with high probability, and above which it does not exist with high probability. - An algorithm for finding an orientation that runs in linear time with high probability, with explicit polynomial bounds on the failure probability. Previously, the only known algorithms for constructing (k-1,1)-orientations worked for k<=3, and were only shown to have expected linear running time.Comment: Corrected description of relationship to the work of LeLarg

    Linear-Time Algorithms for Edge-Based Problems

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    There is a dearth of algorithms that deal with edge-based problems in trees, specifically algorithms for edge sets that satisfy a particular parameter. The goal of this thesis is to create a methodology for designing algorithms for these edge-based problems. We will present a variant of the Wimer method [Wimer et al. 1985] [Wimer 1987] that can handle edge properties. We call this variant the Wimer edge variant. The thesis is divided into three sections, the first being a chapter devoted to defining and discussing the Wimer edge variant in depth, showing how to develop an algorithm using this variant, and an example of this process, including a run of an algorithm developed using this method. The second section involves algorithms developed using the Wimer edge variant. We will provide algorithms for a variety of edge parameters, including four different matching parameters (connected, disconnected, induced and 2-matching), three different domination parameters (edge, total edge and edge-vertex) and two covering parameters (edge cover and edge cover irredundance). Each of these algorithms are discussed in detail and run in linear time. The third section involves an attempt to characterize the Wimer edge variant. We show how the variant can be applied to three classes of graphs: weighted trees, unicyclic graphs and generalized series-parallel graphs. For each of these classes, we detail what adaptations are required (if any) and design an algorithm, including showing a run on an example graph. The fourth chapter is devoted to a discussion of what qualities a parameter has to have in order to be likely to have a solution using the Wimer edge variant. Also in this chapter we discuss classes of graphs that can utilize the Wimer edge variant. Other topics discussed in this thesis include a literature review, and a discussion of future work. There are plenty of options for future work on this topic, which hopefully this thesis can inspire. The intent of this thesis is to provide the foundation for future algorithms and other work in this area

    Tight bounds for popping algorithms

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    Uniform Sampling through the LovĂĄsz Local Lemma

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    We propose a new algorithmic framework, called `"partial rejection sampling'', to draw samples exactly from a product distribution, conditioned on none of a number of bad events occurring. Our framework builds new connections between the variable framework of the LovĂĄsz Local Lemma and some classical sampling algorithms such as the "cycle-popping"' algorithm for rooted spanning trees. Among other applications, we discover new algorithms to sample satisfying assignments of k-CNF formulas with bounded variable occurrences

    Ramsey games with giants

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    The classical result in the theory of random graphs, proved by Erdos and Renyi in 1960, concerns the threshold for the appearance of the giant component in the random graph process. We consider a variant of this problem, with a Ramsey flavor. Now, each random edge that arrives in the sequence of rounds must be colored with one of R colors. The goal can be either to create a giant component in every color class, or alternatively, to avoid it in every color. One can analyze the offline or online setting for this problem. In this paper, we consider all these variants and provide nontrivial upper and lower bounds; in certain cases (like online avoidance) the obtained bounds are asymptotically tight.Comment: 29 pages; minor revision