745 research outputs found

    Identifying Alternative Stops for First and Last Mile Urban Travel Planning

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    As we move into an increasingly connected world for urban travel planning, we need to expand our concept of itinerary planning to meet the multimodal and diverse needs of today\u27s traveler. Often, urban itinerary planning applications seek to minimize route travel time between two specific places at a certain time. Our approach provides travelers with a set of optimal nearby stops that presents a number of traveler preferences in an easily comprehensible and quickly calculable manner. We display first and last mile stops that fall on a Pareto front based on multiple criteria such as travel time, number of transfers, and frequency of service. Our algorithm combines stop and routebased information to quickly present the traveler with numerous nearby quality options for their itinerary decision-making. We expand this algorithm to include multimodal itineraries with the incorporation of free-floating scooters to investigate the change in stop and itinerary characteristics. We then analyze the results on the star-shaped urban transit network of Göttingen, Germany, to show what advantages stops on the Pareto front have as well as demonstrate the increased effect on frequency and service lines when incorporating a broadened multimodal approach

    Julkisen liikenteen multimodaalisen reitityssysteemin testaus ja laadunvalvonta

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    During the recent decades, public transportation journey planning has become an increasingly digital process. Journey planning websites and applications are replacing the use of schedules printed on paper. Both proprietary and free license open-source public transportation routing systems have been developed. Typically these systems are used as backend services for the journey planning websites and applications. Multimodality is an important quality of public transportation routing. Car navigators only require the capability to find routes that are accessible by car, and restrictions for when one can drive on a road are limited. On the other hand, multimodal public transportation routing systems need to take into account the available public transportation options, which often operate on schedules, in addition to the other non-transit mobility options. Algorithms used for routing in these systems have improved. As new features have been added to the systems, they have become more complex. Testing and quality assurance (QA) play a key role in the development and maintenance of these systems, but the research focused on that subject, in this context, is scarce. In this thesis, use of known failed routing requests for improving the quality of routing is explored. Additionally, it was studied how benchmarking can be used as a quality assurance tool for public transportation routing systems. From a sample failed requests (N=10000), 90% of requests were filtered out because with varying probabilities they had failed due to known issues. Examination of individual requests showed that the filtering criteria should be improved as only one request from a sample of requests (N=30) was caused by a potentially unknown cause. The usefulness of benchmarking was examined through three use cases. One finding was that certain public transportation modes can be preferred in the Greater Helsinki and it does not significantly affect the durations of the suggested itineraries. OpenTripPlanner was used as a routing system in this thesis, but these approaches should also be applicable to other systems. More research should be done on testing and QA of public transportation routing systems as there are still open questions.Viimeisten vuosikymmenten aikana julkisen liikenteen matkojen suunnittelu on muuttunut digitaalisemmaksi. Matkaopassivustot ja -sovellukset ovat korvaamassa paperiset aikataulut. On kehitetty kaupallisia ja vapaasti käytettäviä avoimen lähdekoodin reitityssysteemeitä. Näitä systeemeitä käytetään matkaoppaissa taustapalveluina. Multimodaalisuus on tärkeä ominaisuus julkisen liikenteen reitityksessä. Autonavigaattoreissa riittää, että autoreititys toimii, ja teiden käyttöön liittyviä aikarajoitteita on vähän. Julkisen liikenteen reitityssysteemeissä pitää taas ottaa huomioon julkisen liikenteen kulkumuodot, jotka usein noudattavat aikatauluja, sekä kävely ja muu liityntäreititys. Näissä systeemeissä käytetyt reitityslgoritmit ovat kehittyneet. Uusien ominaisuuksien myötä systeemeiden kompleksisuus on kasvanut. Testaus ja laadunvalvonta ovat tärkeässä roolissa näiden systeemeiden kehityksessä ja ylläpidossa, mutta aiheeseen liittyvää tutkimusta ei ole tehty laajasti. Tässä tutkielmassa kokeillaan epäonnistuneiden reitityskyselyiden käyttöä reitityksen laadun parantamiseen ja vertailuanalyysin hyödyntämistä laadunvalvonnassa. Epäonnistuneiden kyselyiden otoksesta (N=10000) poistettiin 90% kyselyistä, koska vaihtelevalla todennäköisyydelle ne olivat epäonnistuneet tunnettujen syiden takia. Yksittäisiä kyselyitä pienemmästä otoksesta (N=30) tutkittiin ja vain yksi niistä epäonnistui potentiaalisesti tuntemattomasta syystä, joten kyselyiden suodatuskriteereissä on kehitettävää. Vertailuanalyysin hyötyä tutkittiin kolmen käyttötapauksen kautta. Työssä havaittiin, että pääkaupunkiseudulla voidaan suosia tiettyjä julkisen liikenteen kulkumuotoja ilman, että ehdotettujen reititystulosten kesto kasvaa huomattavasti. Työssä käytettiin OpenTripPlanner-reitityssysteemiä, mutta esitettyjä metodeja voi soveltaa muihin vastaaviin systeemeihin. Reitityksen testaukseen ja laadunvalvontaan liittyy avoimia kysymyksiä, joten tämän osalta tarvitaan lisätutkimusta

    Study on k-shortest paths with behavioral impedance domain from the intermodal public transportation system perspective

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    Behavioral impedance domain consists of a theory on route planning for pedestrians, within which constraint management is considered. The goal of this paper is to present the k-shortest path model using the behavioral impedance approach. After the mathematical model building, optimization problem and resolution problem by a behavioral impedance algorithm, it is discussed how behavioral impedance cost function is embedded in the k-shortest path model. From the pedestrian's route planning perspective, the behavioral impedance cost function could be used to calculate best subjective paths in the objective way.Postprint (published version

    REX: A Realistic Time-Dependent Model for Multimodal Public Transport

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    We present the non-FIFO time-dependent graph model with REalistic vehicle eXchange times (REX) for schedule-based multimodal public transport, along with a novel query algorithm called TRIP-based LAbel-correction propagation (TRIPLA) algorithm that efficiently solves the realistic earliest-arrival routing problem. The REX model possesses all strong features of previous time-dependent graph models without suffering from their deficiencies. It handles non-negligible exchanges from one vehicle to another, as well as supports non-FIFO instances which are typical in public transport, without compromising space efficiency. We conduct a thorough experimental evaluation with real-world data which demonstrates that TRIPLA significantly outperforms all state-of-the-art query algorithms for multimodal earliest-arrival routing in schedule-based public transport

    Multimodal Route Planning Algorithm for Encouraging the Usage of Different Means of Public Transportation

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    Jätkuv linnastumine ja linnade kasv muudab ka linnasisese teekonna planeerimise aina keerulisemaks.. Tihti pole võimalik reisida ühest punktist teise, kasutades ainult üht transpordiliiki. Veelgi enam, juhul, kui kasutajal on spetsiifilisi eelistusi, nagu soov võtta ühistransporti kaasa ratastool, lapsevanker või jalgratas, kindlat tüüpi ühistranspordivahendi kasutamine (näiteks ratastoolisõbralik buss) on tarvilik. Sellest olenemata kalduvad olemasolevad teekonnaplaneerimise mootorid suurel määral eelistama esimest suvalist tüüpi ühistranspordi reisi, kui see vastab aegruumilistele nõudmistele, selle asemel, et kinni pidada kasutaja poolt valitud ühistranspordi liikidest. Käesoleva lõputöö eesmärk on pakkuda välja alternatiivne meetod multimodaalseks teekonnaplaneerimiseks, mis kasutaks ainult neid ühistranspordiliike, mis on kasutaja poolt lubatud. Selles lõputöös on alternatiivne kiireima multimodaalse teekonna leidmise meetod, mis kasutab ühistransporti, on arendatud. See on võimeline pakkuma konkurentsivõimelisi alternatiive olemasolevate teekonnaleidmise otsingumootorite poolt pakutud lahendustele, samal ajal kasutades vaid neid ühistranspordiliike, mis on kasutaja poolt lubatud.The ongoing urbanization and the growth of the cities is leading to the increase of complexity of the route planning in urban areas. Often it is not possible or feasible to travel from one location to another using only one mode of transportation. Moreover, in case of specific preferences like taking a wheelchair, baby carriage or a bicycle in the mean of public transport, a specific type of mean of transport (e.g. wheelchair-accessible bus) is needed. However, the existing routing engines tend to heavily prefer the first public transport trip of any mean of public transport that meets the spatiotemporal conditions instead of sticking to user’s selected modes.The aim of this thesis is to propose an alternative method for multimodal route planning, using only the modes and means of public transport that are allowed by the user. In this thesis work an alternative method for multimodal fastest pathfinding with use of public transportation is developed. It is able to propose competitive alternatives to the results of the existing routing engines at the same time using only the modes and means of public transport that are allowed by the user