32 research outputs found

    Glosarium Matematika

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    273 p.; 24 cm

    Glosarium Matematika

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    Multi-Scale Integral Invariants for Robust Character Extraction from Irregular Polygon Mesh Data

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    Hunderttausende von antiken Dokumenten in Keilschrift befinden sich in Museen, und täglich werden weitere bei archäologischen Grabungen gefunden. Die Auswertung dieser Dokumente ist wesentlich für das Verständnis der Herkunft von Kultur, Gesetzgebung und Religion. Die Keilschrift ist eine Handschrift und wurde in den Jahrtausenden vor Christi Geburt im gesamten alten Orient benutzt. Der Name leitet sich von den keilförmigen Eindrücken eines Schreibgriffels in den weichen Beschreibstoff Ton ab. Das Anfertigen von Handzeichnungen und Transkriptionen dieser Tontafeln ist eine langwierige Aufgabe und verlangt nach Unterstützung mittels automatisierter rechnergestützter Verfahren. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die präzise Extraktion von Schriftzeichen mit variablen Formen in 3D. Die für die Merkmalsextraktion aus 2D-Mannigfaltigkeiten in 3D entscheidenden Schritte sind Kantenerkennung und Segmentierung. Robuste Techniken in der Signalverarbeitung und dem Shape Matching benutzen hierfür Integralinvarianten in 2D. In aktuellen Arbeiten werden die Integralinvarianten grob geschätzt, um wenige prägnante Merkmale zu finden, mit denen sich zerbrochene 3D-Objekte zusammensetzen lassen. Mit dem Ziel der exakten Bestimmung der 3D-Formen von Zeichen, wurde die aus der Bildverarbeitung und Mustererkennung bekannte Verarbeitungskette an 3D-Modelle angepasst. Diese Modelle bestehen aus Millionen von Messpunkten, die mit optischen 3D-Scannern aufgenommen werden. Die Punkte approximieren Mannigfaltigkeiten durch ein irreguläres Dreiecksnetz. Verschiedene Typen von integralinvarianten Filtern in mehreren Skalen führen zu verschiedenen hochdimensionalen Merkmalsräumen. Faltungen und kombinierte Metriken werden auf die Merkmalsräume angewandt, um Zusammenhangskomponenten zu bestimmen. Diese Komponenten stellen die Zeichen genauer als die Messauflösung dar. Parallel zum Design der Algorithmen werden die Eigenschaften der verschiedenen Integralinvarianten analysiert. Die Interpretation der Filterergebnisse sind von großem Nutzen zur Bestimmung von robusten Krümmungsmaßen und zur Segmentierung. Die Extraktion von Keilschriftzeichen wird mit einer Voronoi basierten Berechnung von minimalen normalisierbaren Vektordarstellungen vervollständigt. Diese Darstellung ist eine wichtige Grundlage für die Paläographie. Weitere Abstraktion und Normalisierung der Darstellung führt zur Zeichenerkennung. Die Einbettung der Algorithmen in das neu entworfene mehrschichtige GigaMesh Software Framework erlaubt eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen. Die Algorithmen nutzen den Speicher effektiv und die Verarbeitungskette ist parallelisiert. Die konfigurierbare Verarbeitungskette hat nur einen relevanten Parameter, nämlich die maximale Größe der zu erwartenden Merkmale. Die vorgestellten Verfahren wurden an Hunderten von Keilschrifttafeln, so wie weiteren realen und synthetischen Objekten getestet.Repräsentative Ergebnisse sowie Aufwands- und Genauigkeitsabschätzung der Algorithmen werden gezeigt. Ein Ausblick auf künftige Erweiterungen und Integralinvarianten in höheren Dimensionen gegeben

    Fracture mechanics of bi-material interfaces for composite pipe repair

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    PhD ThesisComposite repairs evolved as popular choice for rehabilitation of oil and gas pipelines from corrosive material loss. However, corrosion can develop into local through-wall defects. In this case, fluid pressure acts directly on repairs, forms blisters and applies stresses on repair-pipe interface bonds. A practical model is needed to evaluate and design composite repairs against interface failure. This study investigated fracture mechanics aspects of failure through crack propagation along the repair-pipe interface. Thick fibre-reinforced plates were examined as repairs for circular ‘sharp-edged’ through-holes in stiff metal substrates. Blister formation and propagation onset were analysed. Energy release rates were investigated as measure of interface failure. Two types of blister tests were conducted; using fluid pressure and shaft-loading with different punch heads. A novel method of determining energy release rates in pressure blister tests was developed. Digital image correlation was used to track blister volumes, which are directly related to energy release rates. Existing and newly derived analytical solutions for each test method were compared with measurements and simulations using the virtual crack closure technique. Energy release rates were found to be influenced differently by repair, defect and shaft geometries. Contrary, critical loads could be plotted as function of defect size to repair thickness ratio. To reduce geometry dependence, ‘volumetric’ energy release rates were introduced by adjusting for defect and repair geometries. Similar to load curves, these are functions of defect size to repair thickness ratios, potentially simplifying fracture criteria. Shaft-loading could not be recommended as general fluid pressure replacement, because of differences between the test methods. Design criteria against debonding by ISO/TS 24817 [1] and ASME PCC-2/4 [2] based on energy release rates were reviewed against results presented. An improvement to the formulation in the standards was suggested. An alternative process for qualification and dimensioning was proposed based on empirical formulations for volumetric energy release rates and critical loads as design criteria

    Европейский и национальный контексты в научных исследованиях

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    В настоящем электронном сборнике «Европейский и национальный контексты в научных исследованиях. Технология» представлены работы молодых ученых по геодезии и картографии, химической технологии и машиностроению, информационным технологиям, строительству и радиотехнике. Предназначены для работников образования, науки и производства. Будут полезны студентам, магистрантам и аспирантам университетов.=In this Electronic collected materials “National and European dimension in research. Technology” works in the fields of geodesy, chemical technology, mechanical engineering, information technology, civil engineering, and radio-engineering are presented. It is intended for trainers, researchers and professionals. It can be useful for university graduate and post-graduate students

    Very High Resolution (VHR) Satellite Imagery: Processing and Applications

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    Recently, growing interest in the use of remote sensing imagery has appeared to provide synoptic maps of water quality parameters in coastal and inner water ecosystems;, monitoring of complex land ecosystems for biodiversity conservation; precision agriculture for the management of soils, crops, and pests; urban planning; disaster monitoring, etc. However, for these maps to achieve their full potential, it is important to engage in periodic monitoring and analysis of multi-temporal changes. In this context, very high resolution (VHR) satellite-based optical, infrared, and radar imaging instruments provide reliable information to implement spatially-based conservation actions. Moreover, they enable observations of parameters of our environment at greater broader spatial and finer temporal scales than those allowed through field observation alone. In this sense, recent very high resolution satellite technologies and image processing algorithms present the opportunity to develop quantitative techniques that have the potential to improve upon traditional techniques in terms of cost, mapping fidelity, and objectivity. Typical applications include multi-temporal classification, recognition and tracking of specific patterns, multisensor data fusion, analysis of land/marine ecosystem processes and environment monitoring, etc. This book aims to collect new developments, methodologies, and applications of very high resolution satellite data for remote sensing. The works selected provide to the research community the most recent advances on all aspects of VHR satellite remote sensing

    Affine Invariant Information Embedment for Accurate Camera-Based Character Recognition

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    Affine invariant information embedment for accurate camera-based character recognition

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    Recognizing characters in a scene image taken by a digital camera has been studied for decades. However, it is still a challenging problem to achieve high accuracy. In this paper, we propose a method of embedding information in a character pattern so that the class of the character can be identified. The information should be robust against geometric distortions since an image taken by a digital camera is usually geometrically distorted. In the proposed method, a character pattern is designed in two colors so that the information is embedded as the area ratio of regions of two colors. Since the area ratio is affine invariant, it is expected that the area ratio is correctly extracted even if a character image is affine-transformed. We generate character patterns with the embedded information and discuss the effectiveness of the proposed method. 1

    Multiscale Biomechanics and Tribology of Inorganic and Organic Systems

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    This open access book gathers authoritative contributions concerning multiscale problems in biomechanics, geomechanics, materials science and tribology. It is written in memory of Sergey Grigorievich Psakhie to feature various aspects of his multifaceted research interests, ranging from theoretical physics, computer modeling of materials and material characterization at the atomic scale, to applications in space industry, medicine and geotectonics, and including organizational, psychological and philosophical aspects of scientific research and teaching as well. This book covers new advances relating to orthopedic implants, concerning the physiological, tribological and materials aspects of their behavior; medical and geological applications of permeable fluid-saturated materials; earthquake dynamics together with aspects relating to their managed and gentle release; lubrication, wear and material transfer in natural and artificial joints; material research in manufacturing processes; hard-soft matter interaction, including adhesive and capillary effects; using nanostructures for influencing living cells and for cancer treatment; manufacturing of surfaces with desired properties; self-organization of hierarchical structures during plastic deformation and thermal treatment; mechanics of composites and coatings; and many more. Covering established knowledge as well as new models and methods, this book provides readers with a comprehensive overview of the field, yet also with extensive details on each single topic