999 research outputs found

    Interview with Professor Gjuro Deželić, Former President of the Yugoslav Association of Medical Informatics and EFMI Council member (1990-1992), Honorary President of the Croatian Society for Medical Informatics

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    Gjuro Deželić, full member of the Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences and full professor of Medical Informatics at several universities in former Yugoslavia, one of pioneers of Medical Informatics in Europe and the world. With pioneers of Medical Informatics professors Štefan Adamič in Slovenia, Rajko Vukašinović in Serbia and Izet Mašić in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the late 80s of the last century he formed the Yugoslav Association of Medical Informatics (YAMI), which became official member of EFMI and IMIA in 1990. This interview has been realized by two pioneers of Medical Informatics in South Eastern Europe, but, also, as some kind of interview of learner and teacher. Interview is realized during May 2020

    Informática em Enfermagem: aprendendo com o passado para construir um novo futuro

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    Health care and health information have been around since the time of Hippocrates or even before. Through the historical evolution, it is observed that the knowledge and information that were simple and easy to learn and retain by that time, became much more complex. This paper presents a brief reviewing on the evolution of nursing informatics and how it grew up and made itself visible during all these years of International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) conferences.La atención a la salud y la información en salud han sido discutidas desde el tiempo de Hiprocates o hasta antes de esto. Través de la evolución historica, es observado que el conocimiento y la información que eran simples y faciles de se aprender y retener en esto tiempo, tornaranse mucho más complejos. Esto artículo presenta una breve revisión sobre la evolución de la Informática en Enfermería y como la misma se ha tornado grande y visible durante los años en los congressos de la Associación Internacional de Informática Medica (IMIA).A assistência à saúde e a informação em saúde são discutidas desde o tempo de Hipócrates ou até antes disto. Através da evolução histórica, é observado que o conhecimento e a informação que eram simples e fáceis de se aprender e reter naquele tempo, tornaram-se muito mais complexas. Este artigo apresenta uma breve revisão da evolução da Informática em Enfermagem e como a mesma cresceu e se fez visível ao longo destes anos nos congressos da Associação Internacional de Informática Médica (IMIA) .Federal University of São PauloUERJClínica São VicenteUNIFESPSciEL

    When teleconferencing was the future: the 1970 'Medizin Interkontinental' transmission and West German medicine in the space age

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    In March 1970, the first ever medical teleconference connected U.S. aeromedical experts in Houston and San Antonio to an audience of 25,000 physicians in congress centres in West Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. As this article shows, the ‘Medizin Interkontinental’ transmission was a costly demonstration of the latest developments in satellite telecommunications and projection technology as well as a stage for space-age visions of the future of medicine in the aftermath of the moon landing. Audio-visual and space technology became, at one at the same time, the medium and the message of medical futurity. As I argue, the teleconference was an audio-visual techno-spectacle that marked the culmination of the German medical community’s infatuation with futurology at the end of the 1960s, but it was also contingent on the concrete interests of the parties involved, which included the German Medical Association, medical futurologists, nasa, the U.S. Air Force, and the Swiss pharmaceutical company Ciba. Decades before teleconferences and telemedicine entered day-to-day medicine, the convergence of new medical and media technology, changes in medical education, Cold War geopolitics, and pharmaceutical sponsorship created a brief glimpse of a technology-based future of medicine that fell apart once these constellations changed in the early 1970s

    Progetto immagine coordinata ERCIM 25th Anniversary and Fall meetings

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    Il presente documento raccoglie i risultati di tutti gli oggetti grafici realizzati per l\u27immagine coordinata dell\u27event

    Information revolutions, the information society, and the future of the history of information science

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    This paper aims to discuss the future of information history by interrogating its past. It presents in outline an account of the conditions and the trajectory of events that have culminated in today’s “information revolution” and “information society.” It suggests that we have already passed through at least two information orders or revolutions as we transition, first, from the long era of print that began over five hundred years ago with Gutenberg and the printing press. We have then moved through a predigital era after World War II, finally to a new era characterized by the advent of the ubiquitous technologies that are considered to herald a new “digital revolution” and the creation of new kind of “information society.” It argues that it is possible to see that the past is now opening itself to new kinds of scrutiny as a result of the apparently transformative changes that are currently taking place. It suggests that the future of the history of information science is best thought of as part of a still unrealized convergence of diverse historical approaches to understanding how societies are constituted, sustained, reproduced, and changed in part by information and the infrastructures that emerge to manage information access and use. In conclusion it suggests that different bodies of historical knowledge and historical research methodologies have emerged as we move into the digital world that might be usefully brought together in the future to broaden and deepen explorations of important historical information phenomena from Gutenberg to Google.published or submitted for publicationOpe

    Digital transformation in healthcare: an innovative business plan for an application digitizing physical rehabilitation

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    The health care system adapts to innovations very slowly, as strict rules control all measures. It is even more challenging when one wants to introduce a digital solution for the healthcare market. Even minor changes to the code can mean major hurdles for approvals. This challenge was taken up in the following master thesis. The status quo of gait analysis has hardly been innovated for decades. The approach of reha buddy is to analyze how a human walks through wireless sensors. This represents an innovation that will revolutionize the market for gait analysis. Above all, trends of the last two years, which were pushed even more by the last pandemic, have shown that there is probably no better time to pursue this project. Additionally, a literature review and expert interviews were conducted to support all statements in the thesis. What is more, for a precise examination of each chapter of the business plan, a market analysis was carried out focusing on all specific characteristics of the health care market. The team of reha buddy has to overcome some major obstacles in the next few years but is well-positioned with their team of experts who set some important milestones for managing those hurdles. The result of this work is a business plan which clarifies that reha buddy's vision has an entrepreneurial foundation and that the team's idea should be pursued.O Sistema de Saúde adapta-se às inovações muito lentamente, uma vez que regras rígidas controlam todas as medidas. É um desafio ainda maior quando se deseja introduzir uma solução digital no setor da Saúde. Mesmo pequenas alterações no código podem significar grandes dificuldades para aprovações. Este desafio é abordado na presente tese de mestrado. O status quo da locomoção praticamente não foi inovado durante décadas. A abordagem do Reha Buddy passa por analisar como um humano se desloca através de sensores sem fios, o que representa uma inovação que irá revolucionar o mercado da locomoção. Acima de tudo, as tendências dos últimos dois anos, que foram impulsionadas ainda mais pela última pandemia, mostraram que provavelmente não há melhor momento para avançar com este projeto. Foi realizada uma revisão de literatura, assim como entrevistas com especialistas com o objetivo de apoiar todas as afirmações. Adicionalmente, para uma análise eficaz de cada capítulo do plano de negócios, foi realizada uma análise de mercado com foco em todas as características específicas do mercado da Saúde. A equipa do Reha Buddy terá que superar alguns obstáculos importantes nos próximos anos; está, no entanto, bem posicionada com a sua equipa de especialistas que estabeleceu alguns marcos importantes para gerir esses obstáculos. O resultado do presente projeto é um plano de negócios que esclarece que a visão do Reha Buddy tem uma base empreendedora e que a ideia apresentada pela equipa deve ser concretizada

    The Amsterdam Declaration on Fungal Nomenclature

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    The Amsterdam Declaration on Fungal Nomenclature was agreed at an international symposium convened in Amsterdam on 19–20 April 2011 under the auspices of the International Commission on the Taxonomy of Fungi (ICTF). The purpose of the symposium was to address the issue of whether or how the current system of naming pleomorphic fungi should be maintained or changed now that molecular data are routinely available. The issue is urgent as mycologists currently follow different practices, and no consensus was achieved by a Special Committee appointed in 2005 by the International Botanical Congress to advise on the problem. The Declaration recognizes the need for an orderly transitition to a single-name nomenclatural system for all fungi, and to provide mechanisms to protect names that otherwise then become endangered. That is, meaning that priority should be given to the first described name, except where that is a younger name in general use when the first author to select a name of a pleomorphic monophyletic genus is to be followed, and suggests controversial cases are referred to a body, such as the ICTF, which will report to the Committee for Fungi. If appropriate, the ICTF could be mandated to promote the implementation of the Declaration. In addition, but not forming part of the Declaration, are reports of discussions held during the symposium on the governance of the nomenclature of fungi, and the naming of fungi known only from an environmental nucleic acid sequence in particular. Possible amendments to the Draft BioCode (2011) to allow for the needs of mycologists are suggested for further consideration, and a possible example of how a fungus only known from the environment might be described is presented

    Application of Semantics to Solve Problems in Life Sciences

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    Fecha de lectura de Tesis: 10 de diciembre de 2018La cantidad de información que se genera en la Web se ha incrementado en los últimos años. La mayor parte de esta información se encuentra accesible en texto, siendo el ser humano el principal usuario de la Web. Sin embargo, a pesar de todos los avances producidos en el área del procesamiento del lenguaje natural, los ordenadores tienen problemas para procesar esta información textual. En este cotexto, existen dominios de aplicación en los que se están publicando grandes cantidades de información disponible como datos estructurados como en el área de las Ciencias de la Vida. El análisis de estos datos es de vital importancia no sólo para el avance de la ciencia, sino para producir avances en el ámbito de la salud. Sin embargo, estos datos están localizados en diferentes repositorios y almacenados en diferentes formatos que hacen difícil su integración. En este contexto, el paradigma de los Datos Vinculados como una tecnología que incluye la aplicación de algunos estándares propuestos por la comunidad W3C tales como HTTP URIs, los estándares RDF y OWL. Haciendo uso de esta tecnología, se ha desarrollado esta tesis doctoral basada en cubrir los siguientes objetivos principales: 1) promover el uso de los datos vinculados por parte de la comunidad de usuarios del ámbito de las Ciencias de la Vida 2) facilitar el diseño de consultas SPARQL mediante el descubrimiento del modelo subyacente en los repositorios RDF 3) crear un entorno colaborativo que facilite el consumo de Datos Vinculados por usuarios finales, 4) desarrollar un algoritmo que, de forma automática, permita descubrir el modelo semántico en OWL de un repositorio RDF, 5) desarrollar una representación en OWL de ICD-10-CM llamada Dione que ofrezca una metodología automática para la clasificación de enfermedades de pacientes y su posterior validación haciendo uso de un razonador OWL

    30 godina Hrvatskog društva za medicinsku informatiku

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    Trideset je godina prošlo od osnivanja Hrvatskog društva za medicinsku informatiku (HDMI). Godine 1989. osnovano je pod nazivom Društvo za medicinsku informatiku Hrvatske. Godine 1989. zajedno s društvima iz Slovenije, Bosne i Hercegovine i Srbije udružuje se u Savez društava za medicinsku informatiku Jugoslavije (SDMIJ), a iste godine SDMIJ se učlanjuje u Europsku federaciju za medicinsku informatiku (EFMI) i Međunarodnu asocijaciju za medicinsku informatiku (IMIA). Nakon raspada Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije (SFRJ) i SDMIJ prestaje djelovati, a DMIH mijenja ime u HDMI i kao HDMI učlanjuje se u EFMI i IMIA. O djelovanju HDMI-a pišu predsjednici HDMI-a Đuro Deželić (1989-2004), Josipa Kern (2005-2008), Vesna Ilakovac (2009-2016), Marijan Erceg (2017-). Hrvatsko društvo za medicinsku informatiku je organiziralo petnaest simpozija, dvije konferencije posvećene posebnim temama (EFMI STC), poticalo je osnivanje novih društava (HL7, PROREC) surađivalo s nizom društava i organizacija sa sličnim interesima. Od krovnih organizacija preuzima važne dokumente (Preporuke za edukaciju iz medicinske informatike; Etički kodeks za medicinske informatičare). Aktivira radnu grupu u EFMI-u, potiče ustanovljavanje Tehničkog odbora za normizaciju u medicinskoj informatici (TO 215) pri Hrvatskom zavodu za norme (HZN). Članovi HDMI-a intenzivno surađuju s Odborom za e-zdravlje Akademije medicinskih znanosti Hrvatske (Deklaracija o ezdravlju; Smjernice za unaprjeđenje elektroničkog zdravstvenog zapisa), organizirali su, napisali i uredili knjigu Medicinska informatika, surađivali na projektu poslijediplomske edukacije iz medicinske informatike. U međunarodnoj suradnji posebno se ističe suradnja s s Europskim institutom za zdravstvene zapise (EuroRec) čime je HDMI postao službeni partner na projektu EHR-Q-TN: „Thematic Network on Quality Labelling And Certification of EHR“. HDMI izdaje dva časopisa (Bilten Hrvatskog društva za medicinsku informatiku – časopis se objavljuje na Hrčku; Medicinska informatika – objavljuje radove/sažetke radova sa simpozija). HDMI organizira stručne sastanke i sudjeluje u raspravama o zakonima relevantnim za e-zdravlje