348 research outputs found

    Fast Approximate Clearance Evaluation for Rovers with Articulated Suspension Systems

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    We present a light-weight body-terrain clearance evaluation algorithm for the automated path planning of NASA's Mars 2020 rover. Extraterrestrial path planning is challenging due to the combination of terrain roughness and severe limitation in computational resources. Path planning on cluttered and/or uneven terrains requires repeated safety checks on all the candidate paths at a small interval. Predicting the future rover state requires simulating the vehicle settling on the terrain, which involves an inverse-kinematics problem with iterative nonlinear optimization under geometric constraints. However, such expensive computation is intractable for slow spacecraft computers, such as RAD750, which is used by the Curiosity Mars rover and upcoming Mars 2020 rover. We propose the Approximate Clearance Evaluation (ACE) algorithm, which obtains conservative bounds on vehicle clearance, attitude, and suspension angles without iterative computation. It obtains those bounds by estimating the lowest and highest heights that each wheel may reach given the underlying terrain, and calculating the worst-case vehicle configuration associated with those extreme wheel heights. The bounds are guaranteed to be conservative, hence ensuring vehicle safety during autonomous navigation. ACE is planned to be used as part of the new onboard path planner of the Mars 2020 rover. This paper describes the algorithm in detail and validates our claim of conservatism and fast computation through experiments

    The 1990 progress report and future plans

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    This document describes the progress and plans of the Artificial Intelligence Research Branch (RIA) at ARC in 1990. Activities span a range from basic scientific research to engineering development and to fielded NASA applications, particularly those applications that are enabled by basic research carried out at RIA. Work is conducted in-house and through collaborative partners in academia and industry. Our major focus is on a limited number of research themes with a dual commitment to technical excellence and proven applicability to NASA short, medium, and long-term problems. RIA acts as the Agency's lead organization for research aspects of artificial intelligence, working closely with a second research laboratory at JPL and AI applications groups at all NASA centers

    Percepción basada en visión estereoscópica, planificación de trayectorias y estrategias de navegación para exploración robótica autónoma

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, Departamento de Ingeniería del Software e Inteligencia artificial, leída el 13-05-2015En esta tesis se trata el desarrollo de una estrategia de navegación autónoma basada en visión artificial para exploración robótica autónoma de superficies planetarias. Se han desarrollado una serie de subsistemas, módulos y software específicos para la investigación desarrollada en este trabajo, ya que la mayoría de las herramientas existentes para este dominio son propiedad de agencias espaciales nacionales, no accesibles a la comunidad científica. Se ha diseñado una arquitectura software modular multi-capa con varios niveles jerárquicos para albergar el conjunto de algoritmos que implementan la estrategia de navegación autónoma y garantizar la portabilidad del software, su reutilización e independencia del hardware. Se incluye también el diseño de un entorno de trabajo destinado a dar soporte al desarrollo de las estrategias de navegación. Éste se basa parcialmente en herramientas de código abierto al alcance de cualquier investigador o institución, con las necesarias adaptaciones y extensiones, e incluye capacidades de simulación 3D, modelos de vehículos robóticos, sensores, y entornos operacionales, emulando superficies planetarias como Marte, para el análisis y validación a nivel funcional de las estrategias de navegación desarrolladas. Este entorno también ofrece capacidades de depuración y monitorización.La presente tesis se compone de dos partes principales. En la primera se aborda el diseño y desarrollo de las capacidades de autonomía de alto nivel de un rover, centrándose en la navegación autónoma, con el soporte de las capacidades de simulación y monitorización del entorno de trabajo previo. Se han llevado a cabo un conjunto de experimentos de campo, con un robot y hardware real, detallándose resultados, tiempo de procesamiento de algoritmos, así como el comportamiento y rendimiento del sistema en general. Como resultado, se ha identificado al sistema de percepción como un componente crucial dentro de la estrategia de navegación y, por tanto, el foco principal de potenciales optimizaciones y mejoras del sistema. Como consecuencia, en la segunda parte de este trabajo, se afronta el problema de la correspondencia en imágenes estéreo y reconstrucción 3D de entornos naturales no estructurados. Se han analizado una serie de algoritmos de correspondencia, procesos de imagen y filtros. Generalmente se asume que las intensidades de puntos correspondientes en imágenes del mismo par estéreo es la misma. Sin embargo, se ha comprobado que esta suposición es a menudo falsa, a pesar de que ambas se adquieren con un sistema de visión compuesto de dos cámaras idénticas. En consecuencia, se propone un sistema experto para la corrección automática de intensidades en pares de imágenes estéreo y reconstrucción 3D del entorno basado en procesos de imagen no aplicados hasta ahora en el campo de la visión estéreo. Éstos son el filtrado homomórfico y la correspondencia de histogramas, que han sido diseñados para corregir intensidades coordinadamente, ajustando una imagen en función de la otra. Los resultados se han podido optimizar adicionalmente gracias al diseño de un proceso de agrupación basado en el principio de continuidad espacial para eliminar falsos positivos y correspondencias erróneas. Se han estudiado los efectos de la aplicación de dichos filtros, en etapas previas y posteriores al proceso de correspondencia, con eficiencia verificada favorablemente. Su aplicación ha permitido la obtención de un mayor número de correspondencias válidas en comparación con los resultados obtenidos sin la aplicación de los mismos, consiguiendo mejoras significativas en los mapas de disparidad y, por lo tanto, en los procesos globales de percepción y reconstrucción 3D.Depto. de Ingeniería de Software e Inteligencia Artificial (ISIA)Fac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Third International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Automation for Space 1994

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    The Third International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Automation for Space (i-SAIRAS 94), held October 18-20, 1994, in Pasadena, California, was jointly sponsored by NASA, ESA, and Japan's National Space Development Agency, and was hosted by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) of the California Institute of Technology. i-SAIRAS 94 featured presentations covering a variety of technical and programmatic topics, ranging from underlying basic technology to specific applications of artificial intelligence and robotics to space missions. i-SAIRAS 94 featured a special workshop on planning and scheduling and provided scientists, engineers, and managers with the opportunity to exchange theoretical ideas, practical results, and program plans in such areas as space mission control, space vehicle processing, data analysis, autonomous spacecraft, space robots and rovers, satellite servicing, and intelligent instruments

    Advancing automation and robotics technology for the Space Station Freedom and for the US economy

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    The progress made by levels 1, 2, and 3 of the Office of Space Station in developing and applying advanced automation and robotics technology is described. Emphasis is placed upon the Space Station Freedom Program responses to specific recommendations made in the Advanced Technology Advisory Committee (ATAC) progress report 10, the flight telerobotic servicer, and the Advanced Development Program. Assessments are presented for these and other areas as they apply to the advancement of automation and robotics technology for the Space Station Freedom

    Testing for the MMX Rover Autonomous Navigation Experiment on Phobos

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    The MMX rover will explore the surface of Phobos, Mars´ bigger moon. It will use its stereo cameras for perceiving the environment, enabling the use of vision based autonomous navigation algorithms. The German Aerospace Center (DLR) is currently developing the corresponding autonomous navigation experiment that will allow the rover to efficiently explore the surface of Phobos, despite limited communication with Earth and long turn-around times for operations. This paper discusses our testing strategy regarding the autonomous navigation solution. We present our general testing strategy for the software considering a development approach with agile aspects. We detail, how we ensure successful integration with the rover system despite having limited access to the flight hardware. We furthermore discuss, what environmental conditions on Phobos pose a potential risk for the navigation algorithms and how we test for these accordingly. Our testing is mostly data set-based and we describe our approaches for recording navigation data that is representative both for the rover system and also for the Phobos environment. Finally, we make the corresponding data set publicly available and provide an overview on its content

    System of Terrain Analysis, Energy Estimation and Path Planning for Planetary Exploration by Robot Teams

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    NASA’s long term plans involve a return to manned moon missions, and eventually sending humans to mars. The focus of this project is the use of autonomous mobile robotics to enhance these endeavors. This research details the creation of a system of terrain classification, energy of traversal estimation and low cost path planning for teams of inexpensive and potentially expendable robots. The first stage of this project was the creation of a model which estimates the energy requirements of the traversal of varying terrain types for a six wheel rocker-bogie rover. The wheel/soil interaction model uses Shibly’s modified Bekker equations and incorporates a new simplified rocker-bogie model for estimating wheel loads. In all but a single trial the relative energy requirements for each soil type were correctly predicted by the model. A path planner for complete coverage intended to minimize energy consumption was designed and tested. It accepts as input terrain maps detailing the energy consumption required to move to each adjacent location. Exploration is performed via a cost function which determines the robot’s next move. This system was successfully tested for multiple robots by means of a shared exploration map. At peak efficiency, the energy consumed by our path planner was only 56% that used by the best case back and forth coverage pattern. After performing a sensitivity analysis of Shibly’s equations to determine which soil parameters most affected energy consumption, a neural network terrain classifier was designed and tested. The terrain classifier defines all traversable terrain as one of three soil types and then assigns an assumed set of soil parameters. The classifier performed well over all, but had some difficulty distinguishing large rocks from sand. This work presents a system which successfully classifies terrain imagery into one of three soil types, assesses the energy requirements of terrain traversal for these soil types and plans efficient paths of complete coverage for the imaged area. While there are further efforts that can be made in all areas, the work achieves its stated goals

    Team MIT Urban Challenge Technical Report

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    This technical report describes Team MITs approach to theDARPA Urban Challenge. We have developed a novel strategy forusing many inexpensive sensors, mounted on the vehicle periphery,and calibrated with a new cross-­modal calibrationtechnique. Lidar, camera, and radar data streams are processedusing an innovative, locally smooth state representation thatprovides robust perception for real­ time autonomous control. Aresilient planning and control architecture has been developedfor driving in traffic, comprised of an innovative combination ofwell­proven algorithms for mission planning, situationalplanning, situational interpretation, and trajectory control. These innovations are being incorporated in two new roboticvehicles equipped for autonomous driving in urban environments,with extensive testing on a DARPA site visit course. Experimentalresults demonstrate all basic navigation and some basic trafficbehaviors, including unoccupied autonomous driving, lanefollowing using pure-­pursuit control and our local frameperception strategy, obstacle avoidance using kino-­dynamic RRTpath planning, U-­turns, and precedence evaluation amongst othercars at intersections using our situational interpreter. We areworking to extend these approaches to advanced navigation andtraffic scenarios

    Pathfinder autonomous rendezvous and docking project

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    Capabilities are being developed and demonstrated to support manned and unmanned vehicle operations in lunar and planetary orbits. In this initial phase, primary emphasis is placed on definition of the system requirements for candidate Pathfinder mission applications and correlation of these system-level requirements with specific requirements. The FY-89 activities detailed are best characterized as foundation building. The majority of the efforts were dedicated to assessing the current state of the art, identifying desired elaborations and expansions to this level of development and charting a course that will realize the desired objectives in the future. Efforts are detailed across all work packages in developing those requirements and tools needed to test, refine, and validate basic autonomous rendezvous and docking elements