304 research outputs found

    Adversarially Robust Property-Preserving Hash Functions

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    Property-preserving hashing is a method of compressing a large input x into a short hash h(x) in such a way that given h(x) and h(y), one can compute a property P(x, y) of the original inputs. The idea of property-preserving hash functions underlies sketching, compressed sensing and locality-sensitive hashing. Property-preserving hash functions are usually probabilistic: they use the random choice of a hash function from a family to achieve compression, and as a consequence, err on some inputs. Traditionally, the notion of correctness for these hash functions requires that for every two inputs x and y, the probability that h(x) and h(y) mislead us into a wrong prediction of P(x, y) is negligible. As observed in many recent works (incl. Mironov, Naor and Segev, STOC 2008; Hardt and Woodruff, STOC 2013; Naor and Yogev, CRYPTO 2015), such a correctness guarantee assumes that the adversary (who produces the offending inputs) has no information about the hash function, and is too weak in many scenarios. We initiate the study of adversarial robustness for property-preserving hash functions, provide definitions, derive broad lower bounds due to a simple connection with communication complexity, and show the necessity of computational assumptions to construct such functions. Our main positive results are two candidate constructions of property-preserving hash functions (achieving different parameters) for the (promise) gap-Hamming property which checks if x and y are "too far" or "too close". Our first construction relies on generic collision-resistant hash functions, and our second on a variant of the syndrome decoding assumption on low-density parity check codes

    Nearly Optimal Property Preserving Hashing

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    Property-preserving hashing (PPH) consists of a family of compressing hash functions hh such that, for any two inputs x,yx,y, we can correctly identify whether some property P(x,y)P(x,y) holds given only the digests h(x),h(y)h(x),h(y). In a basic PPH, correctness should hold with overwhelming probability over the choice of hh when x,yx,y are worst-case values chosen a-priori and independently of hh. In an adversarially robust PPH (RPPH), correctness must hold even when x,yx,y are chosen adversarially and adaptively depending on hh. Here, we study (R)PPH for the property that the Hamming distance between xx and yy is at most tt. The notion of (R)PPH was introduced by Boyle, LaVigne and Vaikuntanathan (ITCS \u2719), and further studied by Fleischhacker, Simkin (Eurocrypt \u2721) and Fleischhacker, Larsen, Simkin (Eurocrypt \u2722). In this work, we obtain improved constructions that are conceptually simpler, have nearly optimal parameters, and rely on more general assumptions than prior works. Our results are: * We construct information-theoretic non-robust PPH for Hamming distance via syndrome list-decoding of linear error-correcting codes. We provide a lower bound showing that this construction is essentially optimal. * We make the above construction robust with little additional overhead, by relying on homomorphic collision-resistant hash functions, which can be constructed from either the discrete-logarithm or the short-integer-solution assumptions. The resulting RPPH achieves improved compression compared to prior constructions, and is nearly optimal. * We also show an alternate construction of RPPH for Hamming distance under the minimal assumption that standard collision-resistant hash functions exist. The compression is slightly worse than our optimized construction using homomorphic collision-resistance, but essentially matches the prior state of the art constructions from specific algebraic assumptions. * Lastly, we study a new notion of randomized robust PPH (R2P2H) for Hamming distance, which relaxes RPPH by allowing the hashing algorithm itself to be randomized. We give an information-theoretic construction with optimal parameters

    Low Communication Complexity Protocols, Collision Resistant Hash Functions and Secret Key-Agreement Protocols

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    We study communication complexity in computational settings where bad inputs may exist, but they should be hard to find for any computationally bounded adversary. We define a model where there is a source of public randomness but the inputs are chosen by a computationally bounded adversarial participant after seeing the public randomness. We show that breaking the known communication lower bounds of the private coins model in this setting is closely connected to known cryptographic assumptions. We consider the simultaneous messages model and the interactive communication model and show that for any non trivial predicate (with no redundant rows, such as equality): 1. Breaking the Ω(n) \Omega(\sqrt n) bound in the simultaneous message case or the Ω(logn) \Omega(\log n) bound in the interactive communication case, implies the existence of distributional collision-resistant hash functions (dCRH). This is shown using techniques from Babai and Kimmel (CCC \u2797). Note that with a CRH the lower bounds can be broken. 2. There are no protocols of constant communication in this preset randomness settings (unlike the plain public randomness model). The other model we study is that of a stateful ``free talk , where participants can communicate freely before the inputs are chosen and may maintain a state, and the communication complexity is measured only afterwards. We show that efficient protocols for equality in this model imply secret key-agreement protocols in a constructive manner. On the other hand, secret key-agreement protocols imply optimal (in terms of error) protocols for equality

    Robust Encryption, Extended

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    Robustness is a notion often tacitly assumed while working with encrypted data. Roughly speaking, it states that a ciphertext cannot be decrypted under different keys. Initially formalized in a public-key context, it has been further extended to key-encapsulation mechanisms, and more recently to pseudorandom functions, message authentication codes and authenticated encryption. In this work, we motivate the importance of establishing similar guarantees for functional encryption schemes, even under adversarially generated keys. Our main security notion is intended to capture the scenario where a ciphertext obtained under a master key (corresponding to Authority 1) is decrypted by functional keys issued under a different master key (Authority 2). Furthermore, we show there exist simple functional encryption schemes where robustness under adversarial key-generation is not achieved. As a secondary and independent result, we formalize robustness for digital signatures – a signature should not verify under multiple keys – and point out that certain signature schemes are not robust when the keys are adversarially generated. We present simple, generic transforms that turn a scheme into a robust one, while maintaining the original scheme’s security. For the case of public-key functional encryption, we look into ciphertext anonymity and provide a transform achieving it

    Blacklight: Defending Black-Box Adversarial Attacks on Deep Neural Networks

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    The vulnerability of deep neural networks (DNNs) to adversarial examples is well documented. Under the strong white-box threat model, where attackers have full access to DNN internals, recent work has produced continual advancements in defenses, often followed by more powerful attacks that break them. Meanwhile, research on the more realistic black-box threat model has focused almost entirely on reducing the query-cost of attacks, making them increasingly practical for ML models already deployed today. This paper proposes and evaluates Blacklight, a new defense against black-box adversarial attacks. Blacklight targets a key property of black-box attacks: to compute adversarial examples, they produce sequences of highly similar images while trying to minimize the distance from some initial benign input. To detect an attack, Blacklight computes for each query image a compact set of one-way hash values that form a probabilistic fingerprint. Variants of an image produce nearly identical fingerprints, and fingerprint generation is robust against manipulation. We evaluate Blacklight on 5 state-of-the-art black-box attacks, across a variety of models and classification tasks. While the most efficient attacks take thousands or tens of thousands of queries to complete, Blacklight identifies them all, often after only a handful of queries. Blacklight is also robust against several powerful countermeasures, including an optimal black-box attack that approximates white-box attacks in efficiency. Finally, Blacklight significantly outperforms the only known alternative in both detection coverage of attack queries and resistance against persistent attackers