14 research outputs found

    Coiterative Morphisms: Interactive Equational Reasoning for Bisimulation, using Coalgebras

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    ter: SEN 3 Abstract: We study several techniques for interactive equational reasoning with the bisimulation equivalence. Our work is based on a modular library, formalised in Coq, that axiomatises weakly final coalgebras and bisimulation. As a theory we derive some coalgebraic schemes and an associated coinduction principle. This will help in interactive proofs by coinduction, modular derivation of congruence and co-fixed point equations and enables an extensional treatment of bisimulation. Finally we present a version of the lambda-coinduction proof principle in our framework

    PSPACE Bounds for Rank-1 Modal Logics

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    For lack of general algorithmic methods that apply to wide classes of logics, establishing a complexity bound for a given modal logic is often a laborious task. The present work is a step towards a general theory of the complexity of modal logics. Our main result is that all rank-1 logics enjoy a shallow model property and thus are, under mild assumptions on the format of their axiomatisation, in PSPACE. This leads to a unified derivation of tight PSPACE-bounds for a number of logics including K, KD, coalition logic, graded modal logic, majority logic, and probabilistic modal logic. Our generic algorithm moreover finds tableau proofs that witness pleasant proof-theoretic properties including a weak subformula property. This generality is made possible by a coalgebraic semantics, which conveniently abstracts from the details of a given model class and thus allows covering a broad range of logics in a uniform way

    Algebraic specification of web services

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    This paper presents an algebraic specification language for the formal specification of the semantics of web services. A set of rules for transforming WSDL into algebraic structures is proposed. Its practical usability is also demonstrated by an example

    Bootstrapping Inductive and Coinductive Types in HasCASL

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    We discuss the treatment of initial datatypes and final process types in the wide-spectrum language HasCASL. In particular, we present specifications that illustrate how datatypes and process types arise as bootstrapped concepts using HasCASL's type class mechanism, and we describe constructions of types of finite and infinite trees that establish the conservativity of datatype and process type declarations adhering to certain reasonable formats. The latter amounts to modifying known constructions from HOL to avoid unique choice; in categorical terminology, this means that we establish that quasitoposes with an internal natural numbers object support initial algebras and final coalgebras for a range of polynomial functors, thereby partially generalising corresponding results from topos theory. Moreover, we present similar constructions in categories of internal complete partial orders in quasitoposes

    Global semantic typing for inductive and coinductive computing

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    Inductive and coinductive types are commonly construed as ontological (Church-style) types, denoting canonical data-sets such as natural numbers, lists, and streams. For various purposes, notably the study of programs in the context of global semantics, it is preferable to think of types as semantical properties (Curry-style). Intrinsic theories were introduced in the late 1990s to provide a purely logical framework for reasoning about programs and their semantic types. We extend them here to data given by any combination of inductive and coinductive definitions. This approach is of interest because it fits tightly with syntactic, semantic, and proof theoretic fundamentals of formal logic, with potential applications in implicit computational complexity as well as extraction of programs from proofs. We prove a Canonicity Theorem, showing that the global definition of program typing, via the usual (Tarskian) semantics of first-order logic, agrees with their operational semantics in the intended model. Finally, we show that every intrinsic theory is interpretable in a conservative extension of first-order arithmetic. This means that quantification over infinite data objects does not lead, on its own, to proof-theoretic strength beyond that of Peano Arithmetic. Intrinsic theories are perfectly amenable to formulas-as-types Curry-Howard morphisms, and were used to characterize major computational complexity classes Their extensions described here have similar potential which has already been applied

    Behavioral Rewrite Systems and Behavioral Productivity

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    Abstract. This paper introduces behavioral rewrite systems, where rewriting is used to evaluate experiments, and behavioral productivity, which says that each experiment can be fully evaluated, and investigates some of their properties. First, it is shown that, in the case of (infinite) streams, behavioral productivity generalizes and may bring to a more basic rewriting setting the existing notion of stream productivity defined in the context of infinite rewriting and lazy strategies; some arguments are given that in some cases one may prefer the behavioral approach. Second, a behavioral productivity criterion is given, which reduces the problem to conventional term rewrite system termination, so that one can use off-the-shelf termination tools and techniques for checking behavioral productivity in general, not only for streams. Finally, behavioral productivity is shown to be equivalent to a proof-theoretic (rather than model-theoretic) notion of behavioral well-specifiedness, and its difficulty in the arithmetic hierarchy is shown to be Π 0 2 -complete. All new concepts are exemplified over streams, infinite binary trees, and processes

    Foundational, compositional (co)datatypes for higher-order logic: category theory applied to theorem proving

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    Interactive theorem provers based on higher-order logic (HOL) traditionally follow the definitional approach, reducing high-level specifications to logical primitives. This also applies to the support for datatype definitions. However, the internal datatype construction used in HOL4, HOL Light, and Isabelle/HOL is fundamentally noncompositional, limiting its efficiency and flexibility, and it does not cater for codatatypes. We present a fully modular framework for constructing (co)datatypes in HOL, with support for mixed mutual and nested (co)recursion. Mixed (co)recursion enables type definitions involving both datatypes and codatatypes, such as the type of finitely branching trees of possibly infinite depth. Our framework draws heavily from category theory. The key notion is that of a bounded natural functor—an enriched type constructor satisfying specific properties preserved by interesting categorical operations. Our ideas are implemented as a definitional package in Isabelle, addressing a frequent request from users

    Tool support for CSP-CASL.

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    This work presents the design of the specification language CSP-CASL, and the design and implementation of parsing and static analysis tools for that language. CSP-CASL is an extension of the algebraic specification language CASL, adding support for the specification of reactive systems in the style of the process algebra CSP. While CSP-CASL has been described and used in previous works, we present the first formal description of the language's syntax and static semantics. Indeed, this is the first formalisation of the static semantics of any CSP-like language of which we are aware. We describe Csp-Casl both informally and formally. We introduce and systematically describe its various components, with examples, and consider various design decisions made along the way. On the formal side, we present grammars for its abstract and concrete syntax, specify its static semantics in the style of natural semantics, and formulate a solution to the problem of computation of local lop elements of Csp-Casl specifications. Going on, we describe tool support for the language, as implemented using the functional programming language Haskell, in particular, we have a parser utilising the monadic combinator library Parsec, and a static analyser directly implementing our static semantics in Haskell. The implementation extends Hets, an existing toolset for specifications written in heterogeneous combinations of languages based on Casl

    Heterogeneous verification of model transformations

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    Esta tesis trata sobre la verificación formal en el contexto de la Ingeniería Dirigida por Modelos (MDE por sus siglas en inglés). El paradigma propone un ciclo de vida de la ingeniería de software basado en una abstracción de su complejidad a través de la definición de modelos y en un proceso de construcción (semi)automático guiado por transformaciones de estos modelos. Nuestro propósito es abordar la verificación de transformaciones de modelos la cual incluye, por extensión, la verificación de sus modelos. Comenzamos analizando la literatura relacionada con la verificación de transformaciones de modelos para concluir que la heterogeneidad de las propiedades que interesa verificar y de los enfoques para hacerlo, sugiere la necesidad de utilizar diversos dominios lógicos, lo cual es la base de nuestra propuesta. En algunos casos puede ser necesario realizar una verificación heterogénea, es decir, utilizar diferentes formalismos para la verificación de cada una de las partes del problema completo. Además, es beneficioso permitir a los expertos formales elegir el dominio en el que se encuentran más capacitados para llevar a cabo una prueba formal. El principal problema reside en que el mantenimiento de múltiples representaciones formales de los elementos de MDE en diferentes dominios lógicos, puede ser costoso si no existe soporte automático o una relación formal clara entre estas representaciones. Motivados por esto, definimos un entorno unificado que permite la verificación formal transformaciones de modelos mediante el uso de métodos de verificación heterogéneos, de forma tal que es posible automatizar la traducción formal de los elementos de MDE entre dominios logicos. Nos basamos formalmente en la Teoría de Instituciones, la cual proporciona una base sólida para la representación de los elementos de MDE (a través de instituciones) sin depender de ningúningún dominio lógico específico. También proporciona una forma de especificar traducciones (a través de comorfismos) que preservan la semántica entre estos elementos y otros dominios lógicos. Nos basamos en estándares para la especificación de los elementos de MDE. De hecho, definimos una institución para la buena formación de los modelos especificada con una versión simplificada del MetaObject Facility y otra institución para transformaciones utilizando Query/View/Transformation Relations. No obstante, la idea puede ser generalizada a otros enfoques de transformación y lenguajes.Por último, demostramos la viabilidad del entorno mediante el desarrollo de un prototipo funcional soportado por el Heterogeneous Tool Set (HETS). HETS permite realizar una especificación heterogénea y provee facilidades para el monitoreo de su corrección global. Los elementos de MDE se conectan con otras lógicas ya soportadas en HETS (por ejemplo: lógica de primer orden, lógica modal, entre otras) a través del Common Algebraic Specification Language (CASL). Esta conexión se expresa teóricamente mediante comorfismos desde las instituciones de MDE a la institución subyacente en CASL. Finalmente, discutimos las principales contribuciones de la tesis. Esto deriva en futuras líneas de investigación que contribuyen a la adopción de métodos formales para la verificación en el contexto de MDE.This thesis is about formal verification in the context of the Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) paradigm. The paradigm proposes a software engineering life-cycle based on an abstraction from its complexity by defining models, and on a (semi)automatic construction process driven by model transformations. Our purpose is to address the verification of model transformations which includes, by extension, the verification of their models. We first review the literature on the verification of model transformations to conclude that the heterogeneity we find in the properties of interest to verify, and in the verification approaches, suggests the need of using different logical domains, which is the base of our proposal. In some cases it can be necessary to perform a heterogeneous verification, i.e. using different formalisms for the verification of each part of the whole problem. Moreover, it is useful to allow formal experts to choose the domain in which they are more skilled to address a formal proof. The main problem is that the maintenance of multiple formal representations of the MDE elements in different logical domains, can be expensive if there is no automated assistance or a clear formal relation between these representations. Motivated by this, we define a unified environment that allows formal verification of model transformations using heterogeneous verification approaches, in such a way that the formal translations of the MDE elements between logical domains can be automated. We formally base the environment on the Theory of Institutions, which provides a sound basis for representing MDE elements (as so called institutions) without depending on any specific logical domain. It also provides a way for specifying semantic-preserving translations (as so called comorphisms) from these elements to other logical domains. We use standards for the specification of the MDE elements. In fact, we define an institution for the well-formedness of models specified with a simplified version of the MetaObject Facility, and another institution for Query/View/Transformation Relations transformations. However, the idea can be generalized to other transformation approaches and languages. Finally, we evidence the feasibility of the environment by the development of a functional prototype supported by the Heterogeneous Tool Set (HETS). HETS supports heterogeneous specifications and provides capabilities for monitoring their overall correctness. The MDE elements are connected to the other logics already supported in HETS (e.g. first-order logic, modal logic, among others) through the Common Algebraic Specification Language (CASL). This connection is defined by means of comorphisms from the MDE institutions to the underlying institution of CASL. We carry out a final discussion of the main contributions of this thesis. This results in future research directions which contribute with the adoption of formal tools for the verification in the context of MDE