921 research outputs found

    Algorithmic Applications of Baur-Strassen's Theorem: Shortest Cycles, Diameter and Matchings

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    Consider a directed or an undirected graph with integral edge weights from the set [-W, W], that does not contain negative weight cycles. In this paper, we introduce a general framework for solving problems on such graphs using matrix multiplication. The framework is based on the usage of Baur-Strassen's theorem and of Strojohann's determinant algorithm. It allows us to give new and simple solutions to the following problems: * Finding Shortest Cycles -- We give a simple \tilde{O}(Wn^{\omega}) time algorithm for finding shortest cycles in undirected and directed graphs. For directed graphs (and undirected graphs with non-negative weights) this matches the time bounds obtained in 2011 by Roditty and Vassilevska-Williams. On the other hand, no algorithm working in \tilde{O}(Wn^{\omega}) time was previously known for undirected graphs with negative weights. Furthermore our algorithm for a given directed or undirected graph detects whether it contains a negative weight cycle within the same running time. * Computing Diameter and Radius -- We give a simple \tilde{O}(Wn^{\omega}) time algorithm for computing a diameter and radius of an undirected or directed graphs. To the best of our knowledge no algorithm with this running time was known for undirected graphs with negative weights. * Finding Minimum Weight Perfect Matchings -- We present an \tilde{O}(Wn^{\omega}) time algorithm for finding minimum weight perfect matchings in undirected graphs. This resolves an open problem posted by Sankowski in 2006, who presented such an algorithm but only in the case of bipartite graphs. In order to solve minimum weight perfect matching problem we develop a novel combinatorial interpretation of the dual solution which sheds new light on this problem. Such a combinatorial interpretation was not know previously, and is of independent interest.Comment: To appear in FOCS 201

    Efficient parameterized algorithms on structured graphs

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    In der klassischen KomplexitĂ€tstheorie werden worst-case Laufzeiten von Algorithmen typischerweise einzig abhĂ€ngig von der EingabegrĂ¶ĂŸe angegeben. In dem Kontext der parametrisierten KomplexitĂ€tstheorie versucht man die Analyse der Laufzeit dahingehend zu verfeinern, dass man zusĂ€tzlich zu der EingabengrĂ¶ĂŸe noch einen Parameter berĂŒcksichtigt, welcher angibt, wie strukturiert die Eingabe bezĂŒglich einer gewissen Eigenschaft ist. Ein parametrisierter Algorithmus nutzt dann diese beschriebene Struktur aus und erreicht so eine Laufzeit, welche schneller ist als die eines besten unparametrisierten Algorithmus, falls der Parameter klein ist. Der erste Hauptteil dieser Arbeit fĂŒhrt die Forschung in diese Richtung weiter aus und untersucht den Einfluss von verschieden Parametern auf die Laufzeit von bekannten effizient lösbaren Problemen. Einige vorgestellte Algorithmen sind dabei adaptive Algorithmen, was bedeutet, dass die Laufzeit von diesen Algorithmen mit der Laufzeit des besten unparametrisierten Algorithm fĂŒr den grĂ¶ĂŸtmöglichen Parameterwert ĂŒbereinstimmt und damit theoretisch niemals schlechter als die besten unparametrisierten Algorithmen und ĂŒbertreffen diese bereits fĂŒr leicht nichttriviale Parameterwerte. Motiviert durch den allgemeinen Erfolg und der Vielzahl solcher parametrisierten Algorithmen, welche eine vielzahl verschiedener Strukturen ausnutzen, untersuchen wir im zweiten Hauptteil dieser Arbeit, wie man solche unterschiedliche homogene Strukturen zu mehr heterogenen Strukturen vereinen kann. Ausgehend von algebraischen AusdrĂŒcken, welche benutzt werden können, um von Parametern beschriebene Strukturen zu definieren, charakterisieren wir klar und robust heterogene Strukturen und zeigen exemplarisch, wie sich die Parameter tree-depth und modular-width heterogen verbinden lassen. Wir beschreiben dazu effiziente Algorithmen auf heterogenen Strukturen mit Laufzeiten, welche im Spezialfall mit den homogenen Algorithmen ĂŒbereinstimmen.In classical complexity theory, the worst-case running times of algorithms depend solely on the size of the input. In parameterized complexity the goal is to refine the analysis of the running time of an algorithm by additionally considering a parameter that measures some kind of structure in the input. A parameterized algorithm then utilizes the structure described by the parameter and achieves a running time that is faster than the best general (unparameterized) algorithm for instances of low parameter value. In the first part of this thesis, we carry forward in this direction and investigate the influence of several parameters on the running times of well-known tractable problems. Several presented algorithms are adaptive algorithms, meaning that they match the running time of a best unparameterized algorithm for worst-case parameter values. Thus, an adaptive parameterized algorithm is asymptotically never worse than the best unparameterized algorithm, while it outperforms the best general algorithm already for slightly non-trivial parameter values. As illustrated in the first part of this thesis, for many problems there exist efficient parameterized algorithms regarding multiple parameters, each describing a different kind of structure. In the second part of this thesis, we explore how to combine such homogeneous structures to more general and heterogeneous structures. Using algebraic expressions, we define new combined graph classes of heterogeneous structure in a clean and robust way, and we showcase this for the heterogeneous merge of the parameters tree-depth and modular-width, by presenting parameterized algorithms on such heterogeneous graph classes and getting running times that match the homogeneous cases throughout

    Finding the Minimum-Weight k-Path

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    Given a weighted nn-vertex graph GG with integer edge-weights taken from a range [−M,M][-M,M], we show that the minimum-weight simple path visiting kk vertices can be found in time \tilde{O}(2^k \poly(k) M n^\omega) = O^*(2^k M). If the weights are reals in [1,M][1,M], we provide a (1+Δ)(1+\varepsilon)-approximation which has a running time of \tilde{O}(2^k \poly(k) n^\omega(\log\log M + 1/\varepsilon)). For the more general problem of kk-tree, in which we wish to find a minimum-weight copy of a kk-node tree TT in a given weighted graph GG, under the same restrictions on edge weights respectively, we give an exact solution of running time \tilde{O}(2^k \poly(k) M n^3) and a (1+Δ)(1+\varepsilon)-approximate solution of running time \tilde{O}(2^k \poly(k) n^3(\log\log M + 1/\varepsilon)). All of the above algorithms are randomized with a polynomially-small error probability.Comment: To appear at WADS 201

    Fine-Grained Complexity Analysis of Two Classic TSP Variants

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    We analyze two classic variants of the Traveling Salesman Problem using the toolkit of fine-grained complexity. Our first set of results is motivated by the Bitonic TSP problem: given a set of nn points in the plane, compute a shortest tour consisting of two monotone chains. It is a classic dynamic-programming exercise to solve this problem in O(n2)O(n^2) time. While the near-quadratic dependency of similar dynamic programs for Longest Common Subsequence and Discrete Frechet Distance has recently been proven to be essentially optimal under the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis, we show that bitonic tours can be found in subquadratic time. More precisely, we present an algorithm that solves bitonic TSP in O(nlog⁥2n)O(n \log^2 n) time and its bottleneck version in O(nlog⁥3n)O(n \log^3 n) time. Our second set of results concerns the popular kk-OPT heuristic for TSP in the graph setting. More precisely, we study the kk-OPT decision problem, which asks whether a given tour can be improved by a kk-OPT move that replaces kk edges in the tour by kk new edges. A simple algorithm solves kk-OPT in O(nk)O(n^k) time for fixed kk. For 2-OPT, this is easily seen to be optimal. For k=3k=3 we prove that an algorithm with a runtime of the form O~(n3−ϔ)\tilde{O}(n^{3-\epsilon}) exists if and only if All-Pairs Shortest Paths in weighted digraphs has such an algorithm. The results for k=2,3k=2,3 may suggest that the actual time complexity of kk-OPT is Θ(nk)\Theta(n^k). We show that this is not the case, by presenting an algorithm that finds the best kk-move in O(n⌊2k/3⌋+1)O(n^{\lfloor 2k/3 \rfloor + 1}) time for fixed k≄3k \geq 3. This implies that 4-OPT can be solved in O(n3)O(n^3) time, matching the best-known algorithm for 3-OPT. Finally, we show how to beat the quadratic barrier for k=2k=2 in two important settings, namely for points in the plane and when we want to solve 2-OPT repeatedly.Comment: Extended abstract appears in the Proceedings of the 43rd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2016

    Fully Polynomial-Time Algorithms Parameterized by Vertex Integrity Using Fast Matrix Multiplication

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