30 research outputs found

    Swarm intelligence for clustering dynamic data sets for web usage mining and personalization.

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    Swarm Intelligence (SI) techniques were inspired by bee swarms, ant colonies, and most recently, bird flocks. Flock-based Swarm Intelligence (FSI) has several unique features, namely decentralized control, collaborative learning, high exploration ability, and inspiration from dynamic social behavior. Thus FSI offers a natural choice for modeling dynamic social data and solving problems in such domains. One particular case of dynamic social data is online/web usage data which is rich in information about user activities, interests and choices. This natural analogy between SI and social behavior is the main motivation for the topic of investigation in this dissertation, with a focus on Flock based systems which have not been well investigated for this purpose. More specifically, we investigate the use of flock-based SI to solve two related and challenging problems by developing algorithms that form critical building blocks of intelligent personalized websites, namely, (i) providing a better understanding of the online users and their activities or interests, for example using clustering techniques that can discover the groups that are hidden within the data; and (ii) reducing information overload by providing guidance to the users on websites and services, typically by using web personalization techniques, such as recommender systems. Recommender systems aim to recommend items that will be potentially liked by a user. To support a better understanding of the online user activities, we developed clustering algorithms that address two challenges of mining online usage data: the need for scalability to large data and the need to adapt cluster sing to dynamic data sets. To address the scalability challenge, we developed new clustering algorithms using a hybridization of traditional Flock-based clustering with faster K-Means based partitional clustering algorithms. We tested our algorithms on synthetic data, real VCI Machine Learning repository benchmark data, and a data set consisting of real Web user sessions. Having linear complexity with respect to the number of data records, the resulting algorithms are considerably faster than traditional Flock-based clustering (which has quadratic complexity). Moreover, our experiments demonstrate that scalability was gained without sacrificing quality. To address the challenge of adapting to dynamic data, we developed a dynamic clustering algorithm that can handle the following dynamic properties of online usage data: (1) New data records can be added at any time (example: a new user is added on the site); (2) Existing data records can be removed at any time. For example, an existing user of the site, who no longer subscribes to a service, or who is terminated because of violating policies; (3) New parts of existing records can arrive at any time or old parts of the existing data record can change. The user\u27s record can change as a result of additional activity such as purchasing new products, returning a product, rating new products, or modifying the existing rating of a product. We tested our dynamic clustering algorithm on synthetic dynamic data, and on a data set consisting of real online user ratings for movies. Our algorithm was shown to handle the dynamic nature of data without sacrificing quality compared to a traditional Flock-based clustering algorithm that is re-run from scratch with each change in the data. To support reducing online information overload, we developed a Flock-based recommender system to predict the interests of users, in particular focusing on collaborative filtering or social recommender systems. Our Flock-based recommender algorithm (FlockRecom) iteratively adjusts the position and speed of dynamic flocks of agents, such that each agent represents a user, on a visualization panel. Then it generates the top-n recommendations for a user based on the ratings of the users that are represented by its neighboring agents. Our recommendation system was tested on a real data set consisting of online user ratings for a set of jokes, and compared to traditional user-based Collaborative Filtering (CF). Our results demonstrated that our recommender system starts performing at the same level of quality as traditional CF, and then, with more iterations for exploration, surpasses CF\u27s recommendation quality, in terms of precision and recall. Another unique advantage of our recommendation system compared to traditional CF is its ability to generate more variety or diversity in the set of recommended items. Our contributions advance the state of the art in Flock-based 81 for clustering and making predictions in dynamic Web usage data, and therefore have an impact on improving the quality of online services

    Context based multimedia information retrieval

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    Semantic Selection of Internet Sources through SWRL Enabled OWL Ontologies

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    This research examines the problem of Information Overload (IO) and give an overview of various attempts to resolve it. Furthermore, argue that instead of fighting IO, it is advisable to start learning how to live with it. It is unlikely that in modern information age, where users are producer and consumer of information, the amount of data and information generated would decrease. Furthermore, when managing IO, users are confined to the algorithms and policies of commercial Search Engines and Recommender Systems (RSs), which create results that also add to IO. this research calls to initiate a change in thinking: this by giving greater power to users when addressing the relevance and accuracy of internet searches, which helps in IO. However powerful search engines are, they do not process enough semantics in the moment when search queries are formulated. This research proposes a semantic selection of internet sources, through SWRL enabled OWL ontologies. the research focuses on SWT and its Stack because they (a)secure the semantic interpretation of the environments where internet searches take place and (b) guarantee reasoning that results in the selection of suitable internet sources in a particular moment of internet searches. Therefore, it is important to model the behaviour of users through OWL concepts and reason upon them in order to address IO when searching the internet. Thus, user behaviour is itemized through user preferences, perceptions and expectations from internet searches. The proposed approach in this research is a Software Engineering (SE) solution which provides computations based on the semantics of the environment stored in the ontological model

    Personalized information retrieval based on time-sensitive user profile

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    Les moteurs de recherche, largement utilisés dans différents domaines, sont devenus la principale source d'information pour de nombreux utilisateurs. Cependant, les Systèmes de Recherche d'Information (SRI) font face à de nouveaux défis liés à la croissance et à la diversité des données disponibles. Un SRI analyse la requête soumise par l'utilisateur et explore des collections de données de nature non structurée ou semi-structurée (par exemple : texte, image, vidéo, page Web, etc.) afin de fournir des résultats qui correspondent le mieux à son intention et ses intérêts. Afin d'atteindre cet objectif, au lieu de prendre en considération l'appariement requête-document uniquement, les SRI s'intéressent aussi au contexte de l'utilisateur. En effet, le profil utilisateur a été considéré dans la littérature comme l'élément contextuel le plus important permettant d'améliorer la pertinence de la recherche. Il est intégré dans le processus de recherche d'information afin d'améliorer l'expérience utilisateur en recherchant des informations spécifiques. Comme le facteur temps a gagné beaucoup d'importance ces dernières années, la dynamique temporelle est introduite pour étudier l'évolution du profil utilisateur qui consiste principalement à saisir les changements du comportement, des intérêts et des préférences de l'utilisateur en fonction du temps et à actualiser le profil en conséquence. Les travaux antérieurs ont distingué deux types de profils utilisateurs : les profils à court-terme et ceux à long-terme. Le premier type de profil est limité aux intérêts liés aux activités actuelles de l'utilisateur tandis que le second représente les intérêts persistants de l'utilisateur extraits de ses activités antérieures tout en excluant les intérêts récents. Toutefois, pour les utilisateurs qui ne sont pas très actifs dont les activités sont peu nombreuses et séparées dans le temps, le profil à court-terme peut éliminer des résultats pertinents qui sont davantage liés à leurs intérêts personnels. Pour les utilisateurs qui sont très actifs, l'agrégation des activités récentes sans ignorer les intérêts anciens serait très intéressante parce que ce type de profil est généralement en évolution au fil du temps. Contrairement à ces approches, nous proposons, dans cette thèse, un profil utilisateur générique et sensible au temps qui est implicitement construit comme un vecteur de termes pondérés afin de trouver un compromis en unifiant les intérêts récents et anciens. Les informations du profil utilisateur peuvent être extraites à partir de sources multiples. Parmi les méthodes les plus prometteuses, nous proposons d'utiliser, d'une part, l'historique de recherche, et d'autre part les médias sociaux. En effet, les données de l'historique de recherche peuvent être extraites implicitement sans aucun effort de l'utilisateur et comprennent les requêtes émises, les résultats correspondants, les requêtes reformulées et les données de clics qui ont un potentiel de retour de pertinence/rétroaction. Par ailleurs, la popularité des médias sociaux permet d'en faire une source inestimable de données utilisées par les utilisateurs pour exprimer, partager et marquer comme favori le contenu qui les intéresse. En premier lieu, nous avons modélisé le profil utilisateur utilisateur non seulement en fonction du contenu de ses activités mais aussi de leur fraîcheur en supposant que les termes utilisés récemment dans les activités de l'utilisateur contiennent de nouveaux intérêts, préférences et pensées et doivent être pris en considération plus que les anciens intérêts surtout que de nombreux travaux antérieurs ont prouvé que l'intérêt de l'utilisateur diminue avec le temps. Nous avons modélisé le profil utilisateur sensible au temps en fonction d'un ensemble de données collectées de Twitter (un réseau social et un service de microblogging) et nous l'avons intégré dans le processus de reclassement afin de personnaliser les résultats standards en fonction des intérêts de l'utilisateur.En second lieu, nous avons étudié la dynamique temporelle dans le cadre de la session de recherche où les requêtes récentes soumises par l'utilisateur contiennent des informations supplémentaires permettant de mieux expliquer l'intention de l'utilisateur et prouvant qu'il n'a pas trouvé les informations recherchées à partir des requêtes précédentes.Ainsi, nous avons considéré les interactions récentes et récurrentes au sein d'une session de recherche en donnant plus d'importance aux termes apparus dans les requêtes récentes et leurs résultats cliqués. Nos expérimentations sont basés sur la tâche Session TREC 2013 et la collection ClueWeb12 qui ont montré l'efficacité de notre approche par rapport à celles de l'état de l'art. Au terme de ces différentes contributions et expérimentations, nous prouvons que notre modèle générique de profil utilisateur sensible au temps assure une meilleure performance de personnalisation et aide à analyser le comportement des utilisateurs dans les contextes de session de recherche et de médias sociaux.Recently, search engines have become the main source of information for many users and have been widely used in different fields. However, Information Retrieval Systems (IRS) face new challenges due to the growth and diversity of available data. An IRS analyses the query submitted by the user and explores collections of data with unstructured or semi-structured nature (e.g. text, image, video, Web page etc.) in order to deliver items that best match his/her intent and interests. In order to achieve this goal, we have moved from considering the query-document matching to consider the user context. In fact, the user profile has been considered, in the literature, as the most important contextual element which can improve the accuracy of the search. It is integrated in the process of information retrieval in order to improve the user experience while searching for specific information. As time factor has gained increasing importance in recent years, the temporal dynamics are introduced to study the user profile evolution that consists mainly in capturing the changes of the user behavior, interests and preferences, and updating the profile accordingly. Prior work used to discern short-term and long-term profiles. The first profile type is limited to interests related to the user's current activities while the second one represents user's persisting interests extracted from his prior activities excluding the current ones. However, for users who are not very active, the short-term profile can eliminate relevant results which are more related to their personal interests. This is because their activities are few and separated over time. For users who are very active, the aggregation of recent activities without ignoring the old interests would be very interesting because this kind of profile is usually changing over time. Unlike those approaches, we propose, in this thesis, a generic time-sensitive user profile that is implicitly constructed as a vector of weighted terms in order to find a trade-off by unifying both current and recurrent interests. User profile information can be extracted from multiple sources. Among the most promising ones, we propose to use, on the one hand, searching history. Data from searching history can be extracted implicitly without any effort from the user and includes issued queries, their corresponding results, reformulated queries and click-through data that has relevance feedback potential. On the other hand, the popularity of Social Media makes it as an invaluable source of data used by users to express, share and mark as favorite the content that interests them. First, we modeled a user profile not only according to the content of his activities but also to their freshness under the assumption that terms used recently in the user's activities contain new interests, preferences and thoughts and should be considered more than old interests. In fact, many prior works have proved that the user interest is decreasing as time goes by. In order to evaluate the time-sensitive user profile, we used a set of data collected from Twitter, i.e a social networking and microblogging service. Then, we apply our re-ranking process to a Web search system in order to adapt the user's online interests to the original retrieved results. Second, we studied the temporal dynamics within session search where recent submitted queries contain additional information explaining better the user intent and prove that the user hasn't found the information sought from previous submitted ones. We integrated current and recurrent interactions within a unique session model giving more importance to terms appeared in recently submitted queries and clicked results. We conducted experiments using the 2013 TREC Session track and the ClueWeb12 collection that showed the effectiveness of our approach compared to state-of-the-art ones. Overall, in those different contributions and experiments, we prove that our time-sensitive user profile insures better performance of personalization and helps to analyze user behavior in both session search and social media contexts

    Personalized Recommendations Based On Users’ Information-Centered Social Networks

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    The overwhelming amount of information available today makes it difficult for users to find useful information and as the solution to this information glut problem, recommendation technologies emerged. Among the several streams of related research, one important evolution in technology is to generate recommendations based on users’ own social networks. The idea to take advantage of users’ social networks as a foundation for their personalized recommendations evolved from an Internet trend that is too important to neglect – the explosive growth of online social networks. In spite of the widely available and diversified assortment of online social networks, most recent social network-based recommendations have concentrated on limited kinds of online sociality (i.e., trust-based networks and online friendships). Thus, this study tried to prove the expandability of social network-based recommendations to more diverse and less focused social networks. The online social networks considered in this dissertation include: 1) a watching network, 2) a group membership, and 3) an academic collaboration network. Specifically, this dissertation aims to check the value of users’ various online social connections as information sources and to explore how to include them as a foundation for personalized recommendations. In our results, users in online social networks shared similar interests with their social partners. An in-depth analysis about the shared interests indicated that online social networks have significant value as a useful information source. Through the recommendations generated by the preferences of social connection, the feasibility of users’ social connections as a useful information source was also investigated comprehensively. The social network-based recommendations produced as good as, or sometimes better, suggestions than traditional collaborative filtering recommendations. Social network-based recommendations were also a good solution for the cold-start user problem. Therefore, in order for cold-start users to receive reasonably good recommendations, it is more effective to be socially associated with other users, rather than collecting a few more items. To conclude, this study demonstrates the viability of multiple social networks as a means for gathering useful information and addresses how different social networks of a novelty value can improve upon conventional personalization technology

    WSN based sensing model for smart crowd movement with identification: a conceptual model

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    With the advancement of IT and increase in world population rate, Crowd Management (CM) has become a subject undergoing intense study among researchers. Technology provides fast and easily available means of transport and, up-to-date information access to the people that causes crowd at public places. This imposes a big challenge for crowd safety and security at public places such as airports, railway stations and check points. For example, the crowd of pilgrims during Hajj and Ummrah while crossing the borders of Makkah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. To minimize the risk of such crowd safety and security identification and verification of people is necessary which causes unwanted increment in processing time. It is observed that managing crowd during specific time period (Hajj and Ummrah) with identification and verification is a challenge. At present, many advanced technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT) are being used to solve the crowed management problem with minimal processing time. In this paper, we have presented a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) based conceptual model for smart crowd movement with minimal processing time for people identification. This handles the crowd by forming groups and provides proactive support to handle them in organized manner. As a result, crowd can be managed to move safely from one place to another with group identification. The group identification minimizes the processing time and move the crowd in smart way

    Benefits of the application of web-mining methods and techniques for the field of analytical customer relationship management of the marketing function in a knowledge management perspective

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    Le Web Mining (WM) reste une technologie relativement méconnue. Toutefois, si elle est utilisée adéquatement, elle s'avère être d'une grande utilité pour l'identification des profils et des comportements des clients prospects et existants, dans un contexte internet. Les avancées techniques du WM améliorent grandement le volet analytique de la Gestion de la Relation Client (GRC). Cette étude suit une approche exploratoire afin de déterminer si le WM atteint, à lui seul, tous les objectifs fondamentaux de la GRC, ou le cas échéant, devrait être utilisé de manière conjointe avec la recherche marketing traditionnelle et les méthodes classiques de la GRC analytique (GRCa) pour optimiser la GRC, et de fait le marketing, dans un contexte internet. La connaissance obtenue par le WM peut ensuite être administrée au sein de l'organisation dans un cadre de Gestion de la Connaissance (GC), afin d'optimiser les relations avec les clients nouveaux et/ou existants, améliorer leur expérience client et ultimement, leur fournir de la meilleure valeur. Dans un cadre de recherche exploratoire, des entrevues semi-structurés et en profondeur furent menées afin d'obtenir le point de vue de plusieurs experts en (web) data rnining. L'étude révéla que le WM est bien approprié pour segmenter les clients prospects et existants, pour comprendre les comportements transactionnels en ligne des clients existants et prospects, ainsi que pour déterminer le statut de loyauté (ou de défection) des clients existants. Il constitue, à ce titre, un outil d'une redoutable efficacité prédictive par le biais de la classification et de l'estimation, mais aussi descriptive par le biais de la segmentation et de l'association. En revanche, le WM est moins performant dans la compréhension des dimensions sous-jacentes, moins évidentes du comportement client. L'utilisation du WM est moins appropriée pour remplir des objectifs liés à la description de la manière dont les clients existants ou prospects développent loyauté, satisfaction, défection ou attachement envers une enseigne sur internet. Cet exercice est d'autant plus difficile que la communication multicanale dans laquelle évoluent les consommateurs a une forte influence sur les relations qu'ils développent avec une marque. Ainsi le comportement en ligne ne serait qu'une transposition ou tout du moins une extension du comportement du consommateur lorsqu'il n'est pas en ligne. Le WM est également un outil relativement incomplet pour identifier le développement de la défection vers et depuis les concurrents ainsi que le développement de la loyauté envers ces derniers. Le WM nécessite toujours d'être complété par la recherche marketing traditionnelle afin d'atteindre ces objectives plus difficiles mais essentiels de la GRCa. Finalement, les conclusions de cette recherche sont principalement dirigées à l'encontre des firmes et des gestionnaires plus que du côté des clients-internautes, car ces premiers plus que ces derniers possèdent les ressources et les processus pour mettre en œuvre les projets de recherche en WM décrits.\ud ______________________________________________________________________________ \ud MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Web mining, Gestion de la connaissance, Gestion de la relation client, Données internet, Comportement du consommateur, Forage de données, Connaissance du consommateu