19 research outputs found

    Exploiting phonological constraints for handshape recognition in sign language video

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    The ability to recognize handshapes in signing video is essential in algorithms for sign recognition and retrieval. Handshape recognition from isolated images is, however, an insufficiently constrained problem. Many handshapes share similar 3D configurations and are indistinguishable for some hand orientations in 2D image projections. Additionally, significant differences in handshape appearance are induced by the articulated structure of the hand and variants produced by different signers. Linguistic rules involved in the production of signs impose strong constraints on the articulations of the hands, yet, little attention has been paid towards exploiting these constraints in previous works on sign recognition. Among the different classes of signs in any signed language, lexical signs constitute the prevalent class. Morphemes (or, meaningful units) for signs in this class involve a combination of particular handshapes, palm orientations, locations for articulation, and movement type. These are thus analyzed by many sign linguists as analogues of phonemes in spoken languages. Phonological constraints govern the ways in which phonemes combine in American Sign Language (ASL), as in other signed and spoken languages; utilizing these constraints for handshape recognition in ASL is the focus of the proposed thesis. Handshapes in monomorphemic lexical signs are specified at the start and end of the sign. The handshape transition within a sign are constrained to involve either closing or opening of the hand (i.e., constrained to exclusively use either folding or unfolding of the palm and one or more fingers). Furthermore, akin to allophonic variations in spoken languages, both inter- and intra- signer variations in the production of specific handshapes are observed. We propose a Bayesian network formulation to exploit handshape co-occurrence constraints also utilizing information about allophonic variations to aid in handshape recognition. We propose a fast non-rigid image alignment method to gain improved robustness to handshape appearance variations during computation of observation likelihoods in the Bayesian network. We evaluate our handshape recognition approach on a large dataset of monomorphemic lexical signs. We demonstrate that leveraging linguistic constraints on handshapes results in improved handshape recognition accuracy. As part of the overall project, we are collecting and preparing for dissemination a large corpus (three thousand signs from three native signers) of ASL video annotated with linguistic information such as glosses, morphological properties and variations, and start/end handshapes associated with each ASL sign

    Sign Language Recognition Using Sub-units

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    This chapter discusses sign language recognition using linguistic sub-units. It presents three types of sub-units for consideration; those learnt from appearance data as well as those inferred from both 2D or 3D tracking data. These sub-units are then combined using a sign level classifier; here, two options are presented. The first uses Markov Models to encode the temporal changes between sub-units. The second makes use of Sequential Pattern Boosting to apply discriminative feature selection at the same time as encoding temporal information. This approach is more robust to noise and performs well in signer independent tests, improving results from the 54% achieved by the Markov Chains to 76%

    Neural Sign Reenactor: Deep Photorealistic Sign Language Retargeting

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    In this paper, we introduce a neural rendering pipeline for transferring the facial expressions, head pose, and body movements of one person in a source video to another in a target video. We apply our method to the challenging case of Sign Language videos: given a source video of a sign language user, we can faithfully transfer the performed manual (e.g., handshape, palm orientation, movement, location) and non-manual (e.g., eye gaze, facial expressions, mouth patterns, head, and body movements) signs to a target video in a photo-realistic manner. Our method can be used for Sign Language Anonymization, Sign Language Production (synthesis module), as well as for reenacting other types of full body activities (dancing, acting performance, exercising, etc.). We conduct detailed qualitative and quantitative evaluations and comparisons, which demonstrate the particularly promising and realistic results that we obtain and the advantages of our method over existing approaches.Comment: Accepted at AI4CC Workshop at CVPR 202

    Sign Language Recognition

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    This chapter covers the key aspects of sign-language recognition (SLR), starting with a brief introduction to the motivations and requirements, followed by a précis of sign linguistics and their impact on the field. The types of data available and the relative merits are explored allowing examination of the features which can be extracted. Classifying the manual aspects of sign (similar to gestures) is then discussed from a tracking and non-tracking viewpoint before summarising some of the approaches to the non-manual aspects of sign languages. Methods for combining the sign classification results into full SLR are given showing the progression towards speech recognition techniques and the further adaptations required for the sign specific case. Finally the current frontiers are discussed and the recent research presented. This covers the task of continuous sign recognition, the work towards true signer independence, how to effectively combine the different modalities of sign, making use of the current linguistic research and adapting to larger more noisy data set

    Automatic Sign Language Recognition from Image Data

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    Tato práce se zabývá problematikou automatického rozpoznávání znakového jazyka z obrazových dat. Práce představuje pět hlavních přínosů v oblasti tvorby systému pro rozpoznávání, tvorby korpusů, extrakci příznaků z rukou a obličeje s využitím metod pro sledování pozice a pohybu rukou (tracking) a modelování znaků s využitím menších fonetických jednotek (sub-units). Metody využité v rozpoznávacím systému byly využity i k tvorbě vyhledávacího nástroje "search by example", který dokáže vyhledávat ve videozáznamech podle obrázku ruky. Navržený systém pro automatické rozpoznávání znakového jazyka je založen na statistickém přístupu s využitím skrytých Markovových modelů, obsahuje moduly pro analýzu video dat, modelování znaků a dekódování. Systém je schopen rozpoznávat jak izolované, tak spojité promluvy. Veškeré experimenty a vyhodnocení byly provedeny s vlastními korpusy UWB-06-SLR-A a UWB-07-SLR-P, první z nich obsahuje 25 znaků, druhý 378. Základní extrakce příznaků z video dat byla provedena na nízkoúrovňových popisech obrazu. Lepších výsledků bylo dosaženo s příznaky získaných z popisů vyšší úrovně porozumění obsahu v obraze, které využívají sledování pozice rukou a metodu pro segmentaci rukou v době překryvu s obličejem. Navíc, využitá metoda dokáže interpolovat obrazy s obličejem v době překryvu a umožňuje tak využít metody pro extrakci příznaků z obličeje, které by během překryvu nefungovaly, jako např. metoda active appearance models (AAM). Bylo porovnáno několik různých metod pro extrakci příznaků z rukou, jako např. local binary patterns (LBP), histogram of oriented gradients (HOG), vysokoúrovnové lingvistické příznaky a nové navržená metoda hand shape radial distance function (hRDF). Bylo také zkoumáno využití menších fonetických jednotek, než jsou celé znaky, tzv. sub-units. Pro první krok tvorby těchto jednotek byl navržen iterativní algoritmus, který tyto jednotky automaticky vytváří analýzou existujících dat. Bylo ukázáno, že tento koncept je vhodný pro modelování a rozpoznávání znaků. Kromě systému pro rozpoznávání je v práci navržen a představen systém "search by example", který funguje jako vyhledávací systém pro videa se záznamy znakového jazyka a může být využit například v online slovnících znakového jazyka, kde je v současné době složité či nemožné v takovýchto datech vyhledávat. Tento nástroj využívá metody, které byly použity v rozpoznávacím systému. Výstupem tohoto vyhledávacího nástroje je seřazený seznam videí, které obsahují stejný nebo podobný tvar ruky, které zadal uživatel, např. přes webkameru.Katedra kybernetikyObhájenoThis thesis addresses several issues of automatic sign language recognition, namely the creation of vision based sign language recognition framework, sign language corpora creation, feature extraction, making use of novel hand tracking with face occlusion handling, data-driven creation of sub-units and "search by example" tool for searching in sign language corpora using hand images as a search query. The proposed sign language recognition framework, based on statistical approach incorporating hidden Markov models (HMM), consists of video analysis, sign modeling and decoding modules. The framework is able to recognize both isolated signs and continuous utterances from video data. All experiments and evaluations were performed on two own corpora, UWB-06-SLR-A and UWB-07-SLR-P, the first containing 25 signs and second 378. As a baseline feature descriptors, low level image features are used. It is shown that better performance is gained by higher level features that employ hand tracking, which resolve occlusions of hands and face. As a side effect, the occlusion handling method interpolates face area in the frames during the occlusion and allows to use face feature descriptors that fail in such a case, for instance features extracted from active appearance models (AAM) tracker. Several state-of-the-art appearance-based feature descriptors were compared for tracked hands, such as local binary patterns (LBP), histogram of oriented gradients (HOG), high-level linguistic features or newly proposed hand shape radial distance function (denoted as hRDF) that enhances the feature description of hand-shape like concave regions. The concept of sub-units, that uses HMM models based on linguistic units smaller than whole sign and covers inner structures of the signs, was investigated in the proposed iterative method that is a first required step for data-driven construction of sub-units, and shows that such a concept is suitable for sign modeling and recognition tasks. Except of experiments in the sign language recognition, additional tool \textit{search by example} was created and evaluated. This tool is a search engine for sign language videos. Such a system can be incorporated into an online sign language dictionary where it is difficult to search in the sign language data. This proposed tool employs several methods which were examined in the sign language recognition task and allows to search in the video corpora based on an user-given query that consists of one or multiple images of hands. As a result, an ordered list of videos that contain the same or similar hand configurations is returned

    Hand Motion and Posture Recognition in a Network of Calibrated Cameras

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    This paper presents a vision-based approach for hand gesture recognition which combines both trajectory and hand posture recognition. The hand area is segmented by fixed-range CbCr from cluttered and moving backgrounds and tracked by Kalman Filter. With the tracking results of two calibrated cameras, the 3D hand motion trajectory can be reconstructed. It is then modeled by dynamic movement primitives and a support vector machine is trained for trajectory recognition. Scale-invariant feature transform is employed to extract features on segmented hand postures, and a novel strategy for hand posture recognition is proposed. A gesture vector is introduced to recognize hand gesture as an entirety which combines the recognition results of motion trajectory and hand postures where a support vector machine is trained for gesture recognition based on gesture vectors

    Towards gestural understanding for intelligent robots

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    Fritsch JN. Towards gestural understanding for intelligent robots. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2012.A strong driving force of scientific progress in the technical sciences is the quest for systems that assist humans in their daily life and make their life easier and more enjoyable. Nowadays smartphones are probably the most typical instances of such systems. Another class of systems that is getting increasing attention are intelligent robots. Instead of offering a smartphone touch screen to select actions, these systems are intended to offer a more natural human-machine interface to their users. Out of the large range of actions performed by humans, gestures performed with the hands play a very important role especially when humans interact with their direct surrounding like, e.g., pointing to an object or manipulating it. Consequently, a robot has to understand such gestures to offer an intuitive interface. Gestural understanding is, therefore, a key capability on the way to intelligent robots. This book deals with vision-based approaches for gestural understanding. Over the past two decades, this has been an intensive field of research which has resulted in a variety of algorithms to analyze human hand motions. Following a categorization of different gesture types and a review of other sensing techniques, the design of vision systems that achieve hand gesture understanding for intelligent robots is analyzed. For each of the individual algorithmic steps – hand detection, hand tracking, and trajectory-based gesture recognition – a separate Chapter introduces common techniques and algorithms and provides example methods. The resulting recognition algorithms are considering gestures in isolation and are often not sufficient for interacting with a robot who can only understand such gestures when incorporating the context like, e.g., what object was pointed at or manipulated. Going beyond a purely trajectory-based gesture recognition by incorporating context is an important prerequisite to achieve gesture understanding and is addressed explicitly in a separate Chapter of this book. Two types of context, user-provided context and situational context, are reviewed and existing approaches to incorporate context for gestural understanding are reviewed. Example approaches for both context types provide a deeper algorithmic insight into this field of research. An overview of recent robots capable of gesture recognition and understanding summarizes the currently realized human-robot interaction quality. The approaches for gesture understanding covered in this book are manually designed while humans learn to recognize gestures automatically during growing up. Promising research targeted at analyzing developmental learning in children in order to mimic this capability in technical systems is highlighted in the last Chapter completing this book as this research direction may be highly influential for creating future gesture understanding systems