51,909 research outputs found

    Crossing the borders of governance

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    La gobernanza es presentada por ĂĄreas confusas e indefinidas que tienden a expandirse de una manera mĂĄs o menos arbitraria en ausencia de estĂĄndares normativos estables y confiables. Todo esto pone en cuestiĂłn conceptos y categorĂ­as monolĂ­ticas recompositivas de moderna racionalidad polĂ­tica-legal y en primer lugar de la soberanĂ­a. Al mismo tiempo, la estructura neogubernamental actual no se sostiene como una tecnologĂ­a de poder excluyente o alternativa a otras racionalidades, sino que tiende a llevar a cabo todas las contradicciones y ambigĂŒedades del tiempo presente.Governance is presented by undefined and confused areas that tend to expand in a more or less arbitrary way in the absence of stable and reliable normative standards. All this calls into question concepts and recompositive monolithic categories of modern political-legal rationality and in the first place sovereignty. At the same time the current neo-governmental structure does not stand as a technology of power, exclusionary or alternative to other rationalities, but rather it tends to bring out all the contradictions and ambiguities of the present time

    Quality of the Preschool Education in the Raihat Subdistrict Belu Regency Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    One form of the basic needs of the Ministry became the responsibility of the Government is the aspect of education, especially basic education. Quality education contributing to the welfare of the community improvement efforts refers to the concept of the vicious circle of poverty, where education is one of the chains, than the efforts of elimination poverty levels must be done through the efforts of improvement of quality. With regard to the reality of people's lives in district Raihat as district boundary at the border of Belu and RDTL characterized by poverty, underdevelopment, lack of human resources, expensive Staples, as well as infra structure is inadequate, then the existence of a quality basic education services is the responsibility of the Government in the context of the welfare state, and the paradigm shift the management of the border region. This article tries to present a portrait of basic education services in district of Raihat as one of the districts in the border area of Belu, province of NTT

    Quality of the Preschool Education in the Raihat Subdistrict Belu Regency Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    One form of the basic needs of the Ministry became the responsibility of the Government is the aspect of education, especially basic education. Quality education contributing to the welfare of the community improvement efforts refers to the concept of the vicious circle of poverty, where education is one of the chains, than the efforts of elimination poverty levels must be done through the efforts of improvement of quality. With regard to the reality of people's lives in district Raihat as district boundary at the border of Belu and RDTL characterized by poverty, underdevelopment, lack of human resources, expensive Staples, as well as infra structure is inadequate, then the existence of a quality basic education services is the responsibility of the Government in the context of the welfare state, and the paradigm shift the management of the border region. This article tries to present a portrait of basic education services in district of Raihat as one of the districts in the border area of Belu, province of NTT

    The need for the establishment of a legislative framework for sustainable tourism in Kosovo

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    Having into account trends and dynamics of global contemporary developments in respect to a sustainable economic and tourism development, such social actions are considered essential and are converted into standards and principles that need to be effectively implemented in our life. The tourism as economic activity is considered a very heterogeneous nature activity as in the theoretical study aspect also in its positive and negative reflection that is introduced in post modern world. Certainly, the post modernism and the globalization process itself have determined a rational approach and teamwork for all interested actors in the way that the new logic of new economic developments is based upon the principles of sustainability, balancing, and planned consumption of natural resources. The enormous development of technological techniques and the race to penetrate into global markets, in light of free trade, has caused that the exploitation of resources not just that is becoming very atrocious, but is seriously endangering the biodiversity of the global environment. The new paradigm “ for a sustainable development” requires setting of a legislative framework which requires not only the support of international convention, declaration and actions, in order to be easily implemented and acceptable by the society but to ensure and guarantee effective modern strategy for a development.Economy tourism sustainability strategy international convention declarations conferences

    The city of future: biourbanism and constructural law

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    Nowadays dynamic elements in urban fabric are often concealed by the insertion of stylish new architecture; real patterns of social life (‘bios’), have been replaced by rigid geometric grids and compact building blocks. New Urbanism and Biourbanism affirm that cities are now risking to be unstable and deprived of healthy social interactions. As an expansion of older historical urban fabric patterns, harmonious architecture can have a positive impact on the fitness of both human body and mind. Not only Biourbanism attempts to reinstate balance and lost values in the urban fabric, but also reinforces human-oriented design emergences in micro and macro scales. As a multifaceted discipline, it embraces laws of physics, such as Constructal Law and acknowledges its noticeable and unremitting influence to urban human behaviours. Urban life and behaviours are based upon systems of human communication formed by dynamic patterns; we are now talking about negotiating boundaries between human activities, changes in geographic mapping and mainly about sustainable systems to support uninterrupted growth of communities worldwide. Therefore, as a vital shift in architectural education, not only Biourbanism offers the opportunity to explore patterns and linguistics deeply imbedded into the built environment, but also enables scholars and communities to come together and participate actively into fast and innovative urban interventions. Projects developed during educational and professional training aim at reinstating memorable and preferential paths of communication, favouring everyday life rituals of the body and mind. Hence, by following everlasting laws of physics and formulas inherited from nature, architectural forms can be considered as the real innovation in urban design and planning of the City of the Future.Conference presentation funded by Department of Engineering

    Exclusivism and exclusivity: a contemporary theological challenge

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    The phenomenon of religious exclusivism increasingly confronts peoples of faith and goodwill who wish only for peaceful co-existence in equality and freedom with their religious neighbour. But there is more than one variety of religious exclusivism. This study will show that there are at least three variants of religious exclusivism, namely open, closed and extreme. Further, inasmuch as exclusivism indicates a positing of religious identity over against any “other”, then it will be argued that the variant exclusivisms themselves reflect a continuum of ideological and theological stance that is taken toward the concept of variety as represented by the religious “other” per se. This ranges through antithetical acknowledge-ment, enactive ignorance, and the intentional invalidation of variety. It is the issue of the invalidation of otherness which, I contend, constitutes the severe theological problem of religious exclusivism in extremis. It is here, in the modality of religious fundamentalism and extremism that theological ideology impinges most dramatically upon the public domain. Might it be possible to speak of a proper religious exclusivity without falling necessarily into the pit of exclusivist extremism? In addressing this question I shall briefly examine the views of Alvin Plantinga, Gavin D’Costa, and the declaration Nostra Aetate of Vatican II

    Law in other contexts: stand bravely brothers! a report from the law wars

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    This essay argues against the two pillars of current research on law and globalisation, from the perspective of legal theory and political philosophy: first, the distinction between ‘well-ordered’ and ‘not so well-ordered’ societies; second, the sociological model of the subject as pacified, fearful and isolated (to sum up, in harmony). It is argued that mainstream legal theory and political philosophy merely reflects the actual rules of the game of competition, dispute and conflict. In contrast, this essay takes sides with the anthropological and philosophical tradition that conceives the subject as antagonistic and in state of lack, profoundly concerned with the other, whom she imitates and whose standpoint she must be able to share if she is to make sense of the world. Furthermore, it is argued that transitivity or imitation lies at the very origin of conflict and dispute; lack and antagonism remain thus at the core of society, in spite of the surface appearance of harmony that characterises post-modern societies. Because of this, any general theory of law and society that wishes to be relevant at the time of globalisation must make the experience of antagonism and violence, motivated by imitation and envy, and its containment, its object of study. To do this, it must abandon the dualist conception of subjects and societies expressed in the distinction between ‘well-ordered’ (more violent) and ‘not-so-well-ordered’ (less violent) societies that has informed its investigation to this day, in order to declare in the most general terms a critique of violence from the standpoint of the victim, as of a piece with its demand for global social and political justice. Description from publisher website at: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?jid=IJC&volumeId=4&issueId=02&iid=243936

    Why We Need Legal Philosophy

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    Do we need legal philosophy? Legal philosophy or jurisprudence, like many other areas of philosophy, is of intrinsic interest to many people. But this does not tell us whether or why we need it. The answer suggested by Lon Fuller is that legal philosophy has - or should have - implications for lawyers, judges, legislators and law professors. And yet in 1952 Fuller concluded that: Judged by this standard I don\u27t think we can claim that the last quarter of a century has been a fruitful one for legal philosophy in this country - certainly not in terms of immediate yield. Fuller\u27s dour observation, if it was true when made and remained true, leads to two further questions: First, in what manner does legal philosophy affect the practice of law? Second, how is it that some philosophies are useful to legal institutions and others are not? In this essay I shall briefly describe the present state of legal philosophy and, then, sketch the answers to these questions that are suggested by one particular strain of recent jurisprudential thought

    A Well Regulated Right: The Early American Origins of Gun Control

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    A Well Regulated Right: The Early American Origins of Gun Control

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