129 research outputs found


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    The explosion in processing power of embedded systems has enabled distributed embedded networks to perform more complicated tasks. Middleware are sets of encapsulations of common and network/operating system-specific functionality into generic, reusable frameworks to manage such distributed networks. This thesis will survey and categorize popular middleware implementations into three adapted layers: host-infrastructure, distribution, and common services. This thesis will then apply a quantitative approach to grading and proposing a single middleware solution from all layers for two target platforms: CubeSats and autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). CubeSats are 10x10x10cm nanosatellites that are popular university-level space missions, and impose power and volume constraints. Autonomous UAVs are similarly-popular hobbyist-level vehicles that exhibit similar power and volume constraints. The MAVLink middleware from the host-infrastructure layer is proposed as the middleware to manage the distributed embedded networks powering these platforms in future projects. Finally, this thesis presents a performance analysis on MAVLink managing the ARM Cortex-M 32-bit processors that power the target platforms

    Applications of 5G Communications in Civil Protection

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    Τα δίκτυα πέμπτης γενιάς θεωρούνται ευρέως ως μία από τις πιο θεμελιώδεις τεχνολογικές εξελίξεις του τρέχοντος αιώνα, προσφέροντας υψηλή ταχύτητα, χαμηλή καθυστέρηση και κλιμάκωση. Τα επόμενα χρόνια, τα δίκτυα πέμπτης γενιάς αναμένεται να δημιουργήσουν τη χωρητικότητα, την απόδοση και την ευελιξία του ασύρματου δικτύου για να υποστηρίξουν μια εκρηκτική αύξηση στις συνδεδεμένες συσκευές, μαζί με πρωτοποριακές εφαρμογές. Αυτή η καινοτόμος νέα τεχνολογία μπορεί να βελτιώσει όλο το φάσμα της καθημερινής ζωής από την υγεία στην ψυχαγωγία και από τη γεωργία στην πολιτική προστασία. Οι κρίσιμες επικοινωνίες, ο ακρογωνιαίος λίθος της Πολιτικής Προστασίας, θα επωφεληθούν σε μεγάλο βαθμό από το 5G. Η παρούσα εργασία μελετά πώς νέα στοιχεία και τεχνολογίες του 5G όπως η επαυξημένη πραγματικότητα, η ηλεκτρονική υγεία και η βελτιστοποιημένη δρομολόγηση ασθενοφόρων μπορούν να υποστηρίξουν την Πολιτική Προστασία ενισχύοντας παράλληλα το περιβάλλον και την οικονομία.5G networks are widely considered as one of the most fundamental technology developments of our century, providing ultra-high-speed, low-latency and scalability. Over the coming years, 5G is expected to create the wireless network capacity, performance and flexibility to support an explosive increase in connected devices, along with exciting new use cases. This innovative technology can improve the whole spectrum of everyday life from health to entertainment and from agriculture to civil protection. Mission critical Communications, the cornerstone of civil protection, are to be greatly impacted by 5G. This thesis studies how new 5G components and technologies such as augmented reality, ehealth and optimized routing of ambulances are able to support the role of civil protection while enhancing the protection of the environment and the economy

    Horizon 2020-funded security research projects with dual-use potential: An overview (2014-2018)

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    The analysis carried out in this report facilitates the identification of dual-use research topics and projects funded under Horizon 2020 that have a dual-use civilian/military potential, the results of which could be applied both by security and defence stakeholders (including industry). In this way, it could support the future security and defence research programmes in their attempt of avoiding duplication of investments and promoting synergies.JRC.E.7-Knowledge for Security and Migratio

    Development of Energy-efficient Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Research on improving maritime emergency management based on AI and VR in Tianjin Port

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    Analiza povezanosti pametnih mest s policijsko in kriminalistično dejavnostjo

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    Purpose: The main objective is to present the symbiosis between smart cities, policing, criminal investigation and criminal intelligence. Moreover, another purpose is to critically address the underlying privacy concerns arising from smart city designs. Design/Methods/Approach: The paper is theoretical in scope and utilises a literature review as the basic method. Correlations between smart cities, policing and criminal investigations are identified by analysing the applicability of core smart city technologies and services [SCTS]. Findings: It is evident that SCTS can influence policing styles and police effectiveness. SCTS hold great potential for criminal investigations and criminal intelligence as they provide information upon which police can develop investigations or crime-control strategies. Vice-versa, criminal investigations and criminal intelligence can provide guidelines for SCTS developers and the governance of smart cities. However, privacy concerns and the slowly developing regulatory framework remain the biggest issues when it comes to SCTS adoption, thus making measures to safeguard privacy a key factor for the legitimacy of smart cities and smart policing. Practical Implications: The paper introduces practical knowledge about the implications of smart cities for policing and crime investigation. Some research ideas are presented as well as suggestions for legislators, developers and others whose work area falls in the scope of (smart) city governance. Originality/Value: A comprehensive study of the symbiosis between smart cities and policing must not only consider the potential of SCTS but the related need to develop regulation and skillsets of human resources. Only a handful of papers address the connectivity of smart cities, criminal investigations and criminal intelligence from such a multidisciplinary scope. Therefore, the paper represents a contribution to works discussing these concepts.Namen prispevka: Namen prispevka je predstaviti simbiozo med pametnimi mesti, policijsko dejavnostjo, kriminalističnim preiskovanjem in kriminalističnoobveščevalno dejavnostjo. V tem kontekstu je podan tudi kritični razmislek o izzivih in dilemah, povezanih z varstvom zasebnosti. Metode: Prispevek je teoretične narave in temelji na pregledu literature. Korelacije med temeljnimi pojmi (pametna mesta, policijska in kriminalistična dejavnost) smo identificirali z analizo temeljnih tehnologij, sistemov in storitev, ki podpirajo delovanje pametnih mest. Ugotovitve: Tehnologije pametnih mest omogočajo razvoj novih oblik policijskega dela in imajo potencial za izboljšanje policijske učinkovitosti. Funkcionalnost tehnologij je razvidna tudi na področju kriminalistične dejavnosti, ki lahko z obdelovanjem podatkov in njihovo uporabo bolje načrtuje kriminalistične preiskave in razvija strategije preprečevanja kriminalitete. Simbioza je opazna tudi z nasprotnega vidika – s podajanjem smernic lahko kriminalistična in policijska dejavnost pomagata upravljavcem pametnih mest in razvojnikom tehnologij ter rešitev. Glavni izziv predstavlja varovanje zasebnosti in osebnih podatkov prebivalcev, zato so mehanizmi za preprečevanje zlorab ključni faktor legitimnosti pametnih mest in policijske dejavnosti. Praktična uporabnost: V prispevku so predstavljena uporabna znanja glede potencialov pametnih mest za izvajanje policijske in kriminalistične dejavnosti, prav tako tudi predlogi za raziskovalce in oblikovalce politik, razvojnike in druge, ki delujejo na področju upravljanja (pametnih) mest. Izvirnost/pomembnost prispevka: Če želimo razumeti sistem dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na simbiozo med policijsko dejavnostjo in pametnimi mesti, je treba upoštevati ne samo potenciale različnih tehnologij in rešitev, temveč tudi potrebe in dileme, ki se pojavijo sočasno s tehnološkim razvojem, primarno na področju razvoja kadrovskih kompetenc in prilagoditve normativnih okvirjev. Pregled literature pokaže, da obstajajo redke znanstvene objave, ki multidimenzionalno proučujejo simbiozo pametnih mest in policijske dejavnosti. Prispevek zato dopolnjuje obstoječa dela in znanja na tem področju

    Research and innovation in network and traffic management systems in Europe

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    Adequate research and innovation (R&I) is paramount for the seamless testing, adoption and integration of network and traffic management systems. This report provides a comprehensive analysis of R&I initiatives in Europe in this field. The assessment follows the methodology developed by the European Commission’s Transport Research and Innovation Monitoring and Information System (TRIMIS). The report critically addresses research by thematic area and technologies, highlighting recent developments and future needs.JRC.C.4-Sustainable Transpor