10,774 research outputs found

    Factorised spatial representation learning: application in semi-supervised myocardial segmentation

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    The success and generalisation of deep learning algorithms heavily depend on learning good feature representations. In medical imaging this entails representing anatomical information, as well as properties related to the specific imaging setting. Anatomical information is required to perform further analysis, whereas imaging information is key to disentangle scanner variability and potential artefacts. The ability to factorise these would allow for training algorithms only on the relevant information according to the task. To date, such factorisation has not been attempted. In this paper, we propose a methodology of latent space factorisation relying on the cycle-consistency principle. As an example application, we consider cardiac MR segmentation, where we separate information related to the myocardium from other features related to imaging and surrounding substructures. We demonstrate the proposed method's utility in a semi-supervised setting: we use very few labelled images together with many unlabelled images to train a myocardium segmentation neural network. Specifically, we achieve comparable performance to fully supervised networks using a fraction of labelled images in experiments on ACDC and a dataset from Edinburgh Imaging Facility QMRI. Code will be made available at https://github.com/agis85/spatial_factorisation.Comment: Accepted in MICCAI 201

    Neural 3D Morphable Models: Spiral Convolutional Networks for 3D Shape Representation Learning and Generation

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    Generative models for 3D geometric data arise in many important applications in 3D computer vision and graphics. In this paper, we focus on 3D deformable shapes that share a common topological structure, such as human faces and bodies. Morphable Models and their variants, despite their linear formulation, have been widely used for shape representation, while most of the recently proposed nonlinear approaches resort to intermediate representations, such as 3D voxel grids or 2D views. In this work, we introduce a novel graph convolutional operator, acting directly on the 3D mesh, that explicitly models the inductive bias of the fixed underlying graph. This is achieved by enforcing consistent local orderings of the vertices of the graph, through the spiral operator, thus breaking the permutation invariance property that is adopted by all the prior work on Graph Neural Networks. Our operator comes by construction with desirable properties (anisotropic, topology-aware, lightweight, easy-to-optimise), and by using it as a building block for traditional deep generative architectures, we demonstrate state-of-the-art results on a variety of 3D shape datasets compared to the linear Morphable Model and other graph convolutional operators.Comment: to appear at ICCV 201

    Visual Object Networks: Image Generation with Disentangled 3D Representation

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    Recent progress in deep generative models has led to tremendous breakthroughs in image generation. However, while existing models can synthesize photorealistic images, they lack an understanding of our underlying 3D world. We present a new generative model, Visual Object Networks (VON), synthesizing natural images of objects with a disentangled 3D representation. Inspired by classic graphics rendering pipelines, we unravel our image formation process into three conditionally independent factors---shape, viewpoint, and texture---and present an end-to-end adversarial learning framework that jointly models 3D shapes and 2D images. Our model first learns to synthesize 3D shapes that are indistinguishable from real shapes. It then renders the object's 2.5D sketches (i.e., silhouette and depth map) from its shape under a sampled viewpoint. Finally, it learns to add realistic texture to these 2.5D sketches to generate natural images. The VON not only generates images that are more realistic than state-of-the-art 2D image synthesis methods, but also enables many 3D operations such as changing the viewpoint of a generated image, editing of shape and texture, linear interpolation in texture and shape space, and transferring appearance across different objects and viewpoints.Comment: NeurIPS 2018. Code: https://github.com/junyanz/VON Website: http://von.csail.mit.edu
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