10 research outputs found

    Advances in MASELTOV – Serious Games in a Mobile Ecology of Services for Social Inclusion and Empowerment of Recent Immigrants

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    Immigration imposes a range of challenges with the risk of social exclusion from the information society (Halfman 1998), such as, getting into communication with the local society and understanding the culture of their host nation. Failure to address these challenges can lead to difficulties in the frame of integrating into the society of the host country, leading to fragmented communities and a range of social issues. As part of a comprehensive suite of services for immigrants, the European project seeks to provide both practical tools and learning services via mobile devices, providing a readily usable resource for immigrants. We introduce recent results, such as the game-based learning aspect of the MASELTOV project is introduced, with the rationale behind its design presented. In doing so, the benefits and implications of mobile platforms and emergent data capture techniques for game-based learning are discussed, as are methods for putting engaging gameplay at the forefront of the experience whilst relying on rich data capture and analysis to provide an effective learning solution

    Mobile Incidental Learning to Support the Inclusion of Recent Immigrants

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    Social inclusion of recent immigrants is a challenge in many countries for both immigrants and the host communities. To harness the potential of social, situated and opportunistic mobile interactions for the social inclusion of immigrants in a host country, we have developed an Incidental Learning Framework. This supports the design and evaluation of MApp, a suite of smartphone tools and services for recent immigrants. Developed within the European Union's MASELTOV project (http://www.maseltov.eu), the MApp delivers language learning activities, image-to-text translation, context-aware and interest-based recommendations, local information, game-based cultural learning and social support to immigrants in cities. Preliminary field trials in Vienna, Madrid and London have highlighted issues of mobile literacy, affordability, ethics and privacy challenges, as well as insights into motivations and possible measures of success. Incidental learning implemented on a smartphone app has implications for the relationship between formal and informal learning; new systems of learner support by other immigrants, mentors and volunteers; the design of learning materials that combine immediate assistance with longer term learner development; and potential conflicts between technological affordances, e.g. context awareness and learner tracking, and user preferences among vulnerable groups such as recent immigrants

    State of Play of Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion: A Review of the Literature and Empirical Cases

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    This report presents the 'state of play' of knowledge of how digital games can work as empowerment tools to support social inclusion processes and policy. The report brings together for the first time a review of theoretical and empirical research in a variety of disciplines, especially from learning, social inclusion, e-inclusion and innovation studies to build a framework to help understanding of the potential of games for inclusion and empowerment. It uses this framework to analyse seven well-documented case studies from across the spectrum of digital games for empowerment and inclusion to understand between the factors contributing to their success or failure. It draws conclusions as to the principal challenges, identifies knowledge gaps, and recommends potential action by stakeholders to address these challenges.JRC.J.3-Information Societ

    The Linguistic Integration of Adult Migrants / L’intégration linguistique des migrants adultes

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    This volume provides a comprehensive report on a symposium organised by the Council of Europe (Strasbourg) in 2016 in the context of its human rights agenda. Its purpose was to explore some of the ways in which scientific evidence can inform the development and implementation of policy and practice designed to support the linguistic integration of adult migrantsLa présente publication rend compte d’un symposium organisé en 2016 par le Conseil de l’Europe, à Strasbourg, dans le cadre de ses programmes sur les droits de l’homme. L’objectif de ce symposium était d’explorer comment les apports de la recherche scientifique peuvent orienter l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre de politiques et de pratiques destinées à favoriser l’intégration linguistique des migrants adultes

    Atas do 2º Encontro sobre Jogos e Mobile Learning

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    FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia no âmbito do Projeto Estratégico do CIEd - PEst-OE/CED/UI1661/201

    Atas do 2º Encontro sobre Jogos e Mobile Learning

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    [Excerto] As Atas do 2.º Encontro sobre Jogos e Mobile Learning refletem a investigação que está a ser desenvolvida na área do mobile learning, na utilização de jogos digitais e de outras aplicações interativas em contexto educativo, sendo reportadas as reações dos alunos e o impacte nas suas aprendizagens, bem como a apresentação de novos jogos, projetos e iniciativas. Os jogos que atraem os alunos e os dispositivos móveis que usam, assim como a integração destes no ensino, são outros aspetos focados nesta publicação. Foram submetidos trabalhos provenientes de diferentes países (Portugal, Brasil, Espanha, Bélgica e Alemanha), revistos pelos elementos da Comissão Científica através de um processo de “blind review”. Após este processo de avaliação foram aceites 31 comunicações e 21 posters. Estas Atas constituem, por isso, uma evidência do trabalho que está a ser desenvolvido em Portugal e em outros países, constituindo-se um marco importante na investigação em educação. [...]FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia no âmbito do Projeto Estratégico do CIEd - PEst-OE/CED/UI1661/201